path: root/ansible_collections/community/digitalocean/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible_collections/community/digitalocean/')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ansible_collections/community/digitalocean/ b/ansible_collections/community/digitalocean/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a53f9cd1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible_collections/community/digitalocean/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# DigitalOcean Community Collection
+This collection contains modules and plugins to assist in automating [DigitalOcean]( infrastructure and API interactions with Ansible.
+## Included content
+- [digital_ocean]( – Create/delete a droplet/SSH_key in DigitalOcean
+- [digital_ocean_account_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean User account
+- [digital_ocean_account_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean User account
+- [digital_ocean_balance_info]( – Display DigitalOcean customer balance
+- [digital_ocean_block_storage]( – Create/destroy or attach/detach Block Storage volumes in DigitalOcean
+- [digital_ocean_cdn_endpoints_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean CDN Endpoints
+- [digital_ocean_cdn_endpoints]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean CDN Endpoints
+- [digital_ocean_certificate]( – Manage certificates in DigitalOcean.
+- [digital_ocean_certificate_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean certificates
+- [digital_ocean_certificate_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean certificates
+- [digital_ocean_database_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean databases
+- [digital_ocean_database]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean databases
+- [digital_ocean_domain]( – Create/delete a DNS domain in DigitalOcean
+- [digital_ocean_domain_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Domains
+- [digital_ocean_domain_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Domains
+- [digital_ocean_domain_record_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean domain records
+- [digital_ocean_domain_record]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean Domain Records
+- [digital_ocean_droplet]( – Create and delete a DigitalOcean droplet
+- [digital_ocean_droplet_info]( - Gather information about DigitalOcean Droplets
+- [digital_ocean_firewall]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean firewalls
+- [digital_ocean_firewall_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean firewalls
+- [digital_ocean_firewall_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean firewalls
+- [digital_ocean_floating_ip]( – Manage DigitalOcean Floating IPs
+- [digital_ocean_floating_ip_facts]( – DigitalOcean Floating IPs information
+- [digital_ocean_floating_ip_info]( – DigitalOcean Floating IPs information
+- [digital_ocean_image_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean images
+- [digital_ocean_image_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean images
+- [digital_ocean_kubernetes_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters
+- [digital_ocean_kubernetes]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters
+- [digital_ocean_load_balancer]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean load balancers
+- [digital_ocean_load_balancer_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean load balancers
+- [digital_ocean_load_balancer_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean load balancers
+- [digital_ocean_monitoring_alerts]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean Monitoring alerts
+- [digital_ocean_monitoring_alerts_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Monitoring alerts
+- [digital_ocean_project_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean projects
+- [digital_ocean_project]( – Manage DigitalOcean projects
+- [digital_ocean_region_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean regions
+- [digital_ocean_region_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean regions
+- [digital_ocean_size_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Droplet sizes
+- [digital_ocean_size_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Droplet sizes
+- [digital_ocean_snapshot_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Snapshot
+- [digital_ocean_snapshot_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Snapshot
+- [digital_ocean_snapshot]( – Manage DigitalOcean Snapshots
+- [digital_ocean_spaces_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean Spaces
+- [digital_ocean_spaces]( – Manage DigitalOcean Spaces
+- [digital_ocean_sshkey]( – Manage DigitalOcean SSH keys
+- [digital_ocean_sshkey_facts]( – DigitalOcean SSH keys facts
+- [digital_ocean_sshkey_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean SSH keys
+- [digital_ocean_tag]( – Create and remove tag(s) to DigitalOcean resource.
+- [digital_ocean_tag_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean tags
+- [digital_ocean_tag_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean tags
+- [digital_ocean_volume_facts]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean volumes
+- [digital_ocean_volume_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean volumes
+- [digital_ocean_vpc]( – Create and delete DigitalOcean VPCs
+- [digital_ocean_vpc_info]( – Gather information about DigitalOcean VPCs
+- [digitalocean]( – DigitalOcean Inventory Plugin
+## Installation and Usage
+### Requirements
+The collection is tested and supported with:
+- ansible >= 2.9.10 or ansible-core >= 2.11 (as well as the [devel branch](
+- python >= 3.6
+### Installing the Collection from Ansible Galaxy
+Before using the DigitalOcean collection, you need to install it with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:
+ ansible-galaxy collection install community.digitalocean
+You can also include it in a `requirements.yml` file and install it via `ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml`, using the format:
+ - name: community.digitalocean
+### Using modules from the DigitalOcean Collection in your playbooks
+It's preferable to use content in this collection using their Fully Qualified Collection Namespace (FQCN), for example `community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_droplet`:
+- hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: false
+ connection: local
+ vars:
+ oauth_token: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'DO_API_TOKEN') }}"
+ # You can also default the value of a variable for every DO module using module_defaults
+ # module_defaults:
+ # group/community.digitalocean.all:
+ # oauth_token: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'DO_API_TOKEN') }}"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create SSH key
+ community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_sshkey:
+ oauth_token: "{{ oauth_token }}"
+ name: mykey
+ ssh_pub_key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAQQDDHr/jh2Jy4yALcK4JyWbVkPRaWmhck3IgCoeOO3z1e2dBowLh64QAM+Qb72pxekALga2oi4GvT+TlWNhzPH4V example"
+ state: present
+ register: my_ssh_key
+ - name: Create a new Droplet
+ community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_droplet:
+ oauth_token: "{{ oauth_token }}"
+ state: present
+ name: mydroplet
+ unique_name: true
+ size: s-1vcpu-1gb
+ region: sfo3
+ image: ubuntu-20-04-x64
+ wait_timeout: 500
+ ssh_keys:
+ - "{{ }}"
+ register: my_droplet
+ - name: Show Droplet info
+ ansible.builtin.debug:
+ msg: |
+ Droplet ID is {{ }}
+ First Public IPv4 is {{ ( | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'public')).0.ip_address | default('<none>', true) }}
+ First Private IPv4 is {{ ( | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'private')).0.ip_address | default('<none>', true) }}
+ - name: Tag a resource; creating the tag if it does not exist
+ community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_tag:
+ oauth_token: "{{ oauth_token }}"
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ resource_id: "{{ }}"
+ state: present
+ loop:
+ - staging
+ - dbserver
+If upgrading older playbooks which were built prior to Ansible 2.10 and this collection's existence, you can also define `collections` in your play and refer to this collection's modules as you did in Ansible 2.9 and below, as in this example:
+- hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: false
+ connection: local
+ collections:
+ - community.digitalocean
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create ssh key
+ digital_ocean_sshkey:
+ oauth_token: "{{ oauth_token }}"
+ ...
+## Testing and Development
+If you want to develop new content for this collection or improve what's already here, the easiest way to work on the collection is to clone it into one of the configured [`COLLECTIONS_PATHS`](, and work on it there.
+Alternatively, to develop completely out of `~/src/ansible-dev`, one could:
+ mkdir -p ~/src/ansible-dev
+ cd ~/src/ansible-dev
+ python3 -m venv venv
+ source venv/bin/activate
+ git clone
+ pip install --requirement ansible/requirements.txt
+ pip install kubernetes
+ source ansible/hacking/env-setup
+ export ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS="~/src/ansible-dev/ansible_collections"
+ ansible-galaxy collection install community.digitalocean community.general
+This gives us a self-contained environment in `~/src/ansible-dev` consisting of Python, Ansible, and this collection (located in `~/src/ansible-dev/ansible_collections/community/digitalocean`).
+This collection requires functionality from `community.general`, and as such, we install it as well.
+If you would like to contribute any changes which you have made to the collection, you will have to push them to your fork.
+If you do not have a fork yet, you can create one [here](
+Once you have a fork:
+ cd ~/src/ansible-dev/ansible_collections/community/digitalocean
+ git remote add origin{your fork organization}/community.digitalocean.git
+ git checkout -b my-awesome-fixes
+ git commit -am "My awesome fixes"
+ git push -u origin my-awesome-fixes
+Now, you should be ready to create a [Pull Request](
+### Testing with `ansible-test`
+The `tests` directory inside the collection root contains configuration for
+running unit, sanity, and integration tests using [`ansible-test`](
+You can run the collection's test suites with the commands:
+ ansible-test units --venv --python 3.9
+ ansible-test sanity --venv --python 3.9
+ ansible-test integration --venv --python 3.9
+Replace `--venv` with `--docker` if you'd like to use Docker for the testing runtime environment.
+Note: To run integration tests, you must add an [`tests/integration/integration_config.yml`]( file with a valid DigitalOcean API Key (variable `do_api_key`),
+AWS Access ID and Secret Key (variables `aws_access_key_id` and `aws_secret_access_key`, respectively). The AWS
+variables are used for the DigitalOcean Spaces and CDN Endpoints integration tests.
+## Release notes
+See the [changelog](
+### Release process
+Releases are automatically built and pushed to Ansible Galaxy for any new tag. Before tagging a release, make sure to do the following:
+ 1. Update `galaxy.yml` and this README's `requirements.yml` example with the new `version` for the collection. Make sure all new modules have references above.
+ 1. Update the CHANGELOG:
+ 1. Make sure you have [`antsibull-changelog`]( installed.
+ 1. Make sure there are fragments for all known changes in `changelogs/fragments`.
+ 1. Run `antsibull-changelog release`.
+ 1. Don't forget to add new folks to `galaxy.yml`.
+ 1. Commit the changes and create a PR with the changes. Wait for tests to pass, then merge it once they have.
+ 1. Tag the version in Git and push to GitHub.
+ 1. Determine the next version (collections follow [semver]( semantics) by listing tags or looking at the [releases](
+ 1. List tags with `git tag --list`
+ 1. Create a new tag with `git tag 1.2.3`
+ 1. Push tags upstream with `git push upstream --tags`
+After the version is published, verify it exists on the [DigitalOcean Collection Galaxy page](
+## More information
+ - [DigitalOcean Working Group](
+ - [Ansible Collection overview](
+ - [Ansible User guide](
+ - [Ansible Developer guide](
+ - [Ansible Community code of conduct](
+## Licensing
+GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
+See [COPYING]( to see the full text.