#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2017 Zim Kalinowski, # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: azure_rm_containerinstance version_added: "0.1.2" short_description: Manage an Azure Container Instance description: - Create, update and delete an Azure Container Instance. options: resource_group: description: - Name of resource group. type: str required: true name: description: - The name of the container group. required: true type: str os_type: description: - The OS type of containers. type: str choices: - linux - windows default: linux state: description: - Assert the state of the container instance. Use C(present) to create or update an container instance and C(absent) to delete it. type: str default: present choices: - absent - present ip_address: description: - The IP address type of the container group. - Default is C(none) and creating an instance without public IP. type: str choices: - public - none - private default: 'none' dns_name_label: description: - The Dns name label for the IP. type: str ports: description: - List of ports exposed within the container group. - This option is deprecated, using I(ports) under I(containers)". type: list elements: int default: [] location: description: - Valid azure location. Defaults to location of the resource group. type: str registry_login_server: description: - The container image registry login server. type: str registry_username: description: - The username to log in container image registry server. type: str registry_password: description: - The password to log in container image registry server. type: str containers: description: - List of containers. - Required when creation. type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: - The name of the container instance. type: str required: true image: description: - The container image name. type: str required: true memory: description: - The required memory of the containers in GB. type: float default: 1.5 cpu: description: - The required number of CPU cores of the containers. type: float default: 1 ports: description: - List of ports exposed within the container group. type: list elements: int environment_variables: description: - List of container environment variables. - When updating existing container all existing variables will be replaced by new ones. type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: - Environment variable name. type: str required: true value: description: - Environment variable value. type: str required: true is_secure: description: - Is variable secure. type: bool volume_mounts: description: - The volume mounts for the container instance type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: - The name of the volume mount required: true type: str mount_path: description: - The path within the container where the volume should be mounted required: true type: str read_only: description: - The flag indicating whether the volume mount is read-only type: bool commands: description: - List of commands to execute within the container instance in exec form. - When updating existing container all existing commands will be replaced by new ones. type: list elements: str restart_policy: description: - Restart policy for all containers within the container group. type: str choices: - always - on_failure - never subnet_ids: description: - The subnet resource IDs for a container group. - Multiple subnets are not yet supported. Only 1 subnet can be used. type: list elements: str volumes: description: - List of Volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: - The name of the Volume required: true type: str azure_file: description: - The Azure File volume type: dict suboptions: share_name: description: - The name of the Azure File share to be mounted as a volume required: true type: str read_only: description: - The flag indicating whether the Azure File shared mounted as a volume is read-only type: bool storage_account_name: description: - The name of the storage account that contains the Azure File share required: true type: str storage_account_key: description: - The storage account access key used to access the Azure File share required: true type: str empty_dir: description: - The empty directory volume type: dict secret: description: - The secret volume type: dict git_repo: description: - The git repo volume type: dict suboptions: directory: description: - Target directory name type: str repository: description: - Repository URL required: true type: str revision: description: - Commit hash for the specified revision type: str force_update: description: - Force update of existing container instance. Any update will result in deletion and recreation of existing containers. type: bool default: 'no' extends_documentation_fragment: - azure.azcollection.azure - azure.azcollection.azure_tags author: - Zim Kalinowski (@zikalino) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create sample container group azure_rm_containerinstance: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: myContainerInstanceGroup os_type: linux ip_address: public containers: - name: myContainer1 image: httpd memory: 1.5 ports: - 80 - 81 - name: Create sample container group with azure file share volume azure_rm_containerinstance: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: myContainerInstanceGroupz os_type: linux ip_address: public containers: - name: mycontainer1 image: httpd memory: 1 volume_mounts: - name: filesharevolume mount_path: "/data/files" ports: - 80 - 81 volumes: - name: filesharevolume azure_file: storage_account_name: mystorageaccount share_name: acishare storage_account_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - name: Create sample container group with git repo volume azure_rm_containerinstance: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: myContainerInstanceGroup os_type: linux ip_address: public containers: - name: mycontainer1 image: httpd memory: 1 volume_mounts: - name: myvolume1 mount_path: "/mnt/test" ports: - 80 - 81 volumes: - name: myvolume1 git_repo: repository: "https://github.com/Azure-Samples/aci-helloworld.git" - name: Create sample container instance with subnet azure_rm_containerinstance: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: myContainerInstanceGroup os_type: linux ip_address: private location: eastus subnet_ids: - "{{ subnet_id }}" ports: - 80 containers: - name: mycontainer1 image: httpd memory: 1.5 ports: - 80 - 81 ''' RETURN = ''' id: description: - Resource ID. returned: always type: str sample: /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/aci1b6dd89 provisioning_state: description: - Provisioning state of the container. returned: always type: str sample: Creating ip_address: description: - Public IP Address of created container group. returned: if address is public type: str sample: containers: description: - The containers within the container group. returned: always type: list elements: dict sample: [ { "commands": null, "cpu": 1.0, "environment_variables": null, "image": "httpd", "memory": 1.0, "name": "mycontainer1", "ports": [ 80, 81 ], "volume_mounts": [ { "mount_path": "/data/files", "name": "filesharevolume", "read_only": false } ] } ] volumes: description: - The list of volumes that mounted by containers in container group returned: if volumes specified type: list elements: dict contains: name: description: - The name of the Volume returned: always type: str sample: filesharevolume azure_file: description: - Azure file share volume details returned: If Azure file share type of volume requested type: dict sample: { "read_only": null, "share_name": "acishare", "storage_account_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "storage_account_name": "mystorageaccount" } empty_dir: description: - Empty directory volume details returned: If Empty directory type of volume requested type: dict sample: {} secret: description: - Secret volume details returned: If Secret type of volume requested type: dict sample: {} git_repo: description: - Git Repo volume details returned: If Git repo type of volume requested type: dict sample: { "directory": null, "repository": "https://github.com/Azure-Samples/aci-helloworld.git", "revision": null } ''' from ansible_collections.azure.azcollection.plugins.module_utils.azure_rm_common import AzureRMModuleBase from ansible.module_utils.common.dict_transformations import _snake_to_camel try: from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError from azure.core.polling import LROPoller except ImportError: # This is handled in azure_rm_common pass def create_container_dict_from_obj(container): ''' Create a dict from an instance of a Container. :param rule: Container :return: dict ''' results = dict( name=container.name, image=container.image, memory=container.resources.requests.memory_in_gb, cpu=container.resources.requests.cpu # command (list of str) # ports (list of ContainerPort) # environment_variables (list of EnvironmentVariable) # resources (ResourceRequirements) # volume mounts (list of VolumeMount) ) if container.instance_view is not None: # instance_view (ContainerPropertiesInstanceView) results["instance_restart_count"] = container.instance_view.restart_count if container.instance_view.current_state: results["instance_current_state"] = container.instance_view.current_state.state results["instance_current_start_time"] = container.instance_view.current_state.start_time results["instance_current_exit_code"] = container.instance_view.current_state.exit_code results["instance_current_finish_time"] = container.instance_view.current_state.finish_time results["instance_current_detail_status"] = container.instance_view.current_state.detail_status if container.instance_view.previous_state: results["instance_previous_state"] = container.instance_view.previous_state.state results["instance_previous_start_time"] = container.instance_view.previous_state.start_time results["instance_previous_exit_code"] = container.instance_view.previous_state.exit_code results["instance_previous_finish_time"] = container.instance_view.previous_state.finish_time results["instance_previous_detail_status"] = container.instance_view.previous_state.detail_status # events (list of ContainerEvent) return results env_var_spec = dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), value=dict(type='str', required=True), is_secure=dict(type='bool') ) volume_mount_var_spec = dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), mount_path=dict(type='str', required=True), read_only=dict(type='bool') ) container_spec = dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), image=dict(type='str', required=True), memory=dict(type='float', default=1.5), cpu=dict(type='float', default=1), ports=dict(type='list', elements='int'), commands=dict(type='list', elements='str'), environment_variables=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=env_var_spec), volume_mounts=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=volume_mount_var_spec) ) git_repo_volume_spec = dict( directory=dict(type='str'), repository=dict(type='str', required=True), revision=dict(type='str') ) azure_file_volume_spec = dict( share_name=dict(type='str', required=True), read_only=dict(type='bool'), storage_account_name=dict(type='str', required=True), storage_account_key=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True) ) volumes_spec = dict( name=dict(type='str', required=True), azure_file=dict(type='dict', options=azure_file_volume_spec), empty_dir=dict(type='dict'), secret=dict(type='dict', no_log=True), git_repo=dict(type='dict', options=git_repo_volume_spec) ) class AzureRMContainerInstance(AzureRMModuleBase): """Configuration class for an Azure RM container instance resource""" def __init__(self): self.module_arg_spec = dict( resource_group=dict( type='str', required=True ), name=dict( type='str', required=True ), os_type=dict( type='str', default='linux', choices=['linux', 'windows'] ), state=dict( type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent'] ), location=dict( type='str', ), ip_address=dict( type='str', default='none', choices=['public', 'none', 'private'] ), dns_name_label=dict( type='str', ), ports=dict( type='list', elements='int', default=[] ), registry_login_server=dict( type='str', default=None ), registry_username=dict( type='str', default=None ), registry_password=dict( type='str', default=None, no_log=True ), containers=dict( type='list', elements='dict', options=container_spec ), restart_policy=dict( type='str', choices=['always', 'on_failure', 'never'] ), force_update=dict( type='bool', default=False ), volumes=dict( type='list', elements='dict', options=volumes_spec ), subnet_ids=dict( type='list', elements='str', ), ) self.resource_group = None self.name = None self.location = None self.state = None self.ip_address = None self.dns_name_label = None self.containers = None self.restart_policy = None self.subnet_ids = None self.tags = None self.results = dict(changed=False, state=dict()) self.cgmodels = None required_if = [ ('state', 'present', ['containers']), ('ip_address', 'private', ['subnet_ids']) ] super(AzureRMContainerInstance, self).__init__(derived_arg_spec=self.module_arg_spec, supports_check_mode=True, supports_tags=True, required_if=required_if) def exec_module(self, **kwargs): """Main module execution method""" for key in list(self.module_arg_spec.keys()) + ['tags']: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) resource_group = None response = None results = dict() # since this client hasn't been upgraded to expose models directly off the OperationClass, fish them out self.cgmodels = self.containerinstance_client.container_groups.models resource_group = self.get_resource_group(self.resource_group) if not self.location: self.location = resource_group.location response = self.get_containerinstance() if not response: self.log("Container Group doesn't exist") if self.state == 'absent': self.log("Nothing to delete") else: self.force_update = True else: self.log("Container instance already exists") if self.state == 'absent': if not self.check_mode: self.delete_containerinstance() self.results['changed'] = True self.log("Container instance deleted") elif self.state == 'present': self.log("Need to check if container group has to be deleted or may be updated") update_tags, newtags = self.update_tags(response.get('tags', dict())) if self.force_update: self.log('Deleting container instance before update') if not self.check_mode: self.delete_containerinstance() elif update_tags: if not self.check_mode: self.tags = newtags self.results['changed'] = True response = self.update_containerinstance() if self.state == 'present': self.log("Need to Create / Update the container instance") if self.force_update: self.results['changed'] = True if self.check_mode: return self.results response = self.create_update_containerinstance() self.results['id'] = response['id'] self.results['provisioning_state'] = response['provisioning_state'] self.results['ip_address'] = response['ip_address']['ip'] if 'ip_address' in response else '' self.log("Creation / Update done") return self.results def update_containerinstance(self): ''' Updates a container service with the specified configuration of orchestrator, masters, and agents. :return: deserialized container instance state dictionary ''' try: response = self.containerinstance_client.container_groups.update(resource_group_name=self.resource_group, container_group_name=self.name, resource=dict(tags=self.tags)) if isinstance(response, LROPoller): response = self.get_poller_result(response) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error when Updating ACI {0}: {1}".format(self.name, exc.message or str(exc))) return response.as_dict() def create_update_containerinstance(self): ''' Creates or updates a container service with the specified configuration of orchestrator, masters, and agents. :return: deserialized container instance state dictionary ''' self.log("Creating / Updating the container instance {0}".format(self.name)) registry_credentials = None if self.registry_login_server is not None: registry_credentials = [self.cgmodels.ImageRegistryCredential(server=self.registry_login_server, username=self.registry_username, password=self.registry_password)] ip_address = None containers = [] all_ports = set([]) for container_def in self.containers: name = container_def.get("name") image = container_def.get("image") memory = container_def.get("memory") cpu = container_def.get("cpu") commands = container_def.get("commands") ports = [] variables = [] volume_mounts = [] port_list = container_def.get("ports") if port_list: for port in port_list: all_ports.add(port) ports.append(self.cgmodels.ContainerPort(port=port)) variable_list = container_def.get("environment_variables") if variable_list: for variable in variable_list: variables.append(self.cgmodels.EnvironmentVariable(name=variable.get('name'), value=variable.get('value') if not variable.get('is_secure') else None, secure_value=variable.get('value') if variable.get('is_secure') else None)) volume_mounts_list = container_def.get("volume_mounts") if volume_mounts_list: for volume_mount in volume_mounts_list: volume_mounts.append(self.cgmodels.VolumeMount(name=volume_mount.get('name'), mount_path=volume_mount.get('mount_path'), read_only=volume_mount.get('read_only'))) containers.append(self.cgmodels.Container(name=name, image=image, resources=self.cgmodels.ResourceRequirements( requests=self.cgmodels.ResourceRequests(memory_in_gb=memory, cpu=cpu) ), ports=ports, command=commands, environment_variables=variables, volume_mounts=volume_mounts)) if self.ip_address is not None: # get list of ports if len(all_ports) > 0: ports = [] for port in all_ports: ports.append(self.cgmodels.Port(port=port, protocol="TCP")) ip_address = self.cgmodels.IpAddress(ports=ports, dns_name_label=self.dns_name_label, type=self.ip_address) subnet_ids = None if self.subnet_ids is not None: subnet_ids = [self.cgmodels.ContainerGroupSubnetId(id=item) for item in self.subnet_ids] parameters = self.cgmodels.ContainerGroup(location=self.location, containers=containers, image_registry_credentials=registry_credentials, restart_policy=_snake_to_camel(self.restart_policy, True) if self.restart_policy else None, ip_address=ip_address, os_type=self.os_type, subnet_ids=subnet_ids, volumes=self.volumes, tags=self.tags) try: response = self.containerinstance_client.container_groups.begin_create_or_update(resource_group_name=self.resource_group, container_group_name=self.name, container_group=parameters) if isinstance(response, LROPoller): response = self.get_poller_result(response) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error when creating ACI {0}: {1}".format(self.name, exc.message or str(exc))) return response.as_dict() def delete_containerinstance(self): ''' Deletes the specified container group instance in the specified subscription and resource group. :return: True ''' self.log("Deleting the container instance {0}".format(self.name)) try: response = self.containerinstance_client.container_groups.begin_delete(resource_group_name=self.resource_group, container_group_name=self.name) return True except Exception as exc: self.fail('Error when deleting ACI {0}: {1}'.format(self.name, exc.message or str(exc))) return False def get_containerinstance(self): ''' Gets the properties of the specified container service. :return: deserialized container instance state dictionary ''' self.log("Checking if the container instance {0} is present".format(self.name)) found = False try: response = self.containerinstance_client.container_groups.get(resource_group_name=self.resource_group, container_group_name=self.name) found = True self.log("Response : {0}".format(response)) self.log("Container instance : {0} found".format(response.name)) except ResourceNotFoundError as e: self.log('Did not find the container instance.') if found is True: return response.as_dict() return False def main(): """Main execution""" AzureRMContainerInstance() if __name__ == '__main__': main()