#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2021, Cisco Systems # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type __author__ = ("Abinash Mishra") DOCUMENTATION = r""" --- module: provision_intent short_description: Resource module for provision functions description: - Manage operation related to wired and wireless provisioning - API to re-provision provisioned devices - API to un-provision provisioned devices version_added: '6.6.0' extends_documentation_fragment: - cisco.dnac.intent_params author: Abinash Mishra (@abimishr) options: config_verify: description: Set to True to verify the Cisco Catalyst Center config after applying the playbook config. type: bool default: False state: description: The state of DNAC after module completion. type: str choices: [ merged, deleted ] default: merged config: description: - List of details of device being managed. type: list elements: dict required: true suboptions: management_ip_address: description: Management Ip Address . type: str required: true site_name: description: Name of site where the device needs to be added. type: str managed_ap_locations: description: Location of the sites allocated for the APs type: list elements: str dynamic_interfaces: description: Interface details of the controller type: list elements: dict suboptions: interface_ip_address: description: Ip Address allocated to the interface type: str interface_netmask_in_c_i_d_r: description: Ip Address allocated to the interface type: int interface_gateway: description: Ip Address allocated to the interface type: str lag_or_port_number: description: Ip Address allocated to the interface type: int vlan_id: description: Ip Address allocated to the interface type: int interface_name: description: Ip Address allocated to the interface type: str requirements: - dnacentersdk == 2.4.5 - python >= 3.9 notes: - SDK Methods used are sites.Sites.get_site, devices.Devices.get_network_device_by_ip, task.Task.get_task_by_id, sda.Sda.get_provisioned_wired_device, sda.Sda.re_provision_wired_device, sda.Sda.provision_wired_device, wireless.Wireless.provision - Paths used are get /dna/intent/api/v1/site get /dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/ip-address/{ipAddress} get /dna/intent/api/v1/task/{taskId} get /dna/intent/api/v1/business/sda/provision-device put /dna/intent/api/v1/business/sda/provision-device post /dna/intent/api/v1/business/sda/provision-device post /dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/provision """ EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Create/Modify a new provision cisco.dnac.provision_intent: dnac_host: "{{dnac_host}}" dnac_username: "{{dnac_username}}" dnac_password: "{{dnac_password}}" dnac_verify: "{{dnac_verify}}" dnac_port: "{{dnac_port}}" dnac_version: "{{dnac_version}}" dnac_debug: "{{dnac_debug}}" dnac_log: True state: merged config: - site_name: string management_ip_address: string managed_ap_locations: list dynamic_interfaces: - vlan_id: integer interface_name: string interface_ip_address: string interface_gateway: string interface_netmask_in_c_i_d_r: integer lag_or_port_number: integer """ RETURN = r""" # Case_1: Successful creation/updation/deletion of provision response_1: description: A dictionary with details of provision is returned returned: always type: dict sample: > { "response": { "response": String, "version": String }, "msg": String } # Case_2: Error while creating a provision response_2: description: A list with the response returned by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK returned: always type: list sample: > { "response": [], "msg": String } # Case_3: Already exists and requires no update response_3: description: A dictionary with the exisiting details as returned by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK returned: always type: dict sample: > { "response": String, "msg": String } """ import time import re from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.cisco.dnac.plugins.module_utils.dnac import ( DnacBase, validate_list_of_dicts ) class Dnacprovision(DnacBase): """ Class containing member attributes for provision intent module """ def __init__(self, module): super().__init__(module) def validate_input(self): """ Validate the fields provided in the playbook. Checks the configuration provided in the playbook against a predefined specification to ensure it adheres to the expected structure and data types. Args: self: The instance of the class containing the 'config' attribute to be validated. Returns: The method returns an instance of the class with updated attributes: - self.msg: A message describing the validation result. - self.status: The status of the validation (either 'success' or 'failed'). - self.validated_config: If successful, a validated version of the 'config' parameter. Example: To use this method, create an instance of the class and call 'validate_input' on it. If the validation succeeds, 'self.status' will be 'success' and 'self.validated_config' will contain the validated configuration. If it fails, 'self.status' will be 'failed', and 'self.msg' will describe the validation issues. """ if not self.config: self.msg = "config not available in playbook for validattion" self.status = "success" return self provision_spec = { "management_ip_address": {'type': 'str', 'required': True}, "site_name": {'type': 'str', 'required': True}, "managed_ap_locations": {'type': 'list', 'required': False, 'elements': 'str'}, "dynamic_interfaces": {'type': 'list', 'required': False, 'elements': 'dict'} } # Validate provision params valid_provision, invalid_params = validate_list_of_dicts( self.config, provision_spec ) if invalid_params: self.msg = "Invalid parameters in playbook: {0}".format( "\n".join(invalid_params)) self.status = "failed" return self self.validated_config = valid_provision self.log(str(valid_provision)) self.msg = "Successfully validated input" self.status = "success" return self def get_dev_type(self): """ Fetches the type of device (wired/wireless) Parameters: - self: The instance of the class containing the 'config' attribute to be validated. Returns: The method returns an instance of the class with updated attributes: - device_type: A string indicating the type of the device (wired/wireless). Example: Post creation of the validated input, we this method gets the type of the device. """ dev_response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="devices", function='get_network_device_by_ip', params={"ip_address": self.validated_config[0]["management_ip_address"]}, op_modifies=True ) dev_dict = dev_response.get("response") device_family = dev_dict["family"] if device_family == "Wireless Controller": device_type = "wireless" elif device_family in ["Switches and Hubs", "Routers"]: device_type = "wired" else: device_type = None return device_type def get_task_status(self, task_id=None): """ Fetches the status of the task once any provision API is called Parameters: - self: The instance of the class containing the 'config' attribute to be validated. Returns: The method returns an instance of the class with updated attributes: - result: A dict indiacting wheter the task was succesful or not Example: Post creation of the provision task, this method fetheches the task status. """ result = False params = {"task_id": task_id} while True: response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="task", function='get_task_by_id', params=params, op_modifies=True ) response = response.response if response.get('isError') or re.search( 'failed', response.get('progress'), flags=re.IGNORECASE ): msg = 'Discovery task with id {0} has not completed - Reason: {1}'.format( task_id, response.get("failureReason")) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) return False if response.get('progress') != 'In Progress': result = True break time.sleep(3) self.result.update(dict(discovery_task=response)) return result def get_site_type(self, site_name=None): """ Fetches the type of site Parameters: - self: The instance of the class containing the 'config' attribute to be validated. Returns: The method returns an instance of the class with updated attributes: - site_type: A string indicating the type of the site (area/building/floor). Example: Post creation of the validated input, we this method gets the type of the site. """ try: response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="sites", function='get_site', params={"name": site_name}, op_modifies=True ) except Exception: self.module.fail_json(msg="Site not found", response=[]) if response: self.log(str(response)) site = response.get("response") site_additional_info = site[0].get("additionalInfo") for item in site_additional_info: if item["nameSpace"] == "Location": site_type = item.get("attributes").get("type") return site_type def get_wired_params(self): """ Prepares the payload for provisioning of the wired devices Parameters: - self: The instance of the class containing the 'config' attribute to be validated. Returns: The method returns an instance of the class with updated attributes: - wired_params: A dictionary containing all the values indicating management IP address of the device and the hierarchy of the site. Example: Post creation of the validated input, it fetches the required paramters and stores it for further processing and calling the parameters in other APIs. """ wired_params = { "deviceManagementIpAddress": self.validated_config[0]["management_ip_address"], "siteNameHierarchy": self.validated_config[0].get("site_name") } return wired_params def get_wireless_params(self): """ Prepares the payload for provisioning of the wireless devices Parameters: - self: The instance of the class containing the 'config' attribute to be validated. Returns: The method returns an instance of the class with updated attributes: - wireless_params: A list of dictionary containing all the values indicating management IP address of the device, hierarchy of the site, AP Location of the wireless controller and details of the interface Example: Post creation of the validated input, it fetches the required paramters and stores it for further processing and calling the parameters in other APIs. """ wireless_params = [ { "site": self.validated_config[0].get("site_name"), "managedAPLocations": self.validated_config[0].get("managed_ap_locations"), } ] for ap_loc in wireless_params[0]["managedAPLocations"]: if self.get_site_type(site_name=ap_loc) != "floor": self.module.fail_json(msg="Managed AP Location must be a floor", response=[]) wireless_params[0]["dynamicInterfaces"] = [] for interface in self.validated_config[0].get("dynamic_interfaces"): interface_dict = { "interfaceIPAddress": interface.get("interface_ip_address"), "interfaceNetmaskInCIDR": interface.get("interface_netmask_in_c_i_d_r"), "interfaceGateway": interface.get("interface_gateway"), "lagOrPortNumber": interface.get("lag_or_port_number"), "vlanId": interface.get("vlan_id"), "interfaceName": interface.get("interface_name") } wireless_params[0]["dynamicInterfaces"].append(interface_dict) response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="devices", function='get_network_device_by_ip', params={"management_ip_address": self.validated_config[0]["management_ip_address"]}, op_modifies=True ) wireless_params[0]["deviceName"] = response.get("response")[0].get("hostname") return wireless_params def get_want(self): """ Get all provision related informantion from the playbook Args: self: The instance of the class containing the 'config' attribute to be validated. config: validated config passed from the playbook Returns: The method returns an instance of the class with updated attributes: - self.want: A dictionary of paramters obtained from the playbook - self.msg: A message indicating all the paramters from the playbook are collected - self.status: Success Example: It stores all the paramters passed from the playbook for further processing before calling the APIs """ self.want = {} self.want["device_type"] = self.get_dev_type() if self.want["device_type"] == "wired": self.want["prov_params"] = self.get_wired_params() elif self.want["device_type"] == "wireless": self.want["prov_params"] = self.get_wireless_params() else: self.log("Passed devices are neither wired or wireless devices") self.msg = "Successfully collected all parameters from playbook " + \ "for comparison" self.status = "success" return self def get_diff_merged(self): """ Add to provision database Args: self: An instance of a class used for interacting with Cisco DNA Center. Returns: object: An instance of the class with updated results and status based on the processing of differences. Description: The function processes the differences and, depending on the changes required, it may add, update,or resynchronize devices in Cisco DNA Center. The updated results and status are stored in the class instance for further use. """ device_type = self.want.get("device_type") if device_type == "wired": try: status_response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="sda", function="get_provisioned_wired_device", op_modifies=True, params={ "device_management_\ ip_address": self.validated_config[0]["management_ip_address"] }, ) except Exception: status_response = {} status = status_response.get("status") if status == "success": response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="sda", function="re_provision_wired_device", op_modifies=True, params=self.want["prov_params"], ) else: response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="sda", function="provision_wired_device", op_modifies=True, params=self.want["prov_params"], ) elif device_type == "wireless": response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="wireless", function="provision", op_modifies=True, params=self.want["prov_params"], ) else: self.result['msg'] = "Passed device is neither wired nor wireless" self.result['response'] = self.want["prov_params"] return self task_id = response.get("taskId") provision_info = self.get_task_status(task_id=task_id) self.result["changed"] = True self.result['msg'] = "Provision done Successfully" self.result['diff'] = self.validated_config self.result['response'] = task_id return self def get_diff_deleted(self): """ Delete from provision database Args: self: An instance of a class used for interacting with Cisco DNA Center Returns: self: An instance of the class with updated results and status based on the deletion operation. Description: This function is responsible for removing devices from the Cisco DNA Center PnP GUI and raise Exception if any error occured. """ device_type = self.want.get("device_type") if device_type != "wired": self.result['msg'] = "APIs are not supported for the device" return self try: status_response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="sda", function="get_provisioned_wired_device", op_modifies=True, params={ "device_management_\ ip_address": self.validated_config[0]["management_ip_address"] }, ) except Exception: status_response = {} status = status_response.get("status") if status != "success": self.result['msg'] = "Passed IP address is not provisioned" self.result['response'] = self.want["prov_params"] return self response = self.dnac_apply['exec']( family="sda", function="delete_provisioned_wired_device", op_modifies=True, params={ "device_management_\ ip_address": self.validated_config[0]["management_ip_address"] }, ) task_id = response.get("taskId") deletion_info = self.get_task_status(task_id=task_id) self.result["changed"] = True self.result['msg'] = "Deletion done Successfully" self.result['diff'] = self.validated_config self.result['response'] = task_id return self def main(): """ main entry point for module execution """ element_spec = {'dnac_host': {'required': True, 'type': 'str'}, 'dnac_port': {'type': 'str', 'default': '443'}, 'dnac_username': {'type': 'str', 'default': 'admin', 'aliases': ['user']}, 'dnac_password': {'type': 'str', 'no_log': True}, 'dnac_verify': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True'}, 'dnac_version': {'type': 'str', 'default': ''}, 'dnac_debug': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False}, 'dnac_log': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False}, "dnac_log_level": {"type": 'str', "default": 'WARNING'}, "dnac_log_file_path": {"type": 'str', "default": 'dnac.log'}, "dnac_log_append": {"type": 'bool', "default": True}, "config_verify": {"type": 'bool', "default": False}, 'dnac_api_task_timeout': {'type': 'int', "default": 1200}, 'dnac_task_poll_interval': {'type': 'int', "default": 2}, 'validate_response_schema': {'type': 'bool', 'default': True}, 'config': {'required': True, 'type': 'list', 'elements': 'dict'}, 'state': {'default': 'merged', 'choices': ['merged', 'deleted']} } module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=element_spec, supports_check_mode=False) dnac_provision = Dnacprovision(module) state = dnac_provision.params.get("state") if state not in dnac_provision.supported_states: dnac_provision.status = "invalid" dnac_provision.msg = "State {0} is invalid".format(state) dnac_provision.check_return_status() dnac_provision.validate_input().check_return_status() for config in dnac_provision.validated_config: dnac_provision.reset_values() dnac_provision.get_want().check_return_status() dnac_provision.get_diff_state_apply[state]().check_return_status() module.exit_json(**dnac_provision.result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()