--- # # The hosts group used is provided by the group variable or defaulted to 'Intersight_Servers'. # You can specify a specific host (or host group) on the command line: # ansible-playbook ... -e group=<your host group> # e.g., ansible-playbook server_profiles.yml -e group=TME_Demo # - name: Install OS hosts: "{{ group | default('Intersight_Servers') }}" connection: local gather_facts: false vars: # Create an anchor for api_info that can be used throughout the file api_info: &api_info # if api_key vars are omitted, INTERSIGHT_API_KEY_ID, INTERSIGHT_API_PRIVATE_KEY, # and INTERSIGHT_API_URI environment variables used for API key data api_private_key: "{{ api_private_key | default(omit) }}" api_key_id: "{{ api_key_id | default(omit) }}" api_uri: "{{ api_uri | default(omit) }}" validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs | default(omit) }}" # OS and SCU Versions os_version: ESXi 7.0 U3 os_config: ESXi7.0ConfigFile scu_version: 6.2.3b org_name: default # # Example using vault: # 1. Place the vault password into a plain text file (this is the password for vault access - do not check this into any repos!) # $ cat vault_password_file # ... # 2. Encrypt a string (e.g., 'notagoodpassword'). You will later decrypt using your vault password file # $ ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id tme@vault_password_file 'notagoodpassword' --name 'vault_password' # (response is the encrypting string) # 3. Place the vault variable in your playbook (example below): # 4. Run the playbook and supply the vault password file (used to decrypt the vaulted password in the playbook) # $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --vault-id tme@vault_password_file os_install.yml # vault_password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.2;AES256;tme 36656264656638646566313633353832396138616264313032303433656636643638363864653936 6532646363303435633965383432633630306566323838640a363566376234303366313064306162 39326331373231643333616335393232353633393834653161633032383539383537656336666639 3635306535366233660a356235393664653538386136626439646137626531663135363636326131 3538 tasks: # Get the Organization Moid - name: "Get Organization Moid" cisco.intersight.intersight_rest_api: <<: *api_info resource_path: /organization/Organizations query_params: $filter: "Name eq '{{ org_name }}'" register: org_resp delegate_to: localhost # Get the OS File Moid - name: "Get OS File Moid" cisco.intersight.intersight_rest_api: <<: *api_info resource_path: /softwarerepository/OperatingSystemFiles query_params: $filter: "Version eq '{{ os_version }}' and PermissionResources.Moid eq '{{ org_resp.api_response.Moid }}'" register: os_resp delegate_to: localhost # Get the SCU File Moid - name: "Get SCU File Moid" cisco.intersight.intersight_rest_api: <<: *api_info resource_path: /firmware/ServerConfigurationUtilityDistributables query_params: $filter: "Version eq '{{ scu_version }}' and PermissionResources.Moid eq '{{ org_resp.api_response.Moid }}'" register: scu_resp delegate_to: localhost # Get the OS Config File Moid - name: "Get OS Config File Moid" cisco.intersight.intersight_rest_api: <<: *api_info resource_path: /os/ConfigurationFiles query_params: $filter: "Name eq '{{ os_config }}'" register: os_config_resp delegate_to: localhost # Install OS - name: Install OS cisco.intersight.intersight_rest_api: <<: *api_info resource_path: /bulk/Requests update_method: post api_body: { "Verb": "POST", "Uri": "/v1/os/Installs", "Requests": [ { "ObjectType": "bulk.RestSubRequest", "Body": { "InstallMethod": "vMedia", "Image": { "Moid": "{{ os_resp.api_response.Moid }}", "ObjectType": "softwarerepository.OperatingSystemFile" }, "OsduImage": { "ObjectType": "firmware.ServerConfigurationUtilityDistributable", "Moid": "{{ scu_resp.api_response.Moid }}" }, "OverrideSecureBoot": true, "Organization": { "Moid": "{{ org_resp.api_response.Moid }}" }, "Answers": { "Hostname": "localhost", "IpConfigType": "static", "IpConfiguration": { "IpV4Config": { "Gateway": "", "IpAddress": "", "Netmask": "" }, "ObjectType": "os.Ipv4Configuration" }, "IsRootPasswordCrypted": false, "Nameserver": "", "RootPassword": "{{ vault_password }}", "Source": "Template" }, "ConfigurationFile": { "Moid": "{{ os_config_resp.api_response.Moid }}", "ObjectType": "os.ConfigurationFile" }, "AdditionalParameters": null, "InstallTarget": { "Id": "0", "Name": "DevNet-RAID1", "ObjectType": "os.VirtualDrive", "StorageControllerSlotId": "1" }, "Server": { "ObjectType": "compute.{{ object_type }}", "Moid": "{{ server_moid }}" } } } ], "Organization": { "Moid": "{{ org_resp.api_response.Moid }}" } } delegate_to: localhost register: install_resp