
- hosts: localhost
    network_id: "L_828099381482771185" # Branch-1234
    org_id: "828099381482762270"
  gather_facts: false

    # - name: Get all networks _appliance _ports
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_appliance_ports_info:
    #     networkId: L_828099381482771185
    #   register: result
    # - name: update port
    #   cisco.meraki.devices_switch_ports:
    #     meraki_suppress_logging: false
    #     serial: QBSB-BNH2-KDXJ
    #     portId: 3
    #     vlan: 50
    #     # type: access
    #     state: present
    #     poeEnabled: false 
    # - name: Update appliance Vlans
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_appliance_vlans:
    #     state: present
    #     applianceIp:
    #     cidr:
    #     id: '1234'
    #     name: My VLAN
    #     networkId: "{{network_id}}"
    #     subnet:

    # - name: Get all networks _appliance _ssids
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_appliance_ssids_info:
    #     networkId: "{{network_id}}"
    #   register: result

    # - name: Show result
    #   ansible.builtin.debug:
    #     msg: "{{ result }}"

    # - name: Update appliance SSID
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_appliance_ssids:
    #     state: present
    #     authMode: 8021x-radius
    #     defaultVlanId: 10
    #     enabled: true
    #     name: My SSID
    #     networkId: "{{network_id}}"
    #     number: 1
    #     radiusServers:
    #     - host:
    #       port: 1000
    #       secret: secret
    #     visible: true
    #     wpaEncryptionMode: WPA2 only 

# ################################################################

    # - name: Update appliance traffic sharping
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_appliance_traffic_shaping:
    #     state: present
    #     globalBandwidthLimits:
    #       limitDown: 5120
    #       limitUp: 2048
    #     networkId: "{{network_id}}"

    # - name: Enable Vlans on the MX
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_appliance_vlans_settings:
    #     state: present
    #     networkId: "{{network_id}}"
    #     vlansEnabled: true

    # - name: Update appliance ports
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_appliance_ports:
    #     accessPolicy: "open"
    #     allowedVlans: "all"
    #     enabled: true
    #     networkId: "{{network_id}}"
    #     portId: "2"
    #     type: "trunk"
    #     vlan: 10
    #     state: present
    # - name: Get all networks
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_info:
    #     organizationId: "{{org_id}}"
    #     total_pages: -1
    #     direction: next
    #   register: result

    # - name: Show result
    #   ansible.builtin.debug:
    #     msg: "{{ result.meraki_response[0].id }}"
    # - name: Bind a template from a network
    #   meraki_config_template:
    #     auth_key: "{{ meraki_api_key }}"
    #     state: present
    #     org_id: "{{ org_name }}"
    #     net_id: "{{ off_network.results.0.meraki_response.id }}"
    #     config_template: "{{ item.value.template_name }}"
    #   delegate_to: localhost
    #   loop: "{{ lookup('dict', devices) }}"
    # - name: Create
    #   cisco.meraki.organizations_config_templates:
    #     # meraki_api_key: "{{meraki_api_key}}"
    #     state: present
    #     name: My config template
    #     organizationId: "{{ org_id }}"
    #   register: result

    # - name: Create
    #   cisco.meraki.networks_bind:
    #     autoBind: false
    #     configTemplateId: "{{result.meraki_response.id}}"
    #     networkId: "{{network_id}}"

    # - name: change name of device
    #   cisco.meraki.devices:
    #     name: new name 4
    #     serial: QBSB-D5ZD-9CXT
    #     # organizationId: "{{org_id}}"
    #     state: present 
    #     meraki_suppress_logging: false

    - name: onboard order
        # meraki_api_key: "{{ meraki_api }}"
        # meraki_simulate: "{{ testpolicy }}"
        organizationId: "{{ org_id }}"
        orders: "1"