#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 Red Hat # GNU General Public License v3.0+ # (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) """ The module file for nxos_snmp_server """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ module: nxos_snmp_server short_description: SNMP Server resource module. description: - This module manages SNMP server configuration on devices running Cisco NX-OS. version_added: 2.8.0 notes: - Tested against NX-OS 9.3.6 on Cisco Nexus Switches. - This module works with connection C(network_cli) and C(httpapi). - Tested against Cisco MDS NX-OS 9.2(2) with connection C(network_cli). author: Nilashish Chakraborty (@NilashishC) options: running_config: description: - This option is used only with state I(parsed). - The value of this option should be the output received from the NX-OS device by executing the command B(show running-config | section '^snmp-server'). - The state I(parsed) reads the configuration from C(running_config) option and transforms it into Ansible structured data as per the resource module's argspec and the value is then returned in the I(parsed) key within the result. type: str config: description: A dict of SNMP server configuration type: dict suboptions: aaa_user: description: Set duration for which aaa-cached snmp user exists. type: dict suboptions: cache_timeout: description: Timeout for which aaa-cached user exists(in secs). type: int communities: description: Set community string and access privs. type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: SNMP community string (Max Size 32). type: str aliases: ["community"] group: description: Group to which the community belongs. type: str ro: description: Read-only access with this community string. type: bool rw: description: Read-write access with this community string. type: bool use_ipv4acl: description: - Specify IPv4 ACL, the ACL name specified must be IPv4 ACL. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: str use_ipv6acl: description: - Specify IPv6 ACL, the ACL name specified after must be IPv6 ACL. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: str contact: description: Modify sysContact. type: str context: description: SNMP context to be mapped. type: dict suboptions: name: description: Name of the SNMP context (Max Size 32). type: str instance: description: Name of the protocol instance (Max Size 32). type: str topology: description: Topology associated with the SNMP context. type: str vrf: description: - VRF associated with the SNMP context. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: str counter: description: - Configure port counter configuration. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: cache: description: Port stats cache. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable port stats cache. type: bool timeout: description: Timeout for which cached port stats exists(in secs). type: int drop: description: - Silently drop unknown v3 user packets. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: unknown_engine_id: description: Unknown v3 engine id. type: bool unknown_user: description: Unknown v3 user. type: bool traps: description: Enable SNMP Traps type: dict suboptions: aaa: description: AAA traps type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable AAA traps. type: bool server_state_change: description: AAA server state change notification. type: bool bgp: description: SNMP BGP traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable SNMP BGP traps. type: bool bridge: description: - Bridge traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable bridge traps. type: bool newroot: description: Enable SNMP STP Bridge MIB newroot traps. type: bool topologychange: description: Enable SNMP STP Bridge MIB topologychange traps. type: bool callhome: description: Callhome traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable callhome traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool event_notify: description: Callhome External Event Notification. type: bool smtp_send_fail: description: SMTP Message Send Fail notification. type: bool cfs: description: CFS traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable cfs traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool merge_failure: description: Merge failure notification. type: bool state_change_notif: description: State change notification. type: bool config: description: Config traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable config traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool ccmCLIRunningConfigChanged: description: Running config change trap. type: bool entity: description: Entity traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable entity traps. type: bool cefcMIBEnableStatusNotification: description: CefcMIBEnableStatusNotification. type: bool entity_fan_status_change: description: Entity Fan Status Change. type: bool entity_mib_change: description: Entity MIB change. type: bool entity_module_inserted: description: Entity Module Inserted. type: bool entity_module_removed: description: Entity Module Removed. type: bool entity_module_status_change: description: Entity Module Status Change. type: bool entity_power_out_change: description: Entity Power Out Change. type: bool entity_power_status_change: description: Entity Power Status Change. type: bool entity_sensor: description: Entity sensor. type: bool entity_unrecognised_module: description: Entity Unrecognised Module. type: bool feature_control: description: Feature-Control traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable feature-control traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool featureOpStatusChange: description: Feature operation status change notification. type: bool ciscoFeatOpStatusChange: description: Feature operation status change Notification. type: bool generic: description: Generic traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable generic traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool coldStart: description: Generic coldStart trap. type: bool warmStart: description: Generic warmStart trap. type: bool license: description: License traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable license traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool notify_license_expiry: description: License Expiry Notification. type: bool notify_license_expiry_warning: description: License Expiry Warning Notification. type: bool notify_licensefile_missing: description: License File Missing Notification. type: bool notify_no_license_for_feature: description: No License installed for feature Notification. type: bool link: description: Link traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable link traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool cErrDisableInterfaceEventRev1: description: - Err-disable state notification. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool cieLinkDown: description: Cisco extended link state down notification. type: bool cieLinkUp: description: Cisco extended link state up notification. type: bool cisco_xcvr_mon_status_chg: description: Cisco interface transceiver monitor status change notification. type: bool cmn_mac_move_notification: description: - Mac addr move trap. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool delayed_link_state_change: description: Delayed link state change. type: bool extended_linkDown: description: IETF extended link state down notification. type: bool extended_linkUp: description: IETF extended link state up notification. type: bool linkDown: description: IETF Link state down notification. type: bool linkUp: description: IETF Link state up notification. type: bool mmode: description: - MMode traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable mmode traps. type: bool cseMaintModeChangeNotify: description: Maint Mode Change Notification. type: bool cseNormalModeChangeNotify: description: Normal Mode Change Notification. type: bool ospf: description: SNMP OSPF traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable SNMP OSPF traps. type: bool ospfv3: description: SNMP OSPFv3 traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable SNMP OSPFv3 traps. type: bool rf: description: RF traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable rf traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool redundancy_framework: description: Redundancy_Framework (RF) Sup switchover MIB. type: bool rmon: description: RMON traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable rmon traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool fallingAlarm: description: Rmon falling alarm. type: bool hcFallingAlarm: description: High capacity Rmon falling alarm. type: bool hcRisingAlarm: description: High capacity Rmon rising alarm. type: bool risingAlarm: description: Rmon rising alarm. type: bool snmp: description: SNMP traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable snmp traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool authentication: description: SNMP authentication trap. type: bool storm_control: description: Storm-Control traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable storm-control traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool cpscEventRev1: description: - Port-Storm-Control-Event. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool trap_rate: description: Number of traps per minute. type: bool stpx: description: - Stpx traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable stpx traps. type: bool inconsistency: description: Enable SNMP STPX MIB InconsistencyUpdate traps. type: bool loop_inconsistency: description: Enable SNMP STPX MIB LoopInconsistencyUpdate traps. type: bool root_inconsistency: description: Enable SNMP STPX MIB RootInconsistencyUpdate traps. type: bool syslog: description: Enable syslog traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable syslog traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool message_generated: description: Message Generated Notification. type: bool sysmgr: description: Sysmgr traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable sysmgr traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool cseFailSwCoreNotifyExtended: description: Software Core Notification. type: bool system: description: System traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable system traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool clock_change_notification: description: Clock-change-notification traps. type: bool upgrade: description: Upgrade traps. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable upgrade traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool upgradeJobStatusNotify: description: Upgrade Job Status Notification. type: bool upgradeOpNotifyOnCompletion: description: Upgrade Global Status Notification. type: bool vtp: description: - VTP traps. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable VTP traps. type: bool notifs: description: - Enable vtpConfigRevNumberError vtpConfigDigestEnable vtpConfigRevNumberError vtpConfigDigestError vtpServerDisabled vtpVersionOneDeviceDetected vlanTrunkPortDynamicStatusChange vtpLocalModeChanged vtpVersionInUseChanged notification. type: bool vlancreate: description: Enable vtpVlanCreated notification. type: bool vlandelete: description: Enable vtpVlanDeleted notification. type: bool engine_id: description: - Configure a local SNMPv3 engineID. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: local: description: EngineID of the local agent. type: str global_enforce_priv: description: Globally enforce privacy for all the users. type: bool hosts: description: - Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications. - SNMP hosts config lines that appear separately in running-config must be added as individual dictionaries. type: list elements: dict suboptions: host: description: IPv4 or IPv6 address or DNS Name of SNMP notification host. type: str community: description: SNMP community string or SNMPv3 user name (Max Size 32). type: str filter_vrf: description: - Filters notifications to the notification host receiver based on the configured VRF. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: str informs: description: Send Inform messages to this host. type: bool source_interface: description: Source interface to be used for sending out SNMP notifications to this host. type: str traps: description: Send Traps messages to this host. type: bool use_vrf: description: - Configures SNMP to use the selected VRF to communicate with the host receiver. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: str version: description: SNMP version to use for notification messages. type: str choices: ["1", "2c", "3"] auth: description: Use the SNMPv3 authNoPriv Security Level. type: str priv: description: Use the SNMPv3 authPriv Security Level. type: str udp_port: description: The notification host's UDP port number. type: int location: description: Modify sysLocation. type: str mib: description: Mib access parameters. type: dict suboptions: community_map: description: SNMP community. type: dict suboptions: community: description: SNMP community string (Max Size 32). type: str context: description: Name of the SNMP context (Max Size 32). type: str packetsize: description: Largest SNMP packet size type: int protocol: description: Snmp protocol operations. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: Enable/Disable snmp protocol operations. type: bool source_interface: description: - Source interface to be used for sending out SNMP notifications. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: dict suboptions: informs: description: SNMP Inform notifications for which this source interface needs to be used. type: str traps: description: SNMP Trap notifications for which this source interface needs to be used. type: str system_shutdown: description: Configure snmp-server for reload(2). type: bool tcp_session: description: Enable one time authentication for snmp over tcp session. type: dict suboptions: enable: description: - Enable tcp-session. - This option is unsupported on MDS switches. type: bool auth: description: Enable one time authentication for snmp over tcp session. type: bool users: description: Define users who can access the SNMP engine. type: dict suboptions: auth: description: SNMP User authentication related settings type: list elements: dict suboptions: user: description: Name of the user (Max Size 28). type: str group: description: Group name (ignored for notif target user) (Max Size 28). type: str authentication: description: Authentication parameters for the user. type: dict suboptions: algorithm: description: Select algorithm for authentication. type: str choices: ["md5", "sha", "sha-256"] password: description: - Authentication password for user (Max Size 127). - If this value is localized, it has to be enclosed in quotes in the task. type: str engine_id: description: - EngineID for configuring notif target user (for V3 informs). - This value needs to be enclosed in quotes in the task. type: str localized_key: description: Specifies whether the passwords are in localized key format. type: bool localizedv2_key: description: Specifies whether the passwords are in localized V2 key format. type: bool priv: description: Encryption parameters for the user. type: dict suboptions: privacy_password: description: - Privacy password for user (Max Size 130). - If this value is localized, it has to be enclosed in quotes in the task. type: str aes_128: description: Use 128-bit AES algorithm for privacy. type: bool use_acls: description: Set IPv4 and IPv6 ACL to use. type: list elements: dict suboptions: user: description: Name of the user (Max Size 28). type: str ipv4: description: Specify IPv4 ACL, the ACL name specified after must be IPv4 ACL. type: str ipv6: description: Specify IPv6 ACL, the ACL name specified after must be IPv6 ACL. type: str state: description: - The state the configuration should be left in. - The states C(replaced) and C(overridden) have identical behaviour for this module. - Please refer to examples for more details. type: str choices: - merged - replaced - overridden - deleted - parsed - gathered - rendered default: merged """ EXAMPLES = """ # Using merged # Before state: # ------------- # nxos-9k-rdo# show running-config | section "^snmp-server" # snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 priv 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 localizedkey - name: Merge the provided configuration with the existing running configuration cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_server: config: aaa_user: cache_timeout: 36000 communities: - community: public group: network-operator - community: private group: network-admin contact: nxosswitchadmin@localhost location: serverroom-1 traps: aaa: server_state_change: true system: clock_change_notification: true hosts: - host: traps: true version: '1' community: public - host: source_interface: Ethernet1/1 - host: informs: true version: '3' auth: NMS users: auth: - user: snmp_user_1 group: network-operator authentication: algorithm: md5 password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' localized_key: true - user: snmp_user_2 group: network-operator authentication: algorithm: md5 password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' localized_key: true priv: privacy_password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' aes_128: true use_acls: - user: snmp_user_1 ipv4: acl1 ipv6: acl2 - user: snmp_user_2 ipv4: acl3 ipv6: acl4 # Task output # ------------- # before: # users: # auth: # - user: admin # group: network-admin # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # localized_key: true # priv: # privacy_password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # # commands: # - snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin@localhost # - snmp-server location serverroom-1 # - snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # - snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # - snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # - snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # - snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # - snmp-server host traps version 1 public # - snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # - snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # - snmp-server community private group network-admin # - snmp-server community public group network-operator # - snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # - snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification # # after: # aaa_user: # cache_timeout: 36000 # communities: # - community: private # group: network-admin # - community: public # group: network-operator # contact: nxosswitchadmin@localhost # location: serverroom-1 # traps: # aaa: # server_state_change: true # system: # clock_change_notification: true # hosts: # - host: # traps: true # version: "1" # community: public # # - host: # source_interface: Ethernet1/1 # # - host: # informs: true # version: "3" # auth: NMS # users: # auth: # - user: admin # group: network-admin # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # localized_key: true # priv: # privacy_password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # # - user: snmp_user_1 # group: network-operator # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # localized_key: true # # - authentication: # algorithm: md5 # localized_key: true # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # priv: # aes_128: true # privacy_password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # group: network-operator # user: snmp_user_2 # # use_acls: # - user: snmp_user_1 # ipv4: acl1 # ipv6: acl2 # - user: snmp_user_2 # ipv4: acl3 # ipv6: acl4 # After state: # ------------ # nxos-9k-rdo# show running-config | section "^snmp-server" # snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin@localhost # snmp-server location serverroom-1 # snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 priv 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # snmp-server host traps version 1 public # snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # snmp-server community private group network-admin # snmp-server community public group network-operator # snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification # Using replaced # Before state: # ------------ # nxos-9k-rdo# show running-config | section "^snmp-server" # snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin@localhost # snmp-server location serverroom-1 # snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 priv 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # snmp-server host traps version 1 public # snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # snmp-server community private group network-admin # snmp-server community public group network-operator # snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification - name: Replace snmp-server configurations of listed snmp-server with provided configurations cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_server: config: aaa_user: cache_timeout: 36000 communities: - community: public group: network-operator - community: secret group: network-operator contact: nxosswitchadmin2@localhost location: serverroom-2 traps: aaa: server_state_change: true hosts: - host: traps: true version: '1' community: public - host: source_interface: Ethernet1/1 - host: informs: true version: '3' auth: NMS users: auth: - user: admin group: network-admin authentication: algorithm: md5 password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" localized_key: true priv: privacy_password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" - user: snmp_user_1 group: network-operator authentication: algorithm: md5 password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' localized_key: true - user: snmp_user_2 group: network-operator authentication: algorithm: md5 password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' localized_key: true priv: privacy_password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' aes_128: true use_acls: - user: snmp_user_1 ipv4: acl1 ipv6: acl2 state: replaced # Task output # ------------- # before: # aaa_user: # cache_timeout: 36000 # communities: # - community: private # group: network-admin # - community: public # group: network-operator # contact: nxosswitchadmin@localhost # location: serverroom-1 # traps: # aaa: # server_state_change: true # system: # clock_change_notification: true # hosts: # - host: # traps: true # version: "1" # community: public # # - host: # source_interface: Ethernet1/1 # # - host: # informs: true # version: "3" # auth: NMS # users: # auth: # - user: admin # group: network-admin # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # localized_key: true # priv: # privacy_password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # # - user: snmp_user_1 # group: network-operator # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # localized_key: true # # - authentication: # algorithm: md5 # localized_key: true # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # priv: # aes_128: true # privacy_password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # group: network-operator # user: snmp_user_2 # # use_acls: # - user: snmp_user_1 # ipv4: acl1 # ipv6: acl2 # - user: snmp_user_2 # ipv4: acl3 # ipv6: acl4 # # commands: # - snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin2@localhost # - no snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification # - snmp-server location serverroom-2 # - no snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # - no snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # - snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # - no snmp-server community private group network-admin # - snmp-server community secret group network-operator # # after: # aaa_user: # cache_timeout: 36000 # communities: # - community: public # group: network-operator # - community: secret # group: network-operator # contact: nxosswitchadmin2@localhost # location: serverroom-2 # traps: # aaa: # server_state_change: true # hosts: # - host: # traps: true # version: '1' # community: public # - host: # source_interface: Ethernet1/1 # - host: # informs: true # version: '3' # auth: NMS # users: # auth: # - user: admin # group: network-admin # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # localized_key: true # priv: # privacy_password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # # - user: snmp_user_1 # group: network-operator # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' # localized_key: true # # - user: snmp_user_2 # group: network-operator # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' # localized_key: true # priv: # privacy_password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' # aes_128: true # # use_acls: # - user: snmp_user_1 # ipv4: acl1 # ipv6: acl2 # # After state: # ------------ # nxos-9k-rdo# show running-config | section "^snmp-server" # snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin2@localhost # snmp-server location serverroom-2 # snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 priv 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # snmp-server host traps version 1 public # snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # snmp-server community secret group network-operator # snmp-server community public group network-operator # snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification # Using deleted # Before state: # ------------ # nxos-9k-rdo# show running-config | section "^snmp-server" # snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin@localhost # snmp-server location serverroom-1 # snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 priv 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # snmp-server host traps version 1 public # snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # snmp-server community private group network-admin # snmp-server community public group network-operator # snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification - name: Delete SNMP Server configurations from the device (admin user will not be deleted) cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_server: state: deleted # Task output # ------------- # before: # aaa_user: # cache_timeout: 36000 # communities: # - community: private # group: network-admin # - community: public # group: network-operator # contact: nxosswitchadmin@localhost # location: serverroom-1 # traps: # aaa: # server_state_change: true # system: # clock_change_notification: true # hosts: # - host: # traps: true # version: "1" # community: public # # - host: # source_interface: Ethernet1/1 # # - host: # informs: true # version: "3" # auth: NMS # users: # auth: # - user: admin # group: network-admin # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # localized_key: true # priv: # privacy_password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # # - user: snmp_user_1 # group: network-operator # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # localized_key: true # # - authentication: # algorithm: md5 # localized_key: true # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # priv: # aes_128: true # privacy_password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # group: network-operator # user: snmp_user_2 # # use_acls: # - user: snmp_user_1 # ipv4: acl1 # ipv6: acl2 # - user: snmp_user_2 # ipv4: acl3 # ipv6: acl4 # # commands: # - no snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin@localhost # - no snmp-server location serverroom-1 # - no snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # - no snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 priv 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 localizedkey # - no snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # - no snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # - no snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # - no snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # - no snmp-server host traps version 1 public # - no snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # - no snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # - no snmp-server community private group network-admin # - no snmp-server community public group network-operator # - no snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # - no snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification # # after: # users: # auth: # - user: admin # group: network-admin # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # localized_key: true # priv: # privacy_password: "0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9" # After state: # ------------ # nxos-9k-rdo# show running-config | section "^snmp-server" # snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 priv 0xcbde46b02c46e0bcd3ac5af6a8b13da9 localizedkey # Using rendered # --------------- - name: Render platform specific configuration lines with state rendered (without connecting to the device) cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_server: config: aaa_user: cache_timeout: 36000 communities: - community: public group: network-operator - community: private group: network-admin contact: nxosswitchadmin@localhost location: serverroom-1 traps: aaa: server_state_change: true system: clock_change_notification: true hosts: - host: traps: true version: '1' community: public - host: source_interface: Ethernet1/1 - host: informs: true version: '3' auth: NMS users: auth: - user: snmp_user_1 group: network-operator authentication: algorithm: md5 password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' localized_key: true - user: snmp_user_2 group: network-operator authentication: algorithm: md5 password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' localized_key: true priv: privacy_password: '0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1' aes_128: true use_acls: - user: snmp_user_1 ipv4: acl1 ipv6: acl2 - user: snmp_user_2 ipv4: acl3 ipv6: acl4 state: rendered # Task Output (redacted) # ----------------------- # rendered: # - snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin@localhost # - snmp-server location serverroom-1 # - snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # - snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # - snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # - snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # - snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # - snmp-server host traps version 1 public # - snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # - snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # - snmp-server community private group network-admin # - snmp-server community public group network-operator # - snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # - snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification # Using parsed # parsed.cfg # ------------ # snmp-server contact nxosswitchadmin@localhost # snmp-server location serverroom-1 # snmp-server aaa-user cache-timeout 36000 # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 network-operator auth md5 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 priv aes-128 0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1 localizedkey # snmp-server user snmp_user_1 use-ipv4acl acl1 use-ipv6acl acl2 # snmp-server user snmp_user_2 use-ipv4acl acl3 use-ipv6acl acl4 # snmp-server host traps version 1 public # snmp-server host source-interface Ethernet1/1 # snmp-server host informs version 3 auth NMS # snmp-server community private group network-admin # snmp-server community public group network-operator # snmp-server enable traps aaa server-state-change # snmp-server enable traps system Clock-change-notification - name: Parse externally provided snmp-server configuration cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_server: running_config: "{{ lookup('file', './parsed.cfg') }}" state: parsed # Task output (redacted) # ----------------------- # parsed: # aaa_user: # cache_timeout: 36000 # communities: # - community: private # group: network-admin # - community: public # group: network-operator # contact: nxosswitchadmin@localhost # location: serverroom-1 # traps: # aaa: # server_state_change: true # system: # clock_change_notification: true # hosts: # - host: # traps: true # version: "1" # community: public # # - host: # source_interface: Ethernet1/1 # # - host: # informs: true # version: "3" # auth: NMS # users: # auth: # - user: snmp_user_1 # group: network-operator # authentication: # algorithm: md5 # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # localized_key: true # # - authentication: # algorithm: md5 # localized_key: true # password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # priv: # aes_128: true # privacy_password: "0x5632724fb8ac3699296af26281e1d0f1" # group: network-operator # user: snmp_user_2 # # use_acls: # - user: snmp_user_1 # ipv4: acl1 # ipv6: acl2 # - user: snmp_user_2 # ipv4: acl3 # ipv6: acl4 # """ RETURN = """ before: description: The configuration prior to the module execution. returned: when I(state) is C(merged), C(replaced), C(overridden), C(deleted) or C(purged) type: dict sample: > This output will always be in the same format as the module argspec. after: description: The resulting configuration after module execution. returned: when changed type: dict sample: > This output will always be in the same format as the module argspec. commands: description: The set of commands pushed to the remote device. returned: when I(state) is C(merged), C(replaced), C(overridden), C(deleted) or C(purged) type: list sample: - sample command 1 - sample command 2 - sample command 3 rendered: description: The provided configuration in the task rendered in device-native format (offline). returned: when I(state) is C(rendered) type: list sample: - sample command 1 - sample command 2 - sample command 3 gathered: description: Facts about the network resource gathered from the remote device as structured data. returned: when I(state) is C(gathered) type: list sample: > This output will always be in the same format as the module argspec. parsed: description: The device native config provided in I(running_config) option parsed into structured data as per module argspec. returned: when I(state) is C(parsed) type: list sample: > This output will always be in the same format as the module argspec. """ from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.cisco.nxos.plugins.module_utils.network.nxos.argspec.snmp_server.snmp_server import ( Snmp_serverArgs, ) from ansible_collections.cisco.nxos.plugins.module_utils.network.nxos.config.snmp_server.snmp_server import ( Snmp_server, ) def main(): """ Main entry point for module execution :returns: the result form module invocation """ module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=Snmp_serverArgs.argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[["config", "running_config"]], required_if=[ ["state", "merged", ["config"]], ["state", "replaced", ["config"]], ["state", "overridden", ["config"]], ["state", "rendered", ["config"]], ["state", "parsed", ["running_config"]], ], supports_check_mode=True, ) result = Snmp_server(module).execute_module() module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()