#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2014, Michael J. Schultz # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) DOCUMENTATION = r""" module: sns short_description: Send Amazon Simple Notification Service messages version_added: 1.0.0 description: - Sends a notification to a topic on your Amazon SNS account. author: - Michael J. Schultz (@mjschultz) - Paul Arthur (@flowerysong) options: msg: description: - Default message for subscriptions without a more specific message. required: true aliases: [ "default" ] type: str subject: description: - Message subject type: str topic: description: - The name or ARN of the topic to publish to. required: true type: str email: description: - Message to send to email subscriptions. type: str email_json: description: - Message to send to email-json subscriptions. type: str sqs: description: - Message to send to SQS subscriptions. type: str sms: description: - Message to send to SMS subscriptions. type: str http: description: - Message to send to HTTP subscriptions. type: str https: description: - Message to send to HTTPS subscriptions. type: str application: description: - Message to send to application subscriptions. type: str lambda: description: - Message to send to Lambda subscriptions. type: str message_attributes: description: - Dictionary of message attributes. These are optional structured data entries to be sent along to the endpoint. - This is in AWS's distinct Name/Type/Value format; see example below. type: dict message_structure: description: - The payload format to use for the message. - This must be C(json) to support protocol-specific messages (C(http), C(https), C(email), C(sms), C(sqs)). - It must be C(string) to support I(message_attributes). default: json choices: ['json', 'string'] type: str message_group_id: description: - A tag which is used to process messages that belong to the same group in a FIFO manner. - Has to be included when publishing a message to a fifo topic. - Can contain up to 128 alphanumeric characters and punctuation. type: str version_added: 5.4.0 message_deduplication_id: description: - Only in connection with the message_group_id. - Overwrites the auto generated MessageDeduplicationId. - Can contain up to 128 alphanumeric characters and punctuation. - Messages with the same deduplication id getting recognized as the same message. - Gets overwritten by an auto generated token, if the topic has ContentBasedDeduplication set. type: str version_added: 5.4.0 extends_documentation_fragment: - amazon.aws.region.modules - amazon.aws.common.modules - amazon.aws.boto3 """ EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Send default notification message via SNS community.aws.sns: msg: '{{ inventory_hostname }} has completed the play.' subject: Deploy complete! topic: deploy delegate_to: localhost - name: Send notification messages via SNS with short message for SMS community.aws.sns: msg: '{{ inventory_hostname }} has completed the play.' sms: deployed! subject: Deploy complete! topic: deploy delegate_to: localhost - name: Send message with message_attributes community.aws.sns: topic: "deploy" msg: "message with extra details!" message_attributes: channel: data_type: String string_value: "mychannel" color: data_type: String string_value: "green" delegate_to: localhost - name: Send message to a fifo topic community.aws.sns: topic: "deploy" msg: "Message with message group id" subject: Deploy complete! message_group_id: "deploy-1" delegate_to: localhost """ RETURN = r""" msg: description: Human-readable diagnostic information returned: always type: str sample: OK message_id: description: The message ID of the submitted message returned: when success type: str sample: 2f681ef0-6d76-5c94-99b2-4ae3996ce57b sequence_number: description: A 128 bits long sequence number which gets assigned to the message in fifo topics returned: when success type: str """ import json try: from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError from botocore.exceptions import ClientError except ImportError: pass # Handled by AnsibleAWSModule from ansible_collections.community.aws.plugins.module_utils.modules import AnsibleCommunityAWSModule as AnsibleAWSModule from ansible_collections.community.aws.plugins.module_utils.sns import topic_arn_lookup def main(): protocols = [ "http", "https", "email", "email_json", "sms", "sqs", "application", "lambda", ] argument_spec = dict( msg=dict(required=True, aliases=["default"]), subject=dict(), topic=dict(required=True), message_attributes=dict(type="dict"), message_structure=dict(choices=["json", "string"], default="json"), message_group_id=dict(), message_deduplication_id=dict(), ) for p in protocols: argument_spec[p] = dict() module = AnsibleAWSModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) sns_kwargs = dict( Message=module.params["msg"], Subject=module.params["subject"], MessageStructure=module.params["message_structure"], ) if module.params["message_attributes"]: if module.params["message_structure"] != "string": module.fail_json(msg='message_attributes is only supported when the message_structure is "string".') sns_kwargs["MessageAttributes"] = module.params["message_attributes"] if module.params["message_group_id"]: sns_kwargs["MessageGroupId"] = module.params["message_group_id"] if module.params["message_deduplication_id"]: sns_kwargs["MessageDeduplicationId"] = module.params["message_deduplication_id"] dict_msg = {"default": sns_kwargs["Message"]} for p in protocols: if module.params[p]: if sns_kwargs["MessageStructure"] != "json": module.fail_json(msg='Protocol-specific messages are only supported when message_structure is "json".') dict_msg[p.replace("_", "-")] = module.params[p] client = module.client("sns") topic = module.params["topic"] if ":" in topic: # Short names can't contain ':' so we'll assume this is the full ARN sns_kwargs["TopicArn"] = topic else: sns_kwargs["TopicArn"] = topic_arn_lookup(client, module, topic) if not sns_kwargs["TopicArn"]: module.fail_json(msg=f"Could not find topic: {topic}") if sns_kwargs["MessageStructure"] == "json": sns_kwargs["Message"] = json.dumps(dict_msg) try: result = client.publish(**sns_kwargs) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Failed to publish message") sns_result = dict(msg="OK", message_id=result["MessageId"]) if module.params["message_group_id"]: sns_result["sequence_number"] = result["SequenceNumber"] module.exit_json(**sns_result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()