#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2019 Piotr Wojciechowski # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: docker_host_info short_description: Retrieves facts about docker host and lists of objects of the services. description: - Retrieves facts about a docker host. - Essentially returns the output of C(docker system info). - The module also allows to list object names for containers, images, networks and volumes. It also allows to query information on disk usage. - The output differs depending on API version of the docker daemon. - If the docker daemon cannot be contacted or does not meet the API version requirements, the module will fail. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.docker.docker.api_documentation - community.docker.attributes - community.docker.attributes.actiongroup_docker attributes: check_mode: support: full details: - This action does not modify state. diff_mode: support: N/A details: - This action does not modify state. options: containers: description: - Whether to list containers. type: bool default: false containers_all: description: - By default, only running containers are returned. - This corresponds to the C(--all) option to C(docker container list). type: bool default: false version_added: 3.4.0 containers_filters: description: - A dictionary of filter values used for selecting containers to list. - "For example, C(until: 24h)." - C(label) is a special case of filter which can be a string C() matching when a label is present, a string C(=) matching when a label has a particular value, or a list of strings C()/C(=) matching when a label is present, a string C(=) matching when a label has a particular value, or a list of strings C()/C(=) matching when a label is present, a string C(=) matching when a label has a particular value, or a list of strings C()/C(=) matching when a label is present, a string C(=) matching when a label has a particular value, or a list of strings C()/C(== 1.25" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Get info on docker host community.docker.docker_host_info: register: result - name: Get info on docker host and list images community.docker.docker_host_info: images: true register: result - name: Get info on docker host and list images matching the filter community.docker.docker_host_info: images: true images_filters: label: "mylabel" register: result - name: Get info on docker host and verbose list images community.docker.docker_host_info: images: true verbose_output: true register: result - name: Get info on docker host and used disk space community.docker.docker_host_info: disk_usage: true register: result - name: Get info on docker host and list containers matching the filter community.docker.docker_host_info: containers: true containers_filters: label: - key1=value1 - key2=value2 register: result - name: Show host information ansible.builtin.debug: var: result.host_info ''' RETURN = ''' can_talk_to_docker: description: - Will be V(true) if the module can talk to the docker daemon. returned: both on success and on error type: bool host_info: description: - Facts representing the basic state of the docker host. Matches the C(docker system info) output. returned: always type: dict volumes: description: - List of dict objects containing the basic information about each volume. Keys matches the C(docker volume ls) output unless O(verbose_output=true). See description for O(verbose_output). returned: When O(volumes=true) type: list elements: dict networks: description: - List of dict objects containing the basic information about each network. Keys matches the C(docker network ls) output unless O(verbose_output=true). See description for O(verbose_output). returned: When O(networks=true) type: list elements: dict containers: description: - List of dict objects containing the basic information about each container. Keys matches the C(docker container ls) output unless O(verbose_output=true). See description for O(verbose_output). returned: When O(containers=true) type: list elements: dict images: description: - List of dict objects containing the basic information about each image. Keys matches the C(docker image ls) output unless O(verbose_output=true). See description for O(verbose_output). returned: When O(images=true) type: list elements: dict disk_usage: description: - Information on summary disk usage by images, containers and volumes on docker host unless O(verbose_output=true). See description for O(verbose_output). returned: When O(disk_usage=true) type: dict ''' import traceback from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils.common_api import ( AnsibleDockerClient, RequestException, ) from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils.util import ( DockerBaseClass, clean_dict_booleans_for_docker_api, ) from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils._api.errors import DockerException, APIError from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils._api.utils.utils import convert_filters class DockerHostManager(DockerBaseClass): def __init__(self, client, results): super(DockerHostManager, self).__init__() self.client = client self.results = results self.verbose_output = self.client.module.params['verbose_output'] listed_objects = ['volumes', 'networks', 'containers', 'images'] self.results['host_info'] = self.get_docker_host_info() if self.client.module.params['disk_usage']: self.results['disk_usage'] = self.get_docker_disk_usage_facts() for docker_object in listed_objects: if self.client.module.params[docker_object]: returned_name = docker_object filter_name = docker_object + "_filters" filters = clean_dict_booleans_for_docker_api(client.module.params.get(filter_name), True) self.results[returned_name] = self.get_docker_items_list(docker_object, filters) def get_docker_host_info(self): try: return self.client.info() except APIError as exc: self.client.fail("Error inspecting docker host: %s" % to_native(exc)) def get_docker_disk_usage_facts(self): try: if self.verbose_output: return self.client.df() else: return dict(LayersSize=self.client.df()['LayersSize']) except APIError as exc: self.client.fail("Error inspecting docker host: %s" % to_native(exc)) def get_docker_items_list(self, docker_object=None, filters=None, verbose=False): items = None items_list = [] header_containers = ['Id', 'Image', 'Command', 'Created', 'Status', 'Ports', 'Names'] header_volumes = ['Driver', 'Name'] header_images = ['Id', 'RepoTags', 'Created', 'Size'] header_networks = ['Id', 'Driver', 'Name', 'Scope'] filter_arg = dict() if filters: filter_arg['filters'] = filters try: if docker_object == 'containers': params = { 'limit': -1, 'all': 1 if self.client.module.params['containers_all'] else 0, 'size': 0, 'trunc_cmd': 0, 'filters': convert_filters(filters) if filters else None, } items = self.client.get_json("/containers/json", params=params) elif docker_object == 'networks': params = { 'filters': convert_filters(filters or {}) } items = self.client.get_json("/networks", params=params) elif docker_object == 'images': params = { 'only_ids': 0, 'all': 0, 'filters': convert_filters(filters) if filters else None, } items = self.client.get_json("/images/json", params=params) elif docker_object == 'volumes': params = { 'filters': convert_filters(filters) if filters else None, } items = self.client.get_json('/volumes', params=params) items = items['Volumes'] except APIError as exc: self.client.fail("Error inspecting docker host for object '%s': %s" % (docker_object, to_native(exc))) if self.verbose_output: return items for item in items: item_record = dict() if docker_object == 'containers': for key in header_containers: item_record[key] = item.get(key) elif docker_object == 'networks': for key in header_networks: item_record[key] = item.get(key) elif docker_object == 'images': for key in header_images: item_record[key] = item.get(key) elif docker_object == 'volumes': for key in header_volumes: item_record[key] = item.get(key) items_list.append(item_record) return items_list def main(): argument_spec = dict( containers=dict(type='bool', default=False), containers_all=dict(type='bool', default=False), containers_filters=dict(type='dict'), images=dict(type='bool', default=False), images_filters=dict(type='dict'), networks=dict(type='bool', default=False), networks_filters=dict(type='dict'), volumes=dict(type='bool', default=False), volumes_filters=dict(type='dict'), disk_usage=dict(type='bool', default=False), verbose_output=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) client = AnsibleDockerClient( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, fail_results=dict( can_talk_to_docker=False, ), ) client.fail_results['can_talk_to_docker'] = True try: results = dict( changed=False, ) DockerHostManager(client, results) client.module.exit_json(**results) except DockerException as e: client.fail('An unexpected Docker error occurred: {0}'.format(to_native(e)), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except RequestException as e: client.fail( 'An unexpected requests error occurred when trying to talk to the Docker daemon: {0}'.format(to_native(e)), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()