#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Olaf Kilian # Chris Houseknecht, # James Tanner, # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: docker_login short_description: Log into a Docker registry. description: - Provides functionality similar to the C(docker login) command. - Authenticate with a docker registry and add the credentials to your local Docker config file respectively the credentials store associated to the registry. Adding the credentials to the config files resp. the credential store allows future connections to the registry using tools such as Ansible's Docker modules, the Docker CLI and Docker SDK for Python without needing to provide credentials. - Running in check mode will perform the authentication without updating the config file. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.docker.docker.api_documentation - community.docker.attributes - community.docker.attributes.actiongroup_docker attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: registry_url: description: - The registry URL. type: str default: "https://index.docker.io/v1/" aliases: - registry - url username: description: - The username for the registry account. - Required when O(state=present). type: str password: description: - The plaintext password for the registry account. - Required when O(state=present). type: str reauthorize: description: - Refresh existing authentication found in the configuration file. type: bool default: false aliases: - reauth config_path: description: - Custom path to the Docker CLI configuration file. type: path default: ~/.docker/config.json aliases: - dockercfg_path state: description: - This controls the current state of the user. V(present) will login in a user, V(absent) will log them out. - To logout you only need the registry server, which defaults to DockerHub. - Before 2.1 you could ONLY log in. - Docker does not support 'logout' with a custom config file. type: str default: 'present' choices: ['present', 'absent'] requirements: - "Docker API >= 1.25" author: - Olaf Kilian (@olsaki) - Chris Houseknecht (@chouseknecht) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Log into DockerHub community.docker.docker_login: username: docker password: rekcod - name: Log into private registry and force re-authorization community.docker.docker_login: registry_url: your.private.registry.io username: yourself password: secrets3 reauthorize: true - name: Log into DockerHub using a custom config file community.docker.docker_login: username: docker password: rekcod config_path: /tmp/.mydockercfg - name: Log out of DockerHub community.docker.docker_login: state: absent ''' RETURN = ''' login_results: description: Results from the login. returned: when O(state=present) type: dict sample: { "serveraddress": "localhost:5000", "username": "testuser" } ''' import base64 import json import os import traceback from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes, to_text, to_native from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils.common_api import ( AnsibleDockerClient, RequestException, ) from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils.util import ( DEFAULT_DOCKER_REGISTRY, DockerBaseClass, ) from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils._api import auth from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils._api.auth import decode_auth from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils._api.credentials.errors import CredentialsNotFound from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils._api.credentials.store import Store from ansible_collections.community.docker.plugins.module_utils._api.errors import DockerException class DockerFileStore(object): ''' A custom credential store class that implements only the functionality we need to update the docker config file when no credential helpers is provided. ''' program = "" def __init__(self, config_path): self._config_path = config_path # Make sure we have a minimal config if none is available. self._config = dict( auths=dict() ) try: # Attempt to read the existing config. with open(self._config_path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) except (ValueError, IOError): # No config found or an invalid config found so we'll ignore it. config = dict() # Update our internal config with what ever was loaded. self._config.update(config) @property def config_path(self): ''' Return the config path configured in this DockerFileStore instance. ''' return self._config_path def get(self, server): ''' Retrieve credentials for `server` if there are any in the config file. Otherwise raise a `StoreError` ''' server_creds = self._config['auths'].get(server) if not server_creds: raise CredentialsNotFound('No matching credentials') (username, password) = decode_auth(server_creds['auth']) return dict( Username=username, Secret=password ) def _write(self): ''' Write config back out to disk. ''' # Make sure directory exists dir = os.path.dirname(self._config_path) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) # Write config; make sure it has permissions 0x600 content = json.dumps(self._config, indent=4, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8') f = os.open(self._config_path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC, 0o600) try: os.write(f, content) finally: os.close(f) def store(self, server, username, password): ''' Add a credentials for `server` to the current configuration. ''' b64auth = base64.b64encode( to_bytes(username) + b':' + to_bytes(password) ) auth = to_text(b64auth) # build up the auth structure if 'auths' not in self._config: self._config['auths'] = dict() self._config['auths'][server] = dict( auth=auth ) self._write() def erase(self, server): ''' Remove credentials for the given server from the configuration. ''' if 'auths' in self._config and server in self._config['auths']: self._config['auths'].pop(server) self._write() class LoginManager(DockerBaseClass): def __init__(self, client, results): super(LoginManager, self).__init__() self.client = client self.results = results parameters = self.client.module.params self.check_mode = self.client.check_mode self.registry_url = parameters.get('registry_url') self.username = parameters.get('username') self.password = parameters.get('password') self.reauthorize = parameters.get('reauthorize') self.config_path = parameters.get('config_path') self.state = parameters.get('state') def run(self): ''' Do the actual work of this task here. This allows instantiation for partial testing. ''' if self.state == 'present': self.login() else: self.logout() def fail(self, msg): self.client.fail(msg) def _login(self, reauth): if self.config_path and os.path.exists(self.config_path): self.client._auth_configs = auth.load_config( self.config_path, credstore_env=self.client.credstore_env ) elif not self.client._auth_configs or self.client._auth_configs.is_empty: self.client._auth_configs = auth.load_config( credstore_env=self.client.credstore_env ) authcfg = self.client._auth_configs.resolve_authconfig(self.registry_url) # If we found an existing auth config for this registry and username # combination, we can return it immediately unless reauth is requested. if authcfg and authcfg.get('username', None) == self.username \ and not reauth: return authcfg req_data = { 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'email': None, 'serveraddress': self.registry_url, } response = self.client._post_json(self.client._url('/auth'), data=req_data) if response.status_code == 200: self.client._auth_configs.add_auth(self.registry_url or auth.INDEX_NAME, req_data) return self.client._result(response, json=True) def login(self): ''' Log into the registry with provided username/password. On success update the config file with the new authorization. :return: None ''' self.results['actions'].append("Logged into %s" % (self.registry_url)) self.log("Log into %s with username %s" % (self.registry_url, self.username)) try: response = self._login(self.reauthorize) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Logging into %s for user %s failed - %s" % (self.registry_url, self.username, to_native(exc))) # If user is already logged in, then response contains password for user if 'password' in response: # This returns correct password if user is logged in and wrong password is given. # So if it returns another password as we passed, and the user didn't request to # reauthorize, still do it. if not self.reauthorize and response['password'] != self.password: try: response = self._login(True) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Logging into %s for user %s failed - %s" % (self.registry_url, self.username, to_native(exc))) response.pop('password', None) self.results['login_result'] = response self.update_credentials() def logout(self): ''' Log out of the registry. On success update the config file. :return: None ''' # Get the configuration store. store = self.get_credential_store_instance(self.registry_url, self.config_path) try: store.get(self.registry_url) except CredentialsNotFound: # get raises an exception on not found. self.log("Credentials for %s not present, doing nothing." % (self.registry_url)) self.results['changed'] = False return if not self.check_mode: store.erase(self.registry_url) self.results['changed'] = True def update_credentials(self): ''' If the authorization is not stored attempt to store authorization values via the appropriate credential helper or to the config file. :return: None ''' # Check to see if credentials already exist. store = self.get_credential_store_instance(self.registry_url, self.config_path) try: current = store.get(self.registry_url) except CredentialsNotFound: # get raises an exception on not found. current = dict( Username='', Secret='' ) if current['Username'] != self.username or current['Secret'] != self.password or self.reauthorize: if not self.check_mode: store.store(self.registry_url, self.username, self.password) self.log("Writing credentials to configured helper %s for %s" % (store.program, self.registry_url)) self.results['actions'].append("Wrote credentials to configured helper %s for %s" % ( store.program, self.registry_url)) self.results['changed'] = True def get_credential_store_instance(self, registry, dockercfg_path): ''' Return an instance of docker.credentials.Store used by the given registry. :return: A Store or None :rtype: Union[docker.credentials.Store, NoneType] ''' credstore_env = self.client.credstore_env config = auth.load_config(config_path=dockercfg_path) store_name = auth.get_credential_store(config, registry) # Make sure that there is a credential helper before trying to instantiate a # Store object. if store_name: self.log("Found credential store %s" % store_name) return Store(store_name, environment=credstore_env) return DockerFileStore(dockercfg_path) def main(): argument_spec = dict( registry_url=dict(type='str', default=DEFAULT_DOCKER_REGISTRY, aliases=['registry', 'url']), username=dict(type='str'), password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), reauthorize=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['reauth']), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), config_path=dict(type='path', default='~/.docker/config.json', aliases=['dockercfg_path']), ) required_if = [ ('state', 'present', ['username', 'password']), ] client = AnsibleDockerClient( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_if=required_if, ) try: results = dict( changed=False, actions=[], login_result={} ) manager = LoginManager(client, results) manager.run() if 'actions' in results: del results['actions'] client.module.exit_json(**results) except DockerException as e: client.fail('An unexpected Docker error occurred: {0}'.format(to_native(e)), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except RequestException as e: client.fail( 'An unexpected requests error occurred when trying to talk to the Docker daemon: {0}'.format(to_native(e)), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()