--- - name: Verify inventory and connection plugins # This group is created by the openshift_inventory plugin # It is automatically configured to use the `oc` connection plugin hosts: namespace_testing_pods gather_facts: no vars: file_content: | Hello world tasks: - name: End play if host not running (TODO should we not add these to the inventory?) meta: end_host when: pod_phase != "Running" - setup: - debug: var=ansible_facts - name: Assert the TEST environment variable was retrieved assert: that: ansible_facts.env.TEST == 'test' - name: Copy a file into the host copy: content: '{{ file_content }}' dest: /tmp/test_file - name: Retrieve the file from the host slurp: src: /tmp/test_file register: slurped_file - name: Assert the file content matches expectations assert: that: (slurped_file.content|b64decode) == file_content - name: Verify hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: no vars: ansible_python_interpreter: '{{ virtualenv_interpreter }}' tasks: - pip: name: kubernetes-validate==1.12.0 virtualenv: "{{ virtualenv }}" virtualenv_command: "{{ virtualenv_command }}" virtualenv_site_packages: no - import_tasks: tasks/validate_installed.yml - pip: name: kubernetes-validate state: absent virtualenv: "{{ virtualenv }}" virtualenv_command: "{{ virtualenv_command }}" virtualenv_site_packages: no - import_tasks: tasks/validate_not_installed.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_auth.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_adm_prune_auth_clusterroles.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_adm_prune_auth_roles.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_adm_prune_deployments.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_builds.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_route.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_import_images.yml - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_prune_images.yml - block: - name: Create namespace community.okd.k8s: api_version: v1 kind: Namespace name: process-test - import_tasks: tasks/openshift_process.yml vars: files_dir: '{{ playbook_dir }}/files' always: - name: Delete namespace community.okd.k8s: api_version: v1 kind: Namespace name: process-test state: absent roles: - role: openshift_adm_groups