#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This module is also sponsored by E.T.A.I. (www.etai.fr) # Copyright (C) 2018 James E. King III (@jeking3) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: vmware_guest_info short_description: Gather info about a single VM description: - Gather information about a single VM on a VMware ESX cluster. author: - Loic Blot (@nerzhul) options: name: description: - Name of the VM to work with - This is required if O(uuid) or O(moid) is not supplied. type: str name_match: description: - If multiple VMs matching the name, use the first or last found default: 'first' choices: ['first', 'last'] type: str uuid: description: - UUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. - This is required if O(name) or O(moid) is not supplied. type: str use_instance_uuid: description: - Whether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. default: false type: bool moid: description: - Managed Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. - This is required if O(name) or O(uuid) is not supplied. type: str folder: description: - Destination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. - This is required if O(name) is supplied. - The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter - 'Examples:' - ' folder: /ha-datacenter/vm' - ' folder: ha-datacenter/vm' - ' folder: /datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1' - ' folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1' - ' folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2' type: str datacenter: description: - Destination datacenter for the deploy operation required: true type: str tags: description: - Whether to show tags or not. - If set V(true), shows tags information. Returns a list of tag names. - If set V(false), hides tags information. - vSphere Automation SDK is required. default: false type: bool tag_details: description: - If set V(true), detail information about tags returned. - Without this flag, O(tags=true) returns a list of tag names. - With this flag, O(tags=true) returns a list of dict about tag information with additional details like category name, category id, and tag id. - This parameter is added to maintain backward compatability. default: false type: bool schema: description: - Specify the output schema desired. - The V(summary) output schema is the legacy output from the module - The V(vsphere) output schema is the vSphere API class definition choices: ['summary', 'vsphere'] default: 'summary' type: str properties: description: - Specify the properties to retrieve. - If not specified, all properties are retrieved (deeply). - Results are returned in a structure identical to the vsphere API. - 'Example:' - ' properties: [' - ' "config.hardware.memoryMB",' - ' "config.hardware.numCPU",' - ' "guest.disk",' - ' "overallStatus"' - ' ]' - Only valid when O(schema=vsphere). type: list elements: str required: false extends_documentation_fragment: - community.vmware.vmware.documentation ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Gather info from standalone ESXi server having datacenter as 'ha-datacenter' community.vmware.vmware_guest_info: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" datacenter: ha-datacenter uuid: 421e4592-c069-924d-ce20-7e7533fab926 delegate_to: localhost register: info - name: Gather some info from a guest using the vSphere API output schema community.vmware.vmware_guest_info: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" schema: "vsphere" properties: ["config.hardware.memoryMB", "guest.disk", "overallStatus"] delegate_to: localhost register: info - name: Gather some information about a guest using MoID community.vmware.vmware_guest_info: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}" moid: vm-42 schema: "vsphere" properties: ["config.hardware.memoryMB", "guest.disk", "overallStatus"] delegate_to: localhost register: vm_moid_info - name: Gather Managed object ID (moid) from a guest using the vSphere API output schema for REST Calls community.vmware.vmware_guest_info: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" schema: "vsphere" properties: - _moId delegate_to: localhost register: moid_info - name: Gather detailed information about tags and category associated with the given VM community.vmware.vmware_guest_info: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}" name: "{{ vm_name }}" tags: true tag_details: true register: detailed_tag_info ''' RETURN = r''' instance: description: metadata about the virtual machine returned: always type: dict sample: { "advanced_settings": {}, "annotation": "", "current_snapshot": null, "customvalues": {}, "guest_consolidation_needed": false, "guest_question": null, "guest_tools_status": "guestToolsNotRunning", "guest_tools_version": "10247", "hw_cores_per_socket": 1, "hw_datastores": [ "ds_226_3" ], "hw_esxi_host": "", "hw_eth0": { "addresstype": "assigned", "ipaddresses": null, "label": "Network adapter 1", "macaddress": "00:50:56:87:a5:9a", "macaddress_dash": "00-50-56-87-a5-9a", "portgroup_key": null, "portgroup_portkey": null, "summary": "VM Network" }, "hw_files": [ "[ds_226_3] ubuntu_t/ubuntu_t.vmx", "[ds_226_3] ubuntu_t/ubuntu_t.nvram", "[ds_226_3] ubuntu_t/ubuntu_t.vmsd", "[ds_226_3] ubuntu_t/vmware.log", "[ds_226_3] u0001/u0001.vmdk" ], "hw_folder": "/DC0/vm/Discovered virtual machine", "hw_guest_full_name": null, "hw_guest_ha_state": null, "hw_guest_id": null, "hw_interfaces": [ "eth0" ], "hw_is_template": false, "hw_memtotal_mb": 1024, "hw_name": "ubuntu_t", "hw_power_status": "poweredOff", "hw_processor_count": 1, "hw_product_uuid": "4207072c-edd8-3bd5-64dc-903fd3a0db04", "hw_version": "vmx-13", "instance_uuid": "5007769d-add3-1e12-f1fe-225ae2a07caf", "ipv4": null, "ipv6": null, "module_hw": true, "snapshots": [], "tags": [ "backup" ], "vnc": {}, "moid": "vm-42", "vimref": "vim.VirtualMachine:vm-42" } ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text from ansible_collections.community.vmware.plugins.module_utils.vmware import PyVmomi, vmware_argument_spec from ansible_collections.community.vmware.plugins.module_utils.vmware_rest_client import VmwareRestClient try: from com.vmware.vapi.std_client import DynamicID # noqa: F401 HAS_VSPHERE = True except ImportError: HAS_VSPHERE = False class VmwareTag(VmwareRestClient): def __init__(self, module): super(VmwareTag, self).__init__(module) self.tag_service = self.api_client.tagging.Tag self.tag_association_svc = self.api_client.tagging.TagAssociation def main(): argument_spec = vmware_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( name=dict(type='str'), name_match=dict(type='str', choices=['first', 'last'], default='first'), uuid=dict(type='str'), use_instance_uuid=dict(type='bool', default=False), moid=dict(type='str'), folder=dict(type='str'), datacenter=dict(type='str', required=True), tags=dict(type='bool', default=False), schema=dict(type='str', choices=['summary', 'vsphere'], default='summary'), properties=dict(type='list', elements='str'), tag_details=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, required_one_of=[['name', 'uuid', 'moid']], supports_check_mode=True) if module.params.get('folder'): # FindByInventoryPath() does not require an absolute path # so we should leave the input folder path unmodified module.params['folder'] = module.params['folder'].rstrip('/') if module.params['schema'] != 'vsphere' and module.params.get('properties'): module.fail_json(msg="The option 'properties' is only valid when the schema is 'vsphere'") pyv = PyVmomi(module) # Check if the VM exists before continuing vm = pyv.get_vm() # VM already exists if vm: try: if module.params['schema'] == 'summary': instance = pyv.gather_facts(vm) else: instance = pyv.to_json(vm, module.params['properties']) if module.params.get('tags'): if not HAS_VSPHERE: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to find 'vCloud Suite SDK' Python library which is required." " Please refer this URL for installation steps" " - https://code.vmware.com/web/sdk/vsphere-automation-python") vm_rest_client = VmwareTag(module) tags = [] if module.params.get('tag_details'): tags = vm_rest_client.get_tags_for_vm(vm_mid=vm._moId) else: dynamic_obj = DynamicID(type='VirtualMachine', id=vm._moId) tags = vm_rest_client.get_vm_tags(vm_rest_client.tag_service, vm_rest_client.tag_association_svc, vm_mid=dynamic_obj) instance.update(tags=tags) module.exit_json(instance=instance) except Exception as exc: module.fail_json(msg="Information gathering failed with exception %s" % to_text(exc)) else: vm_id = (module.params.get('uuid') or module.params.get('name') or module.params.get('moid')) module.fail_json(msg="Unable to gather information for non-existing VM %s" % vm_id) if __name__ == '__main__': main()