#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2015, Joseph Callen # Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project # Copyright: (c) 2018, Fedor Vompe # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: vmware_vm_info short_description: Return basic info pertaining to a VMware machine guest description: - Return basic information pertaining to a vSphere or ESXi virtual machine guest. author: - Joseph Callen (@jcpowermac) - Abhijeet Kasurde (@Akasurde) - Fedor Vompe (@sumkincpp) options: vm_type: description: - If set to V(vm), then information are gathered for virtual machines only. - If set to V(template), then information are gathered for virtual machine templates only. - If set to V(all), then information are gathered for all virtual machines and virtual machine templates. required: false default: 'all' choices: [ all, vm, template ] type: str show_attribute: description: - Attributes related to VM guest shown in information only when this is set V(true). default: false type: bool folder: description: - Specify a folder location of VMs to gather information from. - 'Examples:' - ' folder: /ha-datacenter/vm' - ' folder: ha-datacenter/vm' - ' folder: /datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1' - ' folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1' - ' folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm' - ' folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2' type: str show_cluster: description: - Tags virtual machine's cluster is shown if set to V(true). version_added: '3.5.0' default: true type: bool show_datacenter: description: - Tags virtual machine's datacenter is shown if set to V(true). version_added: '3.5.0' default: true type: bool show_datastore: description: - Tags virtual machine's datastore is shown if set to V(true). version_added: '3.5.0' default: true type: bool show_esxi_hostname: description: - Tags virtual machine's ESXi host is shown if set to V(true). version_added: '3.5.0' default: true type: bool show_folder: description: - Show folders version_added: '3.7.0' default: true type: bool show_mac_address: description: - Tags virtual machine's mac address is shown if set to V(true). version_added: '3.5.0' default: true type: bool show_net: description: - Tags virtual machine's network is shown if set to V(true). version_added: '3.5.0' default: true type: bool show_resource_pool: description: - Tags virtual machine's resource pool is shown if set to V(true). version_added: '3.5.0' default: true type: bool show_tag: description: - Tags related to virtual machine are shown if set to V(true). default: false type: bool show_allocated: description: - Allocated storage in byte and memory in MB are shown if it set to True. default: false type: bool vm_name: description: - Name of the virtual machine to get related configurations information from. type: str extends_documentation_fragment: - community.vmware.vmware.documentation ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Gather all registered virtual machines community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' delegate_to: localhost register: vminfo - debug: var: vminfo.virtual_machines - name: Gather one specific VM community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' vm_name: 'vm_name_as_per_vcenter' delegate_to: localhost register: vm_info - debug: var: vminfo.virtual_machines - name: Gather only registered virtual machine templates community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' vm_type: template delegate_to: localhost register: template_info - debug: var: template_info.virtual_machines - name: Gather only registered virtual machines community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' vm_type: vm delegate_to: localhost register: vm_info - debug: var: vm_info.virtual_machines - name: Get UUID from given VM Name block: - name: Get virtual machine info community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' folder: "/datacenter/vm/folder" delegate_to: localhost register: vm_info - debug: msg: "{{ item.uuid }}" with_items: - "{{ vm_info.virtual_machines | community.general.json_query(query) }}" vars: query: "[?guest_name=='DC0_H0_VM0']" - name: Get Tags from given VM Name block: - name: Get virtual machine info community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' folder: "/datacenter/vm/folder" delegate_to: localhost register: vm_info - debug: msg: "{{ item.tags }}" with_items: - "{{ vm_info.virtual_machines | community.general.json_query(query) }}" vars: query: "[?guest_name=='DC0_H0_VM0']" - name: Gather all VMs from a specific folder community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' folder: "/Asia-Datacenter1/vm/prod" delegate_to: localhost register: vm_info - name: Get datastore_url from given VM name block: - name: Get virtual machine info community.vmware.vmware_vm_info: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' delegate_to: localhost register: vm_info - debug: msg: "{{ item.datastore_url }}" with_items: - "{{ vm_info.virtual_machines | community.general.json_query(query) }}" vars: query: "[?guest_name=='DC0_H0_VM0']" ''' RETURN = r''' virtual_machines: description: list of dictionary of virtual machines and their information returned: success type: list sample: [ { "guest_name": "ubuntu_t", "datacenter": "Datacenter-1", "cluster": null, "esxi_hostname": "", "folder": "/Datacenter-1/vm", "guest_fullname": "Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)", "ip_address": "", "mac_address": [ "00:50:56:87:a5:9a" ], "power_state": "poweredOff", "uuid": "4207072c-edd8-3bd5-64dc-903fd3a0db04", "vm_network": { "00:50:56:87:a5:9a": { "ipv4": [ "" ], "ipv6": [] } }, "attributes": { "job": "backup-prepare" }, "datastore_url": [ { "name": "t880-o2g", "url": "/vmfs/volumes/e074264a-e5c82a58" } ], "tags": [ { "category_id": "urn:vmomi:InventoryServiceCategory:b316cc45-f1a9-4277-811d-56c7e7975203:GLOBAL", "category_name": "cat_0001", "description": "", "id": "urn:vmomi:InventoryServiceTag:43737ec0-b832-4abf-abb1-fd2448ce3b26:GLOBAL", "name": "tag_0001" } ], "moid": "vm-24", "allocated": { "storage": 500000000, "cpu": 2, "memory": 16 }, } ] ''' try: from pyVmomi import vim except ImportError: pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.vmware.plugins.module_utils.vmware import PyVmomi, \ get_all_objs, vmware_argument_spec, _get_vm_prop, get_parent_datacenter, find_vm_by_name from ansible_collections.community.vmware.plugins.module_utils.vmware_rest_client import VmwareRestClient class VmwareVmInfo(PyVmomi): def __init__(self, module): super(VmwareVmInfo, self).__init__(module) if self.module.params.get('show_tag'): self.vmware_client = VmwareRestClient(self.module) def get_tag_info(self, vm_dynamic_obj): return self.vmware_client.get_tags_for_vm(vm_mid=vm_dynamic_obj._moId) def get_vm_attributes(self, vm): return dict((x.name, v.value) for x in self.custom_field_mgr for v in vm.customValue if x.key == v.key) # https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi-community-samples/blob/master/samples/getallvms.py def get_virtual_machines(self): """ Get one/all virtual machines and related configurations information. """ folder = self.params.get('folder') folder_obj = None if folder: folder_obj = self.content.searchIndex.FindByInventoryPath(folder) if not folder_obj: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find folder specified by %(folder)s" % self.params) vm_name = self.params.get('vm_name') if vm_name: virtual_machine = find_vm_by_name(self.content, vm_name=vm_name, folder=folder_obj) if not virtual_machine: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find virtual machine %s" % vm_name) else: virtual_machines = [virtual_machine] else: virtual_machines = get_all_objs(self.content, [vim.VirtualMachine], folder=folder_obj) _virtual_machines = [] for vm in virtual_machines: _ip_address = "" summary = vm.summary if summary.guest is not None: _ip_address = summary.guest.ipAddress if _ip_address is None: _ip_address = "" _mac_address = [] if self.module.params.get('show_mac_address'): all_devices = _get_vm_prop(vm, ('config', 'hardware', 'device')) if all_devices: for dev in all_devices: if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard): _mac_address.append(dev.macAddress) net_dict = {} if self.module.params.get('show_net'): vmnet = _get_vm_prop(vm, ('guest', 'net')) if vmnet: for device in vmnet: net_dict[device.macAddress] = dict() net_dict[device.macAddress]['ipv4'] = [] net_dict[device.macAddress]['ipv6'] = [] if device.ipConfig is not None: for ip_addr in device.ipConfig.ipAddress: if "::" in ip_addr.ipAddress: net_dict[device.macAddress]['ipv6'].append(ip_addr.ipAddress + "/" + str(ip_addr.prefixLength)) else: net_dict[device.macAddress]['ipv4'].append(ip_addr.ipAddress + "/" + str(ip_addr.prefixLength)) esxi_hostname = None esxi_parent = None if self.module.params.get('show_esxi_hostname') or self.module.params.get('show_cluster'): if summary.runtime.host: esxi_hostname = summary.runtime.host.summary.config.name esxi_parent = summary.runtime.host.parent cluster_name = None if self.module.params.get('show_cluster'): if esxi_parent and isinstance(esxi_parent, vim.ClusterComputeResource): cluster_name = summary.runtime.host.parent.name resource_pool = None if self.module.params.get('show_resource_pool'): if vm.resourcePool and vm.resourcePool != vm.resourcePool.owner.resourcePool: resource_pool = vm.resourcePool.name vm_attributes = dict() if self.module.params.get('show_attribute'): vm_attributes = self.get_vm_attributes(vm) vm_tags = list() if self.module.params.get('show_tag'): vm_tags = self.get_tag_info(vm) allocated = {} if self.module.params.get('show_allocated'): storage_allocated = 0 for device in vm.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk): storage_allocated += device.capacityInBytes allocated = { "storage": storage_allocated, "cpu": vm.config.hardware.numCPU, "memory": vm.config.hardware.memoryMB} vm_folder = None if self.module.params.get('show_folder'): vm_folder = PyVmomi.get_vm_path(content=self.content, vm_name=vm) datacenter = None if self.module.params.get('show_datacenter'): datacenter = get_parent_datacenter(vm) datastore_url = list() if self.module.params.get('show_datastore'): datastore_attributes = ('name', 'url') vm_datastore_urls = _get_vm_prop(vm, ('config', 'datastoreUrl')) if vm_datastore_urls: for entry in vm_datastore_urls: datastore_url.append({key: getattr(entry, key) for key in dir(entry) if key in datastore_attributes}) virtual_machine = { "guest_name": summary.config.name, "guest_fullname": summary.config.guestFullName, "power_state": summary.runtime.powerState, "ip_address": _ip_address, # Kept for backward compatibility "mac_address": _mac_address, # Kept for backward compatibility "uuid": summary.config.uuid, "instance_uuid": summary.config.instanceUuid, "vm_network": net_dict, "esxi_hostname": esxi_hostname, "datacenter": None if datacenter is None else datacenter.name, "cluster": cluster_name, "resource_pool": resource_pool, "attributes": vm_attributes, "tags": vm_tags, "folder": vm_folder, "moid": vm._moId, "datastore_url": datastore_url, "allocated": allocated } vm_type = self.module.params.get('vm_type') is_template = _get_vm_prop(vm, ('config', 'template')) if vm_type == 'vm' and not is_template: _virtual_machines.append(virtual_machine) elif vm_type == 'template' and is_template: _virtual_machines.append(virtual_machine) elif vm_type == 'all': _virtual_machines.append(virtual_machine) return _virtual_machines def main(): argument_spec = vmware_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( vm_type=dict(type='str', choices=['vm', 'all', 'template'], default='all'), show_attribute=dict(type='bool', default='no'), show_cluster=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_datacenter=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_datastore=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_folder=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_esxi_hostname=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_mac_address=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_net=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_resource_pool=dict(type='bool', default=True), show_tag=dict(type='bool', default=False), show_allocated=dict(type='bool', default=False), folder=dict(type='str'), vm_name=dict(type='str') ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) vmware_vm_info = VmwareVmInfo(module) _virtual_machines = vmware_vm_info.get_virtual_machines() module.exit_json(changed=False, virtual_machines=_virtual_machines) if __name__ == '__main__': main()