- hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Generate version block: - name: Get the next release version ansible.builtin.shell: git tag --sort=-creatordate --merged|head -n1|perl -pe 's/(\d+\.)(\d+)\.\d+/"$1" . ($2+1) . ".0"/e' register: result - name: Set the release version ansible.builtin.set_fact: version: "{{ result.stdout }}" when: version is not defined - name: Create release branch ansible.builtin.shell: git checkout -b "prepare_{{ version }}_release" - name: Update galaxy.yml ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../galaxy.yml" regexp: "^version: " line: "version: {{ version }}" - name: Update documentation import_tasks: create_documentation_tasks.yml - name: Refresh the changelog ansible.builtin.shell: 'tox -e antsibull-changelog -- release --verbose --version {{ version }}' - name: Clean up the changelog fragments ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../changelogs/fragments" state: absent - name: Add everything ansible.builtin.shell: git add --all # git diff-index --quiet HEAD # 0 -> repository is clean, nothing to commit # 1 -> the opposite - name: Commit everything ansible.builtin.shell: 'git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "prepare {{ version }} release"'