# Contributing to the Ansible Conjur Collection Thanks for your interest in Conjur. Before contributing, please take a moment to read and sign our Contributor Agreement. This provides patent protection for all Conjur users and allows CyberArk to enforce its license terms. Please email a signed copy to oss@cyberark.com. For general contribution and community guidelines, please see the [community repo](https://github.com/cyberark/community). - [Contributing to the Ansible Conjur Collection](#contributing-to-the-ansible-conjur-collection) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Set up a development environment](#set-up-a-development-environment) + [Verification](#verification) + [Useful links](#useful-links) * [Testing](#testing) + [Unit tests](#unit-tests) + [Integration tests](#integration-tests) * [Releasing](#releasing) - [Ansible Conjur Collection Quick Start](#ansible-conjur-collection-quick-start) * [Setup a conjur OSS Environment](#setup-a-conjur-oss-environment) * [Load policy to set up Conjur Ansible integration](#load-policy-to-set-up-conjur-ansible-integration) * [Create Ansible managed nodes](#create-ansible-managed-nodes) * [Use Conjur Ansible Role to set up identity on managed nodes](#use-conjur-ansible-role-to-set-up-identity-on-managed-nodes) * [Use Conjur Lookup Plugin to provide secrets to Ansible Playbooks](#use-conjur-lookup-plugin-to-provide-secrets-to-ansible-playbooks) Table of contents generated with markdown-toc ## Prerequisites Before getting started, the following tools need to be installed: 1. [Git][get-git] to manage source code 2. [Docker][get-docker] to manage dependencies and runtime environments 3. [Docker Compose][get-docker-compose] to orchestrate Docker environments [get-docker]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation [get-docker-compose]: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install [get-git]: https://git-scm.com/downloads ## Set up a development environment The `dev` directory contains a `docker-compose` file which creates a development environment : - A Conjur Open Source instance - An Ansible control node - Managed nodes to push tasks to To use it: 1. Install dependencies (as above) 1. To use the dev environment, clone the [Collection repository](https://github.com/cyberark/ansible-conjur-collection) and run the setup script: ```sh-session $ git clone https://github.com/cyberark/ansible-conjur-collection.git $ cd ansible-conjur-collection/dev $ ./start.sh ``` ### Verification When the Conjur and Ansible containers have been successfully setup, the terminal prints the following: ```sh-session ... PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* ansibleplugingtestingconjurhostidentity-test_app_centos-1 : ok=17 ... ansibleplugingtestingconjurhostidentity-test_app_centos-2 : ok=17 ... ansibleplugingtestingconjurhostidentity-test_app_ubuntu-1 : ok=16 ... ansibleplugingtestingconjurhostidentity-test_app_ubuntu-2 : ok=16 ... ``` Your Conjur instance will be configured with the following: * Account: `cucumber` * User: `admin` * Password: Run `conjurctl role retrieve-key cucumber:user:admin` inside the Conjur container shell to retrieve the admin user API key ### Useful links - [Official documentation for Conjur's Ansible integration](https://docs.conjur.org/Latest/en/Content/Integrations/ansible.html) - [Conjur Collection on Ansible Galaxy](https://galaxy.ansible.com/cyberark/conjur) - [Ansible documentation for the Conjur collection](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/cyberark/conjur/index.html) ## Testing ### Unit tests Unit tests are only available for the Conjur Variable Lookup plugin. To run these tests: ``` ./dev/test_unit.sh ``` ### Integration tests The collection has integration tests for both the Variable Lookup plugin and the Host Identity role that will validate each against live Conjur and Ansible containers. To run all tests: ``` ./ci/test.sh -a ``` To run the tests for a particular module: ``` ./ci/test.sh -d ``` Integration tests can be run against Conjur Enterprise by adding the `-e` flag: ``` ./ci/test/sh -e -a ``` ## Releasing From a clean instance of main, perform the following actions to release a new version of this plugin: - Update the version number in [`galaxy.yml`](galaxy.yml) and [`CHANGELOG.md`](CHANGELOG.md) - Verify that all changes for this version in `CHANGELOG.md` are clear and accurate, and are followed by a link to their respective issue - Create a PR with these changes - Create an annotated tag with the new version, formatted as `v##.##.##` - This will kick off an automated script which publish the release to [Ansible Galaxy](https://galaxy.ansible.com/cyberark/conjur) - Create the release on GitHub for that tag - Build the release package with `./ci/build_release` - Attach package to Github Release # Ansible Conjur Collection Quick Start ## Setup a conjur OSS Environment Generate the master key, which will be used to encrypt Conjur's database. Store this value as an environment variable. ```sh-session docker-compose run --no-deps --rm conjur data-key generate > data_key export CONJUR_DATA_KEY="$(< data_key)" ``` Start the Conjur OSS environment. An account, named `cucumber`, will be automatically created. ```sh-session docker-compose up -d conjur ``` Retrieve the admin user's API key, and store the value in an environment variable. ```sh-session export CLI_CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY="$(docker-compose exec conjur conjurctl role retrieve-key cucumber:user:admin)" ``` Start the Conjur CLI container. The CLI will be automatically authenticated as the user `cucumber:user:admin`. ```sh-session docker-compose up -d conjur_cli ``` ## Load policy to set up Conjur Ansible integration Policy defines Conjur entities and the relationships between them. An entity can be a policy, a host, a user, a layer, a group, or a variable. Check out the policy file, and load it into Conjur: ```sh-session docker-compose exec conjur_cli cat /policy/root.yml docker-compose exec conjur_cli conjur policy load root /policy/root.yml ``` Also, load a dummy secret value into the `ansible/target-password` variable. This is a variable required by remote nodes in order to complete their workloads. ```sh-session docker-compose exec conjur_cli conjur variable values add ansible/target-password S3cretV@lue ``` ## Create Ansible managed nodes The Ansible environment will include a control node and a number of managed nodes. First, retrieve the API key for the Conjur host representing the control node, then create it: ```sh-session export ANSIBLE_CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY="$(docker-compose exec conjur conjurctl role retrieve-key cucumber:host:ansible/ansible-master)" docker-compose up -d ansible ``` Next, create two instances of each managed node: ```sh-session docker-compose up -d --scale test_app_ubuntu=2 test_app_ubuntu docker-compose up -d --scale test_app_centos=2 test_app_centos ``` ## Use Conjur Ansible Role to set up identity on managed nodes To grant your Ansible host a Conjur identity, first install the Conjur Collection on your Ansible control node: ```sh-session docker-compose exec ansible ansible-galaxy collection install cyberark.conjur ``` Set up the host factory token in the HFTOKEN env var ```sh-session export HFTOKEN="$(docker-compose exec conjur_cli conjur hostfactory tokens create ansible/ansible-factory | jq -r '.[0].token')" ``` Once you've done this, you can configure each Ansible node with a Conjur identity by including a section like the example below in your Ansible playbook: ```yaml --- - hosts: testapp roles: - role: cyberark.conjur.conjur_host_identity conjur_appliance_url: 'https://conjur.myorg.com', conjur_account: 'cucumber', conjur_host_factory_token: "{{lookup('env', 'HFTOKEN')}}", conjur_host_name: "{{inventory_hostname}}" ``` First we register the host with Conjur, adding it into the layer specific to the provided host factory token, and then install Summon with the Summon Conjur provider for secret retrieval from Conjur. ## Use Conjur Lookup Plugin to provide secrets to Ansible Playbooks The Conjur lookup plugin can inject secret data directly into an Ansible playbook, like it the following example: ```yaml --- - hosts: testapp tasks: - name: Provide secret with Lookup plugin debug: msg: "{{ lookup('cyberark.conjur.conjur_variable', '/ansible/target-password') }}" ```