# CODEOWNERS # # documentation for this file can be found at: # https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-code-owners # These are the default owners for the code and will # be requested for review when someone opens a pull request. # order is alphabetical for easier maintenance. # # Anirudh Kumar (Anirudh_Kumar1@Dell.com) # Anooja Vardhineni (Anooja_Vardhineni@Dellteam.com) # Chris Clonch (cacack) # Deepak Joshi (deepakjoshishri) # Felix Stephen (felixs88) # Grant Curell (grantcurell) # Husniya Hameed (husniya-hameed) # Jagadeesh N V (jagadeeshnv) # Jaya Gupta (Jaya_Gupta@Dell.com) # Mario Lenz (mariolenz) # Rajeev Arakkal (rajeevarakkal) # Rajshekar P (rajshekarp87) # Sachin Apagundi (sachin-apa) # Sajna N Shetty (Sajna-Shetty) # Sachin Kumar (Sachin_Kumar12@Dell.com) # Vasanth Ds (Vasanth_Sathyanaraya@Dell.com) # for all files: * @sachin-apa @jagadeeshnv @felixs88