{ "collection_info": { "namespace": "dellemc", "name": "openmanage", "version": "9.3.0", "authors": [ "Jagadeesh N V ", "Felix Stephen ", "Sachin Apagundi ", "Husniya Hameed ", "Abhishek Sinha ", "Kritika Bhateja ", "Shivam Sharma ", "Rajshekar P ", "Jennifer John ", "Lovepreet Singh " ], "readme": "README.md", "tags": [ "dell", "dellemc", "openmanage", "infrastructure", "idrac", "ome", "openmanage_enterprise", "redfish", "redfish_api", "poweredge_servers", "automation", "devops" ], "description": "Dell OpenManage Ansible Modules allows data center and IT administrators to use RedHat Ansible to automate and orchestrate the configuration, deployment, and update of Dell PowerEdge Servers and modular infrastructure by leveraging the management automation capabilities in-built into the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC), OpenManage Enterprise and OpenManage Enterprise Modular.", "license": [], "license_file": "LICENSE", "dependencies": { "ansible.utils": ">=2.10.2", "ansible.windows": ">=1.14.0" }, "repository": "https://github.com/dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules/tree/collections", "documentation": "https://github.com/dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules/tree/collections/docs", "homepage": "https://github.com/dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules", "issues": "https://github.com/dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules/issues" }, "file_manifest_file": { "name": "FILES.json", "ftype": "file", "chksum_type": "sha256", "chksum_sha256": "361945caf4fa9f87213384a2b146bdabe0cdc1eb05f1c50843dd8f62f4911265", "format": 1 }, "format": 1 }