#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Dell OpenManage Ansible Modules # Version 9.3.0 # Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: idrac_virtual_media short_description: Configure the Remote File Share settings. version_added: "6.3.0" description: - This module allows to configure Remote File Share settings. extends_documentation_fragment: - dellemc.openmanage.idrac_x_auth_options options: virtual_media: required: true type: list elements: dict description: Details of the Remote File Share. suboptions: insert: required: true type: bool description: - C(true) connects the remote image file. - C(false) ejects the remote image file if connected. image: type: path description: - The path of the image file. The supported file types are .img and .iso. - The file name with .img extension is redirected as a virtual floppy and a file name with .iso extension is redirected as a virtual CDROM. - This option is required when I(insert) is C(true). - "The following are the examples of the share location: CIFS share: //, NFS share:, HTTP share:, HTTPS share:" - CIFS share is not supported by iDRAC8. - HTTPS share with credentials is not supported by iDRAC8. index: type: int description: - Index of the Remote File Share. For example, to specify the Remote File Share 1, the value of I(index) should be 1. If I(index) is not specified, the order of I(virtual_media) list will be considered. domain: type: str description: Domain name of network share. This option is applicable for CIFS and HTTPS share. username: type: str description: Network share username. This option is applicable for CIFS and HTTPS share. password: type: str description: - Network share password. This option is applicable for CIFS and HTTPS share. - This module always reports as the changes found when I(password) is provided. media_type: type: str description: Type of the image file. This is applicable when I(insert) is C(true). choices: [CD, DVD, USBStick] force: type: bool description: C(true) ejects the image file if already connected and inserts the file provided in I(image). This is applicable when I(insert) is C(true). default: false resource_id: type: str description: Resource id of the iDRAC, if not specified manager collection id will be used. requirements: - "python >= 3.9.6" author: - "Felix Stephen (@felixs88)" notes: - Run this module from a system that has direct access to Dell iDRAC. - This module supports C(check_mode). """ EXAMPLES = """ --- - name: Insert image file to Remote File Share 1 using CIFS share. dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: idrac_ip: "" idrac_user: "user_name" idrac_password: "user_password" ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem" virtual_media: - insert: true image: "//" username: "username" password: "password" - name: Insert image file to Remote File Share 2 using NFS share. dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: idrac_ip: "" idrac_user: "user_name" idrac_password: "user_password" ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem" virtual_media: - index: 2 insert: true image: "" - name: Insert image file to Remote File Share 1 and 2 using HTTP. dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: idrac_ip: "" idrac_user: "user_name" idrac_password: "user_password" ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem" force: true virtual_media: - index: 1 insert: true image: "" - index: 2 insert: true image: "" - name: Insert image file using HTTPS. dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: idrac_ip: "" idrac_user: "user_name" idrac_password: "user_password" ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem" force: true virtual_media: - index: 1 insert: true image: "" username: username password: password - name: Eject multiple virtual media. dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: idrac_ip: "" idrac_user: "user_name" idrac_password: "user_password" ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem" force: true virtual_media: - index: 1 insert: false - index: 2 insert: false - name: Ejection of image file from Remote File Share 1. dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: idrac_ip: "" idrac_user: "user_name" idrac_password: "user_password" ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem" force: true virtual_media: insert: false - name: Insertion and ejection of image file in single task. dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: idrac_ip: "" idrac_user: "user_name" idrac_password: "user_password" ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem" force: true virtual_media: - index: 1 insert: true image: username: username password: password - index: 2 insert: false """ RETURN = r''' --- msg: description: Successfully performed the virtual media operation. returned: success type: str sample: Successfully performed the virtual media operation. error_info: description: Details of the HTTP Error. returned: on HTTP error type: dict sample: { "error": { "code": "Base.1.0.GeneralError", "message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information.", "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "MessageId": "GEN1234", "RelatedProperties": [], "Message": "Unable to process the request because an error occurred.", "MessageArgs": [], "Severity": "Critical", "Resolution": "Retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact your system administrator." } ] } } ''' import json import copy import time from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError from ansible.module_utils.urls import ConnectionError, SSLValidationError from ansible_collections.dellemc.openmanage.plugins.module_utils.idrac_redfish import iDRACRedfishAPI, IdracAnsibleModule MANAGER_BASE = "/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/VirtualMedia" SYSTEM_BASE = "/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/VirtualMedia" EXCEEDED_ERROR = "Unable to complete the operation because the virtual media settings " \ "provided exceeded the maximum limit." NO_CHANGES_FOUND = "No changes found to be applied." CHANGES_FOUND = "Changes found to be applied." INVALID_INDEX = "Unable to compete the virtual media operation because the index provided is incorrect or invalid." FAIL_MSG = "Unable to complete the virtual media operation." SUCCESS_MSG = "Successfully performed the virtual media operation." UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE = "Unable to complete the virtual media operation because unsupported image " \ "provided. The supported file types are .img and .iso." UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA = "Unable to complete the virtual media operation because unsupported media type " \ "provided for index {0}" UNSUPPORTED_MSG = "The system does not support the CIFS network share feature." UNSUPPORTED_MSG_HTTPS = "The system does not support the HTTPS network share feature with credentials." def get_virtual_media_info(idrac): resp = idrac.invoke_request("/redfish/v1/", "GET") redfish_version = resp.json_data["RedfishVersion"] rd_version = redfish_version.replace(".", "") if 1131 <= int(rd_version): vr_id = "system" member_resp = idrac.invoke_request("{0}?$expand=*($levels=1)".format(SYSTEM_BASE), "GET") else: vr_id = "manager" member_resp = idrac.invoke_request("{0}?$expand=*($levels=1)".format(MANAGER_BASE), "GET") response = member_resp.json_data["Members"] return response, vr_id, rd_version def get_payload_data(each, vr_members, vr_id): is_change, unsup_media, input_vr_mem = False, None, {} vr_mem = vr_members[each["index"] - 1] if each["insert"]: exist_vr_mem = dict((k, vr_mem[k]) for k in ["Inserted", "Image", "UserName", "Password"] if vr_mem.get(k) is not None) input_vr_mem = {"Inserted": each["insert"], "Image": each["image"]} if each["image"].startswith("//") or each["image"].lower().startswith("https://"): username, password, domain = each.get("username"), each.get("password"), each.get("domain") if username is not None: if domain is not None: username = "{0}\\{1}".format(domain, username) input_vr_mem["UserName"] = username if password is not None: input_vr_mem["Password"] = password else: exist_vr_mem.pop("UserName", None) exist_vr_mem.pop("Password", None) inp_mt = each.get("media_type") if inp_mt is not None and inp_mt == "CD" and input_vr_mem["Image"][-4:].lower() != ".iso": unsup_media = each["index"] if inp_mt is not None and inp_mt == "DVD" and input_vr_mem["Image"][-4:].lower() != ".iso": unsup_media = each["index"] if inp_mt is not None and inp_mt == "USBStick" and input_vr_mem["Image"][-4:].lower() != ".img": unsup_media = each["index"] is_change = bool(set(exist_vr_mem.items()) ^ set(input_vr_mem.items())) else: if vr_id == "manager": for vr_v in vr_members: exist_vr_mem = dict((k, vr_v[k]) for k in ["Inserted"]) input_vr_mem = {"Inserted": each.get("insert")} is_change = bool(set(exist_vr_mem.items()) ^ set(input_vr_mem.items())) if is_change: vr_mem = vr_v break else: exist_vr_mem = dict((k, vr_mem[k]) for k in ["Inserted"]) input_vr_mem = {"Inserted": each.get("insert")} is_change = bool(set(exist_vr_mem.items()) ^ set(input_vr_mem.items())) return is_change, input_vr_mem, vr_mem, unsup_media def _validate_params(module, vr_members, rd_version): image = vr_members.get("image") if image is not None and (image.startswith("//") or image.startswith("\\\\")): if vr_members.get("username") is None or vr_members.get("password") is None: module.fail_json(msg="CIFS share required username and password.") if image is not None and image.startswith("\\\\"): vr_members["image"] = image.replace("\\", "/") if 140 >= int(rd_version) and image is not None: if (vr_members.get("username") is not None or vr_members.get("password") is not None) and \ image.startswith("https://"): module.fail_json(msg=UNSUPPORTED_MSG_HTTPS) elif image.startswith("\\\\") or image.startswith("//"): module.fail_json(msg=UNSUPPORTED_MSG) def virtual_media_operation(idrac, module, payload, vr_id): err_payload = [] force = module.params["force"] for i in payload: try: if force and i["vr_mem"]["Inserted"] and i["payload"]["Inserted"]: idrac.invoke_request(i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.EjectMedia"]["target"], "POST", data="{}", dump=False) time.sleep(5) idrac.invoke_request(i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.InsertMedia"]["target"], "POST", data=i["payload"]) elif not force and i["vr_mem"]["Inserted"] and i["payload"]["Inserted"]: idrac.invoke_request(i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.EjectMedia"]["target"], "POST", data="{}", dump=False) time.sleep(5) idrac.invoke_request(i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.InsertMedia"]["target"], "POST", data=i["payload"]) elif not i["vr_mem"]["Inserted"] and i["payload"]["Inserted"]: idrac.invoke_request(i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.InsertMedia"]["target"], "POST", data=i["payload"]) elif i["vr_mem"]["Inserted"] and not i["payload"]["Inserted"]: idrac.invoke_request(i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.EjectMedia"]["target"], "POST", data="{}", dump=False) time.sleep(5) except Exception as err: error = json.load(err).get("error") if vr_id == "manager": msg_id = error["@Message.ExtendedInfo"][0]["MessageId"] if "VRM0021" in msg_id or "VRM0012" in msg_id: uri = i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.EjectMedia"]["target"] if "RemovableDisk" in uri: uri = uri.replace("RemovableDisk", "CD") elif "CD" in uri: uri = uri.replace("CD", "RemovableDisk") idrac.invoke_request(uri, "POST", data="{}", dump=False) time.sleep(5) idrac.invoke_request(i["vr_mem"]["Actions"]["#VirtualMedia.InsertMedia"]["target"], "POST", data=i["payload"]) else: err_payload.append(error) else: err_payload.append(error) return err_payload def virtual_media(idrac, module, vr_members, vr_id, rd_version): vr_input = module.params["virtual_media"] vr_input_copy = copy.deepcopy(vr_input) vr_index, invalid_idx, manager_idx = [], [], 0 for idx, value in enumerate(vr_input_copy, start=1): if vr_id == "manager": if value.get("index") is not None: manager_idx = value["index"] if value.get("image") is not None and value.get("image")[-4:] == ".img": value["index"] = 1 elif value.get("image") is not None and value.get("image")[-4:] == ".iso": value["index"] = 2 elif not value["insert"] and value["index"] is None: value["index"] = idx else: if value.get("index") is None: value["index"] = idx if value["index"] == 0: invalid_idx.append(value["index"]) vr_index.append(value["index"]) _validate_params(module, value, rd_version) if ((len(set(vr_index)) != len(vr_index)) or (len(vr_members) < max(vr_index)) or invalid_idx) and vr_id == "system": module.fail_json(msg=INVALID_INDEX) if (vr_id == "manager") and (1 < manager_idx): module.fail_json(msg=INVALID_INDEX) payload, unsupported_media = [], [] for each in vr_input_copy: is_change, ret_payload, action, unsup_media = get_payload_data(each, vr_members, vr_id) if unsup_media is not None: unsupported_media.append(unsup_media) if module.params["force"] and not is_change and each["insert"]: is_change = True if is_change: payload.append({"payload": ret_payload, "vr_mem": action, "input": each}) if unsupported_media: if vr_id == "manager": module.fail_json(msg=UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA.format("1")) module.fail_json(msg=UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA.format(", ".join(list(map(str, unsupported_media))))) if module.check_mode and payload: module.exit_json(msg=CHANGES_FOUND, changed=True) elif module.check_mode and not payload: module.exit_json(msg=NO_CHANGES_FOUND) elif not module.check_mode and not payload: module.exit_json(msg=NO_CHANGES_FOUND) status = virtual_media_operation(idrac, module, payload, vr_id) return status def _validate_image_format(module): unsup_image = False for each in module.params["virtual_media"]: if each["insert"] and each.get("image") is not None and each.get("image")[-4:].lower() not in [".iso", ".img"]: unsup_image = True if unsup_image: module.fail_json(msg=UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE) def main(): specs = { "virtual_media": { "required": True, "type": "list", "elements": "dict", "options": { "insert": {"required": True, "type": "bool"}, "image": {"required": False, "type": "path"}, "index": {"required": False, "type": "int"}, "domain": {"required": False, "type": "str"}, "username": {"required": False, "type": "str"}, "password": {"required": False, "type": "str", "no_log": True}, "media_type": {"required": False, "type": "str", "choices": ["CD", "DVD", "USBStick"]}, }, "required_if": [["insert", True, ("image", )]], }, "force": {"required": False, "type": "bool", "default": False}, "resource_id": {"required": False, "type": 'str'}, } module = IdracAnsibleModule(argument_spec=specs, supports_check_mode=True) try: with iDRACRedfishAPI(module.params, req_session=True) as idrac: vr_media = module.params["virtual_media"] vr_members, vr_id, rd_version = get_virtual_media_info(idrac) if (len(vr_media) > len(vr_members) and vr_id == "system") or \ (len(vr_media) > 1 and vr_id == "manager"): module.fail_json(msg=EXCEEDED_ERROR) _validate_image_format(module) resp = virtual_media(idrac, module, vr_members, vr_id, rd_version) if resp: module.fail_json(msg=FAIL_MSG, error_info=resp) module.exit_json(msg=SUCCESS_MSG, changed=True) except HTTPError as err: module.fail_json(msg=str(err), error_info=json.load(err)) except URLError as err: module.exit_json(msg=str(err), unreachable=True) except (RuntimeError, SSLValidationError, ConnectionError, KeyError, ImportError, ValueError, TypeError) as err: module.fail_json(msg=str(err)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()