idrac_os_deployment ========= Role to deploy operating system and version on the servers. The role perform the following operations: 1. Downloads or copies the source ISO as a local copy in the ansible controller machine tmp folder. 1. Create a kickstart file using jinja template based on the os name and version . 1. Extract the ISO using the `xorriso` library. 1. Enable the extracted ISO to use kickstart file by modifying the boot configurations for bios and uefi. 1. Compile the iso to generate a custom iso by embedding the kickstart file in an iso using the `mkisofs`, `isohybrid` and `implantisomd5` commands. 1. Copy the custom ISO generated to destination share location as specfied to the role input. Based on the input a following method is used to copy the destination to a shared repository. - CIFS/NFS uses the local file mount to copy the ISO to a location. - HTTP/HTTPS uses the SSH to copy/transfer the ISO to a location where the web server content is served. 1. Using an iDRAC `idrac_virtual_media` module mount the custom ISO as virtual media (virtual CD) in an iDRAC. 1. Using an iDRAC `idrac_boot` module set the boot target to CD and enable a reboot to CD once. 1. Track for the OS deployment for the specified amount of user input time. 1. Eject the virtual media after the specfied time is finished. Requirements ------------ ### Prerequisite * To Support the HTTP/HTTPS repository as a destination an ssh to a target machine should be enabled to copy the custom iso into a http/https share location. * To Support the CIFS/NFS repository as a destination the repository needs to be manually mounted to local (ansible controller) copy the custom iso into locally mounted CIFS/NFS share location. ### Development Requirements to develop and contribute to the role. ``` ansible python xorriso syslinux isomd5sum wget ``` ### Production Requirements to use the role. ``` ansible python xorriso syslinux isomd5sum wget ``` ### Ansible collections Collections required to use the role ``` dellemc.openmanage ansible.utils ``` Role Variables --------------
Name | Required | Default Value | Choices | Type | Description |
hostname | true | str | iDRAC IP Address or hostname | ||
username | true | str | iDRAC username with admin privilages | ||
password | true | str | iDRAC user password. | ||
https_port | false | 443 | int | iDRAC port. | |
validate_certs | false | true | bool | If C(false), the SSL certificates will not be validated. Configure C(false) only on personally controlled sites where self-signed certificates are used. |
ca_path | false | path | The Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file that contains a CA certificate to be used for the validation. | ||
https_timeout | false | 30 | int | The HTTPS socket level timeout in seconds. | |
os_name | false | str | - The operating system name to match the jinja template of the kickstart file.- Supported os name is versions for RHEL and ESXI.- Jinja template file should exists in the format `os_name_upper_os_version_major.j2` | ||
os_version | false | str | - The operating system version to match the jinja template of the kickstart file.- Supported versions for RHEL are 9.x and 8.x and for ESXi is 8.x. - Jinja template file should exists in the format `os_name_upper_os_version_major.j2` | ||
source | true | dict | HTTP/HTTPS share or local path of the ISO. | ||
protocol | true | ["https", "http", "local", "cifs", "nfs"] | str | - Type of the the transfer protocol used to download the iso. - C(https) uses the https protocol to download the iso. - C(http) uses the http protocol to download the iso. - C(nfs) uses the locally mounted nfs folder path to download the iso. - C(cifs) uses the locally mounted cifs folder path to download the iso. - C(local) uses the local folder path to download the iso. - If I(custom_iso_true) is C(true) this will be used to mount the custom iso to virtual media. |
hostname | true | str | - HTTP/HTTPS address to download the ISO. - Hostname of the http/https/cifs and nfs to mount the custom iso to virtual media. - I(hostname) is applicable to download iso only when I(protocol) is C(http) or C(https) and I(is_custom_iso) is C(false). - I(hostname) is ignored to download the iso when I(protocol) is C(local), C(nfs) or C(cifs) and I(is_custom_iso) is C(false). - I(hostname) will be used to attach the virtual media when I(is_custom_iso) is C(true). |
iso_path | true | path | - Absolute local path or http/https share path of the iso. - when I(custom_iso) true I(iso_path) should be http, https, nfs or cifs path. |
iso_name | true | str | Name of the iso file. | ||
ks_path | false | path | - Absolute local path or http/https share path kickstart file. - When I(ks_path) is provided role skips the generation of kickstart file and uses the one provided in the input. |
is_custom_iso | false | false | bool | - Specifies the source iso is a custom iso. - C(true) uses the custom iso and skips the kickstart file generation and custom iso compilation. - when C(true), I(destination) is ignored and uses the I(iso_path) to mount the virtual media on idrac. - C(false) runs the the kickstart file generation and custom iso compilation |
username | false | str | - Username of the http, https and cifs share. - I(username) is applicable only when I(protocol) is C(http) , C(https) to download the iso file. - I(username) is used to mount the virtual media on idrac and applicable when I(protocol) is C(http), C(https) or C(cifs) and I(is_custom_iso) is C(true). - I(username) is ignored when I(protocol) is C(local). |
password | false | str | - Password of the http, https and cifs share. - I(password) is applicable only when I(protocol) is C(http) , C(https) to download the iso file. - I(password) is applicable to mount the custom iso as a virtual media in idrac when I(protocol) is C(http) , C(https), c(cifs) and I(is_custom_iso) is C(true). - I(password) is ignored when I(protocol) is C(local). |
destination | true | dict | - Share path to mount the ISO to iDRAC. - Share needs to have a write permission to copy the generated ISO. - CIFS, NFS, HTTP and HTTPS shares are supported. - I(destination) is ignored when I(is_custom_iso) is C(true) - When the protocol is of C(http), C(https) custom iso is copied into a destination location/folder where the web server content is served. - When the protocol is of C(cifs), c(nfs) custom iso is copied into the locally mounted nfs or cifs location location. |
protocol | true | ["https", "http", "nfs", "cifs"] | str | - Type of the the transfer protocol used to mount the virtual media on to idrac.- C(https) uses the ssh protocol to copy the custom iso to the I(mountpoint) and uses https protocol to the mount the virtual media.- C(http) uses the ssh protocol to copy the custom iso to the I(mountpoint) and uses https protocol to the mount the virtual media.- C(nfs) copies the the custom iso to the I(mountpoint) mounted localy and uses nfs protocol to the mount the virtual media.- C(cifs) copies the the custom iso to the I(mountpoint) mounted localy and uses cifs protocol to the mount the virtual media. | |
hostname | true | str | - Target machine address/hostname where the custom iso will be copied. - Address/hostname used to mount the iso as a virtual media. - I(hostname) is applicable to copy iso using ssh when I(protocol) is C(http) or C(https). - I(hostname) will be defaulted to localhost to copy iso when I(protocol) is C(nfs), C(cifs). - I(hostname) will be used to mount the virtual media in idrac when I(protocol) is C(http), C(https), C(nfs) or C(cifs). |
iso_path | true | path | Custom iso absolute path to be used to mount as a virtual media in idrac. | ||
iso_name | false | str | Custom iso file name. If not specified defaulted to C(hostname-source.iso_name). | ||
mountpoint | true | path | - Target machine absolute path where the custom iso will be copied. - I(mountpoint) will be path where http/https is served from when I(protocol) is C(http), C(https). - I(mountpoint) will be local folder mounted with nfs/cifs share when I(protocol) is C(nfs) C(cifs). |
os_type | false | linux | ["linux", "windows"] | str | HTTP/HTTPS share based on linux/Windows. |
username | false | str | Username of the http/https/cifs share where customized ISO is used to mount as a virtual media. | ||
password | false | str | Password of the http/https/cifs share where customized ISO is used to mount as a virtual media. | ||
wait_for_os_deployment | false | true | bool | Wait for the OS deployment to finish. | |
os_deployment_timeout | false | 30 | int | Time in minutes to wait for the OS deployment to finish. | |
eject_iso | false | true | bool | - Eject the virtual media (ISO) after the tracking of OS deployment is finished. - ISO will be ejected if I(eject_iso) is C(true) and I(wait_for_os_deployment) is C(true). |
delete_custom_iso | false | true | bool | - Deletes the Custom iso after the OS deployment is finshed. - ISO will be delete if I(delete_custom_iso) is C(true) and I(wait_for_os_deployment) is C(true). |
Name | Sample | Description |
ansible_ssh_user | user | Username of the target ssh machine where the custom iso is copiedThis is used copy/ssh the custom ISO to the destination folder where http/https web server serves the content. |
ansible_ssh_password | password | Password of the target ssh machine where the custom iso is copiedThis is used copy/ssh the custom ISO to the destination folder where http/https web server serves the content. |
ansible_remote_tmp | C://User//tmp | Temp directory of the target ssh machine where the custom iso is copiedThis is used copy/ssh the custom ISO to the destination folder where http/https web server serves the content. |
become_method | runas | Overrides the default method of shhThis is used copy/ssh the custom ISO to the destination folder where http/https web server serves the content. |
shell_type | cmd | Defines the shell type to be used on the target ssh machine where the custom iso is copiedThis is used copy/ssh the custom ISO to the destination folder where http/https web server serves the content. |
Name | Sample | Description |
idrac_os_deployment_out | Successfully deployed the Operating System | Output of the OS deployment role. |
idrac_os_deployment_failure | The combination of OS name %s and version %s is not supported. | Error result of the task |
idrac_os_deployment_kickstart_file | /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/kickstart.cfg | Path of the kickstart file generated or downloaded |
idrac_os_deployment_iso_file | /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/rhel.iso | Path of the iso file downloaded |
idrac_os_deployment_iso_extract_dir | /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/extract | Path of the extract folder created within the tmp directory |
idrac_os_deployment_custom_iso_filename | | Filename of the custom iso file genereated |
idrac_os_deployment_custom_iso_file | /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/ | Path of the custom iso file genereated |
idrac_os_deployment_hybrid_cmd | isohybrid --uefi /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/ | Command isohybrid applied the custom iso file |
idrac_os_deployment_checksum_cmd | implantisomd5 --uefi /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/ | Command to implant md5 checksum on the custom iso file |
idrac_os_deployment_xorriso_cmd | xorriso -osirrox -indev /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/rhel.iso -extract / /tmp/omam_osd_kufwni/extract | Command xorisso to extract the downloaded iso |
idrac_os_deployment_delegate | localhost | Enables the delgate task to run on localhost or container in case of molecules |
idrac_os_deployment_supported_os | { RHEL: ["8", "9"], ESXI: ["8"] } | Hold the map data of supported os name and version |