#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: (c) 2021, Dell Technologies # Apache License version 2.0 (see MODULE-LICENSE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt) """ Ansible module for managing device on Dell Technologies (Dell) PowerFlex""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' module: device version_added: '1.1.0' short_description: Manage device on Dell PowerFlex description: - Managing device on PowerFlex storage system includes adding new device, getting details of device, and removing a device. author: - Rajshree Khare (@khareRajshree) extends_documentation_fragment: - dellemc.powerflex.powerflex options: current_pathname: description: - Full path of the device to be added. - Required while adding a device. type: str device_name: description: - Device name. - Mutually exclusive with I(device_id). type: str device_id: description: - Device ID. - Mutually exclusive with I(device_name). type: str sds_name: description: - The name of the SDS. - Required while adding a device. - Mutually exclusive with I(sds_id). type: str sds_id: description: - The ID of the SDS. - Required while adding a device. - Mutually exclusive with I(sds_name). type: str storage_pool_name: description: - Storage Pool name. - Used while adding a storage device. - Mutually exclusive with I(storage_pool_id), I(acceleration_pool_id) and I(acceleration_pool_name). type: str storage_pool_id: description: - Storage Pool ID. - Used while adding a storage device. - Media type supported are C(SSD) and C(HDD). - Mutually exclusive with I(storage_pool_name), I(acceleration_pool_id) and I(acceleration_pool_name). type: str acceleration_pool_name: description: - Acceleration Pool Name. - Used while adding an acceleration device. - Media type supported are C(SSD) and C(NVDIMM). - Mutually exclusive with I(storage_pool_id), I(storage_pool_name) and I(acceleration_pool_name). type: str acceleration_pool_id: description: - Acceleration Pool ID. - Used while adding an acceleration device. - Media type supported are C(SSD) and C(NVDIMM). - Mutually exclusive with I(acceleration_pool_name), I(storage_pool_name) and I(storage_pool_id). type: str protection_domain_name: description: - Protection domain name. - Used while identifying a storage pool along with I(storage_pool_name). - Mutually exclusive with I(protection_domain_id). type: str protection_domain_id: description: - Protection domain ID. - Used while identifying a storage pool along with I(storage_pool_name). - Mutually exclusive with I(protection_domain_name). type: str external_acceleration_type: description: - Device external acceleration types. - Used while adding a device. type: str choices: ['Invalid', 'None', 'Read', 'Write', 'ReadAndWrite'] media_type: description: - Device media types. - Required while adding a device. type: str choices: ['HDD', 'SSD', 'NVDIMM'] state: description: - State of the device. choices: ['present', 'absent'] required: true type: str notes: - The value for device_id is generated only after successful addition of the device. - To uniquely identify a device, either I(device_id) can be passed or one of I(current_pathname) or I(device_name) must be passed with I(sds_id) or I(sds_name). - It is recommended to install Rfcache driver for SSD device on SDS in order to add it to an acceleration pool. - The I(check_mode) is not supported. ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Add a device dellemc.powerflex.device: hostname: "{{hostname}}" username: "{{username}}" password: "{{password}}" validate_certs: "{{validate_certs}}" port: "{{port}}" current_pathname: "/dev/sdb" sds_name: "node1" media_type: "HDD" device_name: "device2" storage_pool_name: "pool1" protection_domain_name: "domain1" external_acceleration_type: "ReadAndWrite" state: "present" - name: Get device details using device_id dellemc.powerflex.device: hostname: "{{hostname}}" username: "{{username}}" password: "{{password}}" validate_certs: "{{validate_certs}}" port: "{{port}}" device_id: "d7fe088900000000" state: "present" - name: Get device details using (current_pathname, sds_name) dellemc.powerflex.device: hostname: "{{hostname}}" username: "{{username}}" password: "{{password}}" validate_certs: "{{validate_certs}}" port: "{{port}}" current_pathname: "/dev/sdb" sds_name: "node0" state: "present" - name: Get device details using (current_pathname, sds_id) dellemc.powerflex.device: hostname: "{{hostname}}" username: "{{username}}" password: "{{password}}" validate_certs: "{{validate_certs}}" port: "{{port}}" current_pathname: "/dev/sdb" sds_id: "5717d71800000000" state: "present" - name: Remove a device using device_id dellemc.powerflex.device: hostname: "{{hostname}}" username: "{{username}}" password: "{{password}}" validate_certs: "{{validate_certs}}" port: "{{port}}" device_id: "76eb7e2f00010000" state: "absent" - name: Remove a device using (current_pathname, sds_id) dellemc.powerflex.device: hostname: "{{hostname}}" username: "{{username}}" password: "{{password}}" validate_certs: "{{validate_certs}}" port: "{{port}}" current_pathname: "/dev/sdb" sds_name: "node1" state: "absent" ''' RETURN = r''' changed: description: Whether or not the resource has changed. returned: always type: bool sample: 'false' device_details: description: Details of the device. returned: When device exists type: dict contains: accelerationPoolId: description: Acceleration pool ID. type: str accelerationPoolName: description: Acceleration pool name. type: str accelerationProps: description: Indicates acceleration props. type: str aggregatedState: description: Indicates aggregated state. type: str ataSecurityActive: description: Indicates ATA security active state. type: bool autoDetectMediaType: description: Indicates auto detection of media type. type: str cacheLookAheadActive: description: Indicates cache look ahead active state. type: bool capacity: description: Device capacity. type: int capacityLimitInKb: description: Device capacity limit in KB. type: int deviceCurrentPathName: description: Device current path name. type: str deviceOriginalPathName: description: Device original path name. type: str deviceState: description: Indicates device state. type: str deviceType: description: Indicates device type. type: str errorState: description: Indicates error state. type: str externalAccelerationType: description: Indicates external acceleration type. type: str fglNvdimmMetadataAmortizationX100: description: Indicates FGL NVDIMM meta data amortization value. type: int fglNvdimmWriteCacheSize: description: Indicates FGL NVDIMM write cache size. type: int firmwareVersion: description: Indicates firmware version. type: str id: description: Device ID. type: str ledSetting: description: Indicates LED setting. type: str links: description: Device links. type: list contains: href: description: Device instance URL. type: str rel: description: Relationship of device with different entities. type: str logicalSectorSizeInBytes: description: Logical sector size in bytes. type: int longSuccessfulIos: description: Indicates long successful IOs. type: list maxCapacityInKb: description: Maximum device capacity limit in KB. type: int mediaFailing: description: Indicates media failing. type: bool mediaType: description: Indicates media type. type: str modelName: description: Indicates model name. type: str name: description: Device name. type: str persistentChecksumState: description: Indicates persistent checksum state. type: str physicalSectorSizeInBytes: description: Physical sector size in bytes. type: int protectionDomainId: description: Protection domain ID. type: str protectionDomainName: description: Protection domain name. type: str raidControllerSerialNumber: description: RAID controller serial number. type: str rfcacheErrorDeviceDoesNotExist: description: Indicates RF cache error device does not exist. type: bool rfcacheProps: description: RF cache props. type: str sdsId: description: SDS ID. type: str sdsName: description: SDS name. type: str serialNumber: description: Indicates Serial number. type: str spSdsId: description: Indicates SPs SDS ID. type: str ssdEndOfLifeState: description: Indicates SSD end of life state. type: str storagePoolId: description: Storage Pool ID. type: str storagePoolName: description: Storage Pool name. type: str storageProps: description: Storage props. type: list temperatureState: description: Indicates temperature state. type: str vendorName: description: Indicates vendor name. type: str writeCacheActive: description: Indicates write cache active. type: bool sample: { "accelerationPoolId": null, "accelerationProps": null, "aggregatedState": "NeverFailed", "ataSecurityActive": false, "autoDetectMediaType": "SSD", "cacheLookAheadActive": false, "capacity": 0, "capacityLimitInKb": 365772800, "deviceCurrentPathName": "/dev/sdb", "deviceOriginalPathName": "/dev/sdb", "deviceState": "Normal", "deviceType": "Unknown", "errorState": "None", "externalAccelerationType": "None", "fglNvdimmMetadataAmortizationX100": 150, "fglNvdimmWriteCacheSize": 16, "firmwareVersion": null, "id": "b6efa59900000000", "ledSetting": "Off", "links": [ { "href": "/api/instances/Device::b6efa59900000000", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "/api/instances/Device::b6efa59900000000/relationships /Statistics", "rel": "/api/Device/relationship/Statistics" }, { "href": "/api/instances/Sds::8f3bb0ce00000000", "rel": "/api/parent/relationship/sdsId" }, { "href": "/api/instances/StoragePool::e0d8f6c900000000", "rel": "/api/parent/relationship/storagePoolId" }, { "href": "/api/instances/SpSds::fedf6f2000000000", "rel": "/api/parent/relationship/spSdsId" } ], "logicalSectorSizeInBytes": 0, "longSuccessfulIos": { "longWindow": null, "mediumWindow": null, "shortWindow": null }, "maxCapacityInKb": 365772800, "mediaFailing": false, "mediaType": "HDD", "modelName": null, "name": "device230", "persistentChecksumState": "Protected", "physicalSectorSizeInBytes": 0, "protectionDomainId": "9300c1f900000000", "protectionDomainName": "domain1", "raidControllerSerialNumber": null, "rfcacheErrorDeviceDoesNotExist": false, "rfcacheProps": null, "sdsId": "8f3bb0ce00000000", "sdsName": "node1", "serialNumber": null, "slotNumber": null, "spSdsId": "fedf6f2000000000", "ssdEndOfLifeState": "NeverFailed", "storagePoolId": "e0d8f6c900000000", "storagePoolName": "pool1", "storageProps": { "destFglAccDeviceId": null, "destFglNvdimmSizeMb": 0, "fglAccDeviceId": null, "fglNvdimmSizeMb": 0 }, "temperatureState": "NeverFailed", "vendorName": null, "writeCacheActive": false } ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.dellemc.powerflex.plugins.module_utils.storage.dell\ import utils LOG = utils.get_logger('device') class PowerFlexDevice(object): """Class with device operations""" def __init__(self): """ Define all parameters required by this module""" self.module_params = utils.get_powerflex_gateway_host_parameters() self.module_params.update(get_powerflex_device_parameters()) mut_ex_args = [['sds_name', 'sds_id'], ['device_name', 'device_id'], ['protection_domain_name', 'protection_domain_id'], ['storage_pool_name', 'storage_pool_id'], ['acceleration_pool_name', 'acceleration_pool_id'], ['acceleration_pool_id', 'storage_pool_id'], ['acceleration_pool_name', 'storage_pool_name'], ['device_id', 'sds_name'], ['device_id', 'sds_id'], ['device_id', 'current_pathname']] # initialize the Ansible module self.module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.module_params, supports_check_mode=False, mutually_exclusive=mut_ex_args) utils.ensure_required_libs(self.module) try: self.powerflex_conn = utils.get_powerflex_gateway_host_connection( self.module.params) LOG.info("Got the PowerFlex system connection object instance") except Exception as e: LOG.error(str(e)) self.module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) def get_device_details(self, current_pathname=None, sds_id=None, device_name=None, device_id=None): """Get device details :param current_pathname: Device path name :type current_pathname: str :param sds_id: ID of the SDS :type sds_id: str :param device_name: Name of the device :type device_name: str :param device_id: ID of the device :type device_id: str :return: Details of device if it exist :rtype: dict """ try: if current_pathname and sds_id: device_details = self.powerflex_conn.device.get( filter_fields={'deviceCurrentPathName': current_pathname, 'sdsId': sds_id}) elif device_name and sds_id: device_details = self.powerflex_conn.device.get( filter_fields={'name': device_name, 'sdsId': sds_id}) else: device_details = self.powerflex_conn.device.get( filter_fields={'id': device_id}) if len(device_details) == 0: msg = "Device not found" LOG.info(msg) return None return device_details[0] except Exception as e: error_msg = "Failed to get the device with error '%s'" % str(e) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def get_sds(self, sds_name=None, sds_id=None): """Get SDS details :param sds_name: Name of the SDS :param sds_id: ID of the SDS :return: SDS details :rtype: dict """ name_or_id = sds_id if sds_id else sds_name try: sds_details = None if sds_id: sds_details = self.powerflex_conn.sds.get( filter_fields={'id': sds_id}) if sds_name: sds_details = self.powerflex_conn.sds.get( filter_fields={'name': sds_name}) if not sds_details: error_msg = "Unable to find the SDS with '%s'. Please " \ "enter a valid SDS name/id." % name_or_id LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) return sds_details[0] except Exception as e: error_msg = "Failed to get the SDS '%s' with error '%s'" \ % (name_or_id, str(e)) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def get_protection_domain(self, protection_domain_name=None, protection_domain_id=None): """Get protection domain details :param protection_domain_name: Name of the protection domain :param protection_domain_id: ID of the protection domain :return: Protection domain details :rtype: dict """ name_or_id = protection_domain_id if protection_domain_id \ else protection_domain_name try: pd_details = None if protection_domain_id: pd_details = self.powerflex_conn.protection_domain.get( filter_fields={'id': protection_domain_id}) if protection_domain_name: pd_details = self.powerflex_conn.protection_domain.get( filter_fields={'name': protection_domain_name}) if not pd_details: error_msg = "Unable to find the protection domain with " \ "'%s'. Please enter a valid protection domain " \ "name/id." % name_or_id LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) return pd_details[0] except Exception as e: error_msg = "Failed to get the protection domain '%s' with " \ "error '%s'" % (name_or_id, str(e)) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def get_storage_pool(self, storage_pool_name=None, storage_pool_id=None, protection_domain_id=None): """Get storage pool details :param storage_pool_name: Name of the storage pool :param storage_pool_id: ID of the storage pool :param protection_domain_id: ID of the protection domain :return: Storage pool details :rtype: dict """ name_or_id = storage_pool_id if storage_pool_id else storage_pool_name try: storage_pool_details = None if storage_pool_id: storage_pool_details = self.powerflex_conn.storage_pool.get( filter_fields={'id': storage_pool_id}) if storage_pool_name: storage_pool_details = self.powerflex_conn.storage_pool.get( filter_fields={'name': storage_pool_name, 'protectionDomainId': protection_domain_id} ) if not storage_pool_details: error_msg = "Unable to find the storage pool with " \ "'%s'. Please enter a valid storage pool " \ "name/id." % name_or_id LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) return storage_pool_details[0] except Exception as e: error_msg = "Failed to get the storage_pool '%s' with " \ "error '%s'" % (name_or_id, str(e)) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def get_acceleration_pool(self, acceleration_pool_name=None, acceleration_pool_id=None, protection_domain_id=None): """Get acceleration pool details :param acceleration_pool_name: Name of the acceleration pool :param acceleration_pool_id: ID of the acceleration pool :param protection_domain_id: ID of the protection domain :return: Acceleration pool details :rtype: dict """ name_or_id = acceleration_pool_id \ if acceleration_pool_id else acceleration_pool_name try: acceleration_pool_details = None if acceleration_pool_id: acceleration_pool_details = self.powerflex_conn.\ acceleration_pool.get(filter_fields={ 'id': acceleration_pool_id}) if acceleration_pool_name: acceleration_pool_details = self.powerflex_conn.\ acceleration_pool.get(filter_fields={ 'name': acceleration_pool_name, 'protectionDomainId': protection_domain_id}) if not acceleration_pool_details: error_msg = "Unable to find the acceleration pool with " \ "'%s'. Please enter a valid acceleration pool " \ "name/id." % name_or_id LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) return acceleration_pool_details[0] except Exception as e: error_msg = "Failed to get the acceleration pool '%s' with " \ "error '%s'" % (name_or_id, str(e)) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def add_device(self, device_name, current_pathname, sds_id, storage_pool_id, media_type, acceleration_pool_id, external_acceleration_type): """Add device :param device_name: Device name :type device_name: str :param current_pathname: Current pathname of device :type current_pathname: str :param sds_id: SDS ID :type sds_id: str :param storage_pool_id: Storage Pool ID :type storage_pool_id: str :param media_type: Media type of device :type media_type: str :param acceleration_pool_id: Acceleration pool ID :type acceleration_pool_id: str :param external_acceleration_type: External acceleration type :type external_acceleration_type: str return: Boolean indicating if add device operation is successful """ try: if device_name is None or len(device_name.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Please provide valid device_name value for " \ "adding a device." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if current_pathname is None or len(current_pathname.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Current pathname of device is a mandatory " \ "parameter for adding a device. Please enter a " \ "valid value." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if sds_id is None or len(sds_id.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Please provide valid sds_id value " \ "for adding a device." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if storage_pool_id is None and acceleration_pool_id is None: error_msg = "Please provide either storage pool name/ID " \ "or acceleration pool name/ID for adding a " \ "device." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) add_params = ("current_pathname: %s, " "sds_id: %s, " "acceleration_pool_id: %s," "external_acceleration_type: %s," "media_type: %s," "device_name: %s," "storage_pool_id: %s," % (current_pathname, sds_id, acceleration_pool_id, external_acceleration_type, media_type, device_name, storage_pool_id)) LOG.info("Adding device with params: %s", add_params) self.powerflex_conn.device.create( current_pathname=current_pathname, sds_id=sds_id, acceleration_pool_id=acceleration_pool_id, external_acceleration_type=external_acceleration_type, media_type=media_type, name=device_name, storage_pool_id=storage_pool_id) return True except Exception as e: error_msg = "Adding device %s operation failed with " \ "error '%s'" % (device_name, str(e)) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def remove_device(self, device_id): """Remove device :param device_id: Device ID :type device_id: str return: Boolean indicating if remove device operation is successful """ try: LOG.info("Device to be removed: %s", device_id) self.powerflex_conn.device.delete(device_id=device_id) return True except Exception as e: error_msg = "Remove device '%s' operation failed with " \ "error '%s'" % (device_id, str(e)) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def validate_input_parameters(self, device_name=None, device_id=None, current_pathname=None, sds_name=None, sds_id=None): """Validate the input parameters""" # Unique ways to identify a device: # (current_pathname , sds_id) # (current_pathname , sds_name) # (device_name , sds_name) # (device_name , sds_id) # device_id. if current_pathname: if (sds_name is None or len(sds_name.strip()) == 0) \ and (sds_id is None or len(sds_id.strip()) == 0): error_msg = "sds_name or sds_id is mandatory along with " \ "current_pathname. Please enter a valid value." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) elif current_pathname is not None \ and len(current_pathname.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Please enter a valid value for current_pathname." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if device_name: if (sds_name is None or len(sds_name.strip()) == 0) \ and (sds_id is None or len(sds_id.strip()) == 0): error_msg = "sds_name or sds_id is mandatory along with " \ "device_name. Please enter a valid value." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) elif device_name is not None and len(device_name.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Please enter a valid value for device_name." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if sds_name: if (current_pathname is None or len(current_pathname.strip()) == 0) \ and (device_name is None or len(device_name.strip()) == 0): error_msg = "current_pathname or device_name is mandatory " \ "along with sds_name. Please enter a valid value." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) elif sds_name is not None and len(sds_name.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Please enter a valid value for sds_name." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if sds_id: if (current_pathname is None or len(current_pathname.strip()) == 0) \ and (device_name is None or len(device_name.strip()) == 0): error_msg = "current_pathname or device_name is mandatory " \ "along with sds_id. Please enter a valid value." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) elif sds_id is not None and len(sds_id.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Please enter a valid value for sds_id." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if device_id is not None and len(device_id.strip()) == 0: error_msg = "Please provide valid device_id value to identify " \ "a device." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if current_pathname is None and device_name is None \ and device_id is None: error_msg = "Please specify a valid parameter combination to " \ "identify a device." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def validate_add_parameters(self, device_id=None, external_acceleration_type=None, storage_pool_id=None, storage_pool_name=None, acceleration_pool_id=None, acceleration_pool_name=None): """Validate the add device parameters""" if device_id: error_msg = "Addition of device is allowed using " \ "device_name only, device_id given." LOG.info(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if external_acceleration_type and storage_pool_id is None \ and storage_pool_name is None \ and acceleration_pool_id is None \ and acceleration_pool_name is None: error_msg = "Storage Pool ID/name or Acceleration Pool " \ "ID/name is mandatory along with " \ "external_acceleration_type." LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def perform_module_operation(self): """ Perform different actions on device based on parameters passed in the playbook """ current_pathname = self.module.params['current_pathname'] device_name = self.module.params['device_name'] device_id = self.module.params['device_id'] sds_name = self.module.params['sds_name'] sds_id = self.module.params['sds_id'] storage_pool_name = self.module.params['storage_pool_name'] storage_pool_id = self.module.params['storage_pool_id'] acceleration_pool_id = self.module.params['acceleration_pool_id'] acceleration_pool_name = self.module.params['acceleration_pool_name'] protection_domain_name = self.module.params['protection_domain_name'] protection_domain_id = self.module.params['protection_domain_id'] external_acceleration_type = self.module.params[ 'external_acceleration_type'] media_type = self.module.params['media_type'] state = self.module.params['state'] # result is a dictionary to contain end state and device details changed = False result = dict( changed=False, device_details={} ) # validate input parameters self.validate_input_parameters(device_name, device_id, current_pathname, sds_name, sds_id) # get SDS ID from name if sds_name: sds_details = self.get_sds(sds_name) if sds_details: sds_id = sds_details['id'] msg = "Fetched the SDS details with id '%s', name '%s'" \ % (sds_id, sds_name) LOG.info(msg) # get device details device_details = self.get_device_details(current_pathname, sds_id, device_name, device_id) if device_details: device_id = device_details['id'] msg = "Fetched the device details %s" % (str(device_details)) LOG.info(msg) # add operation add_changed = False if state == 'present' and not device_details: # get Protection Domain ID from name # it is needed to uniquely identify a storage pool or acceleration # pool using name if protection_domain_name \ and (storage_pool_name or acceleration_pool_name): pd_details = self.get_protection_domain( protection_domain_name) if pd_details: protection_domain_id = pd_details['id'] msg = "Fetched the protection domain details with id " \ "'%s', name '%s'" % (protection_domain_id, protection_domain_name) LOG.info(msg) # get storage pool ID from name if storage_pool_name: if protection_domain_id: storage_pool_details = self.get_storage_pool( storage_pool_name=storage_pool_name, protection_domain_id=protection_domain_id) if storage_pool_details: storage_pool_id = storage_pool_details['id'] msg = "Fetched the storage pool details with id '%s', " \ "name '%s'" % (storage_pool_id, storage_pool_name) LOG.info(msg) else: error_msg = "Protection domain name/id is required to " \ "uniquely identify a storage pool, only " \ "storage_pool_name is given." LOG.info(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) # get acceleration pool ID from name if acceleration_pool_name: if protection_domain_id: acceleration_pool_details = self.get_acceleration_pool( acceleration_pool_name=acceleration_pool_name, protection_domain_id=protection_domain_id) if acceleration_pool_details: acceleration_pool_id = acceleration_pool_details['id'] msg = "Fetched the acceleration pool details with id " \ "'%s', name '%s'" % (acceleration_pool_id, acceleration_pool_name) LOG.info(msg) else: error_msg = "Protection domain name/id is required to " \ "uniquely identify a acceleration pool, " \ "only acceleration_pool_name is given." LOG.info(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) # validate input parameters self.validate_add_parameters(device_id, external_acceleration_type, storage_pool_id, storage_pool_name, acceleration_pool_id, acceleration_pool_name) add_changed = self.add_device(device_name, current_pathname, sds_id, storage_pool_id, media_type, acceleration_pool_id, external_acceleration_type) if add_changed: device_details = self.get_device_details( device_name=device_name, sds_id=sds_id) device_id = device_details['id'] msg = "Device created successfully, fetched device details " \ "%s" % (str(device_details)) LOG.info(msg) # remove operation remove_changed = False if state == 'absent' and device_details: remove_changed = self.remove_device(device_id) if add_changed or remove_changed: changed = True # modify operation if device_details and state == 'present': modify_dict = to_modify(device_details, media_type, external_acceleration_type) if modify_dict: error_msg = "Modification of device attributes is " \ "currently not supported by Ansible modules." LOG.info(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) # Returning the updated device details if state == 'present': device_details = self.show_output(device_id) result['device_details'] = device_details result['changed'] = changed self.module.exit_json(**result) def show_output(self, device_id): """Show device details :param device_id: ID of the device :type device_id: str :return: Details of device :rtype: dict """ try: device_details = self.powerflex_conn.device.get( filter_fields={'id': device_id}) if len(device_details) == 0: msg = "Device with identifier '%s' not found" % device_id LOG.error(msg) return None # Append SDS name if 'sdsId' in device_details[0] and device_details[0]['sdsId']: sds_details = self.get_sds(sds_id=device_details[0]['sdsId']) device_details[0]['sdsName'] = sds_details['name'] # Append storage pool name and its protection domain name and ID if 'storagePoolId' in device_details[0] \ and device_details[0]['storagePoolId']: sp_details = self.get_storage_pool( storage_pool_id=device_details[0]['storagePoolId']) device_details[0]['storagePoolName'] = sp_details['name'] pd_id = sp_details['protectionDomainId'] device_details[0]['protectionDomainId'] = pd_id pd_details = self.get_protection_domain( protection_domain_id=pd_id) device_details[0]['protectionDomainName'] = pd_details['name'] # Append acceleration pool name and its protection domain name # and ID if 'accelerationPoolId' in device_details[0] \ and device_details[0]['accelerationPoolId']: ap_details = self.get_acceleration_pool( acceleration_pool_id=device_details[0][ 'accelerationPoolId']) device_details[0]['accelerationPoolName'] = ap_details['name'] pd_id = ap_details['protectionDomainId'] device_details[0]['protectionDomainId'] = pd_id pd_details = self.get_protection_domain( protection_domain_id=pd_id) device_details[0]['protectionDomainName'] = pd_details['name'] return device_details[0] except Exception as e: error_msg = "Failed to get the device '%s' with error '%s'"\ % (device_id, str(e)) LOG.error(error_msg) self.module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) def to_modify(device_details, media_type, external_acceleration_type): """Identify device attributes to be modified""" modify_dict = {} if media_type is not None and \ device_details['mediaType'] != media_type: modify_dict['mediaType'] = media_type if external_acceleration_type is not None and \ device_details['externalAccelerationType'] \ != external_acceleration_type: modify_dict['externalAccelerationType'] \ = external_acceleration_type if len(modify_dict) != 0: LOG.info("Attributes to be modified: %s", modify_dict) return modify_dict def get_powerflex_device_parameters(): """This method provide parameter required for the device module on PowerFlex""" return dict( current_pathname=dict(), device_name=dict(), device_id=dict(), sds_name=dict(), sds_id=dict(), storage_pool_name=dict(), storage_pool_id=dict(), acceleration_pool_id=dict(), acceleration_pool_name=dict(), protection_domain_name=dict(), protection_domain_id=dict(), external_acceleration_type=dict(choices=['Invalid', 'None', 'Read', 'Write', 'ReadAndWrite']), media_type=dict(choices=['HDD', 'SSD', 'NVDIMM']), state=dict(required=True, type='str', choices=['present', 'absent']) ) def main(): """ Create PowerFlex device object and perform actions on it based on user input from playbook""" obj = PowerFlexDevice() obj.perform_module_operation() if __name__ == '__main__': main()