# powerflex_sdc Role to manage the installation and uninstallation of Powerflex SDC. ## Table of contents * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Ansible collections](#ansible-collections) * [Role Variables](#role-variables) * [Examples](#examples) * [Notes](#notes) * [Usage instructions](#usage-instructions) * [Author Information](#author-information) ## Requirements ``` ansible python pywinrm==0.4.3 ``` ## Ansible collections Collections required to use the role. ``` dellemc.powerflex ansible.windows ``` ## Role Variables
Name Required Description Choices Type Default Value
hostname true IP or FQDN of the PowerFlex gateway str
username true The username of the PowerFlex gateway str admin
password true The password of the PowerFlex gateway str password
port false Port int 443
validate_certs false If C(false), the SSL certificates will not be validated.
Configure C(false) only on personally controlled sites where self-signed certificates are used
bool false
timeout false Timeout int 120
powerflex_common_file_install_location true Location of installation and rpm gpg files to be installed.
The required, compatible installation software package based on the operating system of the node.
The files can be downloaded from the Dell Product support page for PowerFlex software.
str /var/tmp
powerflex_common_win_package_location false Location of SDC windows package on the node.
SDC windows package will be copied to this location on installation.
str C:\\Windows\\Temp
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_repo_address false Repository address for the kernel modules str ftp://ftp.emc.com/
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_repo_user false Username for the repository str QNzgdxXix
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_repo_password false Password for the repository str Aw3wFAwAq3
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_repo_local_dir false Local cache of the repository str /bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/driver_cache/
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_user_private_rsa_key_src false Private ssh RSA key source (if using sftp protocol) str
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_user_private_rsa_key_dest false Private ssh RSA key destination str /bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/scini_key
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_repo_public_rsa_key_src false Public ssh USA key source (if using sftp protocol) str
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_repo_public_rsa_key_dest false Private ssh RSA key destination str /bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/scini_repo_key.pub
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_module_sigcheck false If signature check is required str 1
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_emc_public_gpg_key_src false Location of the signature file str {{ powerflex_common_file_install_location }}/files/RPM-GPG-KEY-ScaleIO_2.0.*.0
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_emc_public_gpg_key_dest false Destination of the signature file str /bin/emc/scaleio/scini_sync/emc_key.pub
powerflex_sdc_driver_sync_sync_pattern false Repo sync pattern str .*
powerflex_sdc_name false Name of SDC to rename to
str sdc_test
powerflex_sdc_performance_profile false Performance profile of SDC
str Compact
powerflex_sdc_esxi_guid false Specifies the unique GUID for the ESXi SDC node.
It is required only with ESXi node.
To configure ESXi node as SDC, generate one GUID per server.
Tools that are freely available online can generate these strings.
If the value is different, then update in main.yml of defaults.
str d422ecab-af6f-4e0c-a059-333ac89cfb42
powerflex_sdc_state false Specify state of SDC
absent, present str present
## Examples ---- ``` - name: Install and configure powerflex SDC ansible.builtin.import_role: name: powerflex_sdc vars: hostname: "{{ hostname }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}" port: "{{ port }}" powerflex_common_file_install_location: "/opt/scaleio/rpm" powerflex_sdc_name: sdc_test powerflex_sdc_performance_profile: Compact powerflex_sdc_state: present - name: Uninstall powerflex SDC ansible.builtin.import_role: name: powerflex_sdc vars: hostname: "{{ hostname }}" username: "{{ username }}" password: "{{ password }}" validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}" port: "{{ port }}" powerflex_sdc_state: absent ``` ## Notes - Generate GUID using https://www.guidgenerator.com/online-guid-generator.aspx. Use the default GUID settings. - While adding ESXi server as SDC, this procedure requires two server reboots. ## Usage instructions ---- ### To install all dependency packages, including SDC, on node: - PowerFlex 3.6: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml ``` - PowerFlex 4.5: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory site_powerflex45.yml ``` ### To uninstall SDC: - PowerFlex 3.6: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory uninstall_powerflex.yml ``` - PowerFlex 4.5: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory uninstall_powerflex45.yml ``` Sample playbooks and inventory can be found in the playbooks directory. ## Author Information ------------------ Dell Technologies
Jennifer John (ansible.team@Dell.com) 2023
Bhavneet Sharma (ansible.team@Dell.com) 2023