# powerflex_sdr Role to manage installation and uninstallation PowerFlex SDR. ## Table of contents * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Ansible collections](#ansible-collections) * [Role Variables](#role-variables) * [Examples](#examples) * [Usage instructions](#usage-instructions) * [Author Information](#author-information) ## Requirements ``` ansible python ``` ## Ansible collections Collections required to use the role. ``` dellemc.powerflex ``` ## Role Variables
Name Required Description Choices Type Default Value
powerflex_common_file_install_location false Location of required, compatible installation software package based on the operating system of the node.
The files can be downloaded from the Dell Product support page for PowerFlex software.
path /var/tmp
powerflex_protection_domain_name false The name of the protection domain to which the SDR will be added. str
powerflex_storage_pool_name false The name of the storage pool to which the device will be added. str
powerflex_sdr_repl_journal_capacity_max_ratio false Maximum capacity percentage to be allocated for journal capacity. Range is 0 to 100. int 10
powerflex_mdm_password true Password for primary MDM node. str
powerflex_sdr_state false State of the SDR. present, absent str present
## Examples ---- ``` - name: Install powerflex SDR ansible.builtin.include_role: name: powerflex_sdr vars: powerflex_protection_domain_name: domain1 powerflex_storage_pool_name: pool1 powerflex_sdr_repl_journal_capacity_max_ratio: 10 powerflex_sdr_state: present powerflex_mdm_password: Password111 - name: Uninstall powerflex SDR ansible.builtin.include_role: name: powerflex_sdr vars: powerflex_mdm_password: Password111 powerflex_sdr_state: absent ``` ## Usage instructions ---- ### To install all dependency packages, including SDR, on node: - PowerFlex 3.6: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml ``` - PowerFlex 4.5: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory site_powerflex45.yml ``` ### To uninstall SDR: - PowerFlex 3.6: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory uninstall_powerflex.yml ``` - PowerFlex 4.5: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory uninstall_powerflex45.yml ``` Sample playbooks and inventory can be found in the playbooks directory. ## Author Information ------------------ Dell Technologies
Abhishek Sinha (ansible.team@Dell.com) 2023