# Ansible Collection - fortinet.fortimanager:2.2.0 [Documentation](https://ansible-galaxy-fortimanager-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest) for the collection. ## Modules The collection provides the following modules: * `fmgr_adom_options` no description. * `fmgr_antivirus_mmschecksum` Configure MMS content checksum list. * `fmgr_antivirus_mmschecksum_entries` modify this MMS content checksum list. * `fmgr_antivirus_notification` Configure AntiVirus notification lists. * `fmgr_antivirus_notification_entries` modify this antivirus notification list. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile` Configure AntiVirus profiles. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_cifs` Configure CIFS AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_contentdisarm` AV Content Disarm and Reconstruction settings. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_ftp` Configure FTP AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_http` Configure HTTP AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_imap` Configure IMAP AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_mapi` Configure MAPI AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_nacquar` Configure AntiVirus quarantine settings. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_nntp` Configure NNTP AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_outbreakprevention` Configure Virus Outbreak Prevention settings. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_pop3` Configure POP3 AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_smb` Configure SMB AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_smtp` Configure SMTP AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_antivirus_profile_ssh` Configure SFTP and SCP AntiVirus options. * `fmgr_apcfgprofile` Configure AP local configuration profiles. * `fmgr_apcfgprofile_commandlist` AP local configuration command list. * `fmgr_application_casi_profile` Cloud Access Security Inspection. * `fmgr_application_casi_profile_entries` Application entries. * `fmgr_application_categories` no description. * `fmgr_application_custom` Configure custom application signatures. * `fmgr_application_group` Configure firewall application groups. * `fmgr_application_internetservice` Show Internet service application. * `fmgr_application_internetservice_entry` Entries in the Internet service database. * `fmgr_application_internetservicecustom` Configure custom Internet service applications. * `fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_disableentry` Disable entries in the Internet service database. * `fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_disableentry_iprange` IP ranges in the disable entry. * `fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_entry` Entries added to the Internet service database and custom database. * `fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_entry_portrange` Port ranges in the custom entry. * `fmgr_application_list` Configure application control lists. * `fmgr_application_list_defaultnetworkservices` Default network service entries. * `fmgr_application_list_entries` Application list entries. * `fmgr_application_list_entries_parameters` Application parameters. * `fmgr_application_list_entries_parameters_members` Parameter tuple members. * `fmgr_arrpprofile` Configure WiFi Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning. * `fmgr_authentication_scheme` Configure Authentication Schemes. * `fmgr_bleprofile` Configure Bluetooth Low Energy profile. * `fmgr_bonjourprofile` Configure Bonjour profiles. * `fmgr_bonjourprofile_policylist` Bonjour policy list. * `fmgr_certificate_template` no description. * `fmgr_cifs_domaincontroller` Define known domain controller servers. * `fmgr_cifs_profile` Configure CIFS profile. * `fmgr_cifs_profile_filefilter` File filter. * `fmgr_cifs_profile_filefilter_entries` File filter entries. * `fmgr_cifs_profile_serverkeytab` Server keytab. * `fmgr_cloud_orchestaws` no description. * `fmgr_cloud_orchestawsconnector` no description. * `fmgr_cloud_orchestawstemplate_autoscaleexistingvpc` no description. * `fmgr_cloud_orchestawstemplate_autoscalenewvpc` no description. * `fmgr_cloud_orchestawstemplate_autoscaletgwnewvpc` no description. * `fmgr_cloud_orchestration` no description. * `fmgr_credentialstore_domaincontroller` Define known domain controller servers. * `fmgr_devprof_device_profile_fortianalyzer` no description. * `fmgr_devprof_device_profile_fortiguard` no description. * `fmgr_devprof_import` no description. * `fmgr_devprof_log_fortianalyzer_setting` Global FortiAnalyzer settings. * `fmgr_devprof_log_fortianalyzercloud_setting` Global FortiAnalyzer Cloud settings. * `fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter` Filters for remote system server. * `fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter_excludelist` no description. * `fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter_excludelist_fields` no description. * `fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter_freestyle` Free style filters. * `fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_setting` Global settings for remote syslog server. * `fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_setting_customfieldname` Custom field name for CEF format logging. * `fmgr_devprof_system_centralmanagement` Configure central management. * `fmgr_devprof_system_centralmanagement_serverlist` Additional severs that the FortiGate can use for updates. * `fmgr_devprof_system_dns` Configure DNS. * `fmgr_devprof_system_emailserver` Configure the email server used by the FortiGate various things. * `fmgr_devprof_system_global` Configure global attributes. * `fmgr_devprof_system_ntp` Configure system NTP information. * `fmgr_devprof_system_ntp_ntpserver` Configure the FortiGate to connect to any available third-party NTP server. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_admin` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_alertmail` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_auth` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_devicedetectionportal` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_ec` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_fortiguardwf` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_ftp` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_http` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_mail` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_mms` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_nacquar` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_nntp` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_spam` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_sslvpn` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_trafficquota` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_utm` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_replacemsg_webproxy` Replacement messages. * `fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_community` SNMP community configuration. * `fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_community_hosts` Configure IPv4 SNMP managers. * `fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_community_hosts6` Configure IPv6 SNMP managers. * `fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_sysinfo` SNMP system info configuration. * `fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_user` SNMP user configuration. * `fmgr_dlp_datatype` Configure predefined data type used by DLP blocking. * `fmgr_dlp_dictionary` Configure dictionaries used by DLP blocking. * `fmgr_dlp_dictionary_entries` DLP dictionary entries. * `fmgr_dlp_filepattern` Configure file patterns used by DLP blocking. * `fmgr_dlp_filepattern_entries` Configure file patterns used by DLP blocking. * `fmgr_dlp_fpsensitivity` Create self-explanatory DLP sensitivity levels to be used when setting sensitivity under config fp-doc-source. * `fmgr_dlp_profile` Configure DLP profiles. * `fmgr_dlp_profile_rule` Set up DLP rules for this profile. * `fmgr_dlp_sensitivity` Create self-explanatory DLP sensitivity levels to be used when setting sensitivity under config fp-doc-source. * `fmgr_dlp_sensor` Configure DLP sensors. * `fmgr_dlp_sensor_entries` DLP sensor entries. * `fmgr_dlp_sensor_filter` Set up DLP filters for this sensor. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_domainfilter` Configure DNS domain filters. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_domainfilter_entries` DNS domain filter entries. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_profile` Configure DNS domain filter profiles. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_profile_dnstranslation` DNS translation settings. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_profile_domainfilter` Domain filter settings. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_profile_ftgddns` FortiGuard DNS Filter settings. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_profile_ftgddns_filters` FortiGuard DNS domain filters. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_profile_urlfilter` URL filter settings. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_urlfilter` Configure URL filter list. * `fmgr_dnsfilter_urlfilter_entries` DNS URL filter. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_add_device` Add a device to the Device Manager database. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_add_devlist` Add multiple devices to the Device Manager database. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_changehaseq` Modify HA sequence to promote a slave to become the master of the cluster. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_del_device` Delete a device. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_del_devlist` Delete a list of devices. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_discover_device` Probe a remote device and retrieve its device information and system status. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_import_devlist` Import a list of ADOMs and devices. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_reload_devlist` Retrieve a list of devices. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_update_device` Refresh the FGFM connection and system information of a device. * `fmgr_dvm_cmd_update_devlist` Refresh FGFM connection and system information for a list of devices. * `fmgr_dvmdb_adom` ADOM table, most attributes are read-only and can only be changed internally. * `fmgr_dvmdb_adom_objectmember` ADOM table, most attributes are read-only and can only be changed internally. * `fmgr_dvmdb_device` Device table, most attributes are read-only and can only be changed internally. * `fmgr_dvmdb_device_replace_sn` Replace devices serial number with new value. * `fmgr_dvmdb_device_vdom` Device VDOM table. * `fmgr_dvmdb_folder` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_group` Device group table. * `fmgr_dvmdb_group_objectmember` Device group table. * `fmgr_dvmdb_metafields_adom` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_metafields_device` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_metafields_group` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_revision` ADOM revision table. * `fmgr_dvmdb_script` Script table. * `fmgr_dvmdb_script_execute` Run script. * `fmgr_dvmdb_script_objectmember` Script table. * `fmgr_dvmdb_script_scriptschedule` Script schedule table. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_approve` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_discard` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_drop` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_reject` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_repair` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_revert` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_review` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_save` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_start` Continue a workflow session. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workflow_submit` no description. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_commit` Commit change. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_commit_dev` Commit change. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_commit_obj` Commit change. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_commit_pkg` Commit change. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_lock` Lock an entire ADOM. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_lock_dev` Lock a device. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_lock_obj` Lock a specific object, where the url contains the full path to the object. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_lock_pkg` Lock a specific package, where the url includes both the folder. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_unlock` Unlock an entire ADOM. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_unlock_dev` Unlock a device. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_unlock_obj` Unlock a specific object, where the url contains the full path to the object. * `fmgr_dvmdb_workspace_unlock_pkg` Unlock a specific package, where the url includes both the folder. * `fmgr_dynamic_address` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_address_dynamicaddrmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_certificate_local` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_certificate_local_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_input_interface` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_input_interface_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_interface` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_interface_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_interface_platformmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_ippool` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_multicast_interface` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_multicast_interface_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_vip` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_virtualwanlink_members` FortiGate interfaces added to the virtual-wan-link. * `fmgr_dynamic_virtualwanlink_members_dynamicmapping` FortiGate interfaces added to the virtual-wan-link. * `fmgr_dynamic_virtualwanlink_neighbor` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_virtualwanlink_neighbor_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_virtualwanlink_server` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_virtualwanlink_server_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_vpntunnel` no description. * `fmgr_dynamic_vpntunnel_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_emailfilter_blockallowlist` Configure anti-spam block/allow list. * `fmgr_emailfilter_blockallowlist_entries` Anti-spam block/allow entries. * `fmgr_emailfilter_bwl` Configure anti-spam black/white list. * `fmgr_emailfilter_bwl_entries` Anti-spam black/white list entries. * `fmgr_emailfilter_bword` Configure AntiSpam banned word list. * `fmgr_emailfilter_bword_entries` Spam filter banned word. * `fmgr_emailfilter_dnsbl` Configure AntiSpam DNSBL/ORBL. * `fmgr_emailfilter_dnsbl_entries` Spam filter DNSBL and ORBL server. * `fmgr_emailfilter_fortishield` Configure FortiGuard - AntiSpam. * `fmgr_emailfilter_iptrust` Configure AntiSpam IP trust. * `fmgr_emailfilter_iptrust_entries` Spam filter trusted IP addresses. * `fmgr_emailfilter_mheader` Configure AntiSpam MIME header. * `fmgr_emailfilter_mheader_entries` Spam filter mime header content. * `fmgr_emailfilter_options` Configure AntiSpam options. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile` Configure Email Filter profiles. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_filefilter` File filter. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_filefilter_entries` File filter entries. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_gmail` Gmail. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_imap` IMAP. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_mapi` MAPI. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_msnhotmail` MSN Hotmail. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_otherwebmails` Other supported webmails. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_pop3` POP3. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_smtp` SMTP. * `fmgr_emailfilter_profile_yahoomail` Yahoo! Mail. * `fmgr_endpointcontrol_fctems` Configure FortiClient Enterprise Management Server. * `fmgr_exec_fgfm_reclaimdevtunnel` Reclaim management tunnel to device. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_dataplan` FortiExtender dataplan configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile` FortiExtender extender profile configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular` FortiExtender cellular configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_controllerreport` FortiExtender controller report configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem1` Configuration options for modem 1. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem1_autoswitch` FortiExtender auto switch configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem2` Configuration options for modem 2. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem2_autoswitch` FortiExtender auto switch configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification` FortiExtender cellular SMS notification configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification_alert` SMS alert list. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification_receiver` SMS notification receiver list. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_lanextension` FortiExtender lan extension configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_extenderprofile_lanextension_backhaul` LAN extension backhaul tunnel configuration. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_simprofile` no description. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_simprofile_autoswitchprofile` no description. * `fmgr_extendercontroller_template` no description. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_dataplan` FortiExtender dataplan configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile` FortiExtender extender profile configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular` FortiExtender cellular configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_controllerreport` FortiExtender controller report configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem1` Configuration options for modem 1. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem1_autoswitch` FortiExtender auto switch configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem2` Configuration options for modem 2. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem2_autoswitch` FortiExtender auto switch configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification` FortiExtender cellular SMS notification configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification_alert` SMS alert list. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification_receiver` SMS notification receiver list. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_lanextension` FortiExtender lan extension configuration. * `fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_lanextension_backhaul` LAN extension backhaul tunnel configuration. * `fmgr_filefilter_profile` Configure file-filter profiles. * `fmgr_filefilter_profile_rules` File filter rules. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy` Configure Access Proxy. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6` Configure IPv6 access proxy. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway` Set IPv4 API Gateway. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway6` Set IPv6 API Gateway. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway6_realservers` Select the real servers that this Access Proxy will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway6_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites to offer to a server, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway_realservers` Select the real servers that this Access Proxy will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites to offer to a server, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway` Set API Gateway. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway6` Set IPv6 API Gateway. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway6_realservers` Select the real servers that this Access Proxy will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway6_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites to offer to a server, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway_realservers` Select the real servers that this Access Proxy will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites to offer to a server, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_realservers` Select the SSL real servers that this Access Proxy will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_serverpubkeyauthsettings` Server SSH public key authentication settings. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_serverpubkeyauthsettings_certextension` Configure certificate extension for user certificate. * `fmgr_firewall_accessproxyvirtualhost` Configure Access Proxy virtual hosts. * `fmgr_firewall_address` Configure IPv4 addresses. * `fmgr_firewall_address6` Configure IPv6 firewall addresses. * `fmgr_firewall_address6_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv6 firewall addresses. * `fmgr_firewall_address6_dynamicmapping_subnetsegment` IPv6 subnet segments. * `fmgr_firewall_address6_list` IP address list. * `fmgr_firewall_address6_profilelist` List of NSX service profiles that use this address. * `fmgr_firewall_address6_subnetsegment` IPv6 subnet segments. * `fmgr_firewall_address6_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_address6template` Configure IPv6 address templates. * `fmgr_firewall_address6template_subnetsegment` IPv6 subnet segments. * `fmgr_firewall_address6template_subnetsegment_values` Subnet segment values. * `fmgr_firewall_address_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv4 addresses. * `fmgr_firewall_address_list` IP address list. * `fmgr_firewall_address_profilelist` List of NSX service profiles that use this address. * `fmgr_firewall_address_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_addrgrp` Configure IPv4 address groups. * `fmgr_firewall_addrgrp6` Configure IPv6 address groups. * `fmgr_firewall_addrgrp6_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv6 address groups. * `fmgr_firewall_addrgrp6_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_addrgrp_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv4 address groups. * `fmgr_firewall_addrgrp_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_carrierendpointbwl` Carrier end point black/white list tables. * `fmgr_firewall_carrierendpointbwl_entries` Carrier end point black/white list. * `fmgr_firewall_decryptedtrafficmirror` Configure decrypted traffic mirror. * `fmgr_firewall_explicitproxyaddress` Explicit web proxy address configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_explicitproxyaddress_headergroup` HTTP header group. * `fmgr_firewall_explicitproxyaddrgrp` Explicit web proxy address group configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp` Configure GTP. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_apn` APN. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_ieremovepolicy` IE remove policy. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_ievalidation` IE validation. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_imsi` IMSI. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_ippolicy` IP policy. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_messagefilter` Message filter. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_messageratelimit` Message rate limiting. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_messageratelimitv0` Message rate limiting for GTP version 0. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_messageratelimitv1` Message rate limiting for GTP version 1. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_messageratelimitv2` Message rate limiting for GTP version 2. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_noippolicy` No IP policy. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_perapnshaper` Per APN shaper. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_policy` Policy. * `fmgr_firewall_gtp_policyv2` Apply allow or deny action to each GTPv2-c packet. * `fmgr_firewall_identitybasedroute` Configure identity based routing. * `fmgr_firewall_identitybasedroute_rule` Rule. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservice` Show Internet Service application. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservice_entry` Entries in the Internet Service database. * `fmgr_firewall_internetserviceaddition` Configure Internet Services Addition. * `fmgr_firewall_internetserviceaddition_entry` Entries added to the Internet Service addition database. * `fmgr_firewall_internetserviceaddition_entry_portrange` Port ranges in the custom entry. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicecustom` Configure custom Internet Services. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicecustom_disableentry` Disable entries in the Internet Service database. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicecustom_disableentry_iprange` IP ranges in the disable entry. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicecustom_entry` Entries added to the Internet Service database and custom database. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicecustom_entry_portrange` Port ranges in the custom entry. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicecustomgroup` Configure custom Internet Service group. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicegroup` Configure group of Internet Service. * `fmgr_firewall_internetservicename` Define internet service names. * `fmgr_firewall_ippool` Configure IPv4 IP pools. * `fmgr_firewall_ippool6` Configure IPv6 IP pools. * `fmgr_firewall_ippool6_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv6 IP pools. * `fmgr_firewall_ippool_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv4 IP pools. * `fmgr_firewall_ippoolgrp` Configure IPv4 pool groups. * `fmgr_firewall_ldbmonitor` Configure server load balancing health monitors. * `fmgr_firewall_mmsprofile` Configure MMS profiles. * `fmgr_firewall_mmsprofile_dupe` Duplicate configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_mmsprofile_flood` Flood configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_mmsprofile_notification` Notification configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_mmsprofile_notifmsisdn` Notification for MSISDNs. * `fmgr_firewall_mmsprofile_outbreakprevention` Configure Virus Outbreak Prevention settings. * `fmgr_firewall_multicastaddress` Configure multicast addresses. * `fmgr_firewall_multicastaddress6` Configure IPv6 multicast address. * `fmgr_firewall_multicastaddress6_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_multicastaddress_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_networkservicedynamic` Configure Dynamic Network Services. * `fmgr_firewall_profilegroup` Configure profile groups. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions` Configure protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_cifs` Configure CIFS protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_cifs_filefilter` File filter. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_cifs_filefilter_entries` File filter entries. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_cifs_serverkeytab` Server keytab. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_dns` Configure DNS protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_ftp` Configure FTP protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_http` Configure HTTP protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_imap` Configure IMAP protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_mailsignature` Configure Mail signature. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_mapi` Configure MAPI protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_nntp` Configure NNTP protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_pop3` Configure POP3 protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_smtp` Configure SMTP protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_profileprotocoloptions_ssh` Configure SFTP and SCP protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_proxyaddress` Web proxy address configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_proxyaddress_headergroup` HTTP header group. * `fmgr_firewall_proxyaddress_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_proxyaddrgrp` Web proxy address group configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_proxyaddrgrp_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_firewall_schedule_group` Schedule group configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_schedule_onetime` Onetime schedule configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_schedule_recurring` Recurring schedule configuration. * `fmgr_firewall_service_category` Configure service categories. * `fmgr_firewall_service_custom` Configure custom services. * `fmgr_firewall_service_group` Configure service groups. * `fmgr_firewall_shaper_peripshaper` Configure per-IP traffic shaper. * `fmgr_firewall_shaper_trafficshaper` Configure shared traffic shaper. * `fmgr_firewall_shapingprofile` Configure shaping profiles. * `fmgr_firewall_shapingprofile_shapingentries` Define shaping entries of this shaping profile. * `fmgr_firewall_ssh_localca` SSH proxy local CA. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile` Configure SSL/SSH protocol options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_dot` Configure DNS over TLS options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_ftps` Configure FTPS options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_https` Configure HTTPS options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_imaps` Configure IMAPS options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_pop3s` Configure POP3S options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_smtps` Configure SMTPS options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_ssh` Configure SSH options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_ssl` Configure SSL options. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_sslexempt` Servers to exempt from SSL inspection. * `fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_sslserver` SSL servers. * `fmgr_firewall_trafficclass` Configure names for shaping classes. * `fmgr_firewall_vip` Configure virtual IP for IPv4. * `fmgr_firewall_vip46` Configure IPv4 to IPv6 virtual IPs. * `fmgr_firewall_vip46_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv4 to IPv6 virtual IPs. * `fmgr_firewall_vip46_realservers` Real servers. * `fmgr_firewall_vip6` Configure virtual IP for IPv6. * `fmgr_firewall_vip64` Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IPs. * `fmgr_firewall_vip64_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IPs. * `fmgr_firewall_vip64_realservers` Real servers. * `fmgr_firewall_vip6_dynamicmapping` Configure virtual IP for IPv6. * `fmgr_firewall_vip6_dynamicmapping_realservers` Select the real servers that this server load balancing VIP will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_vip6_dynamicmapping_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites acceptable from a client, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_vip6_realservers` Select the real servers that this server load balancing VIP will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_vip6_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites acceptable from a client, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_vip6_sslserverciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites to offer to a server, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_vip_dynamicmapping` Configure virtual IP for IPv4. * `fmgr_firewall_vip_dynamicmapping_realservers` Select the real servers that this server load balancing VIP will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_vip_dynamicmapping_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites acceptable from a client, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_vip_realservers` Select the real servers that this server load balancing VIP will distribute traffic to. * `fmgr_firewall_vip_sslciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites acceptable from a client, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_vip_sslserverciphersuites` SSL/TLS cipher suites to offer to a server, ordered by priority. * `fmgr_firewall_vipgrp` Configure IPv4 virtual IP groups. * `fmgr_firewall_vipgrp46` Configure IPv4 to IPv6 virtual IP groups. * `fmgr_firewall_vipgrp6` Configure IPv6 virtual IP groups. * `fmgr_firewall_vipgrp64` Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IP groups. * `fmgr_firewall_vipgrp_dynamicmapping` Configure IPv4 virtual IP groups. * `fmgr_firewall_wildcardfqdn_custom` Config global/VDOM Wildcard FQDN address. * `fmgr_firewall_wildcardfqdn_group` Config global Wildcard FQDN address groups. * `fmgr_fmg_device_blueprint` no description. * `fmgr_fmg_fabric_authorization_template` no description. * `fmgr_fmg_fabric_authorization_template_platforms` no description. * `fmgr_fmg_variable` no description. * `fmgr_fmg_variable_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_fmupdate_analyzer_virusreport` Send virus detection notification to FortiGuard. * `fmgr_fmupdate_avips_advancedlog` Enable/disable logging of FortiGuard antivirus and IPS update packages received by FortiManagers built-in FortiGuard. * `fmgr_fmupdate_avips_webproxy` Configure the web proxy for use with FortiGuard antivirus and IPS updates. * `fmgr_fmupdate_customurllist` Configure the URL database for rating and filtering. * `fmgr_fmupdate_diskquota` Configure disk space available for use by the Upgrade Manager. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fctservices` Configure FortiGuard to provide services to FortiClient installations. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fdssetting` Configure FortiGuard settings. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fdssetting_pushoverride` Enable/disable push updates, and override the default IP address and port used by FortiGuard to send antivirus and IPS push messages for ... * `fmgr_fmupdate_fdssetting_pushoverridetoclient` Enable/disable push updates, and override the default IP address and port used by FortiGuard to send antivirus and IPS push messages for ... * `fmgr_fmupdate_fdssetting_pushoverridetoclient_announceip` Announce IP addresses for the device. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fdssetting_serveroverride` Server override configure. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fdssetting_serveroverride_servlist` Override server. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fdssetting_updateschedule` Configure the schedule when built-in FortiGuard retrieves antivirus and IPS updates. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fwmsetting` Configure firmware management settings. * `fmgr_fmupdate_fwmsetting_upgradetimeout` Configure the timeout value of image upgrade process. * `fmgr_fmupdate_multilayer` Configure multilayer mode. * `fmgr_fmupdate_publicnetwork` Enable/disable access to the public FortiGuard. * `fmgr_fmupdate_serveraccesspriorities` Configure priorities for FortiGate units accessing antivirus updates and web filtering services. * `fmgr_fmupdate_serveraccesspriorities_privateserver` Configure multiple FortiManager units and private servers. * `fmgr_fmupdate_serveroverridestatus` Configure strict/loose server override. * `fmgr_fmupdate_service` Enable/disable services provided by the built-in FortiGuard. * `fmgr_fmupdate_webspam_fgdsetting` Configure the FortiGuard run parameters. * `fmgr_fmupdate_webspam_fgdsetting_serveroverride` Server override configure. * `fmgr_fmupdate_webspam_fgdsetting_serveroverride_servlist` Override server. * `fmgr_fmupdate_webspam_webproxy` Configure the web proxy for use with FortiGuard antivirus and IPS updates. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan` no description. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dhcpserver` Configure DHCP servers. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dhcpserver_excluderange` Exclude one or more ranges of IP addresses from being assigned to clients. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dhcpserver_iprange` DHCP IP range configuration. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dhcpserver_options` DHCP options. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dhcpserver_reservedaddress` Options for the DHCP server to assign IP settings to specific MAC addresses. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping` no description. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_dhcpserver` Configure DHCP servers. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_dhcpserver_excluderange` Exclude one or more ranges of IP addresses from being assigned to clients. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_dhcpserver_iprange` DHCP IP range configuration. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_dhcpserver_options` DHCP options. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_dhcpserver_reservedaddress` Options for the DHCP server to assign IP settings to specific MAC addresses. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface` no description. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_ipv6` IPv6 of interface. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_ipv6_ip6delegatedprefixlist` Advertised IPv6 delegated prefix list. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_ipv6_ip6extraaddr` Extra IPv6 address prefixes of interface. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_ipv6_ip6prefixlist` Advertised prefix list. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_ipv6_vrrp6` IPv6 VRRP configuration. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_secondaryip` Second IP address of interface. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_vrrp` VRRP configuration. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_vrrp_proxyarp` VRRP Proxy ARP configuration. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface` Configure interfaces. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_ipv6` IPv6 of interface. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_ipv6_ip6delegatedprefixlist` Advertised IPv6 delegated prefix list. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_ipv6_ip6extraaddr` Extra IPv6 address prefixes of interface. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_ipv6_ip6prefixlist` Advertised prefix list. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_ipv6_vrrp6` IPv6 VRRP configuration. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_secondaryip` Second IP address of interface. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_vrrp` VRRP configuration. * `fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_vrrp_proxyarp` VRRP Proxy ARP configuration. * `fmgr_gtp_apn` Configure APN for GTP. * `fmgr_gtp_apngrp` Configure APN groups for GTP. * `fmgr_gtp_iewhitelist` IE white list. * `fmgr_gtp_iewhitelist_entries` Entries of white list. * `fmgr_gtp_messagefilterv0v1` Message filter for GTPv0/v1 messages. * `fmgr_gtp_messagefilterv2` Message filter for GTPv2 messages. * `fmgr_gtp_tunnellimit` GTP tunnel limiter. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqp3gppcellular` Configure 3GPP public land mobile network. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqp3gppcellular_mccmnclist` Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code configuration. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpipaddresstype` Configure IP address type availability. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpnairealm` Configure network access identifier. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpnairealm_nailist` NAI list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpnairealm_nailist_eapmethod` EAP Methods. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpnairealm_nailist_eapmethod_authparam` EAP auth param. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpnetworkauthtype` Configure network authentication type. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqproamingconsortium` Configure roaming consortium. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqproamingconsortium_oilist` Organization identifier list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpvenuename` Configure venue name duple. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpvenuename_valuelist` Name list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpvenueurl` Configure venue URL. * `fmgr_hotspot20_anqpvenueurl_valuelist` URL list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qpadviceofcharge` Configure advice of charge. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qpadviceofcharge_aoclist` AOC list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qpadviceofcharge_aoclist_planinfo` Plan info. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qpconncapability` Configure connection capability. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qpoperatorname` Configure operator friendly name. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qpoperatorname_valuelist` Name list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qposuprovider` Configure online sign up. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qposuprovider_friendlyname` OSU provider friendly name. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qposuprovider_servicedescription` OSU service name. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qposuprovidernai` Configure online sign up. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qposuprovidernai_nailist` OSU NAI list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qptermsandconditions` Configure terms and conditions. * `fmgr_hotspot20_h2qpwanmetric` Configure WAN metrics. * `fmgr_hotspot20_hsprofile` Configure hotspot profile. * `fmgr_hotspot20_icon` Configure OSU provider icon. * `fmgr_hotspot20_icon_iconlist` Icon list. * `fmgr_hotspot20_qosmap` Configure QoS map set. * `fmgr_hotspot20_qosmap_dscpexcept` Differentiated Services Code Point. * `fmgr_hotspot20_qosmap_dscprange` Differentiated Services Code Point. * `fmgr_icap_profile` Configure ICAP profiles. * `fmgr_icap_profile_icapheaders` Configure ICAP forwarded request headers. * `fmgr_icap_profile_respmodforwardrules` ICAP response mode forward rules. * `fmgr_icap_profile_respmodforwardrules_headergroup` HTTP header group. * `fmgr_icap_server` Configure ICAP servers. * `fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor` Configure IPS sensor. * `fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_entries` IPS sensor filter. * `fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_entries_exemptip` Traffic from selected source or destination IP addresses is exempt from this signature. * `fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_filter` no description. * `fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_override` no description. * `fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_override_exemptip` no description. * `fmgr_ips_custom` Configure IPS custom signature. * `fmgr_ips_sensor` Configure IPS sensor. * `fmgr_ips_sensor_entries` IPS sensor filter. * `fmgr_ips_sensor_entries_exemptip` Traffic from selected source or destination IP addresses is exempt from this signature. * `fmgr_log_customfield` Configure custom log fields. * `fmgr_log_npuserver` Configure all the log servers and create the server groups. * `fmgr_log_npuserver_servergroup` create server group. * `fmgr_log_npuserver_serverinfo` configure server info. * `fmgr_metafields_system_admin_user` no description. * `fmgr_mpskprofile` Configure MPSK profile. * `fmgr_mpskprofile_mpskgroup` List of multiple PSK groups. * `fmgr_mpskprofile_mpskgroup_mpskkey` List of multiple PSK entries. * `fmgr_nacprofile` Configure WiFi network access control. * `fmgr_pkg_authentication_rule` Configure Authentication Rules. * `fmgr_pkg_authentication_setting` Configure authentication setting. * `fmgr_pkg_central_dnat` no description. * `fmgr_pkg_central_dnat6` no description. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_acl` Configure IPv4 access control list. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_acl6` Configure IPv6 access control list. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_centralsnatmap` Configure central SNAT policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_consolidated_policy` Configure consolidated IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_consolidated_policy_sectionvalue` Configure consolidated IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_dospolicy` Configure IPv4 DoS policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_dospolicy6` Configure IPv6 DoS policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_dospolicy6_anomaly` Anomaly name. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_dospolicy_anomaly` Anomaly name. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_explicitproxypolicy` Configure Explicit proxy policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_explicitproxypolicy_identitybasedpolicy` Identity-based policy. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_explicitproxypolicy_sectionvalue` Configure Explicit proxy policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy` Configure IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy46` Configure IPv4 to IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy6` Configure IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy64` Configure IPv6 to IPv4 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_interfacepolicy` Configure IPv4 interface policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_interfacepolicy6` Configure IPv6 interface policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_interfacepolicy6_sectionvalue` Configure IPv6 interface policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_interfacepolicy_sectionvalue` Configure IPv4 interface policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_localinpolicy` Configure user defined IPv4 local-in policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_localinpolicy6` Configure user defined IPv6 local-in policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_multicastpolicy` Configure multicast NAT policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_multicastpolicy6` Configure IPv6 multicast NAT policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy` Configure IPv4 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy46` Configure IPv4 to IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy6` Configure IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy64` Configure IPv6 to IPv4 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy6_sectionvalue` Configure IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy_sectionvalue` Configure IPv4 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy_vpndstnode` no description. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy_vpnsrcnode` no description. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_proxypolicy` Configure proxy policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_proxypolicy_sectionvalue` Configure proxy policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_securitypolicy` Configure NGFW IPv4/IPv6 application policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_securitypolicy_sectionvalue` Configure NGFW IPv4/IPv6 application policies. * `fmgr_pkg_firewall_shapingpolicy` Configure shaping policies. * `fmgr_pkg_footer_policy` Configure IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_footer_policy6` Configure IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_footer_shapingpolicy` Configure shaping policies. * `fmgr_pkg_header_policy` Configure IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_header_policy6` Configure IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pkg_header_shapingpolicy` Configure shaping policies. * `fmgr_pkg_user_nacpolicy` Configure NAC policy matching pattern to identify matching NAC devices. * `fmgr_pm_config_metafields_firewall_address` no description. * `fmgr_pm_config_metafields_firewall_addrgrp` no description. * `fmgr_pm_config_metafields_firewall_centralsnatmap` no description. * `fmgr_pm_config_metafields_firewall_policy` no description. * `fmgr_pm_config_metafields_firewall_service_custom` no description. * `fmgr_pm_config_metafields_firewall_service_group` no description. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_consolidated_policy` Configure consolidated IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_consolidated_policy_sectionvalue` Configure consolidated IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_policy` Configure IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_policy6` Configure IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_policy6_sectionvalue` Configure IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_policy_sectionvalue` Configure IPv4/IPv6 policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_securitypolicy` Configure NGFW IPv4/IPv6 application policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_securitypolicy_sectionvalue` Configure NGFW IPv4/IPv6 application policies. * `fmgr_pm_config_reset_database` Reset Global ADOM to a specific version. * `fmgr_pm_config_upgrade` Upgrade an ADOM to the next version. * `fmgr_pm_config_workspace_commit` Commit changes to an ADOM. * `fmgr_pm_config_workspace_lock` Lock an ADOM in workspace mode. * `fmgr_pm_config_workspace_unlock` Unlock an ADOM. * `fmgr_pm_devprof_adom` no description. * `fmgr_pm_devprof_pkg` no description. * `fmgr_pm_devprof_scopemember` no description. * `fmgr_pm_pblock_adom` no description. * `fmgr_pm_pblock_obj` no description. * `fmgr_pm_pkg` Policy package or folder. * `fmgr_pm_pkg_adom` Policy package or folder. * `fmgr_pm_pkg_global` Policy package or folder. * `fmgr_pm_pkg_scopemember` Policy package or folder. * `fmgr_pm_wanprof_adom` no description. * `fmgr_pm_wanprof_pkg` no description. * `fmgr_pm_wanprof_scopemember` no description. * `fmgr_qosprofile` Configure WiFi quality of service. * `fmgr_region` Configure FortiAP regions. * `fmgr_router_accesslist` Configure access lists. * `fmgr_router_accesslist6` Configure IPv6 access lists. * `fmgr_router_accesslist6_rule` Rule. * `fmgr_router_accesslist_rule` Rule. * `fmgr_router_aspathlist` Configure Autonomous System. * `fmgr_router_aspathlist_rule` AS path list rule. * `fmgr_router_communitylist` Configure community lists. * `fmgr_router_communitylist_rule` Community list rule. * `fmgr_router_prefixlist` Configure IPv4 prefix lists. * `fmgr_router_prefixlist6` Configure IPv6 prefix lists. * `fmgr_router_prefixlist6_rule` IPv6 prefix list rule. * `fmgr_router_prefixlist_rule` IPv4 prefix list rule. * `fmgr_router_routemap` Configure route maps. * `fmgr_router_routemap_rule` Rule. * `fmgr_securityconsole_abort` Abort and cancel a security console task. * `fmgr_securityconsole_assign_package` Assign or unassign global policy package to ADOM packages. * `fmgr_securityconsole_cliprof_check` no description. * `fmgr_securityconsole_import_dev_objs` Import objects from device to ADOM, or from ADOM to Global. * `fmgr_securityconsole_install_device` no description. * `fmgr_securityconsole_install_package` Copy and install a policy package to devices. * `fmgr_securityconsole_install_preview` Generate install preview for a device. * `fmgr_securityconsole_package_cancel_install` Cancel policy install and clear preview cache. * `fmgr_securityconsole_package_clone` Clone a policy package within the same ADOM. * `fmgr_securityconsole_package_commit` Install policies to device from preview cache. * `fmgr_securityconsole_package_move` Move and/or rename a policy package within the same ADOM. * `fmgr_securityconsole_pblock_clone` no description. * `fmgr_securityconsole_preview_result` Retrieve the result of previous install/preview command. * `fmgr_securityconsole_reinstall_package` Re-install a policy package that had been previously installed. * `fmgr_securityconsole_sign_certificate_template` Generate and sign certificate on the target device. * `fmgr_securityconsole_template_cli_preview` no description. * `fmgr_spamfilter_bwl` Configure anti-spam black/white list. * `fmgr_spamfilter_bwl_entries` Anti-spam black/white list entries. * `fmgr_spamfilter_bword` Configure AntiSpam banned word list. * `fmgr_spamfilter_bword_entries` Spam filter banned word. * `fmgr_spamfilter_dnsbl` Configure AntiSpam DNSBL/ORBL. * `fmgr_spamfilter_dnsbl_entries` Spam filter DNSBL and ORBL server. * `fmgr_spamfilter_iptrust` Configure AntiSpam IP trust. * `fmgr_spamfilter_iptrust_entries` Spam filter trusted IP addresses. * `fmgr_spamfilter_mheader` Configure AntiSpam MIME header. * `fmgr_spamfilter_mheader_entries` Spam filter mime header content. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile` Configure AntiSpam profiles. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile_gmail` Gmail. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile_imap` IMAP. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile_mapi` MAPI. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile_msnhotmail` MSN Hotmail. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile_pop3` POP3. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile_smtp` SMTP. * `fmgr_spamfilter_profile_yahoomail` Yahoo! Mail. * `fmgr_sshfilter_profile` SSH filter profile. * `fmgr_sshfilter_profile_filefilter` File filter. * `fmgr_sshfilter_profile_filefilter_entries` File filter entries. * `fmgr_sshfilter_profile_shellcommands` SSH command filter. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_group` Configure ACL groups to be applied on managed FortiSwitch ports. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_ingress` Configure ingress ACL policies to be applied on managed FortiSwitch ports. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_ingress_action` ACL actions. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_ingress_classifier` ACL classifiers. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_customcommand` Configure the FortiGate switch controller to send custom commands to managed FortiSwitch devices. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_dsl_policy` DSL policy. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_dynamicportpolicy` Configure Dynamic port policy to be applied on the managed FortiSwitch ports through DPP device. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_dynamicportpolicy_policy` Port policies with matching criteria and actions. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_fortilinksettings` Configure integrated FortiLink settings for FortiSwitch. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_fortilinksettings_nacports` NAC specific configuration. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_lldpprofile` Configure FortiSwitch LLDP profiles. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_lldpprofile_customtlvs` Configuration method to edit custom TLV entries. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_lldpprofile_medlocationservice` Configuration method to edit Media Endpoint Discovery. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_lldpprofile_mednetworkpolicy` Configuration method to edit Media Endpoint Discovery. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_macpolicy` Configure MAC policy to be applied on the managed FortiSwitch devices through NAC device. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch` Configure FortiSwitch devices that are managed by this FortiGate. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_8021xsettings` Configuration method to edit FortiSwitch 802. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_customcommand` Configuration method to edit FortiSwitch commands to be pushed to this FortiSwitch device upon rebooting the FortiGate switch controller ... * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_dhcpsnoopingstaticclient` Configure FortiSwitch DHCP snooping static clients. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_igmpsnooping` Configure FortiSwitch IGMP snooping global settings. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_ipsourceguard` IP source guard. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_ipsourceguard_bindingentry` IP and MAC address configuration. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_mirror` Configuration method to edit FortiSwitch packet mirror. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_ports` Managed-switch port list. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_ports_dhcpsnoopoption82override` Configure DHCP snooping option 82 override. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_remotelog` Configure logging by FortiSwitch device to a remote syslog server. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_snmpcommunity` Configuration method to edit Simple Network Management Protocol. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_snmpcommunity_hosts` Configure IPv4 SNMP managers. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_snmpsysinfo` Configuration method to edit Simple Network Management Protocol. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_snmptrapthreshold` Configuration method to edit Simple Network Management Protocol. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_snmpuser` Configuration method to edit Simple Network Management Protocol. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_staticmac` Configuration method to edit FortiSwitch Static and Sticky MAC. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_stormcontrol` Configuration method to edit FortiSwitch storm control for measuring traffic activity using data rates to prevent traffic disruption. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_stpinstance` Configuration method to edit Spanning Tree Protocol. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_stpsettings` Configuration method to edit Spanning Tree Protocol. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_switchlog` Configuration method to edit FortiSwitch logging settings. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_switchstpsettings` Configure spanning tree protocol. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_qos_dot1pmap` Configure FortiSwitch QoS 802. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_qos_ipdscpmap` Configure FortiSwitch QoS IP precedence/DSCP. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_qos_ipdscpmap_map` Maps between IP-DSCP value to COS queue. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_qos_qospolicy` Configure FortiSwitch QoS policy. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_qos_queuepolicy` Configure FortiSwitch QoS egress queue policy. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_qos_queuepolicy_cosqueue` COS queue configuration. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_securitypolicy_8021x` Configure 802. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_securitypolicy_captiveportal` Names of VLANs that use captive portal authentication. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_switchinterfacetag` Configure switch object tags. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_trafficpolicy` Configure FortiSwitch traffic policy. * `fmgr_switchcontroller_vlanpolicy` Configure VLAN policy to be applied on the managed FortiSwitch ports through dynamic-port-policy. * `fmgr_sys_api_sdnconnector` Query SDN connector data. * `fmgr_sys_cloud_orchest` no description. * `fmgr_sys_generate_wsdl` Generate WSDL for specific module and objects. * `fmgr_sys_hitcount` no description. * `fmgr_sys_login_challenge` Answer a log in challenge question, used following a login/user or login/challenge command. * `fmgr_sys_login_user` Log into the device with user name and password. * `fmgr_sys_logout` Log out a session. * `fmgr_sys_proxy_json` Send and receive JSON request to/from managed devices. * `fmgr_sys_reboot` Restart FortiManager. * `fmgr_sys_task_result` no description. * `fmgr_system_admin_group` User group. * `fmgr_system_admin_group_member` Group members. * `fmgr_system_admin_ldap` LDAP server entry configuration. * `fmgr_system_admin_ldap_adom` Admin domain. * `fmgr_system_admin_profile` Admin profile. * `fmgr_system_admin_profile_datamaskcustomfields` Customized datamask fields. * `fmgr_system_admin_radius` Configure radius. * `fmgr_system_admin_setting` Admin setting. * `fmgr_system_admin_tacacs` TACACS+ server entry configuration. * `fmgr_system_admin_user` Admin user. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_adom` Admin domain. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_adomexclude` Excluding admin domain. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_appfilter` App filter. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_dashboard` Custom dashboard widgets. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_dashboardtabs` Custom dashboard. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_ipsfilter` IPS filter. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_metadata` Configure meta data. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_policypackage` Policy package access. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_restrictdevvdom` Restricted to these devices/VDOMs. * `fmgr_system_admin_user_webfilter` Web filter. * `fmgr_system_alertconsole` Alert console. * `fmgr_system_alertemail` Configure alertemail. * `fmgr_system_alertevent` Alert events. * `fmgr_system_alertevent_alertdestination` Alert destination. * `fmgr_system_autodelete` Automatic deletion policy for logs, reports, archived, and quarantined files. * `fmgr_system_autodelete_dlpfilesautodeletion` Automatic deletion policy for DLP archives. * `fmgr_system_autodelete_logautodeletion` Automatic deletion policy for device logs. * `fmgr_system_autodelete_quarantinefilesautodeletion` Automatic deletion policy for quarantined files. * `fmgr_system_autodelete_reportautodeletion` Automatic deletion policy for reports. * `fmgr_system_backup_allsettings` Scheduled backup settings. * `fmgr_system_certificate_ca` CA certificate. * `fmgr_system_certificate_crl` Certificate Revocation List. * `fmgr_system_certificate_local` Local keys and certificates. * `fmgr_system_certificate_oftp` OFTP certificates and keys. * `fmgr_system_certificate_remote` Remote certificate. * `fmgr_system_certificate_ssh` SSH certificates and keys. * `fmgr_system_connector` Configure connector. * `fmgr_system_customlanguage` Configure custom languages. * `fmgr_system_dhcp_server` Configure DHCP servers. * `fmgr_system_dhcp_server_excluderange` Exclude one or more ranges of IP addresses from being assigned to clients. * `fmgr_system_dhcp_server_iprange` DHCP IP range configuration. * `fmgr_system_dhcp_server_options` DHCP options. * `fmgr_system_dhcp_server_reservedaddress` Options for the DHCP server to assign IP settings to specific MAC addresses. * `fmgr_system_dm` Configure dm. * `fmgr_system_dns` DNS configuration. * `fmgr_system_docker` Docker host. * `fmgr_system_externalresource` Configure external resource. * `fmgr_system_fips` Settings for FIPS-CC mode. * `fmgr_system_fortiguard` Configure FortiGuard services. * `fmgr_system_fortiview_autocache` FortiView auto-cache settings. * `fmgr_system_fortiview_setting` FortiView settings. * `fmgr_system_geoipcountry` no description. * `fmgr_system_geoipoverride` Configure geographical location mapping for IP address. * `fmgr_system_geoipoverride_ip6range` Table of IPv6 ranges assigned to country. * `fmgr_system_geoipoverride_iprange` Table of IP ranges assigned to country. * `fmgr_system_global` Global range attributes. * `fmgr_system_guiact` System settings through GUI. * `fmgr_system_ha` HA configuration. * `fmgr_system_ha_monitoredinterfaces` Monitored interfaces. * `fmgr_system_ha_monitoredips` Monitored IP addresses. * `fmgr_system_ha_peer` Peer. * `fmgr_system_hascheduledcheck` Scheduled HA integrity check. * `fmgr_system_interface` Interface configuration. * `fmgr_system_interface_ipv6` IPv6 of interface. * `fmgr_system_interface_member` Physical interfaces that belong to the aggregate or redundant interface. * `fmgr_system_localinpolicy` IPv4 local in policy configuration. * `fmgr_system_localinpolicy6` IPv6 local in policy configuration. * `fmgr_system_locallog_disk_filter` Filter for disk logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_disk_setting` Settings for local disk logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_fortianalyzer2_filter` Filter for FortiAnalyzer2 logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_fortianalyzer2_setting` Settings for locallog to fortianalyzer. * `fmgr_system_locallog_fortianalyzer3_filter` Filter for FortiAnalyzer3 logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_fortianalyzer3_setting` Settings for locallog to fortianalyzer. * `fmgr_system_locallog_fortianalyzer_filter` Filter for FortiAnalyzer logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_fortianalyzer_setting` Settings for locallog to fortianalyzer. * `fmgr_system_locallog_memory_filter` Filter for memory logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_memory_setting` Settings for memory buffer. * `fmgr_system_locallog_setting` Settings for locallog logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_syslogd2_filter` Filter for syslog logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_syslogd2_setting` Settings for remote syslog server. * `fmgr_system_locallog_syslogd3_filter` Filter for syslog logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_syslogd3_setting` Settings for remote syslog server. * `fmgr_system_locallog_syslogd_filter` Filter for syslog logging. * `fmgr_system_locallog_syslogd_setting` Settings for remote syslog server. * `fmgr_system_log_alert` Log based alert settings. * `fmgr_system_log_devicedisable` Disable client device logging. * `fmgr_system_log_fospolicystats` FortiOS policy statistics settings. * `fmgr_system_log_interfacestats` Interface statistics settings. * `fmgr_system_log_ioc` IoC settings. * `fmgr_system_log_maildomain` FortiMail domain setting. * `fmgr_system_log_ratelimit` Logging rate limit. * `fmgr_system_log_ratelimit_device` Device log rate limit. * `fmgr_system_log_ratelimit_ratelimits` Per device or ADOM log rate limits. * `fmgr_system_log_settings` Log settings. * `fmgr_system_log_settings_rollinganalyzer` Log rolling policy for Network Analyzer logs. * `fmgr_system_log_settings_rollinglocal` Log rolling policy for local logs. * `fmgr_system_log_settings_rollingregular` Log rolling policy for device logs. * `fmgr_system_log_topology` Logging topology settings. * `fmgr_system_logfetch_clientprofile` Log-fetch client profile settings. * `fmgr_system_logfetch_clientprofile_devicefilter` List of device filter. * `fmgr_system_logfetch_clientprofile_logfilter` Log content filters. * `fmgr_system_logfetch_serversettings` Log-fetch server settings. * `fmgr_system_mail` Alert emails. * `fmgr_system_mcpolicydisabledadoms` Multicast policy disabled adoms. * `fmgr_system_meta` no description. * `fmgr_system_meta_sysmetafields` no description. * `fmgr_system_metadata_admins` Configure admins. * `fmgr_system_npu` Configure NPU attributes. * `fmgr_system_npu_backgroundssescan` Configure driver background scan for SSE. * `fmgr_system_npu_dosoptions` NPU DoS configurations. * `fmgr_system_npu_dswdtsprofile` Configure NPU DSW DTS profile. * `fmgr_system_npu_dswqueuedtsprofile` Configure NPU DSW Queue DTS profile. * `fmgr_system_npu_fpanomaly` NP6Lite anomaly protection. * `fmgr_system_npu_hpe` Host protection engine configuration. * `fmgr_system_npu_ipreassembly` IP reassebmly engine configuration. * `fmgr_system_npu_isfnpqueues` Configure queues of switch port connected to NP6 XAUI on ingress path. * `fmgr_system_npu_npqueues` Configure queue assignment on NP7. * `fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_ethernettype` Configure a NP7 QoS Ethernet Type. * `fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_ipprotocol` Configure a NP7 QoS IP Protocol. * `fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_ipservice` Configure a NP7 QoS IP Service. * `fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_profile` Configure a NP7 class profile. * `fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_scheduler` Configure a NP7 QoS Scheduler. * `fmgr_system_npu_portcpumap` Configure NPU interface to CPU core mapping. * `fmgr_system_npu_portnpumap` Configure port to NPU group mapping. * `fmgr_system_npu_portpathoption` Configure port using NPU or Intel-NIC. * `fmgr_system_npu_priorityprotocol` Configure NPU priority protocol. * `fmgr_system_npu_ssehascan` Configure driver HA scan for SSE. * `fmgr_system_npu_swehhash` Configure switch enhanced hashing. * `fmgr_system_npu_swtrhash` Configure switch traditional hashing. * `fmgr_system_npu_tcptimeoutprofile` Configure TCP timeout profile. * `fmgr_system_npu_udptimeoutprofile` Configure UDP timeout profile. * `fmgr_system_ntp` NTP settings. * `fmgr_system_ntp_ntpserver` NTP server. * `fmgr_system_objecttag` Configure object tags. * `fmgr_system_objecttagging` Configure object tagging. * `fmgr_system_passwordpolicy` Password policy. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup` Configure replacement message groups. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_admin` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_alertmail` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_auth` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_automation` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_custommessage` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_devicedetectionportal` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_ec` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_fortiguardwf` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_ftp` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_http` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_icap` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_mail` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_mm1` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_mm3` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_mm4` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_mm7` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_mms` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_nacquar` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_nntp` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_spam` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_sslvpn` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_trafficquota` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_utm` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsggroup_webproxy` Replacement message table entries. * `fmgr_system_replacemsgimage` Configure replacement message images. * `fmgr_system_report_autocache` Report auto-cache settings. * `fmgr_system_report_estbrowsetime` Report estimated browse time settings. * `fmgr_system_report_group` Report group. * `fmgr_system_report_group_chartalternative` Chart alternatives. * `fmgr_system_report_group_groupby` Group-by variables. * `fmgr_system_report_setting` Report settings. * `fmgr_system_route` Routing table configuration. * `fmgr_system_route6` Routing table configuration. * `fmgr_system_saml` Global settings for SAML authentication. * `fmgr_system_saml_fabricidp` Authorized identity providers. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector` Configure connection to SDN Connector. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_compartmentlist` Configure OCI compartment list. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_externalaccountlist` Configure AWS external account list. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_externalip` Configure GCP external IP. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_forwardingrule` Configure GCP forwarding rule. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_gcpprojectlist` Configure GCP project list. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_nic` Configure Azure network interface. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_nic_ip` Configure IP configuration. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_ociregionlist` Configure OCI region list. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_route` Configure GCP route. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_routetable` Configure Azure route table. * `fmgr_system_sdnconnector_routetable_route` Configure Azure route. * `fmgr_system_smsserver` Configure SMS server for sending SMS messages to support user authentication. * `fmgr_system_sniffer` Interface sniffer. * `fmgr_system_snmp_community` SNMP community configuration. * `fmgr_system_snmp_community_hosts` Allow hosts configuration. * `fmgr_system_snmp_community_hosts6` Allow hosts configuration for IPv6. * `fmgr_system_snmp_sysinfo` SNMP configuration. * `fmgr_system_snmp_user` SNMP user configuration. * `fmgr_system_socfabric` SOC Fabric. * `fmgr_system_socfabric_trustedlist` Pre-authorized security fabric nodes. * `fmgr_system_sql` SQL settings. * `fmgr_system_sql_customindex` List of SQL index fields. * `fmgr_system_sql_customskipidx` List of aditional SQL skip index fields. * `fmgr_system_sql_tsindexfield` List of SQL text search index fields. * `fmgr_system_sslciphersuites` Configure preferred SSL/TLS cipher suites. * `fmgr_system_syslog` Syslog servers. * `fmgr_system_virtualwirepair` Configure virtual wire pairs. * `fmgr_system_webproxy` Configure system web proxy. * `fmgr_system_workflow_approvalmatrix` workflow approval matrix. * `fmgr_system_workflow_approvalmatrix_approver` Approver. * `fmgr_template` no description. * `fmgr_templategroup` no description. * `fmgr_um_image_upgrade` The older API for updating the firmware of specific device. * `fmgr_um_image_upgrade_ext` Update the firmware of specific device. * `fmgr_user_adgrp` Configure FSSO groups. * `fmgr_user_certificate` Configure certificate users. * `fmgr_user_clearpass` no description. * `fmgr_user_connector` no description. * `fmgr_user_device` Configure devices. * `fmgr_user_device_dynamicmapping` Configure devices. * `fmgr_user_device_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_user_deviceaccesslist` Configure device access control lists. * `fmgr_user_deviceaccesslist_devicelist` Device list. * `fmgr_user_devicecategory` Configure device categories. * `fmgr_user_devicegroup` Configure device groups. * `fmgr_user_devicegroup_dynamicmapping` Configure device groups. * `fmgr_user_devicegroup_tagging` Config object tagging. * `fmgr_user_domaincontroller` Configure domain controller entries. * `fmgr_user_domaincontroller_extraserver` extra servers. * `fmgr_user_exchange` Configure MS Exchange server entries. * `fmgr_user_flexvm` no description. * `fmgr_user_fortitoken` Configure FortiToken. * `fmgr_user_fsso` Configure Fortinet Single Sign On. * `fmgr_user_fsso_dynamicmapping` Configure Fortinet Single Sign On. * `fmgr_user_fssopolling` Configure FSSO active directory servers for polling mode. * `fmgr_user_fssopolling_adgrp` LDAP Group Info. * `fmgr_user_group` Configure user groups. * `fmgr_user_group_dynamicmapping` Configure user groups. * `fmgr_user_group_dynamicmapping_guest` Guest User. * `fmgr_user_group_dynamicmapping_match` Group matches. * `fmgr_user_group_dynamicmapping_sslvpnoschecklist` no description. * `fmgr_user_group_guest` Guest User. * `fmgr_user_group_match` Group matches. * `fmgr_user_json` no description. * `fmgr_user_krbkeytab` Configure Kerberos keytab entries. * `fmgr_user_ldap` Configure LDAP server entries. * `fmgr_user_ldap_dynamicmapping` Configure LDAP server entries. * `fmgr_user_local` Configure local users. * `fmgr_user_nsx` no description. * `fmgr_user_nsx_service` no description. * `fmgr_user_passwordpolicy` Configure user password policy. * `fmgr_user_peer` Configure peer users. * `fmgr_user_peergrp` Configure peer groups. * `fmgr_user_pop3` POP3 server entry configuration. * `fmgr_user_pxgrid` no description. * `fmgr_user_radius` Configure RADIUS server entries. * `fmgr_user_radius_accountingserver` Additional accounting servers. * `fmgr_user_radius_dynamicmapping` Configure RADIUS server entries. * `fmgr_user_radius_dynamicmapping_accountingserver` Additional accounting servers. * `fmgr_user_saml` SAML server entry configuration. * `fmgr_user_saml_dynamicmapping` SAML server entry configuration. * `fmgr_user_securityexemptlist` Configure security exemption list. * `fmgr_user_securityexemptlist_rule` Configure rules for exempting users from captive portal authentication. * `fmgr_user_tacacs` Configure TACACS+ server entries. * `fmgr_user_tacacs_dynamicmapping` Configure TACACS+ server entries. * `fmgr_user_vcenter` no description. * `fmgr_user_vcenter_rule` no description. * `fmgr_utmprofile` Configure UTM. * `fmgr_vap` Configure Virtual Access Points. * `fmgr_vap_dynamicmapping` Configure Virtual Access Points. * `fmgr_vap_macfilterlist` Create a list of MAC addresses for MAC address filtering. * `fmgr_vap_mpskkey` Pre-shared keys that can be used to connect to this virtual access point. * `fmgr_vap_portalmessageoverrides` Individual message overrides. * `fmgr_vap_vlanname` Table for mapping VLAN name to VLAN ID. * `fmgr_vap_vlanpool` VLAN pool. * `fmgr_vapgroup` Configure virtual Access Point. * `fmgr_videofilter_profile` Configure VideoFilter profile. * `fmgr_videofilter_profile_fortiguardcategory` Configure FortiGuard categories. * `fmgr_videofilter_profile_fortiguardcategory_filters` Configure VideoFilter FortiGuard category. * `fmgr_videofilter_youtubechannelfilter` Configure YouTube channel filter. * `fmgr_videofilter_youtubechannelfilter_entries` YouTube filter entries. * `fmgr_voip_profile` Configure VoIP profiles. * `fmgr_voip_profile_msrp` MSRP. * `fmgr_voip_profile_sccp` SCCP. * `fmgr_voip_profile_sip` SIP. * `fmgr_vpn_certificate_ca` CA certificate. * `fmgr_vpn_certificate_ocspserver` OCSP server configuration. * `fmgr_vpn_certificate_remote` Remote certificate as a PEM file. * `fmgr_vpn_ipsec_fec` Configure Forward Error Correction. * `fmgr_vpn_ipsec_fec_mappings` FEC redundancy mapping table. * `fmgr_vpn_ssl_settings` Configure SSL VPN. * `fmgr_vpn_ssl_settings_authenticationrule` Authentication rule for SSL VPN. * `fmgr_vpnmgr_node` VPN node for VPN Manager. * `fmgr_vpnmgr_node_iprange` no description. * `fmgr_vpnmgr_node_ipv4excluderange` no description. * `fmgr_vpnmgr_node_protectedsubnet` no description. * `fmgr_vpnmgr_node_summaryaddr` no description. * `fmgr_vpnmgr_vpntable` no description. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_hostchecksoftware` SSL-VPN host check software. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_hostchecksoftware_checkitemlist` Check item list. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal` Portal. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_bookmarkgroup` Portal bookmark group. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_bookmarkgroup_bookmarks` Bookmark table. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_bookmarkgroup_bookmarks_formdata` Form data. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_landingpage` Landing page options. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_landingpage_formdata` Form data. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_macaddrcheckrule` Client MAC address check rule. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_oschecklist` SSL VPN OS checks. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_splitdns` Split DNS for SSL VPN. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_realm` Realm. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_virtualdesktopapplist` SSL-VPN virtual desktop application list. * `fmgr_vpnsslweb_virtualdesktopapplist_apps` Applications. * `fmgr_waf_mainclass` Hidden table for datasource. * `fmgr_waf_profile` Web application firewall configuration. * `fmgr_waf_profile_addresslist` Black address list and white address list. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint` WAF HTTP protocol restrictions. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_contentlength` HTTP content length in request. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_exception` HTTP constraint exception. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_headerlength` HTTP header length in request. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_hostname` Enable/disable hostname check. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_linelength` HTTP line length in request. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_malformed` Enable/disable malformed HTTP request check. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_maxcookie` Maximum number of cookies in HTTP request. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_maxheaderline` Maximum number of HTTP header line. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_maxrangesegment` Maximum number of range segments in HTTP range line. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_maxurlparam` Maximum number of parameters in URL. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_method` Enable/disable HTTP method check. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_paramlength` Maximum length of parameter in URL, HTTP POST request or HTTP body. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_urlparamlength` Maximum length of parameter in URL. * `fmgr_waf_profile_constraint_version` Enable/disable HTTP version check. * `fmgr_waf_profile_method` Method restriction. * `fmgr_waf_profile_method_methodpolicy` HTTP method policy. * `fmgr_waf_profile_signature` WAF signatures. * `fmgr_waf_profile_signature_customsignature` Custom signature. * `fmgr_waf_profile_signature_mainclass` Main signature class. * `fmgr_waf_profile_urlaccess` URL access list. * `fmgr_waf_profile_urlaccess_accesspattern` URL access pattern. * `fmgr_waf_signature` Hidden table for datasource. * `fmgr_waf_subclass` Hidden table for datasource. * `fmgr_wagprofile` Configure wireless access gateway. * `fmgr_wanopt_authgroup` Configure WAN optimization authentication groups. * `fmgr_wanopt_peer` Configure WAN optimization peers. * `fmgr_wanopt_profile` Configure WAN optimization profiles. * `fmgr_wanopt_profile_cifs` Enable/disable CIFS. * `fmgr_wanopt_profile_ftp` Enable/disable FTP WAN Optimization and configure FTP WAN Optimization features. * `fmgr_wanopt_profile_http` Enable/disable HTTP WAN Optimization and configure HTTP WAN Optimization features. * `fmgr_wanopt_profile_mapi` Enable/disable MAPI email WAN Optimization and configure MAPI WAN Optimization features. * `fmgr_wanopt_profile_tcp` Enable/disable TCP WAN Optimization and configure TCP WAN Optimization features. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan` Configure redundant internet connections using SD-WAN. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_duplication` Create SD-WAN duplication rule. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_healthcheck` SD-WAN status checking or health checking. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_healthcheck_sla` Service level agreement. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_members` FortiGate interfaces added to the SD-WAN. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_neighbor` Create SD-WAN neighbor from BGP neighbor table to control route advertisements according to SLA status. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_service` Create SD-WAN rules. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_service_sla` Service level agreement. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_sdwan_zone` Configure SD-WAN zones. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_virtualwanlink` Configure redundant internet connections using SD-WAN. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_virtualwanlink_healthcheck` SD-WAN status checking or health checking. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_virtualwanlink_healthcheck_sla` Service level agreement. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_virtualwanlink_members` Physical FortiGate interfaces added to the virtual-wan-link. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_virtualwanlink_neighbor` SD-WAN neighbor table. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_virtualwanlink_service` Create SD-WAN rules or priority rules. * `fmgr_wanprof_system_virtualwanlink_service_sla` Service level agreement. * `fmgr_webfilter_categories` no description. * `fmgr_webfilter_content` Configure Web filter banned word table. * `fmgr_webfilter_content_entries` Configure banned word entries. * `fmgr_webfilter_contentheader` Configure content types used by Web filter. * `fmgr_webfilter_contentheader_entries` Configure content types used by web filter. * `fmgr_webfilter_ftgdlocalcat` Configure FortiGuard Web Filter local categories. * `fmgr_webfilter_ftgdlocalrating` Configure local FortiGuard Web Filter local ratings. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile` Configure Web filter profiles. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_antiphish` AntiPhishing profile. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_antiphish_custompatterns` Custom username and password regex patterns. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_antiphish_inspectionentries` AntiPhishing entries. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_filefilter` File filter. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_filefilter_entries` File filter entries. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_ftgdwf` FortiGuard Web Filter settings. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_ftgdwf_filters` FortiGuard filters. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_ftgdwf_quota` FortiGuard traffic quota settings. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_override` Web Filter override settings. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_urlextraction` Configure URL Extraction. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_web` Web content filtering settings. * `fmgr_webfilter_profile_youtubechannelfilter` YouTube channel filter. * `fmgr_webfilter_urlfilter` Configure URL filter lists. * `fmgr_webfilter_urlfilter_entries` URL filter entries. * `fmgr_webproxy_forwardserver` Configure forward-server addresses. * `fmgr_webproxy_forwardservergroup` Configure a forward server group consisting or multiple forward servers. * `fmgr_webproxy_forwardservergroup_serverlist` Add web forward servers to a list to form a server group. * `fmgr_webproxy_profile` Configure web proxy profiles. * `fmgr_webproxy_profile_headers` Configure HTTP forwarded requests headers. * `fmgr_webproxy_wisp` Configure Wireless Internet service provider. * `fmgr_widsprofile` Configure wireless intrusion detection system. * `fmgr_wireless_accesscontrollist` Configure WiFi bridge access control list. * `fmgr_wireless_accesscontrollist_layer3ipv4rules` AP ACL layer3 ipv4 rule list. * `fmgr_wireless_accesscontrollist_layer3ipv6rules` AP ACL layer3 ipv6 rule list. * `fmgr_wireless_address` Configure the client with its MAC address. * `fmgr_wireless_addrgrp` Configure the MAC address group. * `fmgr_wireless_ssidpolicy` Configure WiFi SSID policies. * `fmgr_wireless_syslogprofile` Configure Wireless Termination Points. * `fmgr_wtpprofile` Configure WTP profiles or FortiAP profiles that define radio settings for manageable FortiAP platforms. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_denymaclist` List of MAC addresses that are denied access to this WTP, FortiAP, or AP. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_eslsesdongle` ESL SES-imagotag dongle configuration. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_lan` WTP LAN port mapping. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_lbs` Set various location based service. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_platform` WTP, FortiAP, or AP platform. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_radio1` Configuration options for radio 1. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_radio2` Configuration options for radio 2. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_radio3` Configuration options for radio 3. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_radio4` Configuration options for radio 4. * `fmgr_wtpprofile_splittunnelingacl` Split tunneling ACL filter list.