# Contributing to the google.cloud collection ## Workflow summary 1. [Clone the repository](#cloning). 1. Make the desired code change. 1. Add a [changelog fragment](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/community/development_process.html#changelogs-how-to) to describe your change. 1. [Run integration tests locally and ensure they pass](running-integration-tests). 1. Create a PR. ## Cloning The `ansible-test` command expects that the repository is in a directory that matches it's collection, under a directory `ansible_collections`. Clone ensuring that hierarchy: ```shell mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/ansible_collections/google git clone $TARGET_DIR/ansible_collections/google/cloud ``` Then set up your Python virtual environment: ```shell cd $TARGET_DIR/ansible_collections/google/cloud python3 -m venv venv . ./venv/bin/activate pip3 install -r requirements.txt pip3 install -r requirements-test.txt pip3 install ansible ``` ## Running tests ### Prequisites for all tests - Install `gcloud` following [these instructions](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install). - Install the `ansible` package. - Some container runtime is necessary (e.g. `podman` or `docker`). The instructions use podman. ## Running integration tests ### Integration testing prequisites #### Authentication with personal GCP credentials If you are running the integration tests locally the easiest way to authenticate to GCP is using [application default credentials](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/authorizing#adc). Once you have installed `gcloud` and performed basic initialization (via `gcloud init`) run: ```shell gcloud auth application-default login ``` #### Authentication with service account credentials A service account may also be used to run the integration tests. You can create one using `gcloud`: ```shell gcloud iam service-accounts create ansible-test-account \ --description="For running Anisble integration tests" \ --display-name="Ansible Test Account" ``` You'll also need to export a key file. Here and below `$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME` is the full email address of the service account, in the form `EMAIL@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com`, e.g., if you used the account name `ansible-test-account` as suggested above and your project ID is `my-test-project`, use `ansible-test-account@my-test-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com`. ```shell gcloud iam service-accounts keys create /path/to/cred/file.json \ --iam-account=ansible-test-account@my-test-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com chmod 0600 /path/to/cred/file.json ``` Read the [best practices for managing service account keys](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/best-practices-for-managing-service-account-keys) to learn how to keep your service account key and your GCP resources safe. #### Configuring test credentials The integration tests for this module require the use of real GCP credentials, and must provide ansible-test those values. They can be added by creating the file `tests/integration/cloud-config-gcp.ini`. If you are using personal (i.e., application default) credentials, add: ``` [default] gcp_project: $PROJECT_ID gcp_cred_kind: application gcp_folder_id: $TEST_FOLDER (to create test projects) ``` If you are using a service account for credentials, add: ``` [default] gcp_project: $PROJECT_ID gcp_cred_file: /path/to/cred/file.json gcp_cred_kind: serviceaccount gcp_folder_id: $TEST_FOLDER (to create test projects) ``` #### Setting up the project for testing Some of the setup of the project itself is done outside of the test, and is expected to be configured beforehand. For convenience, a bootstrap script is provided. NOTE: running this script will make irreversible changes in your GCP project (e.g. create an AppEngine project). You can omit `$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME` is you are using application default credentials. ```bash bash ./scripts/bootstrap-project.sh $PROJECT_ID $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME ``` ### Running Run `ansible-test integration`. Currently some tests are disabled as [test are being verified and added](https://github.com/ansible-collections/google.cloud/issues/499). ## Role tests ### Prequisites for role tests If you would like to use podman, you must install the `molecule-plugins[podman]` package in PyPI: ``` pip install --upgrade molecule-plugins[podman] ``` ### Running role tests Ansible roles are tested via molecule. ```sh module debug --test -s ${ROLE} ``` Role is the name of the role (e.g. gcloud, gcsfuse). Add `-d podman` if you would like to use the podman driver. If the linting fails, that is generally due to `ansible-lint`, which can be run directly: ``` ansible-lint ``` ## Specific Tasks The following enumerates detailed documentation for specific tasks related to the codebase. ### Updating the supported ansible-core version 1. modify the [ansible-integration-tests.yaml](.github/workflows/ansible-integration-tests.yml) to the version of ansible-core that you would like to test against. 1. (optional) update the version of ansible-core version required in [meta/runtime.yaml](meta/runtime.yml).