#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail -eux declare -a args IFS='/:' read -ra args <<< "$1" ansible_version="${args[0]}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 script="${args[1]}" function join { local IFS="$1" shift echo "$*" } test="$(join / "${args[@]:1}")" command -v python python -V function retry { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 for repetition in 1 2 3; do set +e "$@" result=$? set -e if [ ${result} == 0 ]; then return ${result} fi echo "@* -> ${result}" done echo "Command '@*' failed 3 times!" exit 1 } command -v pip pip --version pip list --disable-pip-version-check if [ "${ansible_version}" == "devel" ]; then retry pip install https://github.com/ansible/ansible/archive/devel.tar.gz --disable-pip-version-check else retry pip install "https://github.com/ansible/ansible/archive/stable-${ansible_version}.tar.gz" --disable-pip-version-check fi export ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH="${HOME}/.ansible" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SHIPPABLE_RESULT_DIR="$(pwd)/shippable" TEST_DIR="${ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH}/ansible_collections/hetzner/hcloud" rm -rf "${TEST_DIR}" mkdir -p "${TEST_DIR}" cp -r "." "${TEST_DIR}" cd "${TEST_DIR}" # STAR: HACK install dependencies retry pip install -r tests/integration/requirements.txt -c tests/integration/constraints.txt retry ansible-galaxy -vvv collection install -r tests/requirements.yml retry pip install rstcheck retry ansible-galaxy -vvv collection install community.internal_test_tools # END: HACK export PYTHONIOENCODING='utf-8' if [ "${JOB_TRIGGERED_BY_NAME:-}" == "nightly-trigger" ]; then COMPLETE=yes fi if [ -n "${COMPLETE:-}" ]; then # disable change detection triggered by setting the COMPLETE environment variable to a non-empty value export CHANGED="" elif [[ "${CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" =~ ci_complete ]]; then # disable change detection triggered by having 'ci_complete' in the latest commit message export CHANGED="" else # enable change detection (default behavior) export CHANGED="" fi export UNSTABLE="--allow-unstable-changed" # remove empty core/extras module directories from PRs created prior to the repo-merge find plugins -type d -empty -print -delete ansible-test env --dump --show --timeout "50" --color -v group="${args[1]}" echo "$test" if [[ "${test}" =~ hcloud ]]; then group="${args[3]}" bash tests/utils/gitlab/integration.sh "shippable/hcloud/group${group}/" else bash tests/utils/gitlab/sanity.sh "sanity/${group}" fi