.. Document meta


.. Anchors

.. _ansible_collections.inspur.ispim.edit_ldap_module:

.. Anchors: short name for ansible.builtin

.. Anchors: aliases

.. Title

inspur.ispim.edit_ldap -- Set ldap information

.. Collection note

.. note::
    This plugin is part of the `inspur.ispim collection <https://galaxy.ansible.com/inspur/ispim>`_.

    To install it use: :code:`ansible-galaxy collection install inspur.ispim`.

    To use it in a playbook, specify: :code:`inspur.ispim.edit_ldap`.

.. version_added

.. versionadded:: 1.0.0 of inspur.ispim

.. contents::
   :depth: 1

.. Deprecated


.. Description

- Set ldap information on Inspur server.

.. Aliases

.. Requirements

The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

- Python 3.7+
- inspursmsdk

.. Options


.. raw:: html

    <table  border=0 cellpadding=0 class="documentation-table">
            <th colspan="2">Parameter</th>
            <th>Choices/<font color="blue">Defaults</font></th>
                        <th width="100%">Comments</th>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-address"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-address" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Server Address.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-attr"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-attr" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                                                                                                            <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
                                            <div>Attribute of User Login.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-base"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-base" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Search Base,</div>
                                            <div>Search base is a string of 4 to 64 alpha-numeric characters;</div>
                                            <div>It must start with an alphabetical character;</div>
                                            <div>Special Symbols like dot(.), comma(,), hyphen(-), underscore(_), equal-to(=) are allowed.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-ca"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-ca" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>CA certificate file path.</div>
                                            <div>Required when <em>encry=StartTLS</em>.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-ce"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-ce" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Certificate file path.</div>
                                            <div>Required when <em>encry=StartTLS</em>.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-cn"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-cn" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                                                                                                            <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
                                            <div>Common name type.</div>
                                            <div>Required when <em>encry=StartTLS</em>.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-code"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-code" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Required when <em>enable=enable</em>.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-dn"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-dn" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Bind DN.</div>
                                            <div>Bind DN is a string of 4 to 64 alpha-numeric characters;</div>
                                            <div>It must start with an alphabetical character;</div>
                                            <div>Special Symbols like dot(.), comma(,), hyphen(-), underscore(_), equal-to(=) are allowed.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-enable"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-enable" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                                                                                                            <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
                                            <div>LDAP/E-Directory Authentication Status.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-encry"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-encry" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                                                                                                            <ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0"><b>Choices:</b>
                                            <div>Encryption Type.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-host"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-host" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Specifies the DNS host name or address for connecting to the remote device over the specified transport.  The value of host is used as the destination address for the transport.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-password"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-password" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Specifies the password to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable <code>ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD</code> will be used instead.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-pk"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-pk" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Private Key file path.</div>
                                            <div>Required when <em>encry=StartTLS</em>.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-provider"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-provider" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">dictionary</span>
                                            <div>A dict object containing connection details.</div>
                                                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
                                                <td colspan="1">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-provider/host"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-provider/host" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Specifies the DNS host name or address for connecting to the remote device over the specified transport.  The value of host is used as the destination address for the transport.</div>
                                                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
                                                <td colspan="1">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-provider/password"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-provider/password" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Specifies the password to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable <code>ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD</code> will be used instead.</div>
                                                    <td class="elbow-placeholder"></td>
                                                <td colspan="1">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-provider/username"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-provider/username" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Configures the username to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable <code>ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME</code> will be used instead.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-server_port"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-server_port" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">integer</span>
                                            <div>Server Port.</div>
                                                                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="parameter-username"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#parameter-username" title="Permalink to this option"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                        <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Configures the username to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable <code>ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME</code> will be used instead.</div>

.. Notes


.. note::
   - Does not support ``check_mode``.

.. Seealso

.. Examples


.. code-block:: yaml+jinja

    - name: Ldap test
      hosts: ism
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
          host: "{{ ansible_ssh_host }}"
          username: "{{ username }}"
          password: "{{ password }}"


      - name: "Set ldap information"
          enable: "disable"
          provider: "{{ ism }}"

      - name: "Set ldap information"
          enable: "enable"
          encry: "SSL"
          address: ""
          server_port: 389
          dn: "cn=manager,ou=login,dc=domain,dc=com"
          code: "123456"
          base: "cn=manager"
          attr: "uid"
          provider: "{{ ism }}"

.. Facts

.. Return values

Return Values
Common return values are documented :ref:`here <common_return_values>`, the following are the fields unique to this module:

.. raw:: html

    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 class="documentation-table">
            <th colspan="1">Key</th>
            <th width="100%">Description</th>
                                <td colspan="1">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-changed"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-changed" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                      <span style="color: purple">boolean</span>
                                            <div>Check to see if a change was made on the device.</div>
                                <td colspan="1">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-message"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-message" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                      <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Messages returned after module execution.</div>
                                <td colspan="1">
                    <div class="ansibleOptionAnchor" id="return-state"></div>
                    <a class="ansibleOptionLink" href="#return-state" title="Permalink to this return value"></a>
                    <div style="font-size: small">
                      <span style="color: purple">string</span>
                                            <div>Status after module execution.</div>

..  Status (Presently only deprecated)

.. Authors


- WangBaoshan (@ispim)

.. Parsing errors