======================= Inspur.sm Release Notes ======================= .. contents:: Topics v2.3.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Modify the tags fields in Galaxy.yml. - edit_power_budget add 'domain' field. - edit_snmp module add 'v1status','v2status','v3status','read_community','read_write_community' fields. - edit_snmp_trap module modifies the version value. - eidt_ad module add 'ssl_enalbe' field, modify the timeout field description. - eidt_ldisk module add 'duration' field. - eidt_pdisk module add 'duration' field. - modify the edit_log_setting module description. - modify the edit_ncsi module description and parameter values. - user module add 'uid','access' fields. - user_group module add 'general','power','media','kvm','security','debug','self' fields. Bugfixes -------- - edit_snmp_trap module modifies input parameter errors in the example. v2.2.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Edit_dns adds new field to M6 model. - Modify ansible-test to add asnible 2.13,2.14 version. - Modify the authors and tags fields in Galaxy.yml. - Update the document. v2.0.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Add the onboard_disk_info module. - Modified logical disk Settings, added logical disk Settings for M6 PMC card. - Modify the edit_pdisk function to add new parameters. - The user module adds the mailbox field. New Modules ----------- - inspur.sm.onboard_disk_info - Get onboard disks information. v1.2.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Compatible with M6 models, add M6 specific fields. Deprecated Features ------------------- - add_ad_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.add_ad_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.ad_group. - add_ldap_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.add_ldap_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.ldap_group. - add_user - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.add_user 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.user. - add_user_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.add_user_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.user_group. - del_ad_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.del_ad_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.ad_group. - del_ldap_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.del_ldap_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.ldap_group. - del_user - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.del_user 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.user. - del_user_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.del_user_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.user_group. - edit_ad_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.edit_ad_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.ad_group. - edit_ldap_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.edit_ldap_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.ldap_group. - edit_user - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.edit_user 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.user. - edit_user_group - This feature will be removed in inspur.sm.edit_user_group 3.0.0. replaced with inspur.sm.user_group. v1.1.3 ====== Bugfixes -------- - Add ansible 2.11 test. - Add the no_log=true attribute to some modules. v1.1.2 ====== Bugfixes -------- - Update 'supports_check_mode=False' to 'supports_check_mode=True' for all modules ending in '_info'. v1.1.1 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Modified version information to 1.1.1 in galaxy.yml. Bugfixes -------- - Update version_added field in ad_group, ldap_group, user, and user_group modules to match the collection version they were first introduced in. v1.1.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md file. - Add a meta/runtime.yml file. - Add the code of conduct to the README.md file. - Delete the Collections imported in the adapter_info.py. - Delete the Collections imported in the module. - Documentation, examples, and return use FQCNs to M(..). - Modify ansible_test.yml to add push trigger rule. - Modify ansibled-test. yml file, add timing execution script, run environment only keep Python 3.8 version. - Modify inspur_sm_sdk in README.md to inspursmsdk. - Modify paybooks,Using FQCN. - Modify the README.md file to add Ansible Code of Conduct (COC). - Modify the README.md file to add content for releasing, versioning and deprecation(https://github.com/ISIB-Group/inspur.sm/issues/27). - Modify the README.md file to change the supported Anible version to 2.10.0 - Modify the ansible-test.yml file to Remove the Python Version from the Run sanity tests. - Modify the ansible-test.yml file to add Ansible and Python versions. - Modify the description of Ansible in README.md. - Modify the format of DOCUMENTATION on Required in the module. - Modify the github repository path referenced in galaxy.yml. - Modify the module_utils/ism.py file to add check mode processing. - Modify the state of chenged in the module when the operation changes. - Modify the value of supports_check_mode in the module to False. - Regenerate the.rst file. v1.0.3 ====== Release Summary --------------- Modify the content format of 'readme.md'. v1.0.2 ====== Release Summary --------------- Modify the generated.RST file style.