======================================= NetApp AWS CVS Collection Release Notes ======================================= .. contents:: Topics v21.7.0 ======= Minor Changes ------------- - PR1 - allow usage of Ansible module group defaults - for Ansible 2.12+. v21.6.0 ======= Minor Changes ------------- - all modules - ability to trace API calls and responses. Bugfixes -------- - all modules - fix traceback TypeError 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable when URL points to a web server. v21.2.0 ======= Bugfixes -------- - all modules - disable logging for ``api_key`` and ``secret_key`` values. - all modules - prevent infinite loop when asynchronous action fails. - all modules - report error if response does not contain valid JSON. - aws_netapp_cvs_filesystems - fix KeyError when exportPolicy is not present. v20.9.0 ======= Minor Changes ------------- - Fix pylint or flake8 warnings reported by galaxy importer. v20.8.0 ======= Minor Changes ------------- - add "elements:" and update "required:" to match module requirements. - use a three group format for version_added. So 2.7 becomes 2.7.0. Same thing for 2.8 and 2.9. v20.6.0 ======= Bugfixes -------- - galaxy.yml - fix repository and homepage links. v20.2.0 ======= Bugfixes -------- - galaxy.yml - fix path to github repository. v19.10.0 ======== Minor Changes ------------- - refactor existing modules as a collection v2.9.0 ====== New Modules ----------- - netapp.aws.aws_netapp_cvs_active_directory - NetApp AWS CloudVolumes Service Manage Active Directory. - netapp.aws.aws_netapp_cvs_filesystems - NetApp AWS Cloud Volumes Service Manage FileSystem. - netapp.aws.aws_netapp_cvs_pool - NetApp AWS Cloud Volumes Service Manage Pools. - netapp.aws.aws_netapp_cvs_snapshots - NetApp AWS Cloud Volumes Service Manage Snapshots.