minor_changes: - na_ontap_info - support ``continue_on_error`` option to continue when a ZAPI is not supported on a vserver, or for cluster RPC errors. - na_ontap_info - support ``query`` option to specify which objects to return. - na_ontap_info - support ``vserver`` tunneling to limit output to one vserver. - na_ontap_snapmirror_policy - support for SnapMirror policy rules. - na_ontap_vscan_scanner_pool - support modification. - na_ontap_rest_info - Support for gather subsets - ``cluster_node_info, cluster_peer_info, disk_info, cifs_services_info, cifs_share_info``. - module_utils/netapp - add retry on wait_on_job when job failed. Abort 3 consecutive errors. - na_ontap_pb_get_online_volumes.yml - example playbook to list volumes that are online (or offline). - na_ontap_pb_install_SSL_certificate_REST.yml - example playbook to install SSL certificates using REST APIs. bugfixes: - na_ontap_command - replace invalid backspace characters (0x08) with '.'. - na_ontap_firmware_download - exception on PCDATA if ONTAP returns a BEL (0x07) character. - na_ontap_info - lists were incorrectly processed in convert_keys, returning {}. - na_ontap_info - qtree_info is missing most entries. Changed key from `vserver:id` to `vserver:volume:id` . - na_ontap_iscsi_security - adding no_log for password parameters. - na_ontap_portset - adding explicit error message as modify portset is not supported. - na_ontap_snapmirror - fixed snapmirror delete for loadsharing to not go to quiesce state for the rest of the set. - na_ontap_ucadapter - fixed KeyError if type is not provided and mode is 'cna'. - na_ontap_user - checked `applications` does not contain snmp when using REST API call. - na_ontap_user - fixed KeyError if locked key not set with REST API call. - na_ontap_user - fixed KeyError if vserver - is empty with REST API call (useful to indicate cluster scope). - na_ontap_volume - fixed KeyError when getting info on a MVD volume