[![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-brightgreen.svg)](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/collections/netapp/um_info/index.html) ![example workflow](https://github.com/ansible-collections/netapp.um_info/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/ansible-collections/netapp.um_info/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=weBYkksxSi)](https://codecov.io/gh/ansible-collections/netapp.um_info) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/855068651522490400)](https://discord.gg/NetApp) ============================================================= netapp.um_info NetApp Unified Manager(AIQUM 9.7) Collection Copyright (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. ============================================================= # Installation ```bash ansible-galaxy collection install netapp.um_info ``` To use Collection add the following to the top of your playbook, with out this you will be using Ansible 2.9 version of the module ``` collections: - netapp.um_info ``` # Module documentation https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/collections/netapp/um_info/ # Code of Conduct This collection follows the [Ansible project's Code of Conduct](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/community/code_of_conduct.html). # Need help Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/NetApp) # Release Notes ## 21.8.0 #### Minor changes - all modules - enable usage of Ansible module group defaults - for Ansible 2.12+. ## 21.7.0 #### Minor changes - all modules - ability to trace API calls and responses. - all modules - new `max_records` option to limit the amount of data in a single GET response. ### Bux fixes - all modules - report error when connecting to a server that does not run AIQUM. - all modules - return all records rather than the first 1000 records (mostly for volumes). - rename na_um_list_volumes.p to na_um_list_volumes.py. ## 21.6.0 ### Minor changes - na_um_list_aggregates has been renamed na_um_aggregates_info - na_um_list_clusters has been renamed na_um_clusters_info - na_um_list_nodes has been renamed na_um_nodes_info - na_um_list_svms has been renamed na_um_svms_info - na_um_list_volumes has been renamed na_um_volumes_info ## 21.5.0 ### Minor changes - minor changes to meet Red Hat requirements to be certified. ## 20.7.0 ### Minor changes - na_um_list_aggregates: Now sort by performance_capacity.used - na_um_list_nodes: Now sort by performance_capacity.used ## 20.6.0 ### New Modules - na_um_list_volumes: list volumes. ## 20.5.0 ### New Modules - na_um_list_aggregates: list aggregates. - na_um_list_clusters: list clusters. - na_um_list_nodes: list nodes. - na_um_list_svms: list svms.