ancestor: null releases: 1.10.0: changes: minor_changes: - purefa_ds - Add ``join_ou`` parameter for AD account creation - purefa_kmip - Add support for KMIP server management fragments: - 213_add_kmip.yaml - 214_join_ou.yaml modules: - description: Manage FlashArray KMIP server objects name: purefa_kmip namespace: '' release_date: '2021-08-04' 1.11.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_subnet - Add regex to check for correct dsubnet name - purefa_user - Add regex to check for correct username minor_changes: - purefa_host - Deprecate ``protocol`` parameter. No longer required. - purefa_info - Add NVMe NGUID value for volumes - purefa_info - Add array, volume and snapshot detailed capacity information - purefa_info - Add deleted members to volume protection group info - purefa_info - Add snapshot policy rules suffix support - purefa_info - Remove directory_services field. Deprecated in Collections 1.6 - purefa_policy - Add snapshot policy rules suffix support - purefa_syslog_settings - Add support to manage global syslog server settings - purefa_volume - Add NVMe NGUID to response dict fragments: - 220_capacity_info.yaml - 224_add_nguid_info.yaml - 226_deprecate_protocol.yaml - 227_missing_regex.yaml - 228_nguid_to_volfact.yaml - 229_snapsuffix.yaml - 230_add_pg_deleted_vols.yaml - 231_syslog_settings.yaml release_date: '2021-09-27' 1.12.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_certs - Allow a certificate to be imported over an existing SSL certificate - purefa_eula - Reolve EULA signing issue - purefa_network - Fix bug introduced with management of FC ports - purefa_policy - Fix issue with SMB Policy creation deprecated_features: - purefa_sso - Deprecated in favor of M(purefa_admin). Will be removed in Collection 2.0 known_issues: - purefa_admin - Once `max_login` and `lockout` have been set there is currently no way to rest these to zero except through the FlashArray GUI minor_changes: - purefa_admin - New module to set global admin settings, inclusing SSO - purefa_dirsnap - Add support to rename directory snapshots not managed by a snapshot policy - purefa_info - Add SAML2SSO configutration information - purefa_info - Add Safe Mode status - purefa_info - Fix Active Directory configuration details - purefa_network - Resolve bug stopping management IP address being changed correctly - purefa_offload - Add support for multiple, homogeneous, offload targets - purefa_saml - Add support for SAML2 SSO IdPs - purefa_volume - Provide volume facts in all cases, including when no change has occured. fragments: - 234_add_vol_info_on_nochange.yaml - 235_eula.yaml - 237_fix_network.yaml - 238_add_dirsnap_rename.yaml - 239_safe_mode.yaml - 242_multi_offload.yaml - 243_sso_to_admin.yaml - 246_python_precedence.yaml - 247_fix_smb_policy_rules.yaml - 249_allow_cert_reimport.yaml - 252_add_saml2.yaml - 254_sam2_info.yaml modules: - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashArray Global Admin settings name: purefa_admin namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashArray SAML2 service and identity providers name: purefa_saml namespace: '' release_date: '2022-01-05' 1.12.1: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_info - Fix space reporting issue - purefa_subnet - Fix subnet update checks when no gateway in existing subnet configuration minor_changes: - All modules - Change examples to use FQCN for module fragments: - 257_fqcn.yaml - 259_fix_gateway_check.yaml release_date: '2022-01-21' 1.13.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_host - Allow multi-host creation without requiring a suffix string - purefa_info - Fix issue where remote arrays are not in a valid connected state - purefa_policy - Fix idempotency issue with quota policy rules - purefa_policy - Fix issue when creating multiple rules in an NFS policy minor_changes: - purefa_fs - Add support for replicated file systems - purefa_info - Add QoS information for volume groups - purefa_info - Add info for protection group safe mode setting (Requires Purity//FA 6.3.0 or higher) - purefa_info - Add info for protection group snapshots - purefa_info - Add priority adjustment information for volumes and volume groups - purefa_info - Split volume groups into live and deleted dicts - purefa_pg - Add support for protection group SafeMode. Requires Purity//FA 6.3.0 or higher - purefa_policy - Allow directories in snapshot policies to be managed - purefa_vg - Add DMM Priority Adjustment support - purefa_volume - Add support for DMM Priority Adjustment - purefa_volume - Provide volume facts for volume after recovery fragments: - 261_fix_bad_arrays.yaml - 265_fix_multiple_nfs_rules.yaml - 268_fix_quotas_issues.yaml - 270_add_priority_info.yaml - 271_vgroup_prio.yaml - 272_volume_prio.yaml - 277_add_fs_repl.yaml - 278_pgsnap_info.yaml - 279_pg_safemode.yaml - 280_multihost_no_suffix.yaml - 284_volfact_for_recover.yaml release_date: '2022-05-02' 1.14.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_dns - Corrects logic where API responds with an empty list rather than a list with a single empty string in it. - purefa_ds - Add new parameter `force_bind_password` (default = True) to allow idempotency for module - purefa_hg - Ensure volume disconnection from a hostgroup is idempotent - purefa_ntp - Corrects workflow so that the state between desired and current are checked before marking the changed flag to true during an absent run - purefa_pg - Corredt issue when target for protection group is not correctly amended - purefa_pg - Ensure deleted protection group can be correctly recovered - purefa_pg - Fix idempotency issue for protection group targets - purefa_pgsched - Allow zero as a valid value for appropriate schedule parameters - purefa_pgsched - Fix issue where 0 was not correctly handled for replication schedule - purefa_pgsnap - Resolved intermittent error where `latest` snapshot is not complete and can fail. Only select latest completed snapshot to restore from. minor_changes: - purefa_ad - Add support for TLS and joining existing AD account - purefa_dns - Support multiple DNS configurations from Puritry//FA 6.3.3 - purefa_info - Add NFS policy user mapping status - purefa_info - Add support for Virtual Machines and Snapshots - purefa_info - Ensure global admin lockout duration is measured in seconds - purefa_info - Support multiple DNS configurations - purefa_inventory - Add REST 2.x support and SFP details for Purity//FA 6.3.4 and higher - purefa_inventory - Change response dict name to `purefa_inv` so doesn't clash with info module response dict - purefa_inventory - add chassis information to inventory - purefa_pg - Changed parameter `pgroup` to `name`. Allow `pgroup` as alias for backwards compatability. - purefa_policy - Add ``all_squash``, ``anonuid`` and ``anongid`` to NFS client rules options - purefa_policy - Add support for NFS policy user mapping - purefa_volume - Default Protection Group support added for volume creation and copying from Purity//FA 6.3.4 fragments: - 288_zero_params.yaml - 292_fix_ds_password.yaml - 293_add_chassis_inventory.yaml - 294_dns_ntp_idempotency_absent.yaml - 294_user_map_support.yaml - 296_ad_tls.yaml - 299_fix_pgsched_zero_support.yaml - 302_fix_pg_recover_and_target_update.yaml - 305_fix_target_dempo.yaml - 307_multiple_dns.yaml - 308_add_vm.yaml - 310_hg_vol_idempotency.yaml - 312_pg_alias.yaml - 315_spf_details.yaml - 317_add_all_squash.yaml - 318_vol_defaults.yaml - 319_lockout.yaml - 320_completed_snaps.yaml modules: - description: Manage SafeMode default protection for a Pure Storage FlashArray name: purefa_default_protection namespace: '' - description: List FlashArray Alert Messages name: purefa_messages namespace: '' release_date: '2022-09-16' 1.15.0: changes: bugfixes: - - Fix issue in Purity versions numbers that are for development versions - purefa_policy - Fixed missing parameters in function calls - purefa_vg - Fix typeerror when using newer Purity versions and setting VG QoS minor_changes: - purefa_network - Added support for servicelist updates - purefa_vlan - Extend VLAN support to cover NVMe-RoCE and file interfaces fragments: - 328_policy_fix.yaml - 330_extend_vlan.yaml - 334_fix_vg_qos.yaml - 336_add_servicelist.yaml - 337_fix_non-prod_versions.yml release_date: '2022-11-08' 1.16.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa - Remove unneeded REST version check as causes issues with REST mismatches - purefa_ds - Fixed dict syntax error - purefa_info - Fiexed issue with DNS reporting in Purity//FA 6.4.0 with non-FA-File system - purefa_info - Fixed error in policies subsection due to API issue - purefa_info - Fixed race condition with protection groups - purefa_smtp - Fix parameter name minor_changes: - purefa_host - Add support for VLAN ID tagging for a host (Requires Purity//FA 6.3.5) - purefa_info - Add new subset alerts - purefa_info - Added default protection information to `config` section - purefa_volume - Added support for volume promotion/demotion fragments: - 304_host_vlan.yaml - 341_pg_400s.yaml - 342_add_vol_promotion.yaml - 343_fix_ds.yaml - 344_fix_smtp.yaml - 345_user_map.yaml - 347_dns_fix.yaml - 348_add_default_prot.yaml - 349_add_alerts.yaml - 351_fix_rest_check.yaml modules: - description: Configure the FlashArray SNMP Agent name: purefa_snmp_agent namespace: '' release_date: '2023-01-06' 1.16.1: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_volume - Fixed issue with promotion status not being called correctly fragments: - 354_fix_promotion.yaml release_date: '2023-01-10' 1.16.2: release_date: '2023-01-11' 1.17.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_host - Fixed parameter name - purefa_info - Fix missing FC target ports for host - purefa_pgsched - Fix error when setting schedule for pod based protection group - purefa_vg - Fix issue with VG creation on newer Purity versions - purefa_volume - Ensure promotion_stateus is returned correctly on creation - purefa_volume - Fix bug when overwriting volume using invalid parmaeters - purefa_volume - Fixed idempotency bug when creating volumes with QoS minor_changes: - purefa_network - Added support for NVMe-RoCE and NVMe-TCP service types - purefa_user - Added Ops Admin role to choices - purefa_vlan - Added support for NVMe-TCP service type fragments: - 360_fix_volume.yaml - 363_overwrite_combo.yaml - 364_fc_targets.yaml - 365_pod_pgsched.yaml - 366_add_nvme_types.yaml - 367_fix_vg.yaml - 369_fix_host.yaml - 370_add_user_role.yaml release_date: '2023-02-16' 1.17.1: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_info - Fix REST response backwards compatibility issue for array capacity REST response - purefa_info - Resolves issue in AC environment where REST v2 host list mismatches REST v1 due to remote hosts. - purefa_info - Resolves issue with destroyed pgroup snapshot on an offload target not have a time remaining value - purefa_pg - Resolves issue with destroyed pgroup snapshot on an offload target not have a time remaining value fragments: - 374_offload_pgsnap.yaml - 375_fix_remote_hosts.yaml - 379_cap_compat.yaml release_date: '2023-03-02' 1.17.2: release_date: '2023-03-02' 1.18.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_network - Resolves network port setting idempotency issue - purefa_pg - Fixed issue where volumes could not be added to a PG when one of the arrays was undergoing a failover. - purefa_snap - Fixed issue system generated suffixes not being allowed and removed unnecessary warning message. minor_changes: - purefa_hg - Changed parameter hostgroup to name for consistency. Added hostgroup as an alias for backwards compatability. - purefa_hg - Exit gracefully, rather than failing when a specified volume does not exist - purefa_host - Exit gracefully, rather than failing when a specified volume does not exist - purefa_info - Added network neighbors info to `network` subset - purefa_pod - Added support for pod quotas (from REST 2.23) - purefa_snap - New response of 'suffix' when snapshot has been created. - purefa_volume - Added additional volume facts for volume update, or for no change release_summary: '| FlashArray Collection v1.18 removes module-side support for Python 2.7. | The minimum required Python version for the FlashArray Collection is Python 3.6. ' fragments: - 381_change_booleans.yaml - 383_network_idemp.yaml - 384_update_vol_facts.yaml - 387_no_volume_failure.yaml - 388_remove_27.yaml - 393_offload_recover.yaml - 394_neighbors.yaml - 396_pod_quota.yaml - 397_parialconnect_bug.yaml - 398_hgoup_alias.yaml release_date: '2023-05-12' 1.19.0: modules: - description: Manage Pure Storage FlashArray Audit and Session logs name: purefa_logging namespace: '' release_date: '2023-05-19' 1.19.1: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_info - Fixed missing arguments for google_offload and pods release_date: '2023-05-19' 1.20.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_pgsched - Resolved idempotency issue with snap and replication enabled flags - purefa_pgsnap - Fixed issue with eradicating deleted pgsnapshot - purefa_pgsnap - Update the accepted suffixes to include also numbers only. Fixed the logic to retrieve the latest completed snapshot - purefa_policy - Set user_mapping parameter default to True minor_changes: - purefa_info - Added support for autodir policies - purefa_policy - Added support for autodir policies - purefa_proxy - Add new protocol parameter, defaults to https fragments: - 411_nfs_user_mapping.yaml - 412_fix_snapshot_suffix_handling.yaml - 413_eradicate_pgsnap.yaml - 415_autodir_policies.yaml - 420_proxy_protocol.yaml - 422_sched_enable_fix.yaml release_date: '2023-07-10' 1.21.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_certs - Resolved CSR issue and require export_file for state sign. - purefa_info - Fix serial number generation issue for vVols - purefa_snap - Fixed issue with remote snapshot retrieve. Mainly a workaround to an issue with Purity REST 1.x when remote snapshots are searched. - purefa_volume - Fixed bug with NULL suffix for multiple volume creation. minor_changes: - purefa_info - Add `port_connectivity` information for hosts - purefa_info - Add promotion status information for volumes - purefa_offload - Added a new profile parameter. - purefa_pgsnap - Added new parameter to support snapshot throttling - purefa_snap - Added new parameter to support snapshot throttling fragments: - 428_promotion.yaml - 429_host_balance.yaml - 430_throttle_support.yaml - 431_offload_profile.yaml - 433_certs.yaml - 436_snap_fix.yaml - 440_null_suffix.yaml release_date: '2023-09-06' 1.22.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_ds - Fixes error when enabling directory services while a bind_user is set on the array and a bind_password is not. - purefa_ds - Fixes issue with creating a new ds configuration while setting force_bind_password as "false". - purefa_host - Fix incorrect calling of "module.params". - purefa_info - Added missing alerts subset name - purefa_info - Fixed attribute errors after EUC changes - purefa_info - Fixed issue with replica links in unknown state - purefa_info - Fixed parameter error when enabled and disabled timers are different values on purity 6.4.10+ arrays. - purefa_info - Fixed py39 specific bug with multiple DNS entries - purefa_network - Allow `gateway` to be set as `` to remove an existing gateway address - purefa_network - Fixed IPv6 support issues - purefa_network - Fixed idempotency issue when gateway not modified - purefa_pgsched - Fixed bug with an unnecessary substitution - purefa_pgsnap - Enabled to eradicate destroyed snapshots. - purefa_pgsnap - Ensure that `now` and `remote` are mutually exclusive. - purefa_snap - Fixed incorrect calling logic causing failure on remote snapshot creation - purefa_subnet - Fixed IPv4 gateway removal issue. - purefa_subnet - Fixed IPv6 support issues. minor_changes: - purefa_eradication - Added support for disabled and enabled timers from Purity//FA 6.4.10 - purefa_info - Add array subscription data - purefa_info - Added `nfs_version` to policies and rules from Purity//FA 6.4.10 - purefa_info - Added `total_used` to multiple sections from Purity//FA 6.4.10 - purefa_info - Prive array timezone from Purity//FA 6.4.10 - purefa_info - Report NTP Symmetric key presence from Purity//FA 6.4.10 - purefa_network - Add support for creating/modifying VIF and LACP_BOND interfaces - purefa_network - `enabled` option added. This must now be used instead of state=absent to disable a physical interface as state=absent can now fully delete a non-physical interface - purefa_ntp - Added support for NTP Symmetric Key from Purity//FA 6.4.10s - purefa_pgsched - Change `snap_at` and `replicate_at` to be AM or PM hourly - purefa_pgsnap - Add protection group snapshot rename functionality - purefa_policy - Added support for multiple NFS versions from Purity//FA 6.4.10 - purefa_vg - Add rename parameter fragments: - 444_euc_fix.yaml - 445_py39.yaml - 448_add_subs.yaml - 450_no_gateway.yaml - 452_throttle_fix.yaml - 459_fix_eradication_timer_info.yaml - 460_eradicaton.yaml - 461_ntp_keys.yaml - 462_info_update.yaml - 463_nfs_version.yaml - 464_fix_ds_add.yaml - 468_missing_subset.yaml - 469_fix_missing_bind_password.yaml - 471_fix_ip_protocol.yaml - 474_network_fixes.yaml - 480_rename_vg.yaml - 482_schedule.yaml - 483_missing_replicate.yaml - 484_fix_repl_sched.yaml - 485_fix_host.yaml - 487_pgrename.yaml - 488_fix_pgsnap_eradication.yaml modules: - description: Manage FlashArray File Copies name: purefa_file namespace: '' release_date: '2023-10-25' 1.23.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_cert - Fixed issue where parts of the subject where not included in the CSR if they did not exist in the currently used cert. - purefa_pg - Allows a protection group to be correctly created when `target` is specified as well as other objects, such as `volumes` or `hosts` minor_changes: - purefa_info - Add NSID value for NVMe namespace in `hosts` response - purefa_info - Subset `pgroups` now also provides a new dict called `deleted_pgroups` - purefa_offload - Remove `nfs` as an option when Purity//FA 6.6.0 or higher is detected fragments: - 495_add_del_pgroup_info.yaml - 496_fix_cert_signing.yaml - 498_fix_pg_creation.yaml - 499_rest_227.yaml release_date: '2023-11-07' 1.24.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_dns - Fixed attribute error on deletion of management DNS - purefa_pgsched - Fixed issue with disabling schedules - purefa_pgsnap - Fixed incorrect parameter name minor_changes: - purefa_dns - Added facility to add a CA certifcate to management DNS and check peer. - purefa_snap - Add support for suffix on remote offload snapshots fragments: - 505_dns_attribute.yaml - 506_disable_pgsched.yaml - 509_check_peer.yaml - 513_remote_snapshot_suffix.yaml - 516_fix_throttle.yaml modules: - description: Manage FlashArray Hardware Identification name: purefa_hardware namespace: '' release_date: '2023-12-01' 1.25.0: changes: minor_changes: - all - ``distro`` package added as a pre-requisite - multiple - Remove packaging pre-requisite. - multiple - Where only REST 2.x endpoints are used, convert to REST 2.x methodology. - purefa_info - Expose NFS security flavor for policies - purefa_info - Expose cloud capacity details if array is a Cloud Block Store. - purefa_policy - Added NFS security flavors for accessing files in the mount point. fragments: - 441_v2_version.yaml - 518_nfs_security.yaml - 519_add_cloud_capacity.yaml - 520_add_distro.yaml release_date: '2023-12-20' 1.26.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_ds - Fix issue with SDK returning empty data for data directory services even when it does exist - purefa_policy - Fix incorrect call of psot instead of patch for NFS policies minor_changes: - purefa_policy - Add SMB user based enumeration parameter - purefa_policy - Remove default setting for nfs_version to allow for change of version at policy level fragments: - 523_nfs_policies.yaml - 524_empty_ds.yaml release_date: '2024-01-12' 1.27.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_certs - Allow certificates of over 3000 characters to be imported. - purefa_info - Resolved issue with KeyError when LACP bonds are in use - purefa_inventory - Fix issue with iSCSI-only FlashArrays - purefa_pgsnap - Add support for restoring volumes connected to hosts in a host-based protection group and hosts in a hostgroup-based protection group. minor_changes: - purefa_arrayname - Convert to REST v2 - purefa_eula - Only sign if not previously signed. From REST 2.30 name, title and company are no longer required - purefa_info - Add support for controller uptime from Purity//FA 6.6.3 - purefa_inventory - Convert to REST v2 - purefa_ntp - Convert to REST v2 - purefa_offload - Convert to REST v2 - purefa_pgsnap - Module now requires minimum FlashArray Purity//FA 6.1.0 - purefa_ra - Add ``present`` and ``absent`` as valid ``state`` options - purefa_ra - Add connecting as valid status of RA to perform operations on - purefa_ra - Convert to REST v2 - purefa_syslog - ``name`` becomes a required parameter as module converts to full REST 2 support - purefa_vnc - Convert to REST v2 release_summary: '| This release changes the minimum supported Purity//FA version. | | The minimum supported Purity//FA version increases to 6.1.0. | All previous versions are classed as EOL by Pure Storage support. | | This change is to support the full integration to Purity//FA REST v2.x ' fragments: - 1_27_summary.yaml - 527_pgsnap_rest2.yaml - 529_eula_v2.yaml - 530_ntp_rest2.yaml - 531_ra_rest.yaml - 536_inv_rest2.yaml - 536_syslog_rest.yaml - 538_arrayname_rest.yaml - 539_rest2_vnc.yaml - 541_r2_offload.yaml - 545_4kcert.yaml - 547_lacp_neighbor_info.yaml - 548_uptime.yaml release_date: '2024-03-08' 1.28.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_host - Allows all current host inititators to be correctly removed - purefa_host - Fix idempotency issue with connected volume - purefa_volume - Ensure module response for creation of volume and rerun are the same - purefa_volume - Fix idempotency issue with delete volume minor_changes: - purefa_hg - Add support to rename existing hostgroup - purefa_info - Add ``is_local`` parameter for snapshots - purefa_info - Add performance data for some subsets - purefa_info - Add service_mode to identify if array is Evergreen//One or standard FlashArray - purefa_pg - Enhance ``state absent`` to work on volumes, hosts and hostgroups - purefa_snap - Add ``created_epoch`` parameter in response fragments: - 210_add_rename_hgroup.yaml - 211_fix_clearing_host_inititators.yaml - 550_service.yaml - 555_update_pg.yaml - 558_add_perf_info.yaml - 559_volume_response.yaml - 560_snapshot_epoch.yaml - 561_remote_snap_info.yaml - 562_host_vol_fix.yaml release_date: '2024-05-01' 1.28.1: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_network - Fix issue with clearing network interface addresses - purefa_network - Resolve issue when setting a network port on a new array - purefa_policy - Enhanced idempotency for snapshot policy rules fragments: - 565_fix_clear_interface.yaml - 567_newarray_network.yaml - 569_enhanced_snap_policy.yaml release_date: '2024-05-31' 1.4.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_host - resolve hostname case inconsistencies - purefa_host - resolve issue found when using in Pure Storage Test Drive major_changes: - purefa_console - manage Console Lock setting for the FlashArray - purefa_endpoint - manage VMware protocol-endpoints on the FlashArray - purefa_eula - sign, or resign, FlashArray EULA - purefa_inventory - get hardware inventory information from a FlashArray - purefa_network - manage the physical and virtual network settings on the FlashArray - purefa_pgsched - manage protection group snapshot and replication schedules on the FlashArray - purefa_pod - manage ActiveCluster pods in FlashArrays - purefa_pod_replica - manage ActiveDR pod replica links in FlashArrays - purefa_proxy - manage the phonehome HTTPS proxy setting for the FlashArray - purefa_smis - manage SMI-S settings on the FlashArray - purefa_subnet - manage network subnets on the FlashArray - purefa_timeout - manage the GUI idle timeout on the FlashArray - purefa_vlan - manage VLAN interfaces on the FlashArray - purefa_vnc - manage VNC for installed applications on the FlashArray - purefa_volume_tags - manage volume tags on the FlashArray minor_changes: - purefa_hg - All LUN ID to be set for single volume - purefa_host - Add CHAP support - purefa_host - Add support for Cloud Block Store - purefa_host - Add volume disconnection support - purefa_info - Certificate times changed to human readable rather than time since epoch - purefa_info - new options added for information collection - purefa_info - return dict names changed from ``ansible_facts`` to ``ra_info`` and ``user_info`` in approproate sections - purefa_offload - Add support for Azure - purefa_pgsnap - Add offload support - purefa_snap - Allow recovery of deleted snapshot - purefa_vg - Add QoS support release_summary: '| Release Date: 2020-08-08 | This changlelog describes all changes made to the modules and plugins included in this collection since Ansible 2.9.0 ' fragments: - v1.4.0_summary.yaml release_date: '2020-08-06' 1.5.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_host - Correctly remove host that is in a hostgroup - purefa_volume - Fix failing idempotency on eradicate volume minor_changes: - purefa_apiclient - New module to support API Client management - purefa_directory - Add support for managed directories - purefa_export - Add support for filesystem exports - purefa_fs - Add filesystem management support - purefa_hg - Enforce case-sensitivity rules for hostgroup objects - purefa_host - Enforce hostname case-sensitivity rules - purefa_info - Add support for FA Files features - purefa_offload - Add support for Google Cloud offload target - purefa_pg - Enforce case-sensitivity rules for protection group objects - purefa_policy - Add support for NFS, SMB and Snapshot policy management fragments: - 107_host_case_clarity.yaml - 108_fix_eradicate_idempotency.yaml - 109_fa_files_support_purefa_info.yaml - 110_add_apiclient_support.yaml - 111_add_filesystem_support.yaml - 112_add_directory_support.yaml - 113_add_exports_support.yaml - 115_add_gcp_offload.yaml - 116_add_policies.yaml modules: - description: Manage FlashArray API Clients name: purefa_apiclient namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashArray File System Directories name: purefa_directory namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashArray File System Exports name: purefa_export namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashArray File Systems name: purefa_fs namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashArray File System Policies name: purefa_policy namespace: '' release_date: '2020-10-14' 1.5.1: changes: bugfixes: - - Resolve issue when pypureclient doesn't handshake array correctly - purefa_dns - Fix idempotency - purefa_volume - Alert when volume selected for move does not exist minor_changes: - purefa_host - Add host rename function - purefa_host - Add support for multi-host creation - purefa_vg - Add support for multiple vgroup creation - purefa_volume - Add support for multi-volume creation fragments: - 118_rename_host.yaml - 121_add_multi_volume_creation.yaml - 122_add_multi_host_creation.yaml - 123_add_multi_vgroup_creation.yaml - 124_sdk_handshake.yaml - 125_dns_idempotency.yaml - 126_fix_volume_move.yaml release_date: '2020-12-11' 1.6.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_hg - Ensure all hostname chacks are lowercase for consistency - purefa_pgsnap - Add check to ensure suffix name meets naming conventions - purefa_pgsnap - Ensure pgsnap restores work for AC PGs - purefa_pod - Ensure all pod names are lowercase for consistency - purefa_snap - Update suffix regex pattern - purefa_volume - Add missing variable initialization minor_changes: - purefa_connect - Add support for FC-based array replication - purefa_ds - Add Purity v6 support for Directory Services, including Data DS and updating services - purefa_info - Add support for FC Replication - purefa_info - Add support for Remote Volume Snapshots - purefa_info - Update directory_services dictionary to cater for FA-Files data DS. Change DS dict forward. Add deprecation warning. - purefa_ntp - Ignore NTP configuration for CBS-based arrays - purefa_pg - Add support for Protection Groups in AC pods - purefa_snap - Add support for remote snapshot of individual volumes to offload targets fragments: - 130_info_ds_update.yaml - 131_add_v6_ds_update.yaml - 132_fc_replication.yaml - 133_purefa_info_v6_replication.yaml - 134_ac_pg_support.yaml - 135_no_cbs_ntp.yaml - 136_add_vol_get_send_info.yaml - 137_pgsnap_regex.yaml - 139_pgsnap_ac_support.yaml - 140_pod_case.yaml - 141_add_remote_snapshot.yaml - 145_fix_missing_move_variable.yaml release_date: '2021-02-02' 1.6.2: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_volume - Fix issues with moving volumes into demoted or linked pods fragments: - 149_volumes_demoted_pods_fix.yaml release_date: '2021-02-04' 1.7.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_info - Fix missing protection group snapshot info for local snapshots - purefa_info - Resolve crash when an offload target is offline - purefa_pgsnap - Ensure suffix rules only implemented for state=present - purefa_user - Do not allow role changed for breakglass user (pureuser) - purefa_user - Do not change role for existing user unless requested minor_changes: - purefa_maintenance - New module to set maintenance windows - purefa_pg - Add support to rename protection groups - purefa_syslog - Add support for naming SYSLOG servers for Purity//FA 6.1 or higher fragments: - 152_fix_user.yaml - 153_syslog_update.yaml - 156_snap_suffix_fix.yaml - 160_rename_pg.yaml - 161_offline_offload_fix.yaml - 162_pgsnap_info_fix.yaml - 163_add_maintenance_windows.yaml modules: - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashArray Maintence Windows name: purefa_maintenance namespace: '' release_date: '2021-03-30' 1.8.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_dsrole - If using None for group or group_base incorrect change state applied - purefa_network - Allow gateway paremeter to be set as None - needed for non-routing iSCSI ports - purefa_pg - Check to ensure protection group name meets naming convention - purefa_pgsnap - Fail with warning if trying to restore to a stretched ActiveCluster pod - purefa_volume - Ensure REST version is high enough to support promotion_status minor_changes: - purefa_certs - New module for managing SSL certificates - purefa_volume - New parameter pgroup to specify an existing protection group to put crwated volume(s) in. fragments: - 168_dsrole_fix.yaml - 169_add_certs.yaml - 170_pgsnap_stretch_pod_fail.yaml - 174_null_gateway.yaml - 175_check_pgname.yaml - 176_fix_promote_api_issue.yaml - 182_allow_pgroup_with_create.yaml modules: - description: Manage FlashArray SSL Certificates name: purefa_certs namespace: '' release_date: '2021-04-21' 1.9.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_host - Rollback host creation if initiators already used by another host - purefa_policy - Fix incorrect protocol endpoint invocation - purefa_ra - fix disable feature for remote assist, this didn't work due to error in check logic - purefa_vg - Correct issue when setting or changing Volume Group QoS - purefa_volume - Fix incorrect API version check for ActiveDR support minor_changes: - purefa_ad - Increase number of kerberos and directory servers to be 3 for each. - purefa_ad - New module to manage Active Directory accounts - purefa_dirsnap - New modules to manage FA-Files directory snapshots - purefa_eradication - New module to set deleted items eradication timer - purefa_info - Add data-at-rest and eradication timer information to default dict - purefa_info - Add high-level count for directory quotas and details for all FA-Files policies - purefa_info - Add volume Page 83 NAA information for volume details - purefa_network - Add support for enable/diable FC ports - purefa_policy - Add support for FA-files Directory Quotas and associated rules and members - purefa_sso - Add support for setting FlashArray Single Sign-On from Pure1 Manage - purefa_volume - Add volume Page 83 NAA information to response dict fragments: - 187_add_ad.yaml - 188_add_dirsnap.yaml - 193_duplicate_initiators.yaml - 194_vg_qos.yaml - 196_fix_activedr_api_version.yaml - 199_add_fc_port_enable.yaml - 200_add_DAR_info.yaml - 201_increase_krb_count.yaml - 202_add_sso.yaml - 203_add_eradication_timer.yaml - 205_policy_protocl.yaml - 206_add_naa_info.yaml - 207_fix_disable_for_remote_assist.yaml - 208_add_directory_quota_support.yaml modules: - description: Manage FlashArray Active Directory Account name: purefa_ad namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashArray File System Directory Snapshots name: purefa_dirsnap namespace: '' - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashArray Eradication Timer name: purefa_eradication namespace: '' - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashArray Single Sign-On name: purefa_sso namespace: '' release_date: '2021-07-10'