ancestor: null releases: 1.10.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefb_connect - Resolve connection issues between two FBs that are throttling capable - purefb_policy - Fix incorrect API call for NFS export policy rule creation minor_changes: - All - Update documentation examples with FQCNs - purefb_ad - Allow service to be a list - purefb_bucket - Allow setting of bucket type to support VSO - requires Purity//FB 3.3.3 or higher - purefb_certs - Fix several misspellings of certificate - purefb_info - Added filesystem default, user and group quotas where available - purefb_info - Expose object store bucket type from Purity//FB 3.3.3 - purefb_info - Show information for current timezone - purefb_policy - Allow rename of NFS Export Policies from Purity//FB 3.3.3 - purefb_tz - Add support for FlashBlade timezone management fragments: - 179_fqcn.yaml - 183_v2_connections.yaml - 184_certificate_typos.yaml - 185_nfs_export_rule.yaml - 186_add_tz.yaml - 187_rename_nfs_policy.yaml - 188_bucket_type.yaml - 191_add_quota_info.yaml - 194_lists_for_service.yaml modules: - description: List FlashBlade Alert Messages name: purefb_messages namespace: '' - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashBlade timezone name: purefb_tz namespace: '' release_date: '2022-09-12' 1.11.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_info - Fixed issue when more than 10 buckets have lifecycle rules. - purefb_s3user - Fix incorrect response when bad key/secret pair provided for new user minor_changes: - purefb_info - Added `encryption` and `support_keys` information. - purefb_info - Added bucket quota and safemode information per bucket - purefb_info - Added security update version for Purity//FB 4.0.2, or higher - purefb_info - Updated object store account information - purefb_inventory - Added `part_number` to hardware item information. - purefb_policy - Added support for multiple rules in snapshot policies - purefb_proxy - Added new boolean parameter `secure`. Default of true (for backwards compatability) sets the protocol to be `https://`. False sets `http://` - purefb_s3acc - Added support for default bucket quotas and hard limits - purefb_s3acc - Added support for object account quota and hard limit fragments: - 200_proxy.yaml - 202_multiple_snap_rules.yaml - 205_fix_multi_lifecycle.yaml - 211_change_booleans.yaml - 212_object_account_quota.yaml - 213_sec_update.yaml - 215_encrypt_sec_info.yaml - 216_extra_bucket_info.yaml - 217_inventory.yaml - 218_object_account_info.yaml - 220_s3user_key_fix.yaml modules: - description: Employ the internal FlashBlade ping and trace mechanisms name: purefb_pingtrace namespace: '' release_date: '2023-04-13' 1.3.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefb_bucket - Add warning message if ``state`` is ``absent`` without ``eradicate:`` - purefb_fs - Add graceful exist when ``state`` is ``absent`` and filesystem not eradicated - purefb_fs - Add warning message if ``state`` is ``absent`` without ``eradicate`` major_changes: - purefb_alert - manage alert email settings on a FlashBlade - purefb_bladename - manage FlashBlade name - purefb_bucket_replica - manage bucket replica links on a FlashBlade - purefb_connect - manage connections between FlashBlades - purefb_dns - manage DNS settings on a FlashBlade - purefb_fs_replica - manage filesystem replica links on a FlashBlade - purefb_inventory - get information about the hardware inventory of a FlashBlade - purefb_ntp - manage the NTP settings for a FlashBlade - purefb_phonehome - manage the phone home settings for a FlashBlade - purefb_policy - manage the filesystem snapshot policies for a FlashBlade - purefb_proxy - manage the phone home HTTP proxy settings for a FlashBlade - purefb_remote_cred - manage the Object Store Remote Credentials on a FlashBlade - purefb_snmp_agent - modify the FlashBlade SNMP Agent - purefb_snmp_mgr - manage SNMP Managers on a FlashBlade - purefb_target - manage remote S3-capable targets for a FlashBlade - purefb_user - manage local ``pureuser`` account password on a FlashBlade minor_changes: - purefb_bucket - Versioning support added - purefb_info - new options added for information collection - purefb_network - Add replication service type - purefb_s3user - Limit ``access_key`` recreation to 3 times - purefb_s3user - return dict changed from ``ansible_facts`` to ``s3user_info`` release_summary: '| Release Date: 2020-08-08 | This changlelog describes all changes made to the modules and plugins included in this collection since Ansible 2.9.0 ' fragments: - v1.3.0_summary.yaml release_date: '2020-08-06' 1.4.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefa_policy - Resolve multiple issues related to incorrect use of timezones - purefb_connect - Ensure changing encryption status on array connection is performed correctly - purefb_connect - Fix breaking change created in purity_fb SDK 1.9.2 for deletion of array connections - purefb_connect - Hide target array API token - purefb_ds - Ensure updating directory service configurations completes correctly - purefb_info - Fix issue getting array info when encrypted connection exists minor_changes: - purefb_banner - Module to manage the GUI and SSH login message - purefb_certgrp - Module to manage FlashBlade Certificate Groups - purefb_certs - Module to create and delete SSL certificates - purefb_connect - Support idempotency when exisitng connection is incoming - purefb_fs - Add new options for filesystem control ( - purefb_fs - Default filesystem size on creation changes from 32G to ``unlimited`` - purefb_fs - Fix error in deletion and eradication of filesystem - purefb_fs_replica - Remove condition to attach/detach policies on unhealthy replica-link - purefb_info - Add support to list filesystem policies - purefb_lifecycle - Module to manage FlashBlade Bucket Lifecycle Rules - purefb_s3user - Add support for imported user access keys - purefb_syslog - Module to manage syslog server configuration fragments: - 101_fix_policy_and_timezone_error.yaml - 76_default_fs_size.yaml - 77_filesystem_policies_info.yaml - 78_update_filesystem_replica_link.yaml - 79_hide_connect_api.yaml - 80_support_reverse_replica_link.yaml - 81_purefb_fs_new_options.yaml - 83_add_certgrp.yml - 84_add_cert.yaml - 85_add_banner.yaml - 86_add_syslog.yaml - 88_add_lifecycle.yml - 90_delete_conn_fix.yaml - 90_imported_keys.yaml - 92_fix_ds_update.yaml - 96_fix_update_connection.yaml - 97_fix_encrpyted_array_connection_info.yaml modules: - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashBlade GUI and SSH MOTD message name: purefb_banner namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade Certifcate Groups name: purefb_certgrp namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade SSL Certifcates name: purefb_certs namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade object lifecycles name: purefb_lifecycle namespace: '' - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashBlade syslog settings name: purefb_syslog namespace: '' release_date: '2020-10-14' 1.5.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefb_* - Return a correct value for `changed` in all modules when in check mode - purefb_dns - Deprecate search paramerter - purefb_dsrole - Resolve idempotency issue - purefb_lifecycle - Fix error when creating new bucket lifecycle rule. - purefb_policy - Ensure undeclared variables are set correctly - purefb_s3user - Fix maximum access_key count logic minor_changes: - purefb_certs - Add update functionality for array cert - purefb_fs - Add multiprotocol ACL support - purefb_info - Add information regarding filesystem multiprotocol (where available) - purefb_info - Add new parameter to provide details on admin users - purefb_info - Add replication performace statistics - purefb_s3user - Add ability to remove an S3 users existing access key fragments: - 105_max_access_key.yaml - 107_add_remove_s3user_key.yaml - 108_dns_search_fix.yaml - 109_update_info.yaml - 111_dsrole_update_idempotency.yaml - 112_fix_check_mode.yaml - 113_policy_cleanup.yaml - 114_certificate_update.yaml - 115_multiprotocol.yaml - 121_replication_perf.yaml - 123_lifecycle_rule_fix.yaml release_date: '2021-03-30' 1.6.0: changes: minor_changes: - purefa_virtualhost - New module to manage API Clients - purefb_ad - New module to manage Active Directory Account - purefb_eula - New module to sign EULA - purefb_info - Add Active Directory, Kerberos and Object Store Account information - purefb_info - Add extra info for Purity//FB 3.2+ systems - purefb_keytabs - New module to manage Kerberos Keytabs - purefb_s3user - Add access policy option to user creation - purefb_timeout - Add module to set GUI idle timeout - purefb_userpolicy - New module to manage object store user access policies - purefb_virtualhost - New module to manage Object Store Virtual Hosts fragments: - 127_add_eula.yaml - 128_add_32_to_info.yaml - 129-virtualhost.yaml - 131-apiclient.yaml - 132_add_timeout.yaml - 135_add_user_policies.yaml - 136_add_s3user_policy.yaml - 138_add_ad_module.yaml - 139_add_keytabs.yaml - 140_more_32_info.yaml modules: - description: Manage FlashBlade Active Directory Account name: purefb_ad namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade API Clients name: purefb_apiclient namespace: '' - description: Sign Pure Storage FlashBlade EULA name: purefb_eula namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade Kerberos Keytabs name: purefb_keytabs namespace: '' - description: Configure Pure Storage FlashBlade GUI idle timeout name: purefb_timeout namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade Object Store User Access Policies name: purefb_userpolicy namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade Object Store Virtual Hosts name: purefb_virtualhost namespace: '' release_date: '2021-04-21' 1.7.0: changes: bugfixes: - purefb_fs - Fix bug where changing the state of both NFS v3 and v4.1 at the same time ignored one of these. - purefb_s3acc - Ensure S3 Account Name is always lowercase - purefb_s3user - Ensure S3 Account Name is always lowercase - purefb_subnet - Allow subnet creation with no gateway minor_changes: - purefb_groupquota - New module for manage individual filesystem group quotas - purefb_lag - Add support for LAG management - purefb_snap - Add support for immeadiate snapshot to remote connected FlashBlade - purefb_subnet - Add support for multiple LAGs. - purefb_userquota - New module for manage individual filesystem user quotas fragments: - 147_no_gateway.yaml - 150_fix_joint_nfs_version_change.yaml - 152_s3acc_lowercase.yaml - 153_add_quota.yaml - 154_add_snap_now.yaml - 158_support_lags.yaml - 159_add_lag.yaml modules: - description: Manage filesystem group quotas name: purefb_groupquota namespace: '' - description: Manage FlashBlade Link Aggregation Groups name: purefb_lag namespace: '' - description: Manage filesystem user quotas name: purefb_userquota namespace: '' release_date: '2021-09-27' 1.8.0: changes: known_issues: - purefb_lag - The mac_address field in the response is not populated. This will be fixed in a future FlashBlade update. minor_changes: - - Add check to ensure FlashBlade uses the latest REST version possible for Purity version installed - purefb_info - Add object lifecycles rules to bucket subset - purefb_lifecycle - Add support for updated object lifecycle rules. See documentation for details of new parameters. - purefb_lifecycle - Change `keep_for` parameter to be `keep_previous_for`. `keep_for` is deprecated and will be removed in a later version. - purefb_user - Add support for managing user public key and user unlock fragments: - 161_add_lifecycle_info.yaml - 162_new_lifecycle.yaml - 163_admin_key.yaml - 166_lag_mac_note.yaml - 167_fix_logins.yaml release_date: '2021-11-08' 1.8.1: changes: minor_changes: - - Use latest `pypureclient` SDK with fix for "best fit". No longer requires double login to negotiate best API version. fragments: - 169_pypureclient_fix.yaml release_date: '2021-11-11' 1.9.0: changes: minor_changes: - purefb_admin - New module to manage global admin settings - purefb_connect - Add support for array connections to have bandwidth throttling defined - purefb_fs - Add support for NFS export policies - purefb_info - Add NFS export policies and rules - purefb_info - Show array connections bandwidth throttle information - purefb_policy - Add NFS export policies, with rules, as a new policy type - purefb_policy - Add support for Object Store Access Policies, associated rules and user grants - purefb_policy - New parameter `policy_type` added. For backwards compatability, default to `snapshot` if not provided. fragments: - 164_add_admin.yaml - 174_access_policies.yaml - 175_throttle_support.yaml - 176_nfs_export_policies.yaml release_date: '2021-12-17'