version: "2.1" workflows: version: 2 main_workflow: jobs: - sanity_test: matrix: &matrix parameters: # ansible is branch name in ansible/ansible git repo ansible: - stable-2.9 - stable-2.10 - stable-2.11 - stable-2.12 - stable-2.13 - stable-2.14 - unit_test: matrix: *matrix - integration_test_git: requires: - sanity_test - unit_test matrix: *matrix - integration_test_galaxy: filters: { branches: { only: [ stable ] } } requires: - integration_test_git matrix: *matrix cron_master: triggers: - schedule: cron: "12 5 * * 0,3" filters: { branches: { only: [ master ] } } jobs: - integration_test_git: matrix: *matrix cron_released: triggers: - schedule: cron: "12 5 * * 1,4" filters: { branches: { only: [ stable ] } } jobs: - integration_test_galaxy: matrix: *matrix cron_ansible_devel: triggers: - schedule: cron: "12 5 * * 2,5" filters: { branches: { only: [ master ] } } jobs: - sanity_test: matrix: &devel-matrix parameters: ansible: [ devel ] - unit_test: matrix: *devel-matrix - integration_test_git: requires: - sanity_test - unit_test matrix: *devel-matrix windows_version_check: triggers: - schedule: cron: "12 3 * * 0,2,4" filters: { branches: { only: [ master ] } } jobs: - windows_version_check jobs: sanity_test: parameters: ansible: description: Ansible version to use type: string machine: &ci-machine image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 working_directory: ~/ansible_collections/sensu/sensu_go steps: - wrapper: ansible: << parameters.ansible >> kind: sanity test_commands: - run: make sanity unit_test: parameters: ansible: description: Ansible version to use type: string machine: *ci-machine working_directory: ~/ansible_collections/sensu/sensu_go steps: - wrapper: ansible: << parameters.ansible >> kind: sanity test_commands: - run: make units - store_artifacts: path: tests/output/reports/coverage destination: coverage-report - store_test_results: path: tests/output/junit integration_test_git: parallelism: 6 parameters: ansible: description: Ansible version to use type: string machine: *ci-machine working_directory: ~/sensu_go steps: - wrapper: ansible: << parameters.ansible >> kind: integration test_commands: - run: ansible-galaxy collection build - run: ansible-galaxy collection install sensu-sensu_go-*.tar.gz - run_integration_tests integration_test_galaxy: parallelism: 6 parameters: ansible: description: Ansible version to use type: string machine: *ci-machine working_directory: ~/sensu_go steps: - wrapper: ansible: << parameters.ansible >> kind: integration test_commands: - run: | ansible-galaxy collection install \ sensu.sensu_go:$(grep version: galaxy.yml | cut -d" " -f2) - run_integration_tests windows_version_check: docker: - image: cimg/python:3.10.6 steps: - checkout - run: pip3 install pyyaml - run: make check_windows_versions commands: run_integration_tests: description: Run integration tests steps: - run: ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker - run: name: Display scheduled scenarios command: | circleci tests glob "tests/integration/molecule/*/molecule.yml" \ | circleci tests split --split-by=timings - run: make integration_ci - store_test_results: path: test_results - store_artifacts: path: test_results wrapper: description: Wrapper command that takes care of venv caching parameters: ansible: description: Ansible version to install type: string kind: description: Test kind (used to construct cache name) type: string test_commands: description: Test commands to execute type: steps steps: - checkout: { path: . } - run: name: Generate cache id file command: | rm -f cache-id.txt echo "week $(date +%V)" >> cache-id.txt echo "ansible << parameters.ansible >>" >> cache-id.txt echo "kind << parameters.kind >>" >> cache-id.txt echo "cache busting string 2" >> cache-id.txt - restore_cache: key: '{{ checksum "cache-id.txt" }}' - run: name: Install Ansible command: pip3 install -U<< parameters.ansible >>.tar.gz --disable-pip-version-check - steps: << parameters.test_commands >> - save_cache: key: '{{ checksum "cache-id.txt" }}' paths: - "~/venv"