# Make sure we have ansible_collections/sensu/sensu_go as a prefix. This is # ugly as heck, but it works. I suggest all future developer to treat next few # lines as an opportunity to learn a thing or two about GNU make ;) collection := $(notdir $(realpath $(CURDIR) )) namespace := $(notdir $(realpath $(CURDIR)/.. )) toplevel := $(notdir $(realpath $(CURDIR)/../..)) err_msg := Place collection at /ansible_collections/sensu/sensu_go ifeq (true,$(CI)) $(info Running in CI setting, skipping directory checks.) else ifneq (sensu_go,$(collection)) $(error $(err_msg)) else ifneq (sensu,$(namespace)) $(error $(err_msg)) else ifneq (ansible_collections,$(toplevel)) $(error $(err_msg)) endif python_version := $(shell \ python -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])))' \ ) molecule_scenarios := $(wildcard tests/integration/molecule/*) .PHONY: help help: @echo Available targets: @fgrep "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sort .PHONY: sanity sanity: ## Run sanity tests pip3 install -r sanity.requirements -r collection.requirements pip install pyyaml flake8 if which ansible-lint 2> /dev/null; then ansible-lint -p roles/*; fi ansible-test sanity --docker python3 ./tests/sanity/validate-role-metadata.py roles/* .PHONY: units units: ## Run unit tests pip3 install -r collection.requirements -ansible-test coverage erase # On first run, there is nothing to erase. ansible-test units --docker --coverage ansible-test coverage html --requirements ansible-test coverage report --omit 'tests/*' --show-missing .PHONY: integration integration: ## Run integration tests pip3 install -r integration.requirements -r collection.requirements pytest -s --molecule-base-config=base.yml tests/integration/molecule .PHONY: $(molecule_scenarios) $(molecule_scenarios): pytest -s --molecule-base-config=base.yml $@ .PHONY: integration_ci integration_ci: ## Run integration tests on CircleCI pip3 install -r integration.requirements -r collection.requirements mkdir -p test_results/integration pytest -s \ --junitxml=test_results/integration/junit.xml \ --molecule-base-config=base.yml \ $$(circleci tests glob "tests/integration/molecule/*/molecule.yml" \ | circleci tests split --split-by=timings) .PHONY: docs docs: ## Build collection documentation pip3 install -r docs.requirements $(MAKE) -C docs -f Makefile.custom docs .PHONY: clean clean: ## Remove all auto-generated files $(MAKE) -C docs -f Makefile.custom clean rm -rf tests/output test_results .PHONY: check_windows_versions check_windows_versions: ## Check if our and upstream versions drifed apart tools/windows-versions.py check roles/install/vars/Windows.yml .PHONY: update_windows_versions update_windows_versions: ## Update Windows versions in variable file tools/windows-versions.py update roles/install/vars/Windows.yml