Testing Sensu Go Ansible Collection =================================== Sensu Go Ansible collection contains a comprehensive test suite. We use this test suite to make sure collection's source code 1. meets the Ansible code quality standards, 2. works with supported versions of Ansible, 3. works with supported versions of Sensu Go, and 4. works with supported versions of Python. Static analysis --------------- We use a wide variety of linters and static code analysis tools to ensure our code base stays healthy. To run all checks, we can execute the following command:: (venv) $ make sanity This command will take care of installing requirements and running them. The tools we use are: 1. ``flake8`` for making sure our python code is nice and tidy. 2. ``ansible-lint`` to make sure our Ansible roles follow the best practices. 3. ``ansible-test sanity`` for ensuring our modules and plugins will work on a wide varienty of platforms. 4. A custom script that makes sure roles metadata is in sync with Ansible Galaxy. Unit tests ---------- We use unit tests to test the logic and implementation of our helper functions and various Ansible plugins that are part of the Sensu Go collection. Unit tests live in the ``tests/unit`` directory and mirror the structure of the code. For example, unit tests for the code in the ``plugins/modules/asset.py`` are stored in the ``tests/unit/plugins/modules/test_asset.py`` file. When we add new code to the collection, we must also include the tests for this piece of code in the same git commit. We group our tests using classes. Each function or method gets its own dedicated test class that contains one or more tests that check different aspects of the code under scrutiny. We use ``ansible-test units`` to execute the unit tests. But we can also execute:: (venv) $ make units to run them. This convenience ``make`` rule will all of our unit tests in a dedicated docker container againts all Python versions that Ansible supports on managed nodes. Additionally, it will also generate a code coverage report and place it in the ``tests/output/reports/coverage/index.html`` HTML file. Our CI process runs unit tests on each push to GitHub. And while developers usually run the tests only against one version of Ansible, CI tools run them against all supported versions, making sure our code is ready to be used on a variety of systems. Integration tests ----------------- Integration tests are basically a collection of Ansible playbooks that we run against all supported Sensu Go versions and operating systems. Integration tests live in the ``tests/integration/molecule`` directory. We use Molecule_ to manage our integration tests. .. _Molecule: https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ We can add a new test scenario by creating a suitably named directory and populating it with a ``playbook.yml`` playbook and ``molecule.yml`` configuration file. If we are creating an integration test for a module, we can leave the molecule configuration file empty. But we must still create the configuration file, or Molecule will not detect this scenario. For example, if we would like to create a new Molecule scenario that is testing the ``asset`` module, we would run this sequence of commands:: (venv) $ mkdir tests/integration/molecule/module_asset (venv) $ touch tests/integration/molecule/module_asset/{molecule,playbook}.yml Now we need to add some content to the playbook we just created. There are plenty of examples in our test directory if you need some inspiration ;) Once we have our playbook ready, we can test our scenario by running:: (venv) $ make tests/integration/molecule/module_asset We can also run all integration tests with a single command: (venv) $ make integration Do note that this will take about an hour or so, so make sure you have something else to do in the mean time ;) Adding a scenario for role is a bit more complicated since we need to inform Molecule what docker images it should use for running tests, but nothing drastic. We run our integration tests as part of our CI process, further reducing the chances of broken code getting into our repository. Continuous integration ---------------------- We use CircleCI to run our test suite on each push and pull request. Our CI pipeline is composed of two stages: a fast one and a slow one. The fast stage is composed of sanity and unit tests. Once those tests are done executing and passing, we start execution of the slow stage that runs integration tests. In order to keep the test times as short as possible, the slow stage is parallelized. And in order to maximize the benefits of this parallel execution, we need to split the work into similarly sized chunks. This is done automatically on CircleCI based on the timings from the previous runs.