output_template: | # Ansible Role: {{ role }} --- {%- if "version" in galaxy_collection %} Version: {{ galaxy_collection.version }} {% endif %} {{ metadata.galaxy_info.description }} {% if ("galaxy_tags" in metadata.galaxy_info) and (metadata.galaxy_info.galaxy_tags | length > 0) %} Tags: {{ metadata.galaxy_info.galaxy_tags | join(', ') }} {%- endif %} ## Requirements --- | Platform | Versions | | -------- | -------- | {%- for platform in metadata.galaxy_info.platforms %} | {{ platform.name }} | {{ platform.versions | default([]) | join(', ') }} | {%- endfor %} ## Supported Operating Systems {%- for platform in metadata.galaxy_info.platforms %} - {{ platform.name }} {%- if "versions" in platform %} - {{ platform.versions | default([]) | join(', ') }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} ## Role Variables {% for entrypoint in argument_specs.keys() %} {%- set path, options=entrypoint_options[entrypoint][0] -%} {%- for name, details in options.items() |sort() %} - `{{ name }}`: - Default: `{{ details.display_default }}` - Description: {{ details.display_description }} - Type: {{ details.display_type }} - Required: {{ details.display_required }} {% if details.options -%} - Options: {% for key, value in details.options.items() %} - `{{ key }}`: - description: {% for line in value.description %} - "{{ line }}" {% endfor %} {%- if value.choices %} - Choices: {%- for choice in value.choices %} - {{ choice }} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} - default: "{{ value.default }}" - type: "{{ value.type }}" - required: "{{ value.display_required }}" {% endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} ## Dependencies {%- if ("dependencies" in metadata) and (metadata.dependencies | length > 0) %} {%- for dependency in metadata.dependencies %} - {{ dependency }} {%- endfor %} {%- else %} None. {%- endif %}