PYTHON_COMMAND ?= python NAMESPACE := $(shell $(PYTHON_COMMAND) -c 'import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open("galaxy.yml"))["namespace"])') NAME := $(shell $(PYTHON_COMMAND) -c 'import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open("galaxy.yml"))["name"])') VERSION := $(shell $(PYTHON_COMMAND) -c 'import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open("galaxy.yml"))["version"])') MANIFEST := build/collections/ansible_collections/$(NAMESPACE)/$(NAME)/MANIFEST.json ROLES := $(wildcard roles/*) PLUGIN_TYPES := $(filter-out __%,$(notdir $(wildcard plugins/*))) RUNTIME_YML := meta/runtime.yml METADATA := galaxy.yml LICENSE $(RUNTIME_YML) requirements.txt changelogs/changelog.yaml CHANGELOG.rst bindep.txt PSF-license.txt meta/execution-environment.yml TESTDATA := Makefile pytest.ini $(shell find tests/ ! -type d ! -path '*/__pycache__/*' ! -path '*/test_playbooks/fixtures/*' ! -path '*/fixtures/apidoc/*') $(foreach PLUGIN_TYPE,$(PLUGIN_TYPES),$(eval _$(PLUGIN_TYPE) := $(filter-out,$(wildcard plugins/$(PLUGIN_TYPE)/*.py)) $(wildcard plugins/$(PLUGIN_TYPE)/*.yml))) DEPENDENCIES := $(METADATA) $(foreach PLUGIN_TYPE,$(PLUGIN_TYPES),$(_$(PLUGIN_TYPE))) $(foreach ROLE,$(ROLES),$(wildcard $(ROLE)/*/*)) $(foreach ROLE,$(ROLES),$(ROLE)/ $(TESTDATA) PYTHON_VERSION = $(shell $(PYTHON_COMMAND) -c 'import sys; print("{}.{}".format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor))') ANSIBLE_SUPPORTS_REDIRECTS = $(shell ansible --version | grep -q 'ansible 2.9' && echo 0 || echo 1) COLLECTION_COMMAND ?= ansible-galaxy SANITY_OPTS = --venv TEST = FLAGS = PYTEST = pytest -n 4 --forked -vv APIPIE_VERSION ?= v0.4.0 default: help help: @echo "Please use \`make ' where is one of:" @echo " help to show this message" @echo " info to show infos about the collection" @echo " lint to run code linting" @echo " test to run unit tests" @echo " livetest to run test playbooks live (without vcr)" @echo " sanity to run santy tests" @echo " setup to set up test, lint" @echo " test-setup to install test dependencies" @echo " test_ to run a specific unittest" @echo " livetest_ to run a specific unittest live (without vcr)" @echo " record_ to (re-)record the server answers for a specific test" @echo " clean_ to run a specific test playbook with the teardown and cleanup tags" @echo " dist to build the collection artifact" info: @echo "Building collection $(NAMESPACE)-$(NAME)-$(VERSION)" @echo -e " roles:\n $(foreach ROLE,$(notdir $(ROLES)), - $(ROLE)\n)" @echo -e " $(foreach PLUGIN_TYPE,$(PLUGIN_TYPES), $(PLUGIN_TYPE):\n $(foreach PLUGIN,$(basename $(notdir $(_$(PLUGIN_TYPE)))), - $(PLUGIN)\n)\n)" lint: $(MANIFEST) $(RUNTIME_YML) | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml yamllint -f parsable tests/test_playbooks roles ansible-lint -v --offline roles/* ansible-playbook --syntax-check tests/test_playbooks/*.yml | grep -v '^$$' flake8 --ignore=E402,W503 --max-line-length=160 plugins/ tests/ @echo "Check that there are no changes to $(RUNTIME_YML)" git diff --exit-code $(RUNTIME_YML) galaxy-importer: $(MANIFEST) GALAXY_IMPORTER_CONFIG=tests/galaxy-importer.cfg python -m galaxy_importer.main $(NAMESPACE)-$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz sanity: $(MANIFEST) # Fake a fresh git repo for ansible-test cd $( .gitignore ; ansible-test sanity $(SANITY_OPTS) --python $(PYTHON_VERSION) test: $(MANIFEST) | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml $(PYTEST) $(TEST) test-crud: $(MANIFEST) | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml $(PYTEST) 'tests/' 'tests/' test-check-mode: $(MANIFEST) | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml $(PYTEST) 'tests/' test-other: $(PYTEST) -k 'not' livetest: $(MANIFEST) | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml pytest -vv 'tests/' --vcrmode live $(FLAGS) test_%: FORCE $(MANIFEST) | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml pytest -vv 'tests/[$*]' 'tests/[$*]' $(FLAGS) livetest_%: FORCE $(MANIFEST) | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml pytest -vv 'tests/[$*]' --vcrmode live $(FLAGS) record_%: FORCE $(MANIFEST) $(RM) tests/test_playbooks/fixtures/$*-*.yml pytest -vv 'tests/[$*]' --vcrmode record $(FLAGS) clean_%: FORCE $(MANIFEST) ansible-playbook --tags teardown,cleanup -i tests/inventory/hosts 'tests/test_playbooks/$*.yml' setup: test-setup test-setup: | tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade -r requirements-dev.txt tests/test_playbooks/vars/server.yml: cp $@.example $@ @echo "For recording, please adjust $@ to match your reference server." dist-test: $(MANIFEST) FOREMAN_SERVER_URL=https://foreman.example.test ansible -m $(NAMESPACE).$(NAME).organization -a "username=admin password=changeme name=collectiontest" localhost | grep -q "Failed to connect to Foreman server.*foreman.example.test" ifeq ($(ANSIBLE_SUPPORTS_REDIRECTS),1) FOREMAN_SERVER_URL=https://foreman.example.test ansible -m $(NAMESPACE).$(NAME).foreman_organization -a "username=admin password=changeme name=collectiontest" localhost | grep -q "Failed to connect to Foreman server.*foreman.example.test" endif FOREMAN_SERVER_URL=http://foreman.example.test ansible -m $(NAMESPACE).$(NAME).organization -a "username=admin password=changeme name=collectiontest" localhost 2>&1| grep -q "You have configured a plain HTTP server URL." ansible-doc $(NAMESPACE).$(NAME).organization | grep -q "Manage Organization" $(MANIFEST): $(NAMESPACE)-$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz ansible-galaxy collection install -p build/collections $< --force build/src/%: % install -m 644 -DT $< $@ build/src/tests/ FORCE install -m 644 -DT tests/test_$*.py $@ $(NAMESPACE)-$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz: $(addprefix build/src/,$(DEPENDENCIES)) ansible-galaxy collection build build/src --force dist: $(NAMESPACE)-$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz publish: $(NAMESPACE)-$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz ansible-galaxy collection publish --api-key $(GALAXY_API_KEY) $< clean: rm -rf build docs/plugins doc-setup: pip install --upgrade -r docs/requirements.txt doc: $(MANIFEST) mkdir -p ./docs/plugins ./docs/roles cat ./docs/roles.rst.template > ./docs/roles/index.rst for role_readme in roles/*/; do \ ln -f -s ../../$$role_readme ./docs/roles/$$(basename $$(dirname $$role_readme)).md; \ echo " * :doc:\`$$(basename $$(dirname $$role_readme))\`" >> ./docs/roles/index.rst; \ done antsibull-docs collection --use-current --squash-hierarchy --dest-dir ./docs/plugins $(NAMESPACE).$(NAME) make -C docs html vendor: git clone --depth=1 --branch=$(APIPIE_VERSION) build/apypie-git python build/apypie-git/apypie/*.py > plugins/module_utils/ $(RUNTIME_YML): FORCE $(PYTHON_COMMAND) FORCE: .PHONY: help dist lint sanity test test-crud test-check-mode test-other livetest setup test-setup doc-setup doc publish FORCE