================================ vmware.vmware_rest Release Notes ================================ .. contents:: Topics v2.3.1 ====== Release Summary --------------- This release brings some minor changes and bugfixes. Minor Changes ------------- - set version in galaxy.yml to allow install from git repo Bugfixes -------- - Allow filters with the space (See: https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware.vmware_rest/issues/362). - Handle spaces and special characters in resource names for lookup plugins (See: https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware.vmware_rest/issues/356). v2.3.0 ====== New Modules ----------- - vcenter_vm_guest_customization - Applies a customization specification on the virtual machine - vcenter_vm_guest_power - Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a soft shutdown, standby (suspend) or soft reboot - vcenter_vm_guest_power_info - Returns information about the guest operating system power state. - vcenter_vm_storage_policy_compliance - Returns the storage policy Compliance {@link Info} of a virtual machine after explicitly re-computing compliance check. - vcenter_vm_tools_installer - Connects the VMware Tools CD installer as a CD-ROM for the guest operating system - vcenter_vm_tools_installer_info - Get information about the VMware Tools installer. v2.2.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Add news example for clone, instant clone and template on Content Library. - documentation - clarify that the VMware vCenter API doesn't allow the cloning of template if there are not if Library. - vcenter_vm - Add new examples (clone and instant clone). Bugfixes -------- - vcenter_datacenter - Ensure the idempotency works as expected. New Modules ----------- - vcenter_vmtemplate_libraryitems - Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine - vcenter_vmtemplate_libraryitems_info - Returns information about a virtual machine template contained in the library item specified by {@param.name templateLibraryItem} v2.1.6 ====== v2.1.5 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Adjust the release version of the lookup plugins fro, 2.0.1 to 2.1.0. - ``vcenter_network_info`` - add an example with a Distributed Virtual Switch, a.k.a dvswitch (https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware.vmware_rest/pull/316). Bugfixes -------- - Adjust the cloud.common dependency to require 2.0.4 or greater (https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware.vmware_rest/pull/315). v2.1.4 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Add more EXAMPLE blocks in the documenation of the modules. Bugfixes -------- - Add support for Python 3.10. v2.1.3 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - The module_utils/vmware.py is licensed under BSD. - add some missing example blocks. Bugfixes -------- - "remove the following modules vcenter_vm_guest_environment_info vcenter_vm_guest_environment_info " "vcenter_vm_guest_filesystemy vcenter_vm_guest_filesystem_files vcenter_vm_guest_filesystem_files_info " "vcenter_vm_guest_processes vcenter_vm_guest_processes_info because they don't work as expected." v2.1.2 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - The examples uses the FQCN of the built-in modules Bugfixes -------- - vcenter_ovf_libraryitem - properly catch errors. v2.1.1 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - ``content_subscribedlibrary`` - use FQCN in the example. Bugfixes -------- - Address a condition where the subkey item was not properly identified (https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware_rest_code_generator/pull/181). - vcenter_datacenter - Ensure pass stat=absent on a non-existing item won't raise an error (https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware_rest_code_generator/pull/182). - vcenter_vm_guest_customize - Add examples. - vcenter_vm_hardware_ethernet - Ensure we can attach a NIC to another network (https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware.vmware_rest/issues/267). v2.1.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - ``vcenter_vm_guest_customization`` - remove the module until vSphere API end-point work properly. - bump the default timeout to 600s to give more time to the slow operations. - new moid lookup filter plugins to convert a resource path to a MOID. - use turbo mode cache for lookup plugins. Bugfixes -------- - ``appliance_networking_dns_servers`` - returns error on failure. v2.0.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Handle import error with correct exception raised while importing aiohttp Breaking Changes / Porting Guide -------------------------------- - The vmware_rest 2.0.0 support vSphere 7.0.2 onwards. - vcenter_vm_storage_policy - the format of the ``disks`` parameter has changed. - vcenter_vm_storage_policy - the module has a new mandatory paramter: ``vm_home``. Bugfixes -------- - Properly handle ``validate_certs`` as a boolean and accept all the standard Ansible values (``yes``, ``true``, ``y``, ``no``, etc). New Modules ----------- - appliance_access_consolecli - Set enabled state of the console-based controlled CLI (TTY1). - appliance_access_consolecli_info - Get enabled state of the console-based controlled CLI (TTY1). - appliance_access_dcui - Set enabled state of Direct Console User Interface (DCUI TTY2). - appliance_access_dcui_info - Get enabled state of Direct Console User Interface (DCUI TTY2). - appliance_access_shell - Set enabled state of BASH, that is, access to BASH from within the controlled CLI. - appliance_access_shell_info - Get enabled state of BASH, that is, access to BASH from within the controlled CLI. - appliance_access_ssh - Set enabled state of the SSH-based controlled CLI. - appliance_access_ssh_info - Get enabled state of the SSH-based controlled CLI. - appliance_health_applmgmt_info - Get health status of applmgmt services. - appliance_health_database_info - Returns the health status of the database. - appliance_health_databasestorage_info - Get database storage health. - appliance_health_load_info - Get load health. - appliance_health_mem_info - Get memory health. - appliance_health_softwarepackages_info - Get information on available software updates available in the remote vSphere Update Manager repository - appliance_health_storage_info - Get storage health. - appliance_health_swap_info - Get swap health. - appliance_health_system_info - Get overall health of system. - appliance_infraprofile_configs - Exports the desired profile specification. - appliance_infraprofile_configs_info - List all the profiles which are registered. - appliance_localaccounts - Create a new local user account. - appliance_localaccounts_globalpolicy - Set the global password policy. - appliance_localaccounts_globalpolicy_info - Get the global password policy. - appliance_localaccounts_info - Get the local user account information. - appliance_monitoring_info - Get monitored item info - appliance_monitoring_query - Get monitoring data. - appliance_networking - Reset and restarts network configuration on all interfaces, also this will renew the DHCP lease for DHCP IP address. - appliance_networking_dns_domains - Set DNS search domains. - appliance_networking_dns_domains_info - Get list of DNS search domains. - appliance_networking_dns_hostname - Set the Fully Qualified Domain Name. - appliance_networking_dns_hostname_info - Get the Fully Qualified Doman Name. - appliance_networking_dns_servers - Set the DNS server configuration - appliance_networking_dns_servers_info - Get DNS server configuration. - appliance_networking_firewall_inbound - Set the ordered list of firewall rules to allow or deny traffic from one or more incoming IP addresses - appliance_networking_firewall_inbound_info - Get the ordered list of firewall rules - appliance_networking_info - Get Networking information for all configured interfaces. - appliance_networking_interfaces_info - Get information about a particular network interface. - appliance_networking_interfaces_ipv4 - Set IPv4 network configuration for specific network interface. - appliance_networking_interfaces_ipv4_info - Get IPv4 network configuration for specific NIC. - appliance_networking_interfaces_ipv6 - Set IPv6 network configuration for specific interface. - appliance_networking_interfaces_ipv6_info - Get IPv6 network configuration for specific interface. - appliance_networking_noproxy - Sets servers for which no proxy configuration should be applied - appliance_networking_noproxy_info - Returns servers for which no proxy configuration will be applied. - appliance_networking_proxy - Configures which proxy server to use for the specified protocol - appliance_networking_proxy_info - Gets the proxy configuration for a specific protocol. - appliance_ntp - Set NTP servers - appliance_ntp_info - Get the NTP configuration status - appliance_services - Restarts a service - appliance_services_info - Returns the state of a service. - appliance_shutdown - Cancel pending shutdown action. - appliance_shutdown_info - Get details about the pending shutdown action. - appliance_system_globalfips - Enable/Disable Global FIPS mode for the appliance - appliance_system_globalfips_info - Get current appliance FIPS settings. - appliance_system_storage - Resize all partitions to 100 percent of disk size. - appliance_system_storage_info - Get disk to partition mapping. - appliance_system_time_info - Get system time. - appliance_system_time_timezone - Set time zone. - appliance_system_time_timezone_info - Get time zone. - appliance_system_version_info - Get the version. - appliance_timesync - Set time synchronization mode. - appliance_timesync_info - Get time synchronization mode. - appliance_update_info - Gets the current status of the appliance update. - appliance_vmon_service - Lists details of services managed by vMon. - appliance_vmon_service_info - Returns the state of a service. - content_configuration - Updates the configuration - content_configuration_info - Retrieves the current configuration values. - content_library_item_info - Returns the {@link ItemModel} with the given identifier. - content_locallibrary - Creates a new local library. - content_locallibrary_info - Returns a given local library. - content_subscribedlibrary - Creates a new subscribed library - content_subscribedlibrary_info - Returns a given subscribed library. - vcenter_ovf_libraryitem - Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine or virtual appliance - vcenter_vm_guest_environment_info - Reads a single environment variable from the guest operating system - vcenter_vm_guest_filesystem - Initiates an operation to transfer a file to or from the guest - vcenter_vm_guest_filesystem_directories - Creates a directory in the guest operating system - vcenter_vm_guest_filesystem_files - Creates a temporary file - vcenter_vm_guest_filesystem_files_info - Returns information about a file or directory in the guest - vcenter_vm_guest_operations_info - Get information about the guest operation status. - vcenter_vm_guest_processes - Starts a program in the guest operating system - vcenter_vm_guest_processes_info - Returns the status of a process running in the guest operating system, including those started by {@link Processes#create} that may have recently completed v1.0.2 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - vcenter_resourcepool - add example in documentation. - vcenter_resourcepool_info - add example in documentation. v1.0.1 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Ensure the shellcheck sanity test pass v1.0.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - documentation - clarify that we don't have any required parameters. - vcenter_host_connect - remove the module, use ``vcenter_host`` - vcenter_host_disconnect - remove the module, use ``vcenter_host`` - vcenter_storage_policies - remove vcenter_storage_policies - vcenter_storage_policies_compliance_vm_info - remove the module - vcenter_storage_policies_entities_compliance_info - remove the module - vcenter_storage_policies_vm_info - remove the module New Modules ----------- - vcenter_cluster_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter clusters - vcenter_datacenter - Manage the datacenter of a vCenter - vcenter_datacenter_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter datacenters - vcenter_datastore_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter datastores - vcenter_folder_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter folders - vcenter_host - Manage the host of a vCenter - vcenter_host_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter hosts - vcenter_network_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter networks - vcenter_resourcepool - Manage the resourcepool of a vCenter - vcenter_resourcepool_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter resourcepools - vcenter_storage_policies_info - Collect the information associated with the vCenter storage policiess - vcenter_vm - Manage the vm of a vCenter - vcenter_vm_guest_identity_info - Collect the guest identity information - vcenter_vm_guest_localfilesystem_info - Collect the guest localfilesystem information - vcenter_vm_guest_networking_info - Collect the guest networking information - vcenter_vm_guest_networking_interfaces_info - Collect the guest networking interfaces information - vcenter_vm_guest_networking_routes_info - Collect the guest networking routes information - vcenter_vm_hardware - Manage the hardware of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_adapter_sata - Manage the SATA adapter of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_adapter_sata_info - Collect the SATA adapter information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_adapter_scsi - Manage the SCSI adapter of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_adapter_scsi_info - Collect the SCSI adapter information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_boot - Manage the boot of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_boot_device - Manage the boot device of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_boot_device_info - Collect the boot device information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_boot_info - Collect the boot information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_cdrom - Manage the cdrom of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_cdrom_info - Collect the cdrom information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_cpu - Manage the cpu of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_cpu_info - Collect the cpu information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_disk - Manage the disk of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_disk_info - Collect the disk information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_ethernet - Manage the ethernet of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_ethernet_info - Collect the ethernet information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_floppy - Manage the floppy of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_floppy_info - Collect the floppy information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_info - Manage the info of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_memory - Manage the memory of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_memory_info - Collect the memory information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_parallel - Manage the parallel of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_parallel_info - Collect the parallel information from a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_serial - Manage the serial of a VM - vcenter_vm_hardware_serial_info - Collect the serial information from a VM - vcenter_vm_info - Collect the information from a VM - vcenter_vm_libraryitem_info - Collect the libraryitem information from a VM - vcenter_vm_power - Manage the power of a VM - vcenter_vm_power_info - Collect the power information from a VM - vcenter_vm_storage_policy - Manage the storage policy of a VM - vcenter_vm_storage_policy_compliance_info - Collect the storage policy compliance information from a VM - vcenter_vm_storage_policy_info - Collect the storage policy information from a VM - vcenter_vm_tools - Manage the tools of a VM - vcenter_vm_tools_info - Collect the tools information from a VM v0.4.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - The format of the output of the Modules is now documented in the RETURN block. - vcenter_rest_log_file - this optional parameter can be used to point on the log file where all the HTTP interaction will be record. v0.3.0 ====== Minor Changes ------------- - Better documentation - The module RETURN sections are now defined. - vcenter_resourcepool - new module - vcenter_resourcepool_info - new module - vcenter_storage_policies - new module - vcenter_storage_policies_compliance_vm_info - new module - vcenter_storage_policies_entities_compliance_info - new module - vcenter_storage_policies_info - new module - vcenter_storage_policies_vm_info - new module Deprecated Features ------------------- - vcenter_vm_storage_policy_compliance - drop the module, it returns 404 error. - vcenter_vm_tools - remove the ``upgrade`` state. - vcenter_vm_tools_installer - remove the module from the collection. v0.2.0 ====== Bugfixes -------- - Improve the documentation of the modules - minor_changes - drop vcenter_vm_compute_policies_info because the API is flagged as Technology Preview - minor_changes - drop vcenter_vm_console_tickets because the API is flagged as Technology Preview - minor_changes - drop vcenter_vm_guest_power and keep vcenter_vm_power which provides the same features v0.1.0 ====== Bugfixes -------- - Fix logic in vmware_cis_category_info module.