#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2021, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # template: header.j2 # This module is autogenerated by vmware_rest_code_generator. # See: https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware_rest_code_generator from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r""" module: content_configuration_info short_description: Retrieves the current configuration values. description: Retrieves the current configuration values. options: session_timeout: description: - 'Timeout settings for client session. ' - 'The maximal number of seconds for the whole operation including connection establishment, request sending and response. ' - The default value is 300s. type: float version_added: 2.1.0 vcenter_hostname: description: - The hostname or IP address of the vSphere vCenter - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_HOST) will be used instead. required: true type: str vcenter_password: description: - The vSphere vCenter password - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_PASSWORD) will be used instead. required: true type: str vcenter_rest_log_file: description: - 'You can use this optional parameter to set the location of a log file. ' - 'This file will be used to record the HTTP REST interaction. ' - 'The file will be stored on the host that run the module. ' - 'If the value is not specified in the task, the value of ' - environment variable C(VMWARE_REST_LOG_FILE) will be used instead. type: str vcenter_username: description: - The vSphere vCenter username - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_USER) will be used instead. required: true type: str vcenter_validate_certs: default: true description: - Allows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to C(false) when certificates are not trusted. - If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable C(VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS) will be used instead. type: bool author: - Ansible Cloud Team (@ansible-collections) version_added: 2.0.0 requirements: - vSphere 7.0.2 or greater - python >= 3.6 - aiohttp notes: - Tested on vSphere 7.0.2 """ EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Get the vSphere content syncrhronization configuration vmware.vmware_rest.content_configuration_info: register: current_content_configuration """ RETURN = r""" # content generated by the update_return_section callback# task: Get the vSphere content syncrhronization configuration value: description: Get the vSphere content syncrhronization configuration returned: On success sample: automatic_sync_enabled: 1 automatic_sync_start_hour: 20 automatic_sync_stop_hour: 7 maximum_concurrent_item_syncs: 5 type: dict """ # This structure describes the format of the data expected by the end-points PAYLOAD_FORMAT = { "get": {"query": {}, "body": {}, "path": {}} } # pylint: disable=line-too-long import json import socket from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback try: from ansible_collections.cloud.common.plugins.module_utils.turbo.exceptions import ( EmbeddedModuleFailure, ) from ansible_collections.cloud.common.plugins.module_utils.turbo.module import ( AnsibleTurboModule as AnsibleModule, ) AnsibleModule.collection_name = "vmware.vmware_rest" except ImportError: from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.vmware.vmware_rest.plugins.module_utils.vmware_rest import ( build_full_device_list, exists, gen_args, get_device_info, get_subdevice_type, list_devices, open_session, prepare_payload, update_changed_flag, session_timeout, ) def prepare_argument_spec(): argument_spec = { "vcenter_hostname": dict( type="str", required=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ["VMWARE_HOST"]), ), "vcenter_username": dict( type="str", required=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ["VMWARE_USER"]), ), "vcenter_password": dict( type="str", required=True, no_log=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ["VMWARE_PASSWORD"]), ), "vcenter_validate_certs": dict( type="bool", required=False, default=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ["VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS"]), ), "vcenter_rest_log_file": dict( type="str", required=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ["VMWARE_REST_LOG_FILE"]), ), "session_timeout": dict( type="float", required=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ["VMWARE_SESSION_TIMEOUT"]), ), } return argument_spec async def main(): required_if = list([]) module_args = prepare_argument_spec() module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=module_args, required_if=required_if, supports_check_mode=True ) if not module.params["vcenter_hostname"]: module.fail_json("vcenter_hostname cannot be empty") if not module.params["vcenter_username"]: module.fail_json("vcenter_username cannot be empty") if not module.params["vcenter_password"]: module.fail_json("vcenter_password cannot be empty") try: session = await open_session( vcenter_hostname=module.params["vcenter_hostname"], vcenter_username=module.params["vcenter_username"], vcenter_password=module.params["vcenter_password"], validate_certs=module.params["vcenter_validate_certs"], log_file=module.params["vcenter_rest_log_file"], ) except EmbeddedModuleFailure as err: module.fail_json(err.get_message()) result = await entry_point(module, session) module.exit_json(**result) # template: info_no_list_module.j2 def build_url(params): return ("https://{vcenter_hostname}" "/api/content/configuration").format(**params) async def entry_point(module, session): return await _info(module.params, session) async def _info(params, session): payload_format = list(PAYLOAD_FORMAT.values())[0] _in_query_parameters = payload_format["query"].keys() _url = ("https://{vcenter_hostname}" "/api/content/configuration").format( **params ) + gen_args(params, _in_query_parameters) async with session.get(_url, **session_timeout(params)) as resp: try: if resp.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json": _json = await resp.json() except KeyError: _json = {} return await update_changed_flag(_json, resp.status, "get") if __name__ == "__main__": import asyncio current_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop() current_loop.run_until_complete(main())