Building from source package ============================ # This requires the correct deb-src lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list $ apt-get source ansible $ cd ansible- # Install package dependencies as root $ sudo apt-get build-dep . # build package, don't sign the source or binary package $ debuild -uc -us # Your built source and binary package will be a directory above $ cd .. $ ls -l ansible_* Building a new release from the Debianized git repository (first time) ====================================================================== # Install git-buildpackage $ sudo apt install git-buildpackage # Clone the Debianized packaging git repository $ git clone $ cd ansible # You will need a local branch checkout from upstream and pristine-tar. # Otherwise gbp will later complain with: # gbp:warning: Pristine-tar branch "pristine-tar" not found $ git checkout pristine-tar $ git checkout upstream # switch back to master branch to update the package $ git checkout master # Pull new upstream in. The tarball will be check into pristine-tar branch, # the contents are checked in to upstream. This will then get merged into master $ gbp import-orig --uscan --merge-mode=replace # ... any other changes you need to do go here ... # Update changelog $ dch -i # commit any changes here, including the debian/changelog. You can test it # before committing with `gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new -uc -us` # Build package and sign it with your Debian Developer key $ gbp buildpackage # Upload the built source and binary packages to Debian ftp-master $ dput ftp-master ansible__amd64.changes Building a new release from the Debianized git repository (subsequent releases) =============================================================================== # Stash any changes you want to keep $ git stash -p # Clean up repo for building # There are probably cleaner ways to do this. Suggestions welcome! $ git checkout . $ git clean -fdx # Bring back any stashed changes $ git stash pop # Import new upstream release $ gbp import-orig --uscan --merge-mode=replace # Update changelog $ dch -i # Build and upload $ gbp buildpackage $ dput ftp-master ansible__amd64.changes