use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; my $url = "/memory_track"; my $init_iters = 2000; my $iters = 500; my $active = GET_RC($url) == 200; my $num_tests = $init_iters + $iters * 2; plan tests => $num_tests, need { "mod_memory_track not activated" => $active }; ### this doesn't seem sufficient to force all requests over a single ### persistent connection any more, is there a better trick? Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(keep_alive => 1); Apache::TestRequest::scheme('http'); my $cid = -1; my $mem; # initial iterations should get workers to steady-state memory use. foreach (1..$init_iters) { ok t_cmp(GET_RC($url), 200, "200 response"); } # now test whether c->pool memory is increasing for further # requests on a given conn_rec (matched by id)... could track them # all with a bit more effort. foreach (1..$iters) { my $r = GET $url; print "# iter $_\n"; ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "got response"); my $content = $r->content; chomp $content; my ($key, $id, $bytes) = split ',', $content; print "# $key, $id, $bytes\n"; if ($cid == -1) { $cid = $id; $mem = $bytes; ok 1; } elsif ($cid != $id) { skip "using wrong connection"; } elsif ($bytes > $mem) { print "# error: pool memory increased from $mem to $bytes!\n"; ok 0; } else { ok 1; } }