/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "testutil.h" #include "apr_strings.h" #include "apr_thread_proc.h" #include "apr_errno.h" #include "apr_general.h" #include "apr_atomic.h" #include "apr_time.h" /* Use pthread_setconcurrency where it is available and not a nullop, * i.e. platforms using M:N or M:1 thread models: */ #if APR_HAS_THREADS && \ ((defined(SOLARIS2) && SOLARIS2 > 6) || defined(_AIX)) /* also HP-UX, IRIX? ... */ #define HAVE_PTHREAD_SETCONCURRENCY #endif #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETCONCURRENCY #include #endif static void test_init(abts_case *tc, void *data) { APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Could not initliaze atomics", apr_atomic_init(p)); } static void test_set32(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t y32; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 2); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 2, y32); } static void test_read32(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t y32; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 2); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 2, apr_atomic_read32(&y32)); } static void test_dec32(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t y32; int rv; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 2); rv = apr_atomic_dec32(&y32); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 1, y32); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "atomic_dec returned zero when it shouldn't", rv != 0); rv = apr_atomic_dec32(&y32); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 0, y32); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "atomic_dec didn't returned zero when it should", rv == 0); } static void test_xchg32(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t oldval; apr_uint32_t y32; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 100); oldval = apr_atomic_xchg32(&y32, 50); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 100, oldval); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 50, y32); } static void test_xchgptr(abts_case *tc, void *data) { int a; void *ref = "little piggy"; volatile void *target_ptr = ref; void *old_ptr; old_ptr = apr_atomic_xchgptr(&target_ptr, &a); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, ref, old_ptr); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, (void *)&a, (void *)target_ptr); } static void test_cas_equal(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t casval = 0; apr_uint32_t oldval; oldval = apr_atomic_cas32(&casval, 12, 0); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 0, oldval); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 12, casval); } static void test_cas_equal_nonnull(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t casval = 12; apr_uint32_t oldval; oldval = apr_atomic_cas32(&casval, 23, 12); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 12, oldval); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 23, casval); } static void test_cas_notequal(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t casval = 12; apr_uint32_t oldval; oldval = apr_atomic_cas32(&casval, 23, 2); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 12, oldval); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 12, casval); } static void test_casptr_equal(abts_case *tc, void *data) { int a = 0; volatile void *target_ptr = NULL; void *old_ptr; old_ptr = apr_atomic_casptr(&target_ptr, &a, NULL); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, NULL, old_ptr); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, (void *)&a, (void *)target_ptr); } static void test_casptr_equal_nonnull(abts_case *tc, void *data) { int a = 0, b = 0; volatile void *target_ptr = &a; void *old_ptr; old_ptr = apr_atomic_casptr(&target_ptr, &b, &a); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, (void *)&a, old_ptr); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, (void *)&b, (void *)target_ptr); } static void test_casptr_notequal(abts_case *tc, void *data) { int a = 0, b = 0; volatile void *target_ptr = &a; void *old_ptr; old_ptr = apr_atomic_casptr(&target_ptr, &a, &b); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, (void *)&a, old_ptr); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, (void *)&a, (void *)target_ptr); } static void test_add32(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t oldval; apr_uint32_t y32; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 23); oldval = apr_atomic_add32(&y32, 4); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 23, oldval); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 27, y32); } static void test_add32_neg(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t oldval; apr_uint32_t y32; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 23); oldval = apr_atomic_add32(&y32, -10); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 23, oldval); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 13, y32); } static void test_inc32(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t oldval; apr_uint32_t y32; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 23); oldval = apr_atomic_inc32(&y32); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 23, oldval); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 24, y32); } static void test_set_add_inc_sub(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t y32; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 0); apr_atomic_add32(&y32, 20); apr_atomic_inc32(&y32); apr_atomic_sub32(&y32, 10); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, 11, y32); } static void test_wrap_zero(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t y32; apr_uint32_t rv; apr_uint32_t minus1 = (apr_uint32_t)-1; char *str; apr_atomic_set32(&y32, 0); rv = apr_atomic_dec32(&y32); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "apr_atomic_dec32 on zero returned zero.", rv != 0); str = apr_psprintf(p, "zero wrap failed: 0 - 1 = %d", y32); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, str, y32 == minus1); } static void test_inc_neg1(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint32_t y32 = (apr_uint32_t)-1; apr_uint32_t minus1 = (apr_uint32_t)-1; apr_uint32_t rv; char *str; rv = apr_atomic_inc32(&y32); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "apr_atomic_inc32 didn't return the old value.", rv == minus1); str = apr_psprintf(p, "zero wrap failed: -1 + 1 = %d", y32); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, str, y32 == 0); } static void test_set64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t y64; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 2); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 2, y64); } static void test_read64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t y64; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 2); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 2, apr_atomic_read64(&y64)); } static void test_dec64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t y64; int rv; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 2); rv = apr_atomic_dec64(&y64); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 1, y64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "atomic_dec returned zero when it shouldn't", rv != 0); rv = apr_atomic_dec64(&y64); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 0, y64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "atomic_dec didn't returned zero when it should", rv == 0); } static void test_xchg64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t oldval; apr_uint64_t y64; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 100); oldval = apr_atomic_xchg64(&y64, 50); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 100, oldval); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 50, y64); } static void test_add64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t oldval; apr_uint64_t y64; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 23); oldval = apr_atomic_add64(&y64, 4); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 23, oldval); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 27, y64); } static void test_add64_neg(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t oldval; apr_uint64_t y64; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 23); oldval = apr_atomic_add64(&y64, -10); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 23, oldval); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 13, y64); } static void test_inc64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t oldval; apr_uint64_t y64; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 23); oldval = apr_atomic_inc64(&y64); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 23, oldval); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 24, y64); } static void test_set_add_inc_sub64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t y64; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 0); apr_atomic_add64(&y64, 20); apr_atomic_inc64(&y64); apr_atomic_sub64(&y64, 10); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, 11, y64); } static void test_wrap_zero64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t y64; apr_uint64_t rv; apr_uint64_t minus1 = (apr_uint64_t)-1; char *str; apr_atomic_set64(&y64, 0); rv = apr_atomic_dec64(&y64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "apr_atomic_dec64 on zero returned zero.", rv != 0); str = apr_psprintf(p, "zero wrap failed: 0 - 1 = %lu", y64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, str, y64 == minus1); } static void test_inc_neg164(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t y64 = (apr_uint64_t)-1; apr_uint64_t minus1 = (apr_uint64_t)-1; apr_uint64_t rv; char *str; rv = apr_atomic_inc64(&y64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "apr_atomic_inc64 didn't return the old value.", rv == minus1); str = apr_psprintf(p, "zero wrap failed: -1 + 1 = %lu", y64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, str, y64 == 0); } #if APR_HAS_THREADS void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_mutex(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data); void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_mutex64(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data); void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_atomic(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data); void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_atomic64(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data); apr_thread_mutex_t *thread_lock; apr_thread_mutex_t *thread_lock64; apr_uint32_t mutex_locks = 0; apr_uint64_t mutex_locks64 = 0; apr_uint32_t atomic_ops = 0; apr_uint64_t atomic_ops64 = 0; #ifndef CACHELINE_SIZE #define CACHELINE_SIZE 64 #endif struct { char pad[CACHELINE_SIZE - 5]; apr_uint64_t ops64; } atomic_pad __attribute__((aligned(CACHELINE_SIZE))); apr_status_t exit_ret_val = 123; /* just some made up number to check on later */ #define NUM_THREADS 40 #define NUM_ITERATIONS 20000 void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_mutex(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; i++) { apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock); mutex_locks++; apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); } apr_thread_exit(thd, exit_ret_val); return NULL; } void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_atomic(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS ; i++) { apr_atomic_inc32(&atomic_ops); apr_atomic_add32(&atomic_ops, 2); apr_atomic_dec32(&atomic_ops); apr_atomic_dec32(&atomic_ops); } apr_thread_exit(thd, exit_ret_val); return NULL; } static void test_atomics_threaded(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_thread_t *t1[NUM_THREADS]; apr_thread_t *t2[NUM_THREADS]; apr_status_t rv; int i; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETCONCURRENCY pthread_setconcurrency(8); #endif rv = apr_thread_mutex_create(&thread_lock, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Could not create lock", rv); for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { apr_status_t r1, r2; r1 = apr_thread_create(&t1[i], NULL, thread_func_mutex, NULL, p); r2 = apr_thread_create(&t2[i], NULL, thread_func_atomic, NULL, p); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating threads", !r1 && !r2); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { apr_status_t s1, s2; apr_thread_join(&s1, t1[i]); apr_thread_join(&s2, t2[i]); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Invalid return value from thread_join", s1 == exit_ret_val && s2 == exit_ret_val); } ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, NUM_THREADS * NUM_ITERATIONS, mutex_locks); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tc, NUM_THREADS * NUM_ITERATIONS, apr_atomic_read32(&atomic_ops)); rv = apr_thread_mutex_destroy(thread_lock); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating threads", rv == APR_SUCCESS); } #undef NUM_THREADS #define NUM_THREADS 7 typedef struct tbox_t tbox_t; typedef struct tbox_t64 tbox_t64; struct tbox_t { abts_case *tc; apr_uint32_t *mem; apr_uint32_t preval; apr_uint32_t postval; apr_uint32_t loop; void (*func)(tbox_t *box); }; static APR_INLINE void busyloop_read32(tbox_t *tbox) { apr_uint32_t val; do { val = apr_atomic_read32(tbox->mem); if (val != tbox->preval) apr_thread_yield(); else break; } while (1); } static void busyloop_set32(tbox_t *tbox) { do { busyloop_read32(tbox); apr_atomic_set32(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_add32(tbox_t *tbox) { apr_uint32_t val; do { busyloop_read32(tbox); val = apr_atomic_add32(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tbox->tc, val, tbox->preval); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_sub32(tbox_t *tbox) { do { busyloop_read32(tbox); apr_atomic_sub32(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_inc32(tbox_t *tbox) { apr_uint32_t val; do { busyloop_read32(tbox); val = apr_atomic_inc32(tbox->mem); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tbox->tc, val, tbox->preval); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_dec32(tbox_t *tbox) { apr_uint32_t val; do { busyloop_read32(tbox); val = apr_atomic_dec32(tbox->mem); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock); ABTS_UINT_NEQUAL(tbox->tc, 0, val); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_cas32(tbox_t *tbox) { apr_uint32_t val; do { do { val = apr_atomic_cas32(tbox->mem, tbox->postval, tbox->preval); if (val != tbox->preval) apr_thread_yield(); else break; } while (1); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_xchg32(tbox_t *tbox) { apr_uint32_t val; do { busyloop_read32(tbox); val = apr_atomic_xchg32(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock); ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tbox->tc, val, tbox->preval); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_busyloop(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { tbox_t *tbox = data; tbox->func(tbox); apr_thread_exit(thd, 0); return NULL; } static void test_atomics_busyloop_threaded(abts_case *tc, void *data) { unsigned int i; apr_status_t rv; apr_uint32_t count = 0; tbox_t tbox[NUM_THREADS]; apr_thread_t *thread[NUM_THREADS]; rv = apr_thread_mutex_create(&thread_lock, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Could not create lock", rv); /* get ready */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { tbox[i].tc = tc; tbox[i].mem = &count; tbox[i].loop = 50; } tbox[0].preval = 98; tbox[0].postval = 3891; tbox[0].func = busyloop_add32; tbox[1].preval = 3989; tbox[1].postval = 1010; tbox[1].func = busyloop_sub32; tbox[2].preval = 2979; tbox[2].postval = 0; /* not used */ tbox[2].func = busyloop_inc32; tbox[3].preval = 2980; tbox[3].postval = 16384; tbox[3].func = busyloop_set32; tbox[4].preval = 16384; tbox[4].postval = 0; /* not used */ tbox[4].func = busyloop_dec32; tbox[5].preval = 16383; tbox[5].postval = 1048576; tbox[5].func = busyloop_cas32; tbox[6].preval = 1048576; tbox[6].postval = 98; /* goto tbox[0] */ tbox[6].func = busyloop_xchg32; /* get set */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { rv = apr_thread_create(&thread[i], NULL, thread_func_busyloop, &tbox[i], p); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating thread", rv == APR_SUCCESS); } /* go! */ apr_atomic_set32(tbox->mem, 98); for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { apr_status_t retval; rv = apr_thread_join(&retval, thread[i]); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Thread join failed", rv == APR_SUCCESS); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Invalid return value from thread_join", retval == 0); } ABTS_UINT_EQUAL(tbox->tc, 98, count); rv = apr_thread_mutex_destroy(thread_lock); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating threads", rv == APR_SUCCESS); } void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_mutex64(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; i++) { apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock64); mutex_locks64++; apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock64); } apr_thread_exit(thd, exit_ret_val); return NULL; } void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_atomic64(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { apr_uint64_t *ops64 = data; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS ; i++) { apr_atomic_inc64(ops64); apr_atomic_add64(ops64, 2); apr_atomic_dec64(ops64); apr_atomic_dec64(ops64); } apr_thread_exit(thd, exit_ret_val); return NULL; } static void test_atomics_threaded64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t *ops64 = data; apr_thread_t *t1[NUM_THREADS]; apr_thread_t *t2[NUM_THREADS]; apr_status_t rv; int i; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETCONCURRENCY pthread_setconcurrency(8); #endif mutex_locks64 = 0; apr_atomic_set64(ops64, 0); rv = apr_thread_mutex_create(&thread_lock64, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Could not create lock", rv); for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { apr_status_t r1, r2; r1 = apr_thread_create(&t1[i], NULL, thread_func_mutex64, NULL, p); r2 = apr_thread_create(&t2[i], NULL, thread_func_atomic64, ops64, p); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating threads", !r1 && !r2); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { apr_status_t s1, s2; apr_thread_join(&s1, t1[i]); apr_thread_join(&s2, t2[i]); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Invalid return value from thread_join", s1 == exit_ret_val && s2 == exit_ret_val); } ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, NUM_THREADS * NUM_ITERATIONS, mutex_locks64); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tc, NUM_THREADS * NUM_ITERATIONS, apr_atomic_read64(ops64)); rv = apr_thread_mutex_destroy(thread_lock64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating threads", rv == APR_SUCCESS); } struct tbox_t64 { abts_case *tc; apr_uint64_t *mem; apr_uint64_t preval; apr_uint64_t postval; apr_uint64_t loop; void (*func)(tbox_t64 *box); }; static APR_INLINE void busyloop_read64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { apr_uint64_t val; do { val = apr_atomic_read64(tbox->mem); if (val != tbox->preval) apr_thread_yield(); else break; } while (1); } static void busyloop_set64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { do { busyloop_read64(tbox); apr_atomic_set64(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_add64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { apr_uint64_t val; do { busyloop_read64(tbox); val = apr_atomic_add64(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock64); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tbox->tc, val, tbox->preval); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock64); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_sub64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { do { busyloop_read64(tbox); apr_atomic_sub64(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_inc64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { apr_uint64_t val; do { busyloop_read64(tbox); val = apr_atomic_inc64(tbox->mem); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock64); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tbox->tc, val, tbox->preval); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock64); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_dec64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { apr_uint64_t val; do { busyloop_read64(tbox); val = apr_atomic_dec64(tbox->mem); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock64); ABTS_ULLONG_NEQUAL(tbox->tc, 0, val); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock64); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_cas64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { apr_uint64_t val; do { do { val = apr_atomic_cas64(tbox->mem, tbox->postval, tbox->preval); if (val != tbox->preval) apr_thread_yield(); else break; } while (1); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void busyloop_xchg64(tbox_t64 *tbox) { apr_uint64_t val; do { busyloop_read64(tbox); val = apr_atomic_xchg64(tbox->mem, tbox->postval); apr_thread_mutex_lock(thread_lock64); ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tbox->tc, val, tbox->preval); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(thread_lock64); } while (--tbox->loop); } static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC thread_func_busyloop64(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { tbox_t64 *tbox = data; tbox->func(tbox); apr_thread_exit(thd, 0); return NULL; } static void test_atomics_busyloop_threaded64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { unsigned int i; apr_status_t rv; apr_uint64_t count = 0; tbox_t64 tbox[NUM_THREADS]; apr_thread_t *thread[NUM_THREADS]; rv = apr_thread_mutex_create(&thread_lock64, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Could not create lock", rv); /* get ready */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { tbox[i].tc = tc; tbox[i].mem = &count; tbox[i].loop = 50; } tbox[0].preval = 98; tbox[0].postval = 3891; tbox[0].func = busyloop_add64; tbox[1].preval = 3989; tbox[1].postval = 1010; tbox[1].func = busyloop_sub64; tbox[2].preval = 2979; tbox[2].postval = 0; /* not used */ tbox[2].func = busyloop_inc64; tbox[3].preval = 2980; tbox[3].postval = 16384; tbox[3].func = busyloop_set64; tbox[4].preval = 16384; tbox[4].postval = 0; /* not used */ tbox[4].func = busyloop_dec64; tbox[5].preval = 16383; tbox[5].postval = 1048576; tbox[5].func = busyloop_cas64; tbox[6].preval = 1048576; tbox[6].postval = 98; /* goto tbox[0] */ tbox[6].func = busyloop_xchg64; /* get set */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { rv = apr_thread_create(&thread[i], NULL, thread_func_busyloop64, &tbox[i], p); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating thread", rv == APR_SUCCESS); } /* go! */ apr_atomic_set64(tbox->mem, 98); for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { apr_status_t retval; rv = apr_thread_join(&retval, thread[i]); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Thread join failed", rv == APR_SUCCESS); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Invalid return value from thread_join", retval == 0); } ABTS_ULLONG_EQUAL(tbox->tc, 98, count); rv = apr_thread_mutex_destroy(thread_lock64); ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "Failed creating threads", rv == APR_SUCCESS); } static void *APR_THREAD_FUNC test_func_set64(apr_thread_t *thd, void *data) { apr_uint64_t *ops64 = data; int i; for (i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000; i++) { apr_atomic_set64(ops64, APR_UINT64_C(0x1111222233334444)); apr_atomic_set64(ops64, APR_UINT64_C(0x4444555566667777)); } apr_thread_exit(thd, APR_SUCCESS); return NULL; } static void test_atomics_threaded_setread64(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_uint64_t *ops64 = data; apr_thread_t *thread; apr_status_t retval; int i; apr_atomic_set64(ops64, APR_UINT64_C(0x1111222233334444)); apr_thread_create(&thread, NULL, test_func_set64, ops64, p); for (i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000 * 2; i++) { apr_uint64_t val = apr_atomic_read64(ops64); if (val != APR_UINT64_C(0x1111222233334444) && val != APR_UINT64_C(0x4444555566667777)) { ABTS_FAIL(tc, "Unexpected value"); break; } } apr_thread_join(&retval, thread); } #endif /* !APR_HAS_THREADS */ abts_suite *testatomic(abts_suite *suite) { suite = ADD_SUITE(suite) abts_run_test(suite, test_init, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_set32, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_read32, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_dec32, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_xchg32, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_xchgptr, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_cas_equal, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_cas_equal_nonnull, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_cas_notequal, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_casptr_equal, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_casptr_equal_nonnull, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_casptr_notequal, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_add32, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_add32_neg, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_inc32, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_set_add_inc_sub, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_wrap_zero, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_inc_neg1, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_set64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_read64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_dec64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_xchg64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_add64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_add64_neg, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_inc64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_set_add_inc_sub64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_wrap_zero64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_inc_neg164, NULL); #if APR_HAS_THREADS abts_run_test(suite, test_atomics_threaded, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_atomics_threaded64, &atomic_ops64); abts_run_test(suite, test_atomics_threaded64, &atomic_pad.ops64); abts_run_test(suite, test_atomics_busyloop_threaded, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_atomics_busyloop_threaded64, NULL); abts_run_test(suite, test_atomics_threaded_setread64, &atomic_ops64); abts_run_test(suite, test_atomics_threaded_setread64, &atomic_pad.ops64); #endif return suite; }