#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static std::string transformFingergrpints(std::string finger) /*{{{*/ { std::transform(finger.begin(), finger.end(), finger.begin(), ::toupper); if (finger.length() == 40) { if (finger.find_first_not_of("0123456789ABCDEF") == std::string::npos) return finger; } else if (finger.length() == 41) { auto bang = finger.find_first_not_of("0123456789ABCDEF"); if (bang == 40 && finger[bang] == '!') return finger; } return ""; } /*}}}*/ static std::string transformFingergrpintsWithFilenames(std::string const &finger) /*{{{*/ { // no check for existence as we could be chrooting later or such things if (finger.empty() == false && finger[0] == '/') return finger; return transformFingergrpints(finger); } /*}}}*/ // Introducer is set if additional keys may be introduced, for example /*{{{*/ // by setting it to a filename or a complete key static std::string NormalizeSignedBy(std::string SignedBy, bool const Introducer) { // This is an embedded public pgp key, normalize spaces inside it and empty "." lines if (Introducer && SignedBy.find("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----") != std::string::npos) { std::istringstream is(SignedBy); std::ostringstream os; std::string line; while (std::getline(is, line)) { line = APT::String::Strip(line); // The special encoding for empty lines in deb822 if (line == ".") line=""; os << line << std::endl; } return os.str(); } // we could go all fancy and allow short/long/string matches as gpgv/apt-key does, // but fingerprints are harder to fake than the others and this option is set once, // not interactively all the time so easy to type is not really a concern. std::transform(SignedBy.begin(), SignedBy.end(), SignedBy.begin(), [](char const c) { return (isspace_ascii(c) == 0) ? c : ','; }); auto fingers = VectorizeString(SignedBy, ','); auto const isAnEmptyString = [](std::string const &s) { return s.empty(); }; fingers.erase(std::remove_if(fingers.begin(), fingers.end(), isAnEmptyString), fingers.end()); if (unlikely(fingers.empty())) return ""; if (Introducer) std::transform(fingers.begin(), fingers.end(), fingers.begin(), transformFingergrpintsWithFilenames); else std::transform(fingers.begin(), fingers.end(), fingers.begin(), transformFingergrpints); if (std::any_of(fingers.begin(), fingers.end(), isAnEmptyString)) return ""; std::stringstream os; std::copy(fingers.begin(), fingers.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator(os, ",")); os << *fingers.rbegin(); return os.str(); } /*}}}*/ class APT_HIDDEN debReleaseIndexPrivate /*{{{*/ { public: struct APT_HIDDEN debSectionEntry { std::string const sourcesEntry; std::string const Name; std::vector const Targets; std::vector const Architectures; std::vector const Languages; bool const UsePDiffs; std::string const UseByHash; }; std::vector DebEntries; std::vector DebSrcEntries; metaIndex::TriState CheckValidUntil; time_t ValidUntilMin; time_t ValidUntilMax; metaIndex::TriState CheckDate; time_t DateMaxFuture; time_t NotBefore; std::string Snapshot; std::string SnapshotsServer; std::vector Architectures; std::vector NoSupportForAll; std::vector SupportedComponents; std::map const ReleaseOptions; explicit debReleaseIndexPrivate(std::map const &Options) : CheckValidUntil(metaIndex::TRI_UNSET), ValidUntilMin(0), ValidUntilMax(0), CheckDate(metaIndex::TRI_UNSET), DateMaxFuture(0), NotBefore(0), ReleaseOptions(Options) {} }; /*}}}*/ // ReleaseIndex::MetaIndex* - display helpers /*{{{*/ std::string debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexInfo(const char *Type) const { std::string Info = ::URI::ArchiveOnly(URI) + ' '; if (Dist[Dist.size() - 1] == '/') { if (Dist != "/") Info += Dist; } else Info += Dist; Info += " "; Info += Type; return Info; } std::string debReleaseIndex::Describe() const { return MetaIndexInfo("Release"); } std::string debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexFile(const char *Type) const { return _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(MetaIndexURI(Type)); } static std::string constructMetaIndexURI(std::string URI, std::string const &Dist, char const * const Type) { if (Dist == "/") ; else if (Dist[Dist.size()-1] == '/') URI += pkgAcquire::URIEncode(Dist); else URI += "dists/" + pkgAcquire::URIEncode(Dist) + "/"; return URI + pkgAcquire::URIEncode(Type); } std::string debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexURI(const char *Type) const { return constructMetaIndexURI(URI, Dist, Type); } /*}}}*/ // ReleaseIndex Con- and Destructors /*{{{*/ debReleaseIndex::debReleaseIndex(std::string const &URI, std::string const &Dist, std::map const &Options) : metaIndex(URI, Dist, "deb"), d(new debReleaseIndexPrivate(Options)) {} debReleaseIndex::debReleaseIndex(std::string const &URI, std::string const &Dist, bool const pTrusted, std::map const &Options) : metaIndex(URI, Dist, "deb"), d(new debReleaseIndexPrivate(Options)) { Trusted = pTrusted ? TRI_YES : TRI_NO; } debReleaseIndex::~debReleaseIndex() { if (d != NULL) delete d; } /*}}}*/ // ReleaseIndex::GetIndexTargets /*{{{*/ static void GetIndexTargetsFor(char const * const Type, std::string const &URI, std::string const &Dist, std::vector const &entries, std::vector &IndexTargets, std::map const &ReleaseOptions) { bool const flatArchive = (Dist[Dist.length() - 1] == '/'); std::string const baseURI = constructMetaIndexURI(URI, Dist, ""); std::string DefCompressionTypes; { std::vector types = APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes(); if (types.empty() == false) { std::ostringstream os; std::copy(types.begin(), types.end()-1, std::ostream_iterator(os, " ")); os << *types.rbegin(); DefCompressionTypes = os.str(); } } std::string DefKeepCompressedAs; { std::vector comps = APT::Configuration::getCompressors(); if (comps.empty() == false) { std::sort(comps.begin(), comps.end(), [](APT::Configuration::Compressor const &a, APT::Configuration::Compressor const &b) { return a.Cost < b.Cost; }); std::ostringstream os; for (auto const &c : comps) if (c.Cost != 0) os << c.Extension.substr(1) << ' '; DefKeepCompressedAs = os.str(); } DefKeepCompressedAs += "uncompressed"; } std::vector const NativeArchs = { _config->Find("APT::Architecture"), "implicit:all" }; bool const GzipIndex = _config->FindB("Acquire::GzipIndexes", false); for (std::vector::const_iterator E = entries.begin(); E != entries.end(); ++E) { for (std::vector::const_iterator T = E->Targets.begin(); T != E->Targets.end(); ++T) { #define APT_T_CONFIG_STR(X, Y) _config->Find(std::string("Acquire::IndexTargets::") + Type + "::" + *T + "::" + (X), (Y)) #define APT_T_CONFIG_BOOL(X, Y) _config->FindB(std::string("Acquire::IndexTargets::") + Type + "::" + *T + "::" + (X), (Y)) std::string const tplMetaKey = APT_T_CONFIG_STR(flatArchive ? "flatMetaKey" : "MetaKey", ""); std::string const tplShortDesc = APT_T_CONFIG_STR("ShortDescription", ""); std::string const tplLongDesc = "$(SITE) " + APT_T_CONFIG_STR(flatArchive ? "flatDescription" : "Description", ""); std::string const tplIdentifier = APT_T_CONFIG_STR("Identifier", *T); bool const IsOptional = APT_T_CONFIG_BOOL("Optional", true); bool const KeepCompressed = APT_T_CONFIG_BOOL("KeepCompressed", GzipIndex); bool const DefaultEnabled = APT_T_CONFIG_BOOL("DefaultEnabled", true); bool const UsePDiffs = APT_T_CONFIG_BOOL("PDiffs", E->UsePDiffs); std::string const UseByHash = APT_T_CONFIG_STR("By-Hash", E->UseByHash); std::string const CompressionTypes = APT_T_CONFIG_STR("CompressionTypes", DefCompressionTypes); std::string KeepCompressedAs = APT_T_CONFIG_STR("KeepCompressedAs", ""); std::string const FallbackOf = APT_T_CONFIG_STR("Fallback-Of", ""); #undef APT_T_CONFIG_BOOL #undef APT_T_CONFIG_STR if (tplMetaKey.empty()) continue; if (KeepCompressedAs.empty()) KeepCompressedAs = DefKeepCompressedAs; else { std::vector const defKeep = VectorizeString(DefKeepCompressedAs, ' '); std::vector const valKeep = VectorizeString(KeepCompressedAs, ' '); std::vector keep; for (auto const &val : valKeep) { if (val.empty()) continue; if (std::find(defKeep.begin(), defKeep.end(), val) == defKeep.end()) continue; keep.push_back(val); } if (std::find(keep.begin(), keep.end(), "uncompressed") == keep.end()) keep.push_back("uncompressed"); std::ostringstream os; std::copy(keep.begin(), keep.end()-1, std::ostream_iterator(os, " ")); os << *keep.rbegin(); KeepCompressedAs = os.str(); } for (std::vector::const_iterator L = E->Languages.begin(); L != E->Languages.end(); ++L) { if (*L == "none" && tplMetaKey.find("$(LANGUAGE)") != std::string::npos) continue; for (std::vector::const_iterator A = E->Architectures.begin(); A != E->Architectures.end(); ++A) { for (auto const &NativeArch: NativeArchs) { constexpr static auto BreakPoint = "$(NATIVE_ARCHITECTURE)"; // available in templates std::map Options; Options.insert(ReleaseOptions.begin(), ReleaseOptions.end()); if (tplMetaKey.find("$(COMPONENT)") != std::string::npos) Options.emplace("COMPONENT", E->Name); if (tplMetaKey.find("$(LANGUAGE)") != std::string::npos) Options.emplace("LANGUAGE", *L); if (tplMetaKey.find("$(ARCHITECTURE)") != std::string::npos) Options.emplace("ARCHITECTURE", (*A == "implicit:all") ? "all" : *A); else if (tplMetaKey.find("$(NATIVE_ARCHITECTURE)") != std::string::npos) Options.emplace("ARCHITECTURE", (NativeArch == "implicit:all") ? "all" : NativeArch); if (tplMetaKey.find("$(NATIVE_ARCHITECTURE)") != std::string::npos) Options.emplace("NATIVE_ARCHITECTURE", (NativeArch == "implicit:all") ? "all" : NativeArch); std::string MetaKey = tplMetaKey; std::string ShortDesc = tplShortDesc; std::string LongDesc = tplLongDesc; std::string Identifier = tplIdentifier; for (std::map::const_iterator O = Options.begin(); O != Options.end(); ++O) { std::string const varname = "$(" + O->first + ")"; MetaKey = SubstVar(MetaKey, varname, O->second); ShortDesc = SubstVar(ShortDesc, varname, O->second); LongDesc = SubstVar(LongDesc, varname, O->second); Identifier = SubstVar(Identifier, varname, O->second); } { auto const dup = std::find_if(IndexTargets.begin(), IndexTargets.end(), [&](IndexTarget const &IT) { return MetaKey == IT.MetaKey && baseURI == IT.Option(IndexTarget::BASE_URI) && E->sourcesEntry == IT.Option(IndexTarget::SOURCESENTRY) && *T == IT.Option(IndexTarget::CREATED_BY); }); if (dup != IndexTargets.end()) { if (tplMetaKey.find(BreakPoint) == std::string::npos) break; continue; } } { auto const dup = std::find_if(IndexTargets.begin(), IndexTargets.end(), [&](IndexTarget const &IT) { return MetaKey == IT.MetaKey && baseURI == IT.Option(IndexTarget::BASE_URI) && E->sourcesEntry == IT.Option(IndexTarget::SOURCESENTRY) && *T != IT.Option(IndexTarget::CREATED_BY); }); if (dup != IndexTargets.end()) { std::string const dupT = dup->Option(IndexTarget::CREATED_BY); std::string const dupEntry = dup->Option(IndexTarget::SOURCESENTRY); //TRANSLATOR: an identifier like Packages; Releasefile key indicating // a file like main/binary-amd64/Packages; another identifier like Contents; // filename and linenumber of the sources.list entry currently parsed _error->Warning(_("Target %s wants to acquire the same file (%s) as %s from source %s"), T->c_str(), MetaKey.c_str(), dupT.c_str(), dupEntry.c_str()); if (tplMetaKey.find(BreakPoint) == std::string::npos) break; continue; } } { auto const dup = std::find_if(IndexTargets.begin(), IndexTargets.end(), [&](IndexTarget const &T) { return MetaKey == T.MetaKey && baseURI == T.Option(IndexTarget::BASE_URI) && E->sourcesEntry != T.Option(IndexTarget::SOURCESENTRY); }); if (dup != IndexTargets.end()) { std::string const dupEntry = dup->Option(IndexTarget::SOURCESENTRY); if (T->find("legacy") == std::string::npos) { //TRANSLATOR: an identifier like Packages; Releasefile key indicating // a file like main/binary-amd64/Packages; filename and linenumber of // two sources.list entries _error->Warning(_("Target %s (%s) is configured multiple times in %s and %s"), T->c_str(), MetaKey.c_str(), dupEntry.c_str(), E->sourcesEntry.c_str()); } if (tplMetaKey.find(BreakPoint) == std::string::npos) break; continue; } } // not available in templates, but in the indextarget Options.insert(std::make_pair("IDENTIFIER", Identifier)); Options.insert(std::make_pair("TARGET_OF", Type)); Options.insert(std::make_pair("CREATED_BY", *T)); Options.insert(std::make_pair("FALLBACK_OF", FallbackOf)); Options.insert(std::make_pair("PDIFFS", UsePDiffs ? "yes" : "no")); Options.insert(std::make_pair("BY_HASH", UseByHash)); Options.insert(std::make_pair("DEFAULTENABLED", DefaultEnabled ? "yes" : "no")); Options.insert(std::make_pair("COMPRESSIONTYPES", CompressionTypes)); Options.insert(std::make_pair("KEEPCOMPRESSEDAS", KeepCompressedAs)); Options.insert(std::make_pair("SOURCESENTRY", E->sourcesEntry)); bool IsOpt = IsOptional; { auto const arch = Options.find("ARCHITECTURE"); if (arch != Options.end() && arch->second == "all") { // one of them must be implicit:all then if (*A != "all" && NativeArch != "all") IsOpt = true; else // user used arch=all explicitly Options.emplace("Force-Support-For-All", "yes"); } } IndexTarget Target( MetaKey, ShortDesc, LongDesc, baseURI + MetaKey, IsOpt, KeepCompressed, Options ); IndexTargets.push_back(Target); if (tplMetaKey.find(BreakPoint) == std::string::npos) break; } if (tplMetaKey.find("$(ARCHITECTURE)") == std::string::npos) break; } if (tplMetaKey.find("$(LANGUAGE)") == std::string::npos) break; } } } } std::vector debReleaseIndex::GetIndexTargets() const { std::vector IndexTargets; GetIndexTargetsFor("deb-src", URI, Dist, d->DebSrcEntries, IndexTargets, d->ReleaseOptions); GetIndexTargetsFor("deb", URI, Dist, d->DebEntries, IndexTargets, d->ReleaseOptions); return IndexTargets; } /*}}}*/ void debReleaseIndex::AddComponent(std::string const &sourcesEntry, /*{{{*/ bool const isSrc, std::string const &Name, std::vector const &Targets, std::vector const &Architectures, std::vector Languages, bool const usePDiffs, std::string const &useByHash) { if (Languages.empty() == true) Languages.push_back("none"); debReleaseIndexPrivate::debSectionEntry const entry = { sourcesEntry, Name, Targets, Architectures, Languages, usePDiffs, useByHash }; if (isSrc) d->DebSrcEntries.push_back(entry); else d->DebEntries.push_back(entry); } /*}}}*/ std::string debReleaseIndex::ArchiveURI(std::string const &File) const /*{{{*/ { if (File.empty()) return URI; return URI + pkgAcquire::URIEncode(File); } /*}}}*/ bool debReleaseIndex::Load(std::string const &Filename, std::string * const ErrorText)/*{{{*/ { LoadedSuccessfully = TRI_NO; FileFd Fd; if (OpenMaybeClearSignedFile(Filename, Fd) == false) return false; pkgTagFile TagFile(&Fd, Fd.Size()); if (Fd.IsOpen() == false || Fd.Failed()) { if (ErrorText != NULL) strprintf(*ErrorText, _("Unable to parse Release file %s"),Filename.c_str()); return false; } pkgTagSection Section; const char *Start, *End; if (TagFile.Step(Section) == false) { if (ErrorText != NULL) strprintf(*ErrorText, _("No sections in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str()); return false; } // FIXME: find better tag name SupportsAcquireByHash = Section.FindB("Acquire-By-Hash", false); Origin = Section.FindS("Origin"); Label = Section.FindS("Label"); Version = Section.FindS("Version"); Suite = Section.FindS("Suite"); Codename = Section.FindS("Codename"); ReleaseNotes = Section.FindS("Release-Notes"); d->SnapshotsServer = Section.FindS("Snapshots"); { std::string const archs = Section.FindS("Architectures"); if (archs.empty() == false) d->Architectures = VectorizeString(archs, ' '); } { std::string const targets = Section.FindS("No-Support-for-Architecture-all"); if (targets.empty() == false) d->NoSupportForAll = VectorizeString(targets, ' '); } for (auto const &comp: VectorizeString(Section.FindS("Components"), ' ')) { if (comp.empty()) continue; auto const pos = comp.find_last_of('/'); if (pos != std::string::npos) // e.g. security.debian.org uses this style d->SupportedComponents.push_back(comp.substr(pos + 1)); d->SupportedComponents.push_back(std::move(comp)); } { decltype(pkgCache::ReleaseFile::Flags) flags = 0; Section.FindFlag("NotAutomatic", flags, pkgCache::Flag::NotAutomatic); signed short defaultpin = 500; if ((flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotAutomatic) == pkgCache::Flag::NotAutomatic) { Section.FindFlag("ButAutomaticUpgrades", flags, pkgCache::Flag::ButAutomaticUpgrades); if ((flags & pkgCache::Flag::ButAutomaticUpgrades) == pkgCache::Flag::ButAutomaticUpgrades) defaultpin = 100; else defaultpin = 1; } DefaultPin = defaultpin; } bool FoundHashSum = false; bool FoundStrongHashSum = false; for (auto const hashinfo : HashString::SupportedHashesInfo()) { if (not Section.Find(hashinfo.namekey, Start, End)) continue; std::string Name; std::string Hash; unsigned long long Size; while (Start < End) { if (!parseSumData(Start, End, Name, Hash, Size)) return false; HashString const hs(hashinfo.name.to_string(), Hash); if (Entries.find(Name) == Entries.end()) { metaIndex::checkSum *Sum = new metaIndex::checkSum; Sum->MetaKeyFilename = Name; Sum->Size = Size; Sum->Hashes.FileSize(Size); Entries[Name] = Sum; } Entries[Name]->Hashes.push_back(hs); FoundHashSum = true; if (FoundStrongHashSum == false && hs.usable() == true) FoundStrongHashSum = true; } } bool AuthPossible = false; if(FoundHashSum == false) _error->Warning(_("No Hash entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str()); else if(FoundStrongHashSum == false) _error->Warning(_("No Hash entry in Release file %s which is considered strong enough for security purposes"), Filename.c_str()); else AuthPossible = true; std::string const StrDate = Section.FindS("Date"); if (RFC1123StrToTime(StrDate, Date) == false) { _error->Warning( _("Invalid '%s' entry in Release file %s"), "Date", Filename.c_str()); Date = 0; } bool CheckDate = _config->FindB("Acquire::Check-Date", true); if (d->CheckDate == metaIndex::TRI_NO) CheckDate = false; else if (d->CheckDate == metaIndex::TRI_YES) CheckDate = true; if (CheckDate) { auto const Label = GetLabel(); // get the user settings for this archive time_t MaxFuture = d->DateMaxFuture; if (MaxFuture == 0) { MaxFuture = _config->FindI("Acquire::Max-FutureTime", 10); if (Label.empty() == false) MaxFuture = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Max-FutureTime::" + Label).c_str(), MaxFuture); } d->NotBefore = Date - MaxFuture; bool CheckValidUntil = _config->FindB("Acquire::Check-Valid-Until", true); if (d->CheckValidUntil == metaIndex::TRI_NO) CheckValidUntil = false; else if (d->CheckValidUntil == metaIndex::TRI_YES) CheckValidUntil = true; if (CheckValidUntil == true) { std::string const StrValidUntil = Section.FindS("Valid-Until"); // if we have a Valid-Until header in the Release file, use it as default if (StrValidUntil.empty() == false) { if (RFC1123StrToTime(StrValidUntil, ValidUntil) == false) { if (ErrorText != NULL) strprintf(*ErrorText, _("Invalid '%s' entry in Release file %s"), "Valid-Until", Filename.c_str()); return false; } } auto const Label = GetLabel(); // get the user settings for this archive and use what expires earlier time_t MaxAge = d->ValidUntilMax; if (MaxAge == 0) { MaxAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Max-ValidTime", 0); if (Label.empty() == false) MaxAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Max-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MaxAge); } time_t MinAge = d->ValidUntilMin; if (MinAge == 0) { MinAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Min-ValidTime", 0); if (Label.empty() == false) MinAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Min-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MinAge); } if (MinAge != 0 || ValidUntil != 0 || MaxAge != 0) { if (MinAge != 0 && ValidUntil != 0) { time_t const min_date = Date + MinAge; if (ValidUntil < min_date) ValidUntil = min_date; } if (MaxAge != 0 && Date != 0) { time_t const max_date = Date + MaxAge; if (ValidUntil == 0 || ValidUntil > max_date) ValidUntil = max_date; } } } } /* as the Release file is parsed only after it was verified, the Signed-By field does not effect the current, but the "next" Release file */ auto Sign = Section.FindS("Signed-By"); if (Sign.empty() == false) { SignedBy = NormalizeSignedBy(Sign, false); if (SignedBy.empty() && ErrorText != NULL) strprintf(*ErrorText, _("Invalid '%s' entry in Release file %s"), "Signed-By", Filename.c_str()); } if (AuthPossible) LoadedSuccessfully = TRI_YES; return AuthPossible; } /*}}}*/ time_t debReleaseIndex::GetNotBefore() const /*{{{*/ { return d->NotBefore; } /*}}}*/ metaIndex * debReleaseIndex::UnloadedClone() const /*{{{*/ { if (Trusted == TRI_NO) return new debReleaseIndex(URI, Dist, false, d->ReleaseOptions); else if (Trusted == TRI_YES) return new debReleaseIndex(URI, Dist, true, d->ReleaseOptions); else return new debReleaseIndex(URI, Dist, d->ReleaseOptions); } /*}}}*/ bool debReleaseIndex::parseSumData(const char *&Start, const char *End, /*{{{*/ std::string &Name, std::string &Hash, unsigned long long &Size) { Name = ""; Hash = ""; Size = 0; /* Skip over the first blank */ while ((*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ' || *Start == '\n' || *Start == '\r') && Start < End) Start++; if (Start >= End) return false; /* Move EntryEnd to the end of the first entry (the hash) */ const char *EntryEnd = Start; while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ') && EntryEnd < End) EntryEnd++; if (EntryEnd == End) return false; Hash.append(Start, EntryEnd-Start); /* Skip over intermediate blanks */ Start = EntryEnd; while (*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ') Start++; if (Start >= End) return false; EntryEnd = Start; /* Find the end of the second entry (the size) */ while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ' ) && EntryEnd < End) EntryEnd++; if (EntryEnd == End) return false; Size = strtoull (Start, NULL, 10); /* Skip over intermediate blanks */ Start = EntryEnd; while (*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ') Start++; if (Start >= End) return false; EntryEnd = Start; /* Find the end of the third entry (the filename) */ while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ' && *EntryEnd != '\n' && *EntryEnd != '\r') && EntryEnd < End) EntryEnd++; Name.append(Start, EntryEnd-Start); Start = EntryEnd; //prepare for the next round return true; } /*}}}*/ bool debReleaseIndex::GetIndexes(pkgAcquire *Owner, bool const &GetAll)/*{{{*/ { #define APT_TARGET(X) IndexTarget("", X, MetaIndexInfo(X), MetaIndexURI(X), false, false, d->ReleaseOptions) pkgAcqMetaClearSig * const TransactionManager = new pkgAcqMetaClearSig(Owner, APT_TARGET("InRelease"), APT_TARGET("Release"), APT_TARGET("Release.gpg"), this); #undef APT_TARGET // special case for --print-uris if (GetAll) for (auto const &Target: GetIndexTargets()) if (Target.Option(IndexTarget::FALLBACK_OF).empty()) new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, TransactionManager, Target); return true; } /*}}}*/ // ReleaseIndex::Set* TriState options /*{{{*/ bool debReleaseIndex::SetTrusted(TriState const pTrusted) { if (Trusted == TRI_UNSET) Trusted = pTrusted; else if (Trusted != pTrusted) // TRANSLATOR: The first is an option name from sources.list manpage, the other two URI and Suite return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), "Trusted", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return true; } bool debReleaseIndex::SetCheckValidUntil(TriState const pCheckValidUntil) { if (d->CheckValidUntil == TRI_UNSET) d->CheckValidUntil = pCheckValidUntil; else if (d->CheckValidUntil != pCheckValidUntil) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), "Check-Valid-Until", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return true; } bool debReleaseIndex::SetValidUntilMin(time_t const Valid) { if (d->ValidUntilMin == 0) d->ValidUntilMin = Valid; else if (d->ValidUntilMin != Valid) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), "Min-ValidTime", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return true; } bool debReleaseIndex::SetValidUntilMax(time_t const Valid) { if (d->ValidUntilMax == 0) d->ValidUntilMax = Valid; else if (d->ValidUntilMax != Valid) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), "Max-ValidTime", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return true; } bool debReleaseIndex::SetCheckDate(TriState const pCheckDate) { if (d->CheckDate == TRI_UNSET) d->CheckDate = pCheckDate; else if (d->CheckDate != pCheckDate) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), "Check-Date", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return true; } bool debReleaseIndex::SetDateMaxFuture(time_t const DateMaxFuture) { if (d->DateMaxFuture == 0) d->DateMaxFuture = DateMaxFuture; else if (d->DateMaxFuture != DateMaxFuture) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), "Date-Max-Future", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return true; } bool debReleaseIndex::SetSnapshot(std::string const Snapshot) { if (d->Snapshot.empty()) d->Snapshot = Snapshot; else if (d->Snapshot != Snapshot) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), "Snapshot", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return true; } std::string debReleaseIndex::GetSnapshotsServer() const { return d->SnapshotsServer; } bool debReleaseIndex::SetSignedBy(std::string const &pSignedBy) { if (SignedBy.empty() == true && pSignedBy.empty() == false) { SignedBy = NormalizeSignedBy(pSignedBy, true); if (SignedBy.empty()) _error->Error(_("Invalid value set for option %s regarding source %s %s (%s)"), "Signed-By", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str(), "not a fingerprint"); } else { auto const normalSignedBy = NormalizeSignedBy(pSignedBy, true); if (normalSignedBy.empty() == true) return true; if (normalSignedBy != SignedBy) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s: %s != %s"), "Signed-By", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str(), SignedBy.c_str(), normalSignedBy.c_str()); } return true; } /*}}}*/ // ReleaseIndex::IsTrusted /*{{{*/ bool debReleaseIndex::IsTrusted() const { if (Trusted == TRI_YES) return true; else if (Trusted == TRI_NO) return false; if(_config->FindB("APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM", false)) if(URI.substr(0,strlen("cdrom:")) == "cdrom:") return true; if (FileExists(MetaIndexFile("Release.gpg"))) return true; return FileExists(MetaIndexFile("InRelease")); } /*}}}*/ bool debReleaseIndex::IsArchitectureSupported(std::string const &arch) const/*{{{*/ { if (d->Architectures.empty()) return true; return std::find(d->Architectures.begin(), d->Architectures.end(), arch) != d->Architectures.end(); } /*}}}*/ bool debReleaseIndex::IsArchitectureAllSupportedFor(IndexTarget const &target) const/*{{{*/ { if (target.Options.find("Force-Support-For-All") != target.Options.end()) return true; if (IsArchitectureSupported("all") == false) return false; if (d->NoSupportForAll.empty()) return true; return std::find(d->NoSupportForAll.begin(), d->NoSupportForAll.end(), target.Option(IndexTarget::CREATED_BY)) == d->NoSupportForAll.end(); } /*}}}*/ bool debReleaseIndex::HasSupportForComponent(std::string const &component) const/*{{{*/ { if (d->SupportedComponents.empty()) return true; return std::find(d->SupportedComponents.begin(), d->SupportedComponents.end(), component) != d->SupportedComponents.end(); } /*}}}*/ std::vector *debReleaseIndex::GetIndexFiles() /*{{{*/ { if (Indexes != NULL) return Indexes; Indexes = new std::vector(); bool const istrusted = IsTrusted(); for (auto const &T: GetIndexTargets()) { std::string const TargetName = T.Option(IndexTarget::CREATED_BY); if (TargetName == "Packages") Indexes->push_back(new debPackagesIndex(T, istrusted)); else if (TargetName == "Sources") Indexes->push_back(new debSourcesIndex(T, istrusted)); else if (TargetName == "Translations") Indexes->push_back(new debTranslationsIndex(T)); } return Indexes; } /*}}}*/ std::map debReleaseIndex::GetReleaseOptions() { return d->ReleaseOptions; } static bool ReleaseFileName(debReleaseIndex const * const That, std::string &ReleaseFile)/*{{{*/ { ReleaseFile = That->MetaIndexFile("InRelease"); bool releaseExists = false; if (FileExists(ReleaseFile) == true) releaseExists = true; else { ReleaseFile = That->MetaIndexFile("Release"); if (FileExists(ReleaseFile)) releaseExists = true; } return releaseExists; } /*}}}*/ bool debReleaseIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator &Gen,OpProgress * /*Prog*/) const/*{{{*/ { std::string ReleaseFile; bool const releaseExists = ReleaseFileName(this, ReleaseFile); ::URI Tmp(URI); if (Gen.SelectReleaseFile(ReleaseFile, Tmp.Host) == false) return _error->Error("Problem with SelectReleaseFile %s", ReleaseFile.c_str()); if (releaseExists == false) return true; FileFd Rel; // Beware: The 'Release' file might be clearsigned in case the // signature for an 'InRelease' file couldn't be checked if (OpenMaybeClearSignedFile(ReleaseFile, Rel) == false) return false; // Store the IMS information pkgCache::RlsFileIterator File = Gen.GetCurRlsFile(); pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic DynFile(File); // Rel can't be used as this is potentially a temporary file struct stat Buf; if (stat(ReleaseFile.c_str(), &Buf) != 0) return _error->Errno("fstat", "Unable to stat file %s", ReleaseFile.c_str()); File->Size = Buf.st_size; File->mtime = Buf.st_mtime; pkgTagFile TagFile(&Rel, Rel.Size()); pkgTagSection Section; if (Rel.IsOpen() == false || Rel.Failed() || TagFile.Step(Section) == false) return false; std::string data; #define APT_INRELEASE(TYPE, TAG, STORE) \ data = Section.FindS(TAG); \ if (data.empty() == false) \ { \ map_stringitem_t const storage = Gen.StoreString(pkgCacheGenerator::TYPE, data); \ if (storage == 0) return false; \ STORE = storage; \ } APT_INRELEASE(MIXED, "Suite", File->Archive) APT_INRELEASE(VERSIONNUMBER, "Version", File->Version) APT_INRELEASE(MIXED, "Origin", File->Origin) APT_INRELEASE(MIXED, "Codename", File->Codename) APT_INRELEASE(MIXED, "Label", File->Label) #undef APT_INRELEASE Section.FindFlag("NotAutomatic", File->Flags, pkgCache::Flag::NotAutomatic); Section.FindFlag("ButAutomaticUpgrades", File->Flags, pkgCache::Flag::ButAutomaticUpgrades); return true; } /*}}}*/ // ReleaseIndex::FindInCache - Find this index /*{{{*/ pkgCache::RlsFileIterator debReleaseIndex::FindInCache(pkgCache &Cache, bool const ModifyCheck) const { std::string ReleaseFile; bool const releaseExists = ReleaseFileName(this, ReleaseFile); pkgCache::RlsFileIterator File = Cache.RlsFileBegin(); for (; File.end() == false; ++File) { if (File->FileName == 0 || ReleaseFile != File.FileName()) continue; // empty means the file does not exist by "design" if (ModifyCheck == false || (releaseExists == false && File->Size == 0)) return File; struct stat St; if (stat(File.FileName(),&St) != 0) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgCacheGen", false)) std::clog << "ReleaseIndex::FindInCache - stat failed on " << File.FileName() << std::endl; return pkgCache::RlsFileIterator(Cache); } if ((unsigned)St.st_size != File->Size || St.st_mtime != File->mtime) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgCacheGen", false)) std::clog << "ReleaseIndex::FindInCache - size (" << St.st_size << " <> " << File->Size << ") or mtime (" << St.st_mtime << " <> " << File->mtime << ") doesn't match for " << File.FileName() << std::endl; return pkgCache::RlsFileIterator(Cache); } return File; } return File; } /*}}}*/ class APT_HIDDEN debSLTypeDebian : public pkgSourceList::Type /*{{{*/ { static std::optional> getDefaultSetOf(std::string const &Name, std::map const &Options) { auto const val = Options.find(Name); if (val != Options.end()) return VectorizeString(val->second, ','); return {}; } static std::vector applyPlusMinusOptions(std::string const &Name, std::map const &Options, std::vector &&Values) { auto val = Options.find(Name + "+"); if (val != Options.end()) { std::vector const plus = VectorizeString(val->second, ','); std::copy_if(plus.begin(), plus.end(), std::back_inserter(Values), [&Values](std::string const &v) { return std::find(Values.begin(), Values.end(), v) == Values.end(); }); } if ((val = Options.find(Name + "-")) != Options.end()) { std::vector const minus = VectorizeString(val->second, ','); Values.erase(std::remove_if(Values.begin(), Values.end(), [&minus](std::string const &v) { return std::find(minus.begin(), minus.end(), v) != minus.end(); }), Values.end()); } return std::move(Values); } static std::vector parsePlusMinusOptions(std::string const &Name, std::map const &Options, std::vector const &defaultValues) { return applyPlusMinusOptions(Name, Options, getDefaultSetOf(Name, Options).value_or(defaultValues)); } static std::vector parsePlusMinusArchOptions(std::string const &Name, std::map const &Options) { std::vector Values; if (auto opt = getDefaultSetOf(Name, Options); opt.has_value()) Values = opt.value(); else { Values = APT::Configuration::getArchitectures(); auto veryforeign = _config->FindVector("APT::BarbarianArchitectures"); Values.reserve(Values.size() + veryforeign.size()); std::move(veryforeign.begin(), veryforeign.end(), std::back_inserter(Values)); } // all is a very special architecture users shouldn't be concerned with explicitly // but if the user does, do not override the choice auto const val = Options.find(Name + "-"); if (val != Options.end()) { std::vector const minus = VectorizeString(val->second, ','); if (std::find(minus.begin(), minus.end(), "all") != minus.end()) return applyPlusMinusOptions(Name, Options, std::move(Values)); } Values = applyPlusMinusOptions(Name, Options, std::move(Values)); if (std::find(Values.begin(), Values.end(), "all") == Values.end()) Values.push_back("implicit:all"); return Values; } static std::vector parsePlusMinusTargetOptions(char const * const Name, std::map const &Options) { std::vector const alltargets = _config->FindVector(std::string("Acquire::IndexTargets::") + Name, "", true); std::vector deftargets; deftargets.reserve(alltargets.size()); std::copy_if(alltargets.begin(), alltargets.end(), std::back_inserter(deftargets), [&](std::string const &t) { std::string c = "Acquire::IndexTargets::"; c.append(Name).append("::").append(t).append("::DefaultEnabled"); return _config->FindB(c, true); }); std::vector mytargets = parsePlusMinusOptions("target", Options, deftargets); for (auto const &target : alltargets) { std::map::const_iterator const opt = Options.find(target); if (opt == Options.end()) continue; auto const idMatch = [&](std::string const &t) { return target == _config->Find(std::string("Acquire::IndexTargets::") + Name + "::" + t + "::Identifier", t); }; if (StringToBool(opt->second)) std::copy_if(alltargets.begin(), alltargets.end(), std::back_inserter(mytargets), idMatch); else mytargets.erase(std::remove_if(mytargets.begin(), mytargets.end(), idMatch), mytargets.end()); } // if we can't order it in a 1000 steps we give up… probably a cycle for (auto i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { bool Changed = false; for (auto t = mytargets.begin(); t != mytargets.end(); ++t) { std::string const fallback = _config->Find(std::string("Acquire::IndexTargets::") + Name + "::" + *t + "::Fallback-Of"); if (fallback.empty()) continue; auto const faller = std::find(mytargets.begin(), mytargets.end(), fallback); if (faller == mytargets.end() || faller < t) continue; Changed = true; auto const tv = *t; mytargets.erase(t); mytargets.emplace_back(tv); break; } if (Changed == false) break; } // remove duplicates without changing the order (in first appearance) { std::set seenOnce; mytargets.erase(std::remove_if(mytargets.begin(), mytargets.end(), [&](std::string const &t) { return seenOnce.insert(t).second == false; }), mytargets.end()); } return mytargets; } metaIndex::TriState GetTriStateOption(std::mapconst &Options, char const * const name) const { std::map::const_iterator const opt = Options.find(name); if (opt != Options.end()) return StringToBool(opt->second, false) ? metaIndex::TRI_YES : metaIndex::TRI_NO; return metaIndex::TRI_DONTCARE; } static time_t GetTimeOption(std::mapconst &Options, char const * const name) { std::map::const_iterator const opt = Options.find(name); if (opt == Options.end()) return 0; return strtoull(opt->second.c_str(), NULL, 10); } static bool GetBoolOption(std::map const &Options, char const * const name, bool const defVal) { std::map::const_iterator const opt = Options.find(name); if (opt == Options.end()) return defVal; return StringToBool(opt->second, defVal); } static std::string GetSnapshotOption(std::map const &Options, char const * const name, const std::string defVal="") { std::map::const_iterator const opt = Options.find(name); if (opt == Options.end()) return defVal; int boolVal = StringToBool(opt->second, -1); if (boolVal != -1) return boolVal ? _config->Find("APT::Snapshot") : ""; return opt->second; } static std::vector GetMapKeys(std::map const &Options) { std::vector ret; ret.reserve(Options.size()); std::transform(Options.begin(), Options.end(), std::back_inserter(ret), [](auto &&O) { return O.first; }); std::sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); auto r = std::remove(ret.begin(), ret.end(), "SHADOWED"); ret.erase(r, ret.end()); return ret; } static bool MapsAreEqual(std::map const &OptionsA, std::map const &OptionsB, std::string const &URI, std::string const &Dist) { auto const KeysA = GetMapKeys(OptionsA); auto const KeysB = GetMapKeys(OptionsB); auto const m = std::mismatch(KeysA.begin(), KeysA.end(), KeysB.begin()); if (m.first != KeysA.end()) { if (std::find(KeysB.begin(), KeysB.end(), *m.first) == KeysB.end()) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), m.first->c_str(), "", ""); else return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), m.second->c_str(), "", ""); } if (m.second != KeysB.end()) { if (std::find(KeysA.begin(), KeysA.end(), *m.second) == KeysA.end()) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), m.first->c_str(), "", ""); else return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), m.second->c_str(), "", ""); } for (auto&& key: KeysA) { if (key == "BASE_URI" || key == "REPO_URI" || key == "SITE" || key == "RELEASE") continue; auto const a = OptionsA.find(key); auto const b = OptionsB.find(key); if (unlikely(a == OptionsA.end() || b == OptionsB.end()) || a->second != b->second) return _error->Error(_("Conflicting values set for option %s regarding source %s %s"), key.c_str(), URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); } return true; } static debReleaseIndex * GetDebReleaseIndexBy(std::vector &List, std::string URI, std::string const &Dist, std::map const &Options) { std::map ReleaseOptions{{ {"BASE_URI", constructMetaIndexURI(URI, Dist, "")}, {"REPO_URI", URI}, {"SITE", ::URI::ArchiveOnly(URI)}, {"RELEASE", (Dist == "/") ? "" : Dist}, }}; if (GetBoolOption(Options, "allow-insecure", _config->FindB("Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories"))) ReleaseOptions.emplace("ALLOW_INSECURE", "true"); if (GetBoolOption(Options, "allow-weak", _config->FindB("Acquire::AllowWeakRepositories"))) ReleaseOptions.emplace("ALLOW_WEAK", "true"); if (GetBoolOption(Options, "allow-downgrade-to-insecure", _config->FindB("Acquire::AllowDowngradeToInsecureRepositories"))) ReleaseOptions.emplace("ALLOW_DOWNGRADE_TO_INSECURE", "true"); if (GetBoolOption(Options, "SHADOWED", false)) ReleaseOptions.emplace("SHADOWED", "true"); auto InReleasePath = Options.find("inrelease-path"); if (InReleasePath != Options.end()) ReleaseOptions.emplace("INRELEASE_PATH", InReleasePath->second); debReleaseIndex * Deb = nullptr; std::string const FileName = URItoFileName(constructMetaIndexURI(URI, Dist, "Release")); for (auto const &I: List) { // We only worry about debian entries here if (strcmp(I->GetType(), "deb") != 0) continue; auto const D = dynamic_cast(I); if (unlikely(D == nullptr)) continue; /* This check ensures that there will be only one Release file queued for all the Packages files and Sources files it corresponds to. */ if (URItoFileName(D->MetaIndexURI("Release")) == FileName) { if (MapsAreEqual(ReleaseOptions, D->GetReleaseOptions(), URI, Dist) == false) return nullptr; Deb = D; break; } } // No currently created Release file indexes this entry, so we create a new one. if (Deb == nullptr) { Deb = new debReleaseIndex(URI, Dist, ReleaseOptions); List.push_back(Deb); } return Deb; } protected: // This is a duplicate of pkgAcqChangelog::URITemplate() with some changes to work // on metaIndex instead of cache structures, and using Snapshots std::string SnapshotServer(debReleaseIndex const *Rls) const { if (Rls->GetLabel().empty() && Rls->GetOrigin().empty()) return ""; std::string const serverConfig = "Acquire::Snapshots::URI"; std::string server; #define APT_EMPTY_SERVER \ if (server.empty() == false) \ { \ return server; \ } #define APT_CHECK_SERVER(X, Y) \ if (not Rls->Get##X().empty()) \ { \ std::string const specialServerConfig = serverConfig + "::" + Y + #X + "::" + Rls->Get##X(); \ server = _config->Find(specialServerConfig); \ APT_EMPTY_SERVER \ } // this way e.g. Debian-Security can fallback to Debian APT_CHECK_SERVER(Label, "Override::") APT_CHECK_SERVER(Origin, "Override::") server = Rls->GetSnapshotsServer(); APT_EMPTY_SERVER APT_CHECK_SERVER(Label, "") APT_CHECK_SERVER(Origin, "") #undef APT_CHECK_SERVER #undef APT_EMPTY_SERVER return ""; } /// \brief Given a hostname, strip one level down, e.g. a.b.c -> .b.c -> .c, this /// allows you to match a.b.c against itself, .b.c, and .c, but not b.c static inline std::string NextLevelDomain(std::string Host) { auto nextDot = Host.find(".", 1); if (nextDot == Host.npos) return ""; return Host.substr(nextDot); } bool CreateItemInternal(std::vector &List, std::string URI, std::string const &Dist, std::string const &Section, bool const &IsSrc, std::map Options) const { std::string SnapshotAptConf = _config->Find("APT::Snapshot"); std::string Snapshot = GetSnapshotOption(Options, "snapshot", SnapshotAptConf.empty() ? "" : SnapshotAptConf + "?"); if (not Snapshot.empty()) { std::map SnapshotOptions = Options; Options.emplace("SHADOWED", "true"); ::URI ArchiveURI(URI); // Trim trailing and leading / from the path because we don't want them when calculating snapshot url if (not ArchiveURI.Path.empty() && ArchiveURI.Path[ArchiveURI.Path.length() - 1] == '/') ArchiveURI.Path.erase(ArchiveURI.Path.length() - 1); if (not ArchiveURI.Path.empty() && ArchiveURI.Path[0] == '/') ArchiveURI.Path.erase(0, 1); std::string Server; auto const PreviousDeb = List.empty() ? nullptr : List.back(); auto const Deb = GetDebReleaseIndexBy(List, URI, Dist, Options); std::string filename; // The Release file and config based on that should be the ultimate source of truth. if (Deb && ReleaseFileName(Deb, filename)) { auto OldDeb = dynamic_cast(Deb->UnloadedClone()); if (not OldDeb->Load(filename, nullptr)) return _error->Error("Cannot identify snapshot server for %s %s - run update without snapshot id first", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); Server = SnapshotServer(OldDeb); delete OldDeb; } // We did not find a server based on the release file. // Lookup a fallback based on the host. For a.b.c, this will // try a.b.c, .b.c, and .c to allow generalization for cc.archive.ubuntu.com if (Server.empty()) { for (std::string Host = ArchiveURI.Host; not Host.empty(); Host = NextLevelDomain(Host)) { Server = _config->Find("Acquire::Snapshots::URI::Host::" + Host); if (not Server.empty()) break; } } if (Server.empty() || Server == "no") { if (APT::String::Endswith(Snapshot, "?")) { // Erase the SHADOWED option and remove the release index from the list if we created it. Options.erase("SHADOWED"); if (Deb && Deb != PreviousDeb) { assert(List.back() == Deb); List.pop_back(); delete Deb; } goto nosnapshot; } if (Server != "no" && filename.empty()) return _error->Error("Cannot identify snapshot server for %s %s - run update without snapshot id first", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); return _error->Error("Snapshots not supported for %s %s", URI.c_str(), Dist.c_str()); } // We have found a server by now, so we enable snapshots for this source. if (APT::String::Endswith(Snapshot, "?")) { Snapshot.pop_back(); } assert(not Snapshot.empty()); auto SnapshotURI = SubstVar(SubstVar(Server, "@SNAPSHOTID@", Snapshot), "@PATH@", ArchiveURI.Path); if (not CreateItemInternalOne(List, SnapshotURI, Dist, Section, IsSrc, SnapshotOptions)) return false; } nosnapshot: if (not CreateItemInternalOne(List, URI, Dist, Section, IsSrc, Options)) return false; return true; } bool CreateItemInternalOne(std::vector &List, std::string URI, std::string const &Dist, std::string const &Section, bool const &IsSrc, std::map Options) const { auto const Deb = GetDebReleaseIndexBy(List, URI, Dist, Options); if (Deb == nullptr) return false; bool const UsePDiffs = GetBoolOption(Options, "pdiffs", _config->FindB("Acquire::PDiffs", true)); std::string UseByHash = _config->Find("APT::Acquire::By-Hash", "yes"); UseByHash = _config->Find("Acquire::By-Hash", UseByHash); { std::string const host = ::URI(URI).Host; if (host.empty() == false) { UseByHash = _config->Find("APT::Acquire::" + host + "::By-Hash", UseByHash); UseByHash = _config->Find("Acquire::" + host + "::By-Hash", UseByHash); } std::map::const_iterator const opt = Options.find("by-hash"); if (opt != Options.end()) UseByHash = opt->second; } auto const entry = Options.find("sourceslist-entry"); Deb->AddComponent( entry->second, IsSrc, Section, parsePlusMinusTargetOptions(Name, Options), parsePlusMinusArchOptions("arch", Options), parsePlusMinusOptions("lang", Options, APT::Configuration::getLanguages(true)), UsePDiffs, UseByHash ); if (Deb->SetTrusted(GetTriStateOption(Options, "trusted")) == false || Deb->SetCheckValidUntil(GetTriStateOption(Options, "check-valid-until")) == false || Deb->SetValidUntilMax(GetTimeOption(Options, "valid-until-max")) == false || Deb->SetValidUntilMin(GetTimeOption(Options, "valid-until-min")) == false || Deb->SetCheckDate(GetTriStateOption(Options, "check-date")) == false || Deb->SetDateMaxFuture(GetTimeOption(Options, "date-max-future")) == false || Deb->SetSnapshot(GetSnapshotOption(Options, "snapshot")) == false) return false; if (GetBoolOption(Options, "sourceslist-entry-is-deb822", false)) Deb->SetFlag(metaIndex::Flag::DEB822); std::map::const_iterator const signedby = Options.find("signed-by"); if (signedby == Options.end()) { bool alreadySet = false; std::string filename; if (ReleaseFileName(Deb, filename)) { auto OldDeb = Deb->UnloadedClone(); _error->PushToStack(); OldDeb->Load(filename, nullptr); bool const goodLoad = _error->PendingError() == false; _error->RevertToStack(); if (goodLoad) { if (OldDeb->GetValidUntil() > 0) { time_t const invalid_since = time(NULL) - OldDeb->GetValidUntil(); if (invalid_since <= 0) { Deb->SetSignedBy(OldDeb->GetSignedBy()); alreadySet = true; } } } delete OldDeb; } if (alreadySet == false && Deb->SetSignedBy("") == false) return false; } else { if (Deb->SetSignedBy(signedby->second) == false) return false; } return true; } debSLTypeDebian(char const * const Name, char const * const Label) : Type(Name, Label) { } }; /*}}}*/ class APT_HIDDEN debSLTypeDeb : public debSLTypeDebian /*{{{*/ { public: bool CreateItem(std::vector &List, std::string const &URI, std::string const &Dist, std::string const &Section, std::map const &Options) const APT_OVERRIDE { return CreateItemInternal(List, URI, Dist, Section, false, Options); } debSLTypeDeb() : debSLTypeDebian("deb", "Debian binary tree") { } }; /*}}}*/ class APT_HIDDEN debSLTypeDebSrc : public debSLTypeDebian /*{{{*/ { public: bool CreateItem(std::vector &List, std::string const &URI, std::string const &Dist, std::string const &Section, std::map const &Options) const APT_OVERRIDE { return CreateItemInternal(List, URI, Dist, Section, true, Options); } debSLTypeDebSrc() : debSLTypeDebian("deb-src", "Debian source tree") { } }; /*}}}*/ APT_HIDDEN debSLTypeDeb _apt_DebType; APT_HIDDEN debSLTypeDebSrc _apt_DebSrcType;