# This file is input for triehash(1) (after stripping comments) # # The fields listed here are accessible via pkgTagSection::Key::FIELD # Do *NOT* edit, remove or insert new fields in the sorted section here # as the file forms part of the ABI of the libapt library and is used # by our apt tools. External clients are forbidden though, so if really needed # we can use libapt Breaks: apt, but always prefer appending only. # # For Fields used in Packages, Sources and status files, see also tagfile-order.c Architecture Auto-Built-Package Binary Breaks Build-Conflicts Build-Conflicts-Arch Build-Conflicts-Indep Build-Depends Build-Depends-Arch Build-Depends-Indep Build-Essential Built-For-Profiles Built-Using Checksums-Md5 Checksums-Sha1 Checksums-Sha256 Checksums-Sha512 Conffiles Config-Version Conflicts Depends Description Description-md5 Directory Enhances Essential Filename Files Format Homepage Important Installed-Size Maintainer MD5sum Multi-Arch Origin Original-Maintainer Package Package-List Package-Type Phased-Update-Percentage Pre-Depends Priority Protected Provides Recommends Replaces Section SHA1 SHA256 SHA512 Size Source Standards-Version Static-Built-Using Status Suggests Tag Task Testsuite Testsuite-Triggers Uploaders Vcs-Arch Vcs-Browser Vcs-Bzr Vcs-Cvs Vcs-Darcs Vcs-Git Vcs-Hg Vcs-Mtn Vcs-Svn Version ### APPEND BELOW, sort in with next ABI break ### Source-Version