/* This file is an index of all APT configuration directives. Instead of actual values the option has the type as value. Additional explanations and possible values might be detailed in a comment. Most of the options have sane default values, unless you have specific needs you should NOT include arbitrary items in a custom configuration. In some instances involving filenames it is possible to set the default directory when the path is evaluated. This means you can use relative paths within the sub scope. The configuration directives are specified in a tree with {} designating a subscope relative to the tag before the {}. You can further specify a subscope using scope notation e.g., APT::Architecture "i386"; This is prefixed with the current scope. Scope notation must be used if an option is specified on the command line with -o. The most complex type is perhaps : APT::Architectures ""; In configuration files it usually appears as a subscope of its own like: APT::Architectures { "amd64"; "i386"; }; but the same can be achieved with (needed for commandline) APT::Architectures "amd64,i386"; which overrides the values in the scope notation. See apt.conf manpage for a detailed description of many common options and the syntax of configuration files and commandline options! */ quiet "" { NoUpdate ""; // never update progress information - included in -q=1 NoProgress ""; // disables the 0% → 100% progress on cache generation and stuff NoStatistic ""; // no "42 kB downloaded" stats in update ReleaseInfoChange "" // don't even print the notices if the info change is allowed { Origin ""; Label ""; Version ""; Codename ""; Suite ""; DefaultPin ""; }; }; // Options for APT in general APT { Audit ""; // display audit messages Architecture ""; // debian architecture like amd64, i386, powerpc, armhf, mips, … Architectures ""; // a list of (foreign) debian architectures, defaults to: dpkg --print-foreign-architectures BarbarianArchitectures ""; // a list of architectures considered too foreign to satisfy M-A:foreign Build-Essential ""; // list of package names Build-Profiles ""; NeverAutoRemove ""; // list of package name regexes NeverAutoRemove::KernelCount ""; // Keep the configured amount of kernels LastInstalledKernel ""; // last installed kernel version VersionedKernelPackages ""; // regular expressions to be protected from autoremoval (kernel uname will be appended) Protect-Kernels ""; // whether to protect installed kernels against autoremoval (default: true) // Currently active snapshot Snapshot ""; // Options for apt-get Get { // build-dep options: Host-Architecture ""; // debian architecture Arch-Only ""; Indep-Only ""; Build-Dep-Automatic ""; Satisfy-Automatic ""; // (non-)confirming options Force-Yes ""; // allows downgrades, essential removal and eats children Allow-Downgrades ""; Allow-Change-Held-Packages ""; Allow-Remove-Essential ""; Allow-Solver-Remove-Essential ""; Assume-Yes ""; // not as dangerous, but use with care still Assume-No ""; Trivial-Only ""; Mark-Auto ""; Remove ""; AllowUnauthenticated ""; // skip security AutomaticRemove "" { "Kernels" ""; // Allow removing kernels even if not removing other packages (true for dist-upgrade) }; HideAutoRemove ""; // yes, no, small Simulate ""; Show-User-Simulation-Note ""; Fix-Broken ""; Fix-Policy-Broken ""; Download ""; Download-Only ""; Fix-Missing ""; Print-URIs ""; List-Cleanup ""; Show-Upgraded ""; Show-Versions ""; List-Columns ""; Upgrade ""; Only-Upgrade ""; Upgrade-Allow-New ""; Upgrade-By-Source-Package ""; Always-Include-Phased-Updates ""; Never-Include-Phased-Updates ""; Phase-Policy ""; // internal Purge ""; ReInstall ""; Compile ""; Only-Source ""; Diff-Only ""; Tar-Only ""; Dsc-Only ""; Autosolving ""; CallResolver ""; IndexTargets::ReleaseInfo ""; IndexTargets::format ""; Update { InteractiveReleaseInfoChanges ""; SourceListWarnings "" { APTAuth ""; NonFreeFirmware ""; SignedBy ""; }; }; }; Cache { AllNames ""; AllVersions ""; Only-Source ""; GivenOnly ""; RecurseDepends ""; Installed ""; Important ""; ShowDependencyType ""; ShowVersion ""; ShowPre-Depends ""; ShowDepends ""; ShowRecommends ""; ShowSuggests ""; ShowReplaces ""; ShowConflicts ""; ShowBreaks ""; ShowEnhances ""; ShowOnlyFirstOr ""; ShowImplicit ""; ShowVirtuals ""; ShowFull ""; NamesOnly ""; show::version ""; search::version ""; }; CDROM { Rename ""; NoMount ""; Fast ""; NoAct ""; Thorough ""; DropTranslation ""; }; Update "" { Pre-Invoke {"touch /var/lib/apt/pre-update-stamp"; }; Post-Invoke {"touch /var/lib/apt/post-update-stamp"; }; Error-Mode ""; }; /* define a new supported compressor on the fly Compressor::rev { Name "rev"; Extension ".reversed"; Binary "rev"; CompressArg {}; UncompressArg {}; Cost "10"; }; */ Compressor ""; Compressor::** ""; Authentication { TrustCDROM "false"; // consider the CD-ROM always trusted }; Clean-Installed ""; // Some general options Default-Release ""; Ignore-Hold ""; Immediate-Configure ""; Immediate-Configure-All ""; Force-LoopBreak ""; Cache-Start ""; Cache-Grow ""; Cache-Limit ""; Cache-Fallback ""; Cache-HashTableSize ""; // consider Recommends/Suggests as important dependencies that should // be installed by default Install-Recommends ""; Install-Suggests ""; // reverse Recommends or Suggests prevent autoremoval AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant ""; AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant ""; // consider dependencies of packages in this section manual Never-MarkAuto-Sections {"metapackages"; "universe/metapackages"; }; // Write progress messages on this fd (for stuff like base-config) Status-Fd ""; Status-deb822-Fd ""; // Keep the list of FDs open (normally apt closes all fds when it // does a ExecFork) Keep-Fds {}; // control parameters for cron jobs by /etc/cron.daily/apt documented there Periodic {}; Machine-ID ""; // Value of /etc/machine-id }; // Options for the downloading routines Acquire { Queue-Mode ""; // host or access Retries "" { Delay "" { // whether to backoff between retries using the delay: method Maximum ""; // maximum number of seconds to delay an item per retry }; }; Source-Symlinks ""; ForceHash ""; // hashmethod used for expected hash: sha256, sha1 or md5sum Send-URI-Encoded ""; // false does the old encode/decode dance even if we could avoid it URIEncode ""; // characters to encode with percent encoding AllowTLS ""; // whether support for tls is enabled PDiffs ""; // try to get the IndexFile diffs PDiffs::FileLimit ""; // don't use diffs if we would need more than 4 diffs PDiffs::SizeLimit ""; // don't use diffs if size of all patches excess X% of the size of the original file PDiffs::Merge ""; Check-Valid-Until ""; Max-ValidTime ""; // time in seconds Max-ValidTime::* ""; // repository label specific configuration Min-ValidTime ""; // time in seconds Min-ValidTime::* ""; // repository label specific configuration Check-Date ""; // whether to check the "Date" field Max-FutureTime ""; // seconds to allow release file's Date field to be in the future (default 10) Max-FutureTime::* ""; // repository label specific configuration SameMirrorForAllIndexes ""; // use the mirror serving the Release file for Packages & co AllowInsecureRepositories ""; AllowWeakRepositories ""; AllowDowngradeToInsecureRepositories ""; AllowUnsizedPackages ""; // allow repositories to change information potentially breaking user config like pinning AllowReleaseInfoChange "" { Origin ""; Label ""; Version ""; // allowed by default Codename ""; Suite ""; DefaultPin ""; }; // HTTP method configuration http { Proxy ""; Proxy::http.us.debian.org "DIRECT"; // Specific per-host setting Timeout "30"; ConnectionAttemptDelayMsec "250"; Pipeline-Depth "5"; AllowRanges ""; AllowRedirect ""; // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2 No-Cache "false"; Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives Dl-Limit ""; // Kb/sec maximum download rate User-Agent "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3"; User-Agent-Non-Interactive "false"; // include non-interactive if run in systemd service (true on Ubuntu) Referer ""; // Set the HTTP Referer [sic!] header to given value }; // HTTPS method configuration: uses the http // - proxy config // - cache-control values // - Dl-Limit, Timeout, ... values // if not set explicit for https https { Verify-Peer "false"; SslCert "/etc/apt/some.pem"; CaPath "/etc/ssl/certs"; Verify-Host "true"; AllowRanges ""; AllowRedirect ""; Timeout "30"; ConnectionAttemptDelayMsec "250"; // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2 No-Cache "false"; Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives Dl-Limit ""; // Kb/sec maximum download rate User-Agent "Debian APT-CURL/1.0"; }; ftp { Proxy ""; Proxy::http.us.debian.org "DIRECT"; // Specific per-host setting /* Required script to perform proxy login. This example should work for tisfwtk */ ProxyLogin { "USER $(PROXY_USER)"; "PASS $(PROXY_PASS)"; "USER $(SITE_USER)@$(SITE):$(SITE_PORT)"; "PASS $(SITE_PASS)"; }; Timeout "30"; ConnectionAttemptDelayMsec "250"; /* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode is preferred if possible */ Passive "true"; Proxy::Passive "true"; Passive::http.us.debian.org "true"; // Specific per-host setting }; cdrom { AutoDetect ""; // do auto detection of the cdrom mountpoint // when auto-detecting, only look for cdrom/dvd. when this is false // it will support any removable device as a "cdrom" source CdromOnly "true"; // cdrom mountpoint (needs to be defined in fstab if AutoDetect is not used) mount "/cdrom"; // You need the trailing slash! "/cdrom/" { Mount "sleep 1000"; UMount "sleep 500"; } }; gpgv { Options {"--ignore-time-conflict";} // not very useful on a normal system }; /* CompressionTypes { bz2 "bzip2"; lzma "lzma"; gz "gzip"; Order { "uncompressed"; "gz"; "lzma"; "bz2"; }; }; */ CompressionTypes::Order ""; CompressionTypes::* ""; Languages ""; // "environment,de,en,none,fr"; // Location of the changelogs with the placeholder @CHANGEPATH@ (e.g. "main/a/apt/apt_1.1") Changelogs::URI { // Origin::Debian "https://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/@CHANGEPATH@_changelog"; Origin::* ""; Label::* ""; Override::Origin::* ""; Override::Label::* ""; }; Snapshots::URI { Host::* ""; // Origin::Debian "https://snapshot.debian.org/snapshot/@SNAPSHOTID@/"; Origin::* ""; Label::* ""; Override::Origin::* ""; Override::Label::* ""; }; Changelogs::AlwaysOnline ""; // even if the changelog file exists get it online (as the file is incomplete) Changelogs::AlwaysOnline::Origin::* ""; }; // Directory layout Dir "" { Ignore-Files-Silently ""; // of regexes: "\.dpkg-[a-z]+$,\.bak$,~$"; // Location of the state dir State "" { Lists ""; status ""; extended_states ""; cdroms ""; }; // Location of the cache dir Cache "" { Archives ""; Backup "backup/"; // backup directory created by /etc/cron.daily/apt srcpkgcache ""; pkgcache ""; }; // Config files Etc "" { Main ""; Netrc ""; NetrcParts ""; Parts ""; Preferences ""; PreferencesParts ""; SourceList ""; SourceParts ""; Trusted ""; TrustedParts ""; Machine-ID ""; // by default points to ../machine-id effectively }; // Locations of binaries Bin { methods ""; methods::* ""; gpg "/usr/bin/gpgv"; dpkg ""; dpkg-source ""; dpkg-buildpackage "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage"; lz4 ""; zstd ""; gzip ""; xz ""; bzip2 ""; lzma ""; uncompressed ""; ischroot ""; solvers ""; // of directories planners ""; // of directories }; // Location of the logfiles Log "" { Terminal ""; History ""; Solver ""; Planner ""; }; Media { MountPath "/media/apt"; // Media AutoDetect mount path }; Boot ""; Usr ""; }; // Things that effect the APT dselect method DSelect { Clean "auto"; // always|auto|prompt|never Options "-f"; UpdateOptions ""; PromptAfterUpdate "no"; CheckDir "no"; } DPkg { NoTriggers ""; ConfigurePending ""; TriggersPending ""; // Probably don't want to use force-downgrade.. Options {"--force-overwrite";"--force-downgrade";} // Defaults to /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin, might be set to empty // string to inherit from environment Path ""; // Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr Pre-Invoke {"mount -o remount,rw /usr";}; Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount,ro /usr";}; Chroot-Directory "/"; // Prevents daemons from getting cwd as something mountable (default) Run-Directory "/"; // Build options for apt-get source --compile Build-Options "-b -uc"; // Pre-configure all packages before they are installed using debconf. Pre-Install-Pkgs {"dpkg-preconfigure --apt --priority=low --frontend=dialog";}; // Flush the contents of stdin before forking dpkg. FlushSTDIN "true"; MaxArgBytes ""; // Control the size of the command line passed to dpkg. Install::Recursive "" // avoid long commandlines by recursive install in a tmpdir { force ""; // not all dpkg versions support this, so autodetection is default minimum ""; // don't bother if its just a few packages numbered ""; // avoid M-A:same ordering bug in dpkg }; UseIONice ""; // controls if apt will apport on the first dpkg error or if it // tries to install as many packages as possible StopOnError ""; Progress-Fancy { progress-fg ""; progress-bg ""; progress-bar ""; }; // Set a shutdown block inhibitor on systemd systems while running dpkg Inhibit-Shutdown ""; } /* Options you can set to see some debugging text They correspond to names of classes in the source code */ Debug { pkgInitConfig ""; pkgProblemResolver ""; pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores ""; pkgDepCache::AutoInstall ""; // what packages apt installs to satisfy dependencies pkgDepCache::Marker ""; pkgCacheGen ""; pkgAcquire ""; pkgAcquire::Worker ""; pkgAcquire::Auth ""; pkgAcquire::Diffs ""; pkgDPkgPM ""; pkgDPkgProgressReporting ""; pkgOrderList ""; pkgPackageManager ""; // OrderList/Configure debugging pkgAutoRemove ""; // show information about automatic removes BuildDeps ""; pkgInitialize ""; // This one will dump the configuration space NoLocking ""; Acquire::Ftp ""; // Show ftp command traffic Acquire::Http ""; // Show http command traffic Acquire::Https ""; // Show https debug Acquire::gpgv ""; // Show the gpgv traffic Acquire::cdrom ""; // Show cdrom debug output Acquire::Transaction ""; Acquire::Progress ""; Acquire::Retries ""; // Debugging for retries, especially delays aptcdrom ""; // Show found package files IdentCdrom ""; acquire::netrc ""; // netrc parser RunScripts ""; // debug invocation of external scripts pkgPolicy ""; GetListOfFilesInDir ""; pkgAcqArchive::NoQueue ""; Hashes ""; APT::FtpArchive::Clean ""; EDSP::WriteSolution ""; InstallProgress::Fancy ""; APT::Progress::PackageManagerFd ""; SetupAPTPartialDirectory::AssumeGood ""; Locking ""; Phasing ""; APT::Solver "; }; pkgCacheGen { Essential ""; // native,all, none, installed Protected ""; // native,all, none, installed ForceEssential ""; // package names ForceImportant ""; // package names }; // modify points awarded for various facts about packages while // resolving conflicts in the dependency resolution process pkgProblemResolver::Scores { Required ""; Important ""; Standard ""; Optional ""; Extra ""; Essentials ""; NotObsolete ""; Depends ""; PreDepends ""; Suggests ""; Recommends ""; Conflicts ""; Replaces ""; Obsoletes ""; Breaks ""; Enhances ""; AddProtected ""; AddEssential ""; }; pkgProblemResolver::FixByInstall ""; pkgProblemResolver::MaxCounter ""; APT::FTPArchive::release { Default-Patterns ""; NumericTimezone ""; // set specific fields in the generated Release file Acquire-By-Hash ""; ButAutomaticUpgrades ""; NotAutomatic ""; MD5 ""; SHA1 ""; SHA256 ""; SHA512 ""; Architectures ""; Codename ""; Components ""; Date ""; Description ""; Label ""; Origin ""; Signed-by ""; Suite ""; Version ""; }; Debug::NoDropPrivs ""; APT::Sandbox { User ""; ResetEnvironment ""; Verify "" { Groups ""; IDs ""; Regain ""; }; seccomp "" { print ""; // print what syscall was trapped allow ""; trap ""; }; }; // having both seems wrong dpkgpm::progress ""; dpkg::progress ""; apt::acquire::by-hash ""; acquire::by-hash ""; apt::acquire::*::by-hash ""; acquire::*::by-hash ""; // Unsorted options: Some of those are used only internally help ""; // true if the help message was requested via e.g. --help version ""; // true if the version number was requested via e.g. --version Binary ""; // name of the program run like apt-get, apt-cache, … dir::locale ""; dir::bin::dpkg-source ""; pkgcachefile::generate ""; packagemanager::unpackall ""; packagemanager::configure ""; commandline::asstring ""; edsp::scenario ""; eipp::scenario ""; cd::* ""; // added CDRoms are stored as config orderlist::score::delete ""; orderlist::score::essential ""; orderlist::score::immediate ""; orderlist::score::predepends ""; apt::sources::with ""; apt::moo::color ""; apt::pkgpackagemanager::maxloopcount ""; apt::hashes::*::untrusted ""; apt::list-cleanup ""; apt::authentication::trustcdrom ""; apt::solver::strict-pinning ""; apt::solver::enqueue-common-dependencies ""; apt::solver::upgrade ""; apt::solver::remove ""; apt::solver::removemanual ""; apt::solver::install ""; apt::keep-downloaded-packages ""; apt::solver ""; apt::planner ""; apt::system ""; apt::acquire::translation ""; // deprecated in favor of Acquire::Languages apt::color::highlight ""; apt::color::bold ""; apt::color::neutral ""; apt::output-version ""; dpkgpm::reporting-steps ""; dpkg::chroot-directory ""; dpkg::tools::options::** ""; dpkg::source-options ""; dpkg::progress-fancy ""; dpkg::selection::remove::approved ""; dpkg::remove::crossgrade::implicit ""; dpkg::selection::current::saveandrestore ""; dpkg::use-pty ""; dpkg::lock::timeout ""; apt::cmd::disable-script-warning ""; apt::cmd::show-update-stats ""; apt::cmd::use-format ""; apt::cmd::manual-installed ""; apt::cmd::upgradable ""; apt::cmd::installed ""; apt::cmd::list-include-summary ""; apt::cmd::use-regexp ""; apt::cmd::all-versions ""; apt::cmd::format ""; apt::cmd::pattern-only ""; // internal apt::config::dump::emptyvalue ""; apt::config::dump::format ""; apt::mark::simulate ""; apt::markauto::verbose ""; apt::sortpkgs::source ""; apt::extracttemplates::tempdir ""; apt::key::archivekeyring ""; apt::key::removedkeys ""; apt::key::gpgvcommand ""; apt::key::gpgcommand ""; apt::key::masterkeyring ""; apt::key::archivekeyringuri ""; apt::key::net-update-enabled ""; apt::key::assert-pubkey-algo ""; apt::key::assert-pubkey-algo::next ""; apt::key::assert-pubkey-algo::future ""; apt::ftparchive::release::patterns ""; apt::ftparchive::release::validtime ""; apt::ftparchive::by-hash-keep ""; apt::ftparchive::delinkact ""; apt::ftparchive::md5 ""; apt::ftparchive::sha1 ""; apt::ftparchive::sha256 ""; apt::ftparchive::sha512 ""; apt::ftparchive::dobyhash ""; apt::ftparchive::showcachemisses ""; apt::ftparchive::sources::md5 ""; apt::ftparchive::sources::sha1 ""; apt::ftparchive::sources::sha256 ""; apt::ftparchive::sources::sha512 ""; apt::ftparchive::packages::md5 ""; apt::ftparchive::packages::sha1 ""; apt::ftparchive::packages::sha256 ""; apt::ftparchive::packages::sha512 ""; apt::ftparchive::dobyhash ""; apt::ftparchive::readonlydb ""; apt::ftparchive::nooverridemsg ""; apt::ftparchive::alwaysstat ""; apt::ftparchive::contents ""; apt::ftparchive::contentsonly ""; apt::ftparchive::longdescription ""; apt::ftparchive::includearchitectureall ""; apt::ftparchive::architecture ""; apt::ftparchive::db ""; apt::ftparchive::sourceoverride ""; apt-helper::cat-file::compress ""; acquire::cdrom::mount ""; acquire::maxreleasefilesize ""; acquire::queuehost::limit ""; acquire::max-pipeline-depth ""; acquire::progress::diffpercent ""; acquire::gzipindexes ""; acquire::indextargets::randomized ""; acquire::indextargets::deb::** ""; acquire::indextargets::deb-src::** ""; acquire::progress::ignore::showerrortext ""; acquire::*::dl-limit ""; // catches file: and co which do not have these methods::mirror::problemreporting ""; acquire::http::proxyautodetect ""; acquire::http::proxy-auto-detect ""; acquire::http::proxy::* ""; acquire::https::proxyautodetect ""; acquire::https::proxy-auto-detect ""; acquire::https::proxy::* ""; // Options used by apt-ftparchive dir::archivedir ""; dir::cachedir ""; dir::overridedir ""; filemode ""; longdescription ""; external-links ""; default::contentsage ""; default::maxcontentschange ""; default::filemode ""; default::longdescription ""; default::translation::compress ""; default::contents::compress ""; default::sources::compress ""; default::packages::compress ""; default::sources::extensions ""; default::packages::extensions ""; treedefault::directory ""; treedefault::srcdirectory ""; treedefault::packages ""; treedefault::translation ""; treedefault::internalprefix ""; treedefault::contents ""; treedefault::contents::header ""; treedefault::bincachedb ""; treedefault::srccachedb ""; treedefault::sources ""; treedefault::filelist ""; treedefault::sourcefilelist ""; sections ""; architectures ""; binoverride ""; internalprefix ""; bincachedb ""; directory ""; packages ""; translation ""; contents ""; filelist ""; extraoverride ""; pathprefix ""; srcdirectory ""; sources ""; sourcefilelist ""; srcextraoverride ""; srccachedb ""; srcoverride ""; contents::header ""; packages::compress ""; sources::compress ""; contents::compress ""; translation::compress ""; sources::extensions ""; packages::extensions ""; dir::filelistdir ""; // Internal code. dir::dpkg::tupletable ""; dir::dpkg::triplettable ""; dir::dpkg::cputable ""; Rred::t ""; Rred::f ""; Rred::Compress ""; APT::Internal::OpProgress::Absolute ""; APT::Internal::OpProgress::EraseLines ""; APT::Color ""; APT::Color::Show::Field ""; APT::Color::Show::Package ""; update-manager::always-include-phased-updates ""; update-manager::never-include-phased-updates "";