# nmcli completion -*- shell-script -*- # Use of this file is deprecated. Upstream completion is available in # NetworkManager >=, use that instead. _comp_cmd_nmcli__con_id() { _comp_compgen_split -l -- "$(nmcli con list 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | _comp_awk -F ' {2,}' '{print $1}')" } _comp_cmd_nmcli__con_uuid() { _comp_compgen_split -- "$(nmcli con list 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | _comp_awk -F ' {2,}' '{print $2}')" } _comp_cmd_nmcli__ap_ssid() { _comp_compgen_split -l -- "$(nmcli dev wifi list 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | _comp_awk -F ' {2,}' '{print $1}')" } _comp_cmd_nmcli__ap_bssid() { _comp_compgen_split -- "$(nmcli dev wifi list 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | _comp_awk -F ' {2,}' '{print $2}')" } _comp_cmd_nmcli() { local cur prev words cword comp_args _comp_initialize -- "$@" || return case $prev in -m | --mode) _comp_compgen -- -W 'tabular multiline' return ;; -f | --fields) _comp_compgen -- -W 'all common' return ;; -e | --escape) _comp_compgen -- -W "yes no" return ;; id) _comp_cmd_nmcli__con_id return ;; uuid) _comp_cmd_nmcli__con_uuid return ;; iface) _comp_compgen_available_interfaces return ;; bssid) _comp_cmd_nmcli__ap_bssid return ;; wep-key-type) _comp_compgen -- -W "key phrase" return ;; esac if ((cword == 1)); then if [[ $cur == -* ]]; then _comp_compgen -- -W '--terse --pretty --mode --fields --escape --version --help' else _comp_compgen -- -W "nm con dev" fi else local object=${words[1]} local command=${words[2]} case $object in nm) case $command in enable) _comp_compgen -- -W "true false" return ;; sleep) _comp_compgen -- -W "true false" return ;; wifi) _comp_compgen -- -W "on off" return ;; wwan) _comp_compgen -- -W "on off" return ;; wimax) _comp_compgen -- -W "on off" return ;; esac _comp_compgen -- -W 'status permissions enable sleep wifi wwan wimax' ;; con) case $command in list) _comp_compgen -- -W 'id uuid' return ;; up) if [[ $cur == -* ]]; then _comp_compgen -- -W '--nowait --timeout' else _comp_compgen -- -W 'id uuid iface ap nsp' fi return ;; down) _comp_compgen -- -W 'id uuid' return ;; delete) _comp_compgen -- -W 'id uuid' return ;; esac _comp_compgen -- -W 'list status up down delete' ;; dev) case $command in list) _comp_compgen -- -W 'iface' return ;; disconnect) if [[ $cur == -* ]]; then _comp_compgen -- -W '--nowait --timeout' else _comp_compgen -- -W 'iface' fi return ;; wifi) local subcommand=${words[3]} case $subcommand in list) _comp_compgen -- -W 'iface bssid' return ;; connect) if [[ $cur == -* ]]; then _comp_compgen -- -W '--private --nowait --timeout' else if [[ $prev == "connect" ]]; then _comp_cmd_nmcli__ap_ssid else _comp_compgen -- -W 'password wep-key-type iface bssid name' fi fi return ;; esac _comp_compgen -- -W 'list connect' return ;; esac _comp_compgen -- -W 'status list disconnect wifi' ;; esac fi } && complete -F _comp_cmd_nmcli nmcli # ex: filetype=sh