# mplayer(1) completion -*- shell-script -*- _comp_cmd_mplayer__options() { cur=${cur%\\} _comp_compgen_split -- "$("$1" -noconfig all "$2" help 2>/dev/null | command sed -e '/^Available/,/^$/!d' -e '/^Available/d' | _comp_awk '{print $1}' | command sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/^'"${2#-}"'$//' -e 's/<.*//')" } _comp_cmd_mplayer() { local cur prev words cword comp_args _comp_initialize -n : -- "$@" || return local cmd=${words[0]} i j k=0 case $prev in -[av][cfo] | -[av]fm | -vop | -fstype | -demuxer | -o[av]c | -of | -profile | \ -audio-demuxer | -sub-demuxer) _comp_cmd_mplayer__options "$cmd" "$prev" return ;; -show-profile) _comp_cmd_mplayer__options "$cmd" -profile return ;; -audiofile | -audio-file) _comp_compgen_filedir '@(mp3|mpg|og[ag]|w?(a)v|mid|flac|mka|ac3|ape)' return ;; -font | -subfont) if [[ $prev == -font ]]; then _comp_compgen_filedir '@(desc|ttf)' else _comp_compgen_filedir ttf fi _comp_compgen -a split -l -- "$(fc-list 2>/dev/null)" return ;; -sub | -sub-file) _comp_compgen_filedir '@(srt|sub|txt|utf|rar|mpsub|smi|js|ssa|ass)' return ;; -vobsub) if _comp_compgen_filedir '@(idx|ifo|sub)'; then for i in "${!COMPREPLY[@]}"; do if [[ -f ${COMPREPLY[i]} && -r ${COMPREPLY[i]} ]]; then COMPREPLY[i]=${COMPREPLY[i]%.*} fi done fi return ;; -subcp | -msgcharset) local cp if _comp_split cp "$(iconv --list 2>/dev/null | command sed -e "s@//@@;" 2>/dev/null)"; then if [[ $cur == "${cur,,}" ]]; then _comp_compgen -- -W '"${cp[@],,}"' else _comp_compgen -- -W '"${cp[@]^^}"' fi fi return ;; -ifo) _comp_compgen_filedir ifo return ;; -cuefile) _comp_compgen_filedir '@(bin|cue)' return ;; -skin) # if you don't have installed mplayer in /usr you # may want to set the MPLAYER_SKINS_DIR global variable local -a dirs if [[ $MPLAYER_SKINS_DIR ]]; then _comp_split dirs "$MPLAYER_SKINS_DIR" else dirs=(/usr/share/mplayer/skins /usr/local/share/mplayer/skins) fi if ((${#dirs[@]})); then local -a subdirs for i in ~/.mplayer/skins "${dirs[@]}"; do if [[ -d $i && -r $i ]]; then _comp_compgen -v subdirs -c "$i/$cur" -- -d for j in "${subdirs[@]}"; do COMPREPLY[k++]=${j#"$i/"} done fi done fi return ;; -cdrom-device) _comp_compgen_cd_devices _comp_compgen -a dvd_devices return ;; -dvd-device) _comp_compgen_dvd_devices _comp_compgen -a filedir iso return ;; -bluray-device) _comp_compgen_filedir -d return ;; -mixer | -dvdauth | -fb | -zrdev) _comp_compgen -c "${cur:-/dev/}" filedir return ;; -edl | -edlout | -lircconf | -menu-cfg | -playlist | -csslib | -dumpfile | \ -subfile | -aofile | -fbmodeconfig | -include | -o | -dvdkey | -passlogfile) _comp_compgen_filedir return ;; -autoq | -autosync | -loop | -menu-root | -speed | -sstep | -aid | -alang | \ -bandwidth | -bluray-angle | -bluray-chapter | -cache | -chapter | -dvd-speed | \ -dvdangle | -fps | -frames | -mc | -passwd | -user | -sb | -srate | -ss | -vcd | \ -vi | -vid | -vivo | -ffactor | -sid | -slang | -spualign | -spuaa | -spugauss | \ -vobsubid | -delay | -bpp | -brightness | -contrast | -dfbopts | -display | \ -fbmode | -geometry | -guiwid | -hue | -icelayer | -screen[wh] | -wid | \ -monitor-dotclock | -monitor-[hv]freq | -panscan | \ -saturation | -xineramascreen | -zrcrop | -zrnorm | -zrquality | \ -zr[xy]doff | -zr[vh]dec | -pp | -x | -y | -xy | -z | -stereo | \ -audio-density | -audio-delay | -audio-preload | -endpos | -osdlevel | \ -ffourcc | -sws | -skiplimit | -format | -ofps | -aadriver | \ -aaosdcolor | -aasubcolor | -vobsubout | -vobsuboutid | -vobsuboutindex | \ -sub-bg-alpha | -sub-bg-color | -subdelay | -subfps | -subpos | \ -subalign | -subwidth | -subfont-blur | -subfont-outline | \ -subfont-autoscale | -subfont-encoding | -subfont-osd-scale | \ -subfont-text-scale) return ;; -channels) _comp_compgen -- -W '2 4 6 8' return ;; -aspect | -monitoraspect) _comp_compgen -- -W '1:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 14:9 14:10 16:9 16:10 2.35:1' _comp_ltrim_colon_completions "$cur" return ;; -lavdopts) _comp_compgen -- -W 'bitexact bug= debug= ec= er= fast gray idct= lowres= sb= st= skiploopfilter= skipidct= skipframe= threads= vismv= vstats' return ;; -lavcopts) _comp_compgen -- -W 'vcodec= vqmin= vqscale= vqmax= mbqmin= mbqmax= vqdiff= vmax_b_frames= vme= vhq v4mv keyint= vb_strategy= vpass= aspect= vbitrate= vratetol= vrc_maxrate= vrc_minrate= vrc_buf_size= vb_qfactor= vi_qfactor= vb_qoffset= vi_qoffset= vqblur= vqcomp= vrc_eq= vrc_override= vrc_init_cplx= vqsquish= vlelim= vcelim= vstrict= vdpart vpsize= gray vfdct= idct= lumi_mask= dark_mask= tcplx_mask= scplx_mask= naq ildct format= pred qpel precmp= cmp= subcmp= predia= dia= trell last_pred= preme= subq= psnr mpeg_quant aic umv' return ;; -ssf) _comp_compgen -- -W 'lgb= cgb= ls= cs= chs= cvs=' return ;; -jpeg) _comp_compgen -- -W 'noprogressive progressive nobaseline baseline optimize= smooth= quality= outdir=' return ;; -xvidopts) _comp_compgen -- -W 'dr2 nodr2' return ;; -xvidencopts) _comp_compgen -- -W 'pass= bitrate= fixed_quant= me_quality= 4mv rc_reaction_delay_factor= rc_averaging_period= rc_buffer= quant_range= min_key_interval= max_key_interval= mpeg_quant mod_quant lumi_mask hintedme hintfile debug keyframe_boost= kfthreshold= kfreduction=' return ;; -divx4opts) _comp_compgen -- -W 'br= key= deinterlace q= min_quant= max_quant= rc_period= rc_reaction_period= crispness= rc_reaction_ratio= pass= vbrpass= help' return ;; -info) _comp_compgen -- -W 'name= artist= genre= subject= copyright= srcform= comment= help' return ;; -lameopts) _comp_compgen -- -W 'vbr= abr cbr br= q= aq= ratio= vol= mode= padding= fast preset= help' return ;; -rawaudio) _comp_compgen -- -W 'on channels= rate= samplesize= format=' return ;; -rawvideo) _comp_compgen -- -W 'on fps= sqcif qcif cif 4cif pal ntsc w= h= y420 yv12 yuy2 y8 format= size=' return ;; -aop) _comp_compgen -- -W 'list= delay= format= fout= volume= mul= softclip' return ;; -dxr2) _comp_compgen -- -W 'ar-mode= iec958-encoded iec958-decoded mute ucode= 75ire bw color interlaced macrovision= norm= square-pixel ccir601-pixel cr-left= cr-right= cr-top= cr-bot= ck-rmin= ck-gmin= ck-bmin= ck-rmax= ck-gmax= ck-bmax= ck-r= ck-g= ck-b= ignore-cache= ol-osd= olh-cor= olw-cor= olx-cor= oly-cor= overlay overlay-ratio= update-cache' return ;; -tv) _comp_compgen -- -W 'on noaudio driver= device= input= freq= outfmt= width= height= buffersize= norm= channel= chanlist= audiorate= forceaudio alsa amode= forcechan= adevice= audioid= volume= bass= treble= balance= fps= channels= immediatemode=' return ;; -mf) _comp_compgen -- -W 'on w= h= fps= type=' return ;; -cdda) _comp_compgen -- -W 'speed= paranoia= generic-dev= sector-size= overlap= toc-bias toc-offset= skip noskip' return ;; -input) _comp_compgen -- -W 'conf= ar-delay ar-rate keylist cmdlist js-dev file' return ;; -af-adv) _comp_compgen -- -W 'force= list=' return ;; -noconfig) _comp_compgen -- -W 'all gui system user' return ;; -*) # Assume arg is required for everything else except options # for which -list-options says Type is Flag or Print. $cmd -noconfig all -list-options 2>/dev/null | while read -r i j k; do if [[ $i == "${prev#-}" ]]; then [[ ${j,,} != @(flag|print) ]] && return 1 break fi done || return ;; esac case $cur in -*) _comp_compgen_split -- "$("$cmd" -noconfig all -list-options 2>/dev/null | command sed -ne "1,/^[[:space:]]*Name/d" \ -e "s/^[[:space:]]*/-/" -e "s/[[:space:]:].*//" \ -e "/^-\(Total\|.*\*\)\{0,1\}$/!p")" ;; *) _comp_compgen_filedir '@(m?(j)p?(e)g|M?(J)P?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|ASF|vob|VOB|bin|BIN|dat|DAT|vcd|VCD|ps|PS|pes|PES|fl[iv]|FL[IV]|fxm|FXM|viv|VIV|rm?(j)|RM?(J)|ra?(m)|RA?(M)|yuv|YUV|mov|MOV|qt|QT|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|og[gmavx]|OG[GMAVX]|w?(a)v|W?(A)V|dump|DUMP|mk[av]|MK[AV]|aac|AAC|m2v|M2V|dv|DV|rmvb|RMVB|mid|MID|t[ps]|T[PS]|3g[p2]|3gpp?(2)|mpc|MPC|flac|FLAC|vro|VRO|divx|DIVX|aif?(f)|AIF?(F)|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|vdr|VDR|xvid|XVID|ape|APE|gif|GIF|nut|NUT|bik|BIK|web[am]|WEB[AM]|amr|AMR|awb|AWB|iso|ISO|opus|OPUS|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|xm|XM|it|IT|s[t3]m|S[T3]M|mtm|MTM|w64|W64)?(.@(crdownload|part))' ;; esac } && complete -F _comp_cmd_mplayer mplayer mplayer2 mencoder gmplayer kplayer # ex: filetype=sh