import pytest from conftest import assert_bash_exec, bash_env_saved @pytest.mark.bashcomp(cmd=None, ignore_env=r"^\+declare -f fn$") class TestUnitParseUsage: def test_1(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn; (($? == 1))") assert not output def test_2(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo 'no dashes here'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn; (($? == 1))") assert not output def test_3(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo 'foo [-f]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "-f".split() def test_4(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo 'bar [-aBcD] [-e X]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "-a -B -c -D -e".split() def test_5(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo '[-[XyZ]] [--long=arg]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "-X -y -Z --long=".split() def test_6(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo '[-s|--long]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "--long".split() def test_7(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo '[-s, --long=arg]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "--long=".split() def test_8(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo '[--long/-s] [-S/--longer]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "--long --longer".split() def test_9(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo '[ -a ] [ -b foo ]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "-a -b".split() def test_10(self, bash): assert_bash_exec(bash, "fn() { echo '[ -a | --aa ]'; }") output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "--aa".split() def test_11(self, bash): assert_bash_exec( bash, "fn() { echo ----; echo ---foo; echo '----- bar'; }" ) output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn; (($? == 1))") assert not output def test_12(self, bash): output = assert_bash_exec( bash, "echo '[-duh]' | _parse_usage -", want_output=True ) assert output.split() == "-d -u -h".split() def test_custom_helpopt1(self, bash): assert_bash_exec( bash, "fn() { [[ $1 == -h ]] && echo 'fn [-option]'; true; }" ) output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "_parse_usage fn -h", want_output=True) assert output.split() == "-o -p -t -i -o -n".split() def test_custom_helpopt2(self, bash): assert_bash_exec( bash, "fn() { [[ $1 == '-?' ]] && echo 'fn [-option]'; }" ) output = assert_bash_exec( bash, "_parse_usage fn '-?'", want_output=True ) assert output.split() == "-o -p -t -i -o -n".split() def test_custom_helpopt2_failglob(self, bash): assert_bash_exec( bash, "fn() { [[ $1 == '-?' ]] && echo 'fn [-option]'; }" ) with bash_env_saved(bash) as bash_env: bash_env.shopt("failglob", True) output = assert_bash_exec( bash, "_parse_usage fn '-?'", want_output=True ) assert output.split() == "-o -p -t -i -o -n".split() def test_custom_helpopt2_nullglob(self, bash): assert_bash_exec( bash, "fn() { [[ $1 == '-?' ]] && echo 'fn [-option]'; }" ) with bash_env_saved(bash) as bash_env: bash_env.shopt("nullglob", True) output = assert_bash_exec( bash, "_parse_usage fn '-?'", want_output=True ) assert output.split() == "-o -p -t -i -o -n".split()