import os import pytest from conftest import assert_bash_exec, bash_env_saved @pytest.mark.bashcomp(cmd=None, ignore_env=r"^\+(COMPREPLY|cur)=") class TestUnitPgids: def test_smoke(self, bash): with bash_env_saved(bash) as bash_env: bash_env.write_variable("cur", "") assert_bash_exec(bash, "_comp_compgen_pgids >/dev/null") def test_non_pollution(self, bash): """Test environment non-pollution, detected at teardown.""" assert_bash_exec( bash, "foo() { local cur=; _comp_compgen_pgids; }; foo; unset -f foo", ) def test_ints(self, bash): """Test that we get something sensible, and only int'y strings.""" with bash_env_saved(bash) as bash_env: bash_env.write_variable("cur", "") completion = assert_bash_exec( bash, r'_comp_compgen_pgids; printf "%s\n" "${COMPREPLY[@]}"', want_output=True, ).split() assert completion if hasattr(os, "getpgid"): assert str(os.getpgid(0)) in completion assert all(x.isdigit() for x in completion)