path: root/crates/resolver-tests/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crates/resolver-tests/src/')
1 files changed, 991 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crates/resolver-tests/src/ b/crates/resolver-tests/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ffb6c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/resolver-tests/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::cmp::PartialEq;
+use std::cmp::{max, min};
+use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::fmt;
+use std::fmt::Write;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::task::Poll;
+use std::time::Instant;
+use cargo::core::dependency::DepKind;
+use cargo::core::resolver::{self, ResolveOpts, VersionPreferences};
+use cargo::core::source::{GitReference, QueryKind, SourceId};
+use cargo::core::Resolve;
+use cargo::core::{Dependency, PackageId, Registry, Summary};
+use cargo::util::{CargoResult, Config, Graph, IntoUrl};
+use proptest::collection::{btree_map, vec};
+use proptest::prelude::*;
+use proptest::sample::Index;
+use proptest::string::string_regex;
+use varisat::{self, ExtendFormula};
+pub fn resolve(deps: Vec<Dependency>, registry: &[Summary]) -> CargoResult<Vec<PackageId>> {
+ resolve_with_config(deps, registry, &Config::default().unwrap())
+pub fn resolve_and_validated(
+ deps: Vec<Dependency>,
+ registry: &[Summary],
+ sat_resolve: Option<SatResolve>,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<PackageId>> {
+ let resolve = resolve_with_config_raw(deps.clone(), registry, &Config::default().unwrap());
+ match resolve {
+ Err(e) => {
+ let sat_resolve = sat_resolve.unwrap_or_else(|| SatResolve::new(registry));
+ if sat_resolve.sat_resolve(&deps) {
+ panic!(
+ "the resolve err but the sat_resolve thinks this will work:\n{}",
+ sat_resolve.use_packages().unwrap()
+ );
+ }
+ Err(e)
+ }
+ Ok(resolve) => {
+ let mut stack = vec![pkg_id("root")];
+ let mut used = HashSet::new();
+ let mut links = HashSet::new();
+ while let Some(p) = stack.pop() {
+ assert!(resolve.contains(&p));
+ if used.insert(p) {
+ // in the tests all `links` crates end in `-sys`
+ if"-sys") {
+ assert!(links.insert(;
+ }
+ stack.extend(resolve.deps(p).map(|(dp, deps)| {
+ for d in deps {
+ assert!(d.matches_id(dp));
+ }
+ dp
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ let out = resolve.sort();
+ assert_eq!(out.len(), used.len());
+ let mut pub_deps: HashMap<PackageId, HashSet<_>> = HashMap::new();
+ for &p in out.iter() {
+ // make the list of `p` public dependencies
+ let mut self_pub_dep = HashSet::new();
+ self_pub_dep.insert(p);
+ for (dp, deps) in resolve.deps(p) {
+ if deps.iter().any(|d| d.is_public()) {
+ self_pub_dep.extend(pub_deps[&dp].iter().cloned())
+ }
+ }
+ pub_deps.insert(p, self_pub_dep);
+ // check if `p` has a public dependencies conflicts
+ let seen_dep: BTreeSet<_> = resolve
+ .deps(p)
+ .flat_map(|(dp, _)| pub_deps[&dp].iter().cloned())
+ .collect();
+ let seen_dep: Vec<_> = seen_dep.iter().collect();
+ for a in {
+ if a[0].name() == a[1].name() {
+ panic!(
+ "the package {:?} can publicly see {:?} and {:?}",
+ p, a[0], a[1]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let sat_resolve = sat_resolve.unwrap_or_else(|| SatResolve::new(registry));
+ if !sat_resolve.sat_is_valid_solution(&out) {
+ panic!(
+ "the sat_resolve err but the resolve thinks this will work:\n{:?}",
+ resolve
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(out)
+ }
+ }
+pub fn resolve_with_config(
+ deps: Vec<Dependency>,
+ registry: &[Summary],
+ config: &Config,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<PackageId>> {
+ let resolve = resolve_with_config_raw(deps, registry, config)?;
+ Ok(resolve.sort())
+pub fn resolve_with_config_raw(
+ deps: Vec<Dependency>,
+ registry: &[Summary],
+ config: &Config,
+) -> CargoResult<Resolve> {
+ struct MyRegistry<'a> {
+ list: &'a [Summary],
+ used: HashSet<PackageId>,
+ }
+ impl<'a> Registry for MyRegistry<'a> {
+ fn query(
+ &mut self,
+ dep: &Dependency,
+ kind: QueryKind,
+ f: &mut dyn FnMut(Summary),
+ ) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>> {
+ for summary in self.list.iter() {
+ let matched = match kind {
+ QueryKind::Exact => dep.matches(summary),
+ QueryKind::Fuzzy => true,
+ };
+ if matched {
+ self.used.insert(summary.package_id());
+ f(summary.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ Poll::Ready(Ok(()))
+ }
+ fn describe_source(&self, _src: SourceId) -> String {
+ String::new()
+ }
+ fn is_replaced(&self, _src: SourceId) -> bool {
+ false
+ }
+ fn block_until_ready(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ impl<'a> Drop for MyRegistry<'a> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if std::thread::panicking() && self.list.len() != self.used.len() {
+ // we found a case that causes a panic and did not use all of the input.
+ // lets print the part of the input that was used for minimization.
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ PrettyPrintRegistry(
+ self.list
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|s| { self.used.contains(&s.package_id()) })
+ .cloned()
+ .collect()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut registry = MyRegistry {
+ list: registry,
+ used: HashSet::new(),
+ };
+ let summary = Summary::new(
+ config,
+ pkg_id("root"),
+ deps,
+ &BTreeMap::new(),
+ None::<&String>,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let opts = ResolveOpts::everything();
+ let start = Instant::now();
+ let resolve = resolver::resolve(
+ &[(summary, opts)],
+ &[],
+ &mut registry,
+ &VersionPreferences::default(),
+ Some(config),
+ true,
+ );
+ // The largest test in our suite takes less then 30 sec.
+ // So lets fail the test if we have ben running for two long.
+ assert!(start.elapsed().as_secs() < 60);
+ resolve
+const fn num_bits<T>() -> usize {
+ std::mem::size_of::<T>() * 8
+fn log_bits(x: usize) -> usize {
+ if x == 0 {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert!(x > 0);
+ (num_bits::<usize>() as u32 - x.leading_zeros()) as usize
+fn sat_at_most_one(solver: &mut impl varisat::ExtendFormula, vars: &[varisat::Var]) {
+ if vars.len() <= 1 {
+ return;
+ } else if vars.len() == 2 {
+ solver.add_clause(&[vars[0].negative(), vars[1].negative()]);
+ return;
+ } else if vars.len() == 3 {
+ solver.add_clause(&[vars[0].negative(), vars[1].negative()]);
+ solver.add_clause(&[vars[0].negative(), vars[2].negative()]);
+ solver.add_clause(&[vars[1].negative(), vars[2].negative()]);
+ return;
+ }
+ // use the "Binary Encoding" from
+ //
+ let bits: Vec<varisat::Var> = solver.new_var_iter(log_bits(vars.len())).collect();
+ for (i, p) in vars.iter().enumerate() {
+ for b in 0..bits.len() {
+ solver.add_clause(&[p.negative(), bits[b].lit(((1 << b) & i) > 0)]);
+ }
+ }
+fn sat_at_most_one_by_key<K: std::hash::Hash + Eq>(
+ cnf: &mut impl varisat::ExtendFormula,
+ data: impl Iterator<Item = (K, varisat::Var)>,
+) -> HashMap<K, Vec<varisat::Var>> {
+ // no two packages with the same links set
+ let mut by_keys: HashMap<K, Vec<varisat::Var>> = HashMap::new();
+ for (p, v) in data {
+ by_keys.entry(p).or_default().push(v)
+ }
+ for key in by_keys.values() {
+ sat_at_most_one(cnf, key);
+ }
+ by_keys
+/// Resolution can be reduced to the SAT problem. So this is an alternative implementation
+/// of the resolver that uses a SAT library for the hard work. This is intended to be easy to read,
+/// as compared to the real resolver.
+/// For the subset of functionality that are currently made by `registry_strategy` this will,
+/// find a valid resolution if one exists. The big thing that the real resolver does,
+/// that this one does not do is work with features and optional dependencies.
+/// The SAT library dose not optimize for the newer version,
+/// so the selected packages may not match the real resolver.
+pub struct SatResolve(Rc<RefCell<SatResolveInner>>);
+struct SatResolveInner {
+ solver: varisat::Solver<'static>,
+ var_for_is_packages_used: HashMap<PackageId, varisat::Var>,
+ by_name: HashMap<&'static str, Vec<PackageId>>,
+impl SatResolve {
+ pub fn new(registry: &[Summary]) -> Self {
+ let mut cnf = varisat::CnfFormula::new();
+ let var_for_is_packages_used: HashMap<PackageId, varisat::Var> = registry
+ .iter()
+ .map(|s| (s.package_id(), cnf.new_var()))
+ .collect();
+ // no two packages with the same links set
+ sat_at_most_one_by_key(
+ &mut cnf,
+ registry
+ .iter()
+ .map(|s| (s.links(), var_for_is_packages_used[&s.package_id()]))
+ .filter(|(l, _)| l.is_some()),
+ );
+ // no two semver compatible versions of the same package
+ let by_activations_keys = sat_at_most_one_by_key(
+ &mut cnf,
+ var_for_is_packages_used
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(p, &v)| (p.as_activations_key(), v)),
+ );
+ let mut by_name: HashMap<&'static str, Vec<PackageId>> = HashMap::new();
+ for p in registry.iter() {
+ by_name
+ .entry(
+ .or_default()
+ .push(p.package_id())
+ }
+ let empty_vec = vec![];
+ let mut graph: Graph<PackageId, ()> = Graph::new();
+ let mut version_selected_for: HashMap<
+ PackageId,
+ HashMap<Dependency, HashMap<_, varisat::Var>>,
+ > = HashMap::new();
+ // active packages need each of there `deps` to be satisfied
+ for p in registry.iter() {
+ graph.add(p.package_id());
+ for dep in p.dependencies() {
+ // This can more easily be written as:
+ // !is_active(p) or one of the things that match dep is_active
+ // All the complexity, from here to the end, is to support public and private dependencies!
+ let mut by_key: HashMap<_, Vec<varisat::Lit>> = HashMap::new();
+ for &m in by_name
+ .get(dep.package_name().as_str())
+ .unwrap_or(&empty_vec)
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|&p| dep.matches_id(*p))
+ {
+, m);
+ by_key
+ .entry(m.as_activations_key())
+ .or_default()
+ .push(var_for_is_packages_used[&m].positive());
+ }
+ let keys: HashMap<_, _> = by_key.keys().map(|&k| (k, cnf.new_var())).collect();
+ // if `p` is active then we need to select one of the keys
+ let matches: Vec<_> = keys
+ .values()
+ .map(|v| v.positive())
+ .chain(Some(var_for_is_packages_used[&p.package_id()].negative()))
+ .collect();
+ cnf.add_clause(&matches);
+ // if a key is active then we need to select one of the versions
+ for (key, vars) in by_key.iter() {
+ let mut matches = vars.clone();
+ matches.push(keys[key].negative());
+ cnf.add_clause(&matches);
+ }
+ version_selected_for
+ .entry(p.package_id())
+ .or_default()
+ .insert(dep.clone(), keys);
+ }
+ }
+ let topological_order = graph.sort();
+ // we already ensure there is only one version for each `activations_key` so we can think of
+ // `publicly_exports` as being in terms of a set of `activations_key`s
+ let mut publicly_exports: HashMap<_, HashMap<_, varisat::Var>> = HashMap::new();
+ for &key in by_activations_keys.keys() {
+ // everything publicly depends on itself
+ let var = publicly_exports
+ .entry(key)
+ .or_default()
+ .entry(key)
+ .or_insert_with(|| cnf.new_var());
+ cnf.add_clause(&[var.positive()]);
+ }
+ // if a `dep` is public then `p` `publicly_exports` all the things that the selected version `publicly_exports`
+ for &p in topological_order.iter() {
+ if let Some(deps) = version_selected_for.get(&p) {
+ let mut p_exports = publicly_exports.remove(&p.as_activations_key()).unwrap();
+ for (_, versions) in deps.iter().filter(|(d, _)| d.is_public()) {
+ for (ver, sel) in versions {
+ for (&export_pid, &export_var) in publicly_exports[ver].iter() {
+ let our_var =
+ p_exports.entry(export_pid).or_insert_with(|| cnf.new_var());
+ cnf.add_clause(&[
+ sel.negative(),
+ export_var.negative(),
+ our_var.positive(),
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ publicly_exports.insert(p.as_activations_key(), p_exports);
+ }
+ }
+ // we already ensure there is only one version for each `activations_key` so we can think of
+ // `can_see` as being in terms of a set of `activations_key`s
+ // and if `p` `publicly_exports` `export` then it `can_see` `export`
+ let mut can_see: HashMap<_, HashMap<_, varisat::Var>> = HashMap::new();
+ // if `p` has a `dep` that selected `ver` then it `can_see` all the things that the selected version `publicly_exports`
+ for (&p, deps) in version_selected_for.iter() {
+ let p_can_see = can_see.entry(p).or_default();
+ for (_, versions) in deps.iter() {
+ for (&ver, sel) in versions {
+ for (&export_pid, &export_var) in publicly_exports[&ver].iter() {
+ let our_var = p_can_see.entry(export_pid).or_insert_with(|| cnf.new_var());
+ cnf.add_clause(&[
+ sel.negative(),
+ export_var.negative(),
+ our_var.positive(),
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // a package `can_see` only one version by each name
+ for (_, see) in can_see.iter() {
+ sat_at_most_one_by_key(&mut cnf, see.iter().map(|((name, _, _), &v)| (name, v)));
+ }
+ let mut solver = varisat::Solver::new();
+ solver.add_formula(&cnf);
+ // We dont need to `solve` now. We know that "use nothing" will satisfy all the clauses so far.
+ // But things run faster if we let it spend some time figuring out how the constraints interact before we add assumptions.
+ solver
+ .solve()
+ .expect("docs say it can't error in default config");
+ SatResolve(Rc::new(RefCell::new(SatResolveInner {
+ solver,
+ var_for_is_packages_used,
+ by_name,
+ })))
+ }
+ pub fn sat_resolve(&self, deps: &[Dependency]) -> bool {
+ let mut s = self.0.borrow_mut();
+ let mut assumption = vec![];
+ let mut this_call = None;
+ // the starting `deps` need to be satisfied
+ for dep in deps.iter() {
+ let empty_vec = vec![];
+ let matches: Vec<varisat::Lit> = s
+ .by_name
+ .get(dep.package_name().as_str())
+ .unwrap_or(&empty_vec)
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|&p| dep.matches_id(*p))
+ .map(|p| s.var_for_is_packages_used[p].positive())
+ .collect();
+ if matches.is_empty() {
+ return false;
+ } else if matches.len() == 1 {
+ assumption.extend_from_slice(&matches)
+ } else {
+ if this_call.is_none() {
+ let new_var = s.solver.new_var();
+ this_call = Some(new_var);
+ assumption.push(new_var.positive());
+ }
+ let mut matches = matches;
+ matches.push(this_call.unwrap().negative());
+ s.solver.add_clause(&matches);
+ }
+ }
+ s.solver.assume(&assumption);
+ s.solver
+ .solve()
+ .expect("docs say it can't error in default config")
+ }
+ pub fn sat_is_valid_solution(&self, pids: &[PackageId]) -> bool {
+ let mut s = self.0.borrow_mut();
+ for p in pids {
+ if != "root" && !s.var_for_is_packages_used.contains_key(p) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ let assumption: Vec<_> = s
+ .var_for_is_packages_used
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(p, v)| v.lit(pids.contains(p)))
+ .collect();
+ s.solver.assume(&assumption);
+ s.solver
+ .solve()
+ .expect("docs say it can't error in default config")
+ }
+ fn use_packages(&self) -> Option<String> {
+ self.0.borrow().solver.model().map(|lits| {
+ let lits: HashSet<_> = lits
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|l| l.is_positive())
+ .map(|l| l.var())
+ .collect();
+ let mut out = String::new();
+ out.push_str("used:\n");
+ for (p, v) in self.0.borrow().var_for_is_packages_used.iter() {
+ if lits.contains(v) {
+ writeln!(&mut out, " {}", p).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ out
+ })
+ }
+pub trait ToDep {
+ fn to_dep(self) -> Dependency;
+impl ToDep for &'static str {
+ fn to_dep(self) -> Dependency {
+ Dependency::parse(self, Some("1.0.0"), registry_loc()).unwrap()
+ }
+impl ToDep for Dependency {
+ fn to_dep(self) -> Dependency {
+ self
+ }
+pub trait ToPkgId {
+ fn to_pkgid(&self) -> PackageId;
+impl ToPkgId for PackageId {
+ fn to_pkgid(&self) -> PackageId {
+ *self
+ }
+impl<'a> ToPkgId for &'a str {
+ fn to_pkgid(&self) -> PackageId {
+ PackageId::new(*self, "1.0.0", registry_loc()).unwrap()
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<str>, U: AsRef<str>> ToPkgId for (T, U) {
+ fn to_pkgid(&self) -> PackageId {
+ let (name, vers) = self;
+ PackageId::new(name.as_ref(), vers.as_ref(), registry_loc()).unwrap()
+ }
+macro_rules! pkg {
+ ($pkgid:expr => [$($deps:expr),+ $(,)* ]) => ({
+ let d: Vec<Dependency> = vec![$($deps.to_dep()),+];
+ $crate::pkg_dep($pkgid, d)
+ });
+ ($pkgid:expr) => ({
+ $crate::pkg($pkgid)
+ })
+fn registry_loc() -> SourceId {
+ lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+ static ref EXAMPLE_DOT_COM: SourceId =
+ SourceId::for_registry(&"".into_url().unwrap()).unwrap();
+ }
+pub fn pkg<T: ToPkgId>(name: T) -> Summary {
+ pkg_dep(name, Vec::new())
+pub fn pkg_dep<T: ToPkgId>(name: T, dep: Vec<Dependency>) -> Summary {
+ let pkgid = name.to_pkgid();
+ let link = if"-sys") {
+ Some(
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Summary::new(
+ &Config::default().unwrap(),
+ name.to_pkgid(),
+ dep,
+ &BTreeMap::new(),
+ link,
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+pub fn pkg_id(name: &str) -> PackageId {
+ PackageId::new(name, "1.0.0", registry_loc()).unwrap()
+fn pkg_id_loc(name: &str, loc: &str) -> PackageId {
+ let remote = loc.into_url();
+ let master = GitReference::Branch("master".to_string());
+ let source_id = SourceId::for_git(&remote.unwrap(), master).unwrap();
+ PackageId::new(name, "1.0.0", source_id).unwrap()
+pub fn pkg_loc(name: &str, loc: &str) -> Summary {
+ let link = if name.ends_with("-sys") {
+ Some(name)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Summary::new(
+ &Config::default().unwrap(),
+ pkg_id_loc(name, loc),
+ Vec::new(),
+ &BTreeMap::new(),
+ link,
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+pub fn remove_dep(sum: &Summary, ind: usize) -> Summary {
+ let mut deps = sum.dependencies().to_vec();
+ deps.remove(ind);
+ // note: more things will need to be copied over in the future, but it works for now.
+ Summary::new(
+ &Config::default().unwrap(),
+ sum.package_id(),
+ deps,
+ &BTreeMap::new(),
+ sum.links().map(|a| a.as_str()),
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+pub fn dep(name: &str) -> Dependency {
+ dep_req(name, "*")
+pub fn dep_req(name: &str, req: &str) -> Dependency {
+ Dependency::parse(name, Some(req), registry_loc()).unwrap()
+pub fn dep_req_kind(name: &str, req: &str, kind: DepKind, public: bool) -> Dependency {
+ let mut dep = dep_req(name, req);
+ dep.set_kind(kind);
+ dep.set_public(public);
+ dep
+pub fn dep_loc(name: &str, location: &str) -> Dependency {
+ let url = location.into_url().unwrap();
+ let master = GitReference::Branch("master".to_string());
+ let source_id = SourceId::for_git(&url, master).unwrap();
+ Dependency::parse(name, Some("1.0.0"), source_id).unwrap()
+pub fn dep_kind(name: &str, kind: DepKind) -> Dependency {
+ dep(name).set_kind(kind).clone()
+pub fn registry(pkgs: Vec<Summary>) -> Vec<Summary> {
+ pkgs
+pub fn names<P: ToPkgId>(names: &[P]) -> Vec<PackageId> {
+ names.iter().map(|name| name.to_pkgid()).collect()
+pub fn loc_names(names: &[(&'static str, &'static str)]) -> Vec<PackageId> {
+ names
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&(name, loc)| pkg_id_loc(name, loc))
+ .collect()
+/// By default `Summary` and `Dependency` have a very verbose `Debug` representation.
+/// This replaces with a representation that uses constructors from this file.
+/// If `registry_strategy` is improved to modify more fields
+/// then this needs to update to display the corresponding constructor.
+pub struct PrettyPrintRegistry(pub Vec<Summary>);
+impl fmt::Debug for PrettyPrintRegistry {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "vec![")?;
+ for s in &self.0 {
+ if s.dependencies().is_empty() {
+ write!(f, "pkg!((\"{}\", \"{}\")),",, s.version())?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, "pkg!((\"{}\", \"{}\") => [",, s.version())?;
+ for d in s.dependencies() {
+ if d.kind() == DepKind::Normal
+ && &d.version_req().to_string() == "*"
+ && !d.is_public()
+ {
+ write!(f, "dep(\"{}\"),", d.name_in_toml())?;
+ } else if d.kind() == DepKind::Normal && !d.is_public() {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "dep_req(\"{}\", \"{}\"),",
+ d.name_in_toml(),
+ d.version_req()
+ )?;
+ } else {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "dep_req_kind(\"{}\", \"{}\", {}, {}),",
+ d.name_in_toml(),
+ d.version_req(),
+ match d.kind() {
+ DepKind::Development => "DepKind::Development",
+ DepKind::Build => "DepKind::Build",
+ DepKind::Normal => "DepKind::Normal",
+ },
+ d.is_public()
+ )?;
+ }
+ }
+ write!(f, "]),")?;
+ }
+ }
+ write!(f, "]")
+ }
+fn meta_test_deep_pretty_print_registry() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ &format!(
+ "{:?}",
+ PrettyPrintRegistry(vec![
+ pkg!(("foo", "1.0.1") => [dep_req("bar", "1")]),
+ pkg!(("foo", "1.0.0") => [dep_req("bar", "2")]),
+ pkg!(("foo", "2.0.0") => [dep_req("bar", "*")]),
+ pkg!(("bar", "1.0.0") => [dep_req("baz", "=1.0.2"),
+ dep_req("other", "1")]),
+ pkg!(("bar", "2.0.0") => [dep_req("baz", "=1.0.1")]),
+ pkg!(("baz", "1.0.2") => [dep_req("other", "2")]),
+ pkg!(("baz", "1.0.1")),
+ pkg!(("cat", "1.0.2") => [dep_req_kind("other", "2", DepKind::Build, false)]),
+ pkg!(("cat", "1.0.3") => [dep_req_kind("other", "2", DepKind::Development, false)]),
+ pkg!(("dep_req", "1.0.0")),
+ pkg!(("dep_req", "2.0.0")),
+ ])
+ ),
+ "vec![pkg!((\"foo\", \"1.0.1\") => [dep_req(\"bar\", \"^1\"),]),\
+ pkg!((\"foo\", \"1.0.0\") => [dep_req(\"bar\", \"^2\"),]),\
+ pkg!((\"foo\", \"2.0.0\") => [dep(\"bar\"),]),\
+ pkg!((\"bar\", \"1.0.0\") => [dep_req(\"baz\", \"=1.0.2\"),dep_req(\"other\", \"^1\"),]),\
+ pkg!((\"bar\", \"2.0.0\") => [dep_req(\"baz\", \"=1.0.1\"),]),\
+ pkg!((\"baz\", \"1.0.2\") => [dep_req(\"other\", \"^2\"),]),\
+ pkg!((\"baz\", \"1.0.1\")),\
+ pkg!((\"cat\", \"1.0.2\") => [dep_req_kind(\"other\", \"^2\", DepKind::Build, false),]),\
+ pkg!((\"cat\", \"1.0.3\") => [dep_req_kind(\"other\", \"^2\", DepKind::Development, false),]),\
+ pkg!((\"dep_req\", \"1.0.0\")),\
+ pkg!((\"dep_req\", \"2.0.0\")),]"
+ )
+/// This generates a random registry index.
+/// Unlike vec((Name, Ver, vec((Name, VerRq), ..), ..)
+/// This strategy has a high probability of having valid dependencies
+pub fn registry_strategy(
+ max_crates: usize,
+ max_versions: usize,
+ shrinkage: usize,
+) -> impl Strategy<Value = PrettyPrintRegistry> {
+ let name = string_regex("[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*(-sys)?").unwrap();
+ let raw_version = ..max_versions.pow(3);
+ let version_from_raw = move |r: usize| {
+ let major = ((r / max_versions) / max_versions) % max_versions;
+ let minor = (r / max_versions) % max_versions;
+ let patch = r % max_versions;
+ format!("{}.{}.{}", major, minor, patch)
+ };
+ // If this is false then the crate will depend on the nonexistent "bad"
+ // instead of the complex set we generated for it.
+ let allow_deps = prop::bool::weighted(0.99);
+ let list_of_versions =
+ btree_map(raw_version, allow_deps, 1..=max_versions).prop_map(move |ver| {
+ ver.into_iter()
+ .map(|a| (version_from_raw(a.0), a.1))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ });
+ let list_of_crates_with_versions =
+ btree_map(name, list_of_versions, 1..=max_crates).prop_map(|mut vers| {
+ // root is the name of the thing being compiled
+ // so it would be confusing to have it in the index
+ vers.remove("root");
+ // bad is a name reserved for a dep that won't work
+ vers.remove("bad");
+ vers
+ });
+ // each version of each crate can depend on each crate smaller then it.
+ // In theory shrinkage should be 2, but in practice we get better trees with a larger value.
+ let max_deps = max_versions * (max_crates * (max_crates - 1)) / shrinkage;
+ let raw_version_range = (any::<Index>(), any::<Index>());
+ let raw_dependency = (
+ any::<Index>(),
+ any::<Index>(),
+ raw_version_range,
+ 0..=1,
+ Just(false),
+ // TODO: ^ this needs to be set back to `any::<bool>()` and work before public & private dependencies can stabilize
+ );
+ fn order_index(a: Index, b: Index, size: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
+ let (a, b) = (a.index(size), b.index(size));
+ (min(a, b), max(a, b))
+ }
+ let list_of_raw_dependency = vec(raw_dependency, ..=max_deps);
+ // By default a package depends only on other packages that have a smaller name,
+ // this helps make sure that all things in the resulting index are DAGs.
+ // If this is true then the DAG is maintained with grater instead.
+ let reverse_alphabetical = any::<bool>().no_shrink();
+ (
+ list_of_crates_with_versions,
+ list_of_raw_dependency,
+ reverse_alphabetical,
+ )
+ .prop_map(
+ |(crate_vers_by_name, raw_dependencies, reverse_alphabetical)| {
+ let list_of_pkgid: Vec<_> = crate_vers_by_name
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|(name, vers)| vers.iter().map(move |x| ((name.as_str(), &x.0), x.1)))
+ .collect();
+ let len_all_pkgid = list_of_pkgid.len();
+ let mut dependency_by_pkgid = vec![vec![]; len_all_pkgid];
+ for (a, b, (c, d), k, p) in raw_dependencies {
+ let (a, b) = order_index(a, b, len_all_pkgid);
+ let (a, b) = if reverse_alphabetical { (b, a) } else { (a, b) };
+ let ((dep_name, _), _) = list_of_pkgid[a];
+ if (list_of_pkgid[b].0).0 == dep_name {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let s = &crate_vers_by_name[dep_name];
+ let s_last_index = s.len() - 1;
+ let (c, d) = order_index(c, d, s.len());
+ dependency_by_pkgid[b].push(dep_req_kind(
+ dep_name,
+ &if c == 0 && d == s_last_index {
+ "*".to_string()
+ } else if c == 0 {
+ format!("<={}", s[d].0)
+ } else if d == s_last_index {
+ format!(">={}", s[c].0)
+ } else if c == d {
+ format!("={}", s[c].0)
+ } else {
+ format!(">={}, <={}", s[c].0, s[d].0)
+ },
+ match k {
+ 0 => DepKind::Normal,
+ 1 => DepKind::Build,
+ // => DepKind::Development, // Development has no impact so don't gen
+ _ => panic!("bad index for DepKind"),
+ },
+ p && k == 0,
+ ))
+ }
+ let mut out: Vec<Summary> = list_of_pkgid
+ .into_iter()
+ .zip(dependency_by_pkgid.into_iter())
+ .map(|(((name, ver), allow_deps), deps)| {
+ pkg_dep(
+ (name, ver).to_pkgid(),
+ if !allow_deps {
+ vec![dep_req("bad", "*")]
+ } else {
+ let mut deps = deps;
+ deps.sort_by_key(|d| d.name_in_toml());
+ deps.dedup_by_key(|d| d.name_in_toml());
+ deps
+ },
+ )
+ })
+ .collect();
+ if reverse_alphabetical {
+ // make sure the complicated cases are at the end
+ out.reverse();
+ }
+ PrettyPrintRegistry(out)
+ },
+ )
+/// This test is to test the generator to ensure
+/// that it makes registries with large dependency trees
+fn meta_test_deep_trees_from_strategy() {
+ use proptest::strategy::ValueTree;
+ use proptest::test_runner::TestRunner;
+ let mut dis = [0; 21];
+ let strategy = registry_strategy(50, 20, 60);
+ let mut test_runner = TestRunner::deterministic();
+ for _ in 0..128 {
+ let PrettyPrintRegistry(input) = strategy
+ .new_tree(&mut TestRunner::new_with_rng(
+ Default::default(),
+ test_runner.new_rng(),
+ ))
+ .unwrap()
+ .current();
+ let reg = registry(input.clone());
+ for this in input.iter().rev().take(10) {
+ let res = resolve(
+ vec![dep_req(&, &format!("={}", this.version()))],
+ &reg,
+ );
+ dis[res
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|x| min(x.len(), dis.len()) - 1)
+ .unwrap_or(0)] += 1;
+ if dis.iter().all(|&x| x > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ panic!(
+ "In 1280 tries we did not see a wide enough distribution of dependency trees! dis: {:?}",
+ dis
+ );
+/// This test is to test the generator to ensure
+/// that it makes registries that include multiple versions of the same library
+fn meta_test_multiple_versions_strategy() {
+ use proptest::strategy::ValueTree;
+ use proptest::test_runner::TestRunner;
+ let mut dis = [0; 10];
+ let strategy = registry_strategy(50, 20, 60);
+ let mut test_runner = TestRunner::deterministic();
+ for _ in 0..128 {
+ let PrettyPrintRegistry(input) = strategy
+ .new_tree(&mut TestRunner::new_with_rng(
+ Default::default(),
+ test_runner.new_rng(),
+ ))
+ .unwrap()
+ .current();
+ let reg = registry(input.clone());
+ for this in input.iter().rev().take(10) {
+ let res = resolve(
+ vec![dep_req(&, &format!("={}", this.version()))],
+ &reg,
+ );
+ if let Ok(mut res) = res {
+ let res_len = res.len();
+ res.sort_by_key(|s|;
+ res.dedup_by_key(|s|;
+ dis[min(res_len - res.len(), dis.len() - 1)] += 1;
+ }
+ if dis.iter().all(|&x| x > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ panic!(
+ "In 1280 tries we did not see a wide enough distribution of multiple versions of the same library! dis: {:?}",
+ dis
+ );
+/// Assert `xs` contains `elems`
+pub fn assert_contains<A: PartialEq>(xs: &[A], elems: &[A]) {
+ for elem in elems {
+ assert!(xs.contains(elem));
+ }
+pub fn assert_same<A: PartialEq>(a: &[A], b: &[A]) {
+ assert_eq!(a.len(), b.len());
+ assert_contains(b, a);