path: root/tests/testsuite/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/testsuite/')
1 files changed, 1510 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testsuite/ b/tests/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c29a6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,1510 @@
+//! Tests for the `cargo run` command.
+use cargo_test_support::{basic_bin_manifest, basic_lib_manifest, project, Project};
+use cargo_util::paths::dylib_path_envvar;
+fn simple() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/foo[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+ assert!(p.bin("foo").is_file());
+fn quiet_arg() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -q").with_stderr("").with_stdout("hello").run();
+ p.cargo("run --quiet")
+ .with_stderr("")
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn quiet_arg_and_verbose_arg() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -q -v")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr("[ERROR] cannot set both --verbose and --quiet")
+ .run();
+fn quiet_arg_and_verbose_config() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ ".cargo/config",
+ r#"
+ [term]
+ verbose = true
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -q").with_stderr("").with_stdout("hello").run();
+fn verbose_arg_and_quiet_config() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ ".cargo/config",
+ r#"
+ [term]
+ quiet = true
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -v")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[RUNNING] `rustc [..]
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/foo[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn quiet_config_alone() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ ".cargo/config",
+ r#"
+ [term]
+ quiet = true
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run").with_stderr("").with_stdout("hello").run();
+fn verbose_config_alone() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ ".cargo/config",
+ r#"
+ [term]
+ verbose = true
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[RUNNING] `rustc [..]
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/foo[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn quiet_config_and_verbose_config() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ ".cargo/config",
+ r#"
+ [term]
+ verbose = true
+ quiet = true
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr("[ERROR] cannot set both `term.verbose` and `term.quiet`")
+ .run();
+fn simple_with_args() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ r#"
+ fn main() {
+ assert_eq!(std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap(), "hello");
+ assert_eq!(std::env::args().nth(2).unwrap(), "world");
+ }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run hello world").run();
+fn simple_with_non_utf8_args() {
+ use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ r#"
+ use std::ffi::OsStr;
+ use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+ fn main() {
+ assert_eq!(std::env::args_os().nth(1).unwrap(), OsStr::from_bytes(b"hello"));
+ assert_eq!(std::env::args_os().nth(2).unwrap(), OsStr::from_bytes(b"ab\xffcd"));
+ }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .arg("hello")
+ .arg(std::ffi::OsStr::from_bytes(b"ab\xFFcd"))
+ .run();
+fn exit_code() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "fn main() { std::process::exit(2); }")
+ .build();
+ let mut output = String::from(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target[..]`
+ );
+ if !cfg!(unix) {
+ output.push_str(
+ "[ERROR] process didn't exit successfully: `target[..]foo[..]` (exit [..]: 2)",
+ );
+ }
+ p.cargo("run").with_status(2).with_stderr(output).run();
+fn exit_code_verbose() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "fn main() { std::process::exit(2); }")
+ .build();
+ let mut output = String::from(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[RUNNING] `rustc [..]`
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target[..]`
+ );
+ if !cfg!(unix) {
+ output.push_str(
+ "[ERROR] process didn't exit successfully: `target[..]foo[..]` (exit [..]: 2)",
+ );
+ }
+ p.cargo("run -v").with_status(2).with_stderr(output).run();
+fn no_main_file() {
+ let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "[ERROR] a bin target must be available \
+ for `cargo run`\n",
+ )
+ .run();
+fn too_many_bins() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file("src/bin/", "")
+ .file("src/bin/", "")
+ .build();
+ // Using [..] here because the order is not stable
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "[ERROR] `cargo run` could not determine which binary to run. \
+ Use the `--bin` option to specify a binary, or the \
+ `default-run` manifest key.\
+ \navailable binaries: [..]\n",
+ )
+ .run();
+fn specify_name() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file(
+ "src/bin/",
+ r#"
+ #[allow(unused_extern_crates)]
+ extern crate foo;
+ fn main() { println!("hello"); }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "src/bin/",
+ r#"
+ #[allow(unused_extern_crates)]
+ extern crate foo;
+ fn main() { println!("hello"); }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --bin a -v")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[RUNNING] `rustc [..] src/ [..]`
+[RUNNING] `rustc [..] src/bin/ [..]`
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/a[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+ p.cargo("run --bin b -v")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
+[RUNNING] `rustc [..] src/bin/ [..]`
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/b[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn specify_default_run() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ default-run = "a"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file("src/bin/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello A"); }"#)
+ .file("src/bin/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello B"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run").with_stdout("hello A").run();
+ p.cargo("run --bin a").with_stdout("hello A").run();
+ p.cargo("run --bin b").with_stdout("hello B").run();
+fn bogus_default_run() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ default-run = "b"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file("src/bin/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello A"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[ERROR] failed to parse manifest at `[..]/foo/Cargo.toml`
+Caused by:
+ default-run target `b` not found
+ <tab>Did you mean `a`?
+ )
+ .run();
+fn run_example() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("example"); }"#)
+ .file("src/bin/", r#"fn main() { println!("bin"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --example a")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/examples/a[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("example")
+ .run();
+fn run_library_example() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [[example]]
+ name = "bar"
+ crate_type = ["lib"]
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file("examples/", "fn foo() {}")
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --example bar")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr("[ERROR] example target `bar` is a library and cannot be executed")
+ .run();
+fn run_bin_example() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [[example]]
+ name = "bar"
+ crate_type = ["bin"]
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("example"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --example bar")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/examples/bar[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("example")
+ .run();
+fn autodiscover_examples_project(rust_edition: &str, autoexamples: Option<bool>) -> Project {
+ let autoexamples = match autoexamples {
+ None => "".to_string(),
+ Some(bool) => format!("autoexamples = {}", bool),
+ };
+ project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ &format!(
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ edition = "{rust_edition}"
+ {autoexamples}
+ [features]
+ magic = []
+ [[example]]
+ name = "do_magic"
+ required-features = ["magic"]
+ "#,
+ rust_edition = rust_edition,
+ autoexamples = autoexamples
+ ),
+ )
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("example"); }"#)
+ .file(
+ "examples/",
+ r#"
+ fn main() { println!("magic example"); }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build()
+fn run_example_autodiscover_2015() {
+ let p = autodiscover_examples_project("2015", None);
+ p.cargo("run --example a")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "warning: \
+An explicit [[example]] section is specified in Cargo.toml which currently
+disables Cargo from automatically inferring other example targets.
+This inference behavior will change in the Rust 2018 edition and the following
+files will be included as a example target:
+* [..]
+This is likely to break cargo build or cargo test as these files may not be
+ready to be compiled as a example target today. You can future-proof yourself
+and disable this warning by adding `autoexamples = false` to your [package]
+section. You may also move the files to a location where Cargo would not
+automatically infer them to be a target, such as in subfolders.
+For more information on this warning you can consult
+error: no example target named `a`.
+Available example targets:
+ do_magic
+ )
+ .run();
+fn run_example_autodiscover_2015_with_autoexamples_enabled() {
+ let p = autodiscover_examples_project("2015", Some(true));
+ p.cargo("run --example a")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/examples/a[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("example")
+ .run();
+fn run_example_autodiscover_2015_with_autoexamples_disabled() {
+ let p = autodiscover_examples_project("2015", Some(false));
+ p.cargo("run --example a")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+error: no example target named `a`.
+Available example targets:
+ do_magic
+ )
+ .run();
+fn run_example_autodiscover_2018() {
+ let p = autodiscover_examples_project("2018", None);
+ p.cargo("run --example a")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/examples/a[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("example")
+ .run();
+fn autobins_disables() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ autobins = false
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", "pub mod bin;")
+ .file("src/bin/", "// empty")
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr("[ERROR] a bin target must be available for `cargo run`")
+ .run();
+#[ignore = "temporarily disabled for beta due to clap update"]
+fn run_bins() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("example"); }"#)
+ .file("src/bin/", r#"fn main() { println!("bin"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --bins")
+ .with_status(1)
+ .with_stderr_contains(
+ "\
+error: unexpected argument '--bins' found
+ note: argument '--bin' exists",
+ )
+ .run();
+fn run_with_filename() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file(
+ "src/bin/",
+ r#"
+ extern crate foo;
+ fn main() { println!("hello"); }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("example"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --bin")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[ERROR] no bin target named ``.
+Available bin targets:
+ a
+ )
+ .run();
+ p.cargo("run --bin")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[ERROR] no bin target named ``
+<tab>Did you mean `a`?",
+ )
+ .run();
+ p.cargo("run --example")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[ERROR] no example target named ``.
+Available example targets:
+ a
+ )
+ .run();
+ p.cargo("run --example")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[ERROR] no example target named ``
+<tab>Did you mean `a`?",
+ )
+ .run();
+fn either_name_or_example() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/bin/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --bin a --example b")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "[ERROR] `cargo run` can run at most one \
+ executable, but multiple were \
+ specified",
+ )
+ .run();
+fn one_bin_multiple_examples() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "")
+ .file(
+ "src/bin/",
+ r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#,
+ )
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .file("examples/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/main[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn example_with_release_flag() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ []
+ version = "*"
+ path = "bar"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "examples/",
+ r#"
+ extern crate bar;
+ fn main() {
+ if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ println!("slow1")
+ } else {
+ println!("fast1")
+ }
+ bar::baz();
+ }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_lib_manifest("bar"))
+ .file(
+ "bar/src/",
+ r#"
+ pub fn baz() {
+ if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ println!("slow2")
+ } else {
+ println!("fast2")
+ }
+ }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -v --release --example a")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] bar v0.5.0 ([CWD]/bar)
+[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name bar bar/src/ [..]--crate-type lib \
+ --emit=[..]link \
+ -C opt-level=3[..]\
+ -C metadata=[..] \
+ --out-dir [CWD]/target/release/deps \
+ -L dependency=[CWD]/target/release/deps`
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name a examples/ [..]--crate-type bin \
+ --emit=[..]link \
+ -C opt-level=3[..]\
+ -C metadata=[..] \
+ --out-dir [CWD]/target/release/examples \
+ -L dependency=[CWD]/target/release/deps \
+ --extern bar=[CWD]/target/release/deps/libbar-[..].rlib`
+[FINISHED] release [optimized] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/release/examples/a[EXE]`
+ )
+ .with_stdout(
+ "\
+ )
+ .run();
+ p.cargo("run -v --example a")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] bar v0.5.0 ([CWD]/bar)
+[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name bar bar/src/ [..]--crate-type lib \
+ --emit=[..]link[..]\
+ -C debuginfo=2 \
+ -C metadata=[..] \
+ --out-dir [CWD]/target/debug/deps \
+ -L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps`
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name a examples/ [..]--crate-type bin \
+ --emit=[..]link[..]\
+ -C debuginfo=2 \
+ -C metadata=[..] \
+ --out-dir [CWD]/target/debug/examples \
+ -L dependency=[CWD]/target/debug/deps \
+ --extern bar=[CWD]/target/debug/deps/libbar-[..].rlib`
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/examples/a[EXE]`
+ )
+ .with_stdout(
+ "\
+ )
+ .run();
+fn run_dylib_dep() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ []
+ path = "bar"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ r#"extern crate bar; fn main() { bar::bar(); }"#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "bar/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [lib]
+ name = "bar"
+ crate-type = ["dylib"]
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar/src/", "pub fn bar() {}")
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run hello world").run();
+fn run_with_bin_dep() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ []
+ path = "bar"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .file(
+ "bar/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [[bin]]
+ name = "bar"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar/src/", r#"fn main() { println!("bar"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[WARNING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD]) ignoring invalid dependency `bar` which is missing a lib target
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/foo[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn run_with_bin_deps() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [dependencies.bar1]
+ path = "bar1"
+ [dependencies.bar2]
+ path = "bar2"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .file(
+ "bar1/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar1"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [[bin]]
+ name = "bar1"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar1/src/", r#"fn main() { println!("bar1"); }"#)
+ .file(
+ "bar2/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar2"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [[bin]]
+ name = "bar2"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("bar2/src/", r#"fn main() { println!("bar2"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[WARNING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD]) ignoring invalid dependency `bar1` which is missing a lib target
+[WARNING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD]) ignoring invalid dependency `bar2` which is missing a lib target
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/foo[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn run_with_bin_dep_in_workspace() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [workspace]
+ members = ["foo1", "foo2"]
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "foo1/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo1"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [dependencies.bar1]
+ path = "bar1"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("foo1/src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .file(
+ "foo1/bar1/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar1"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [[bin]]
+ name = "bar1"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "foo1/bar1/src/",
+ r#"fn main() { println!("bar1"); }"#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "foo2/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo2"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [dependencies.bar2]
+ path = "bar2"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("foo2/src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .file(
+ "foo2/bar2/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "bar2"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [[bin]]
+ name = "bar2"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "foo2/bar2/src/",
+ r#"fn main() { println!("bar2"); }"#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[ERROR] `cargo run` could not determine which binary to run[..]
+available binaries: bar1, bar2, foo1, foo2",
+ )
+ .run();
+ p.cargo("run --bin foo1")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[WARNING] foo1 v0.0.1 ([CWD]/foo1) ignoring invalid dependency `bar1` which is missing a lib target
+[WARNING] foo2 v0.0.1 ([CWD]/foo2) ignoring invalid dependency `bar2` which is missing a lib target
+[COMPILING] foo1 v0.0.1 ([CWD]/foo1)
+[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/debug/foo1[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn release_works() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ r#"
+ fn main() { if cfg!(debug_assertions) { panic!() } }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --release")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] release [optimized] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/release/foo[EXE]`
+ )
+ .run();
+ assert!(p.release_bin("foo").is_file());
+fn release_short_works() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ r#"
+ fn main() { if cfg!(debug_assertions) { panic!() } }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -r")
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([CWD])
+[FINISHED] release [optimized] target(s) in [..]
+[RUNNING] `target/release/foo[EXE]`
+ )
+ .run();
+ assert!(p.release_bin("foo").is_file());
+fn run_bin_different_name() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [[bin]]
+ name = "bar"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("src/", "fn main() {}")
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run").run();
+fn dashes_are_forwarded() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "src/bin/",
+ r#"
+ fn main() {
+ let s: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
+ assert_eq!(s[1], "--");
+ assert_eq!(s[2], "a");
+ assert_eq!(s[3], "--");
+ assert_eq!(s[4], "b");
+ }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -- -- a -- b").run();
+fn run_from_executable_folder() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", r#"fn main() { println!("hello"); }"#)
+ .build();
+ let cwd = p.root().join("target").join("debug");
+ p.cargo("build").run();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .cwd(cwd)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "[FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]\n\
+ [RUNNING] `./foo[EXE]`",
+ )
+ .with_stdout("hello")
+ .run();
+fn run_with_library_paths() {
+ let p = project();
+ // Only link search directories within the target output directory are
+ // propagated through to dylib_path_envvar() (see #3366).
+ let mut dir1 = p.target_debug_dir();
+ dir1.push("foo\\backslash");
+ let mut dir2 = p.target_debug_dir();
+ dir2.push("dir=containing=equal=signs");
+ let p = p
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ build = ""
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "",
+ &format!(
+ r##"
+ fn main() {{
+ println!(r#"cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}"#);
+ println!(r#"cargo:rustc-link-search={}"#);
+ }}
+ "##,
+ dir1.display(),
+ dir2.display()
+ ),
+ )
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ &format!(
+ r##"
+ fn main() {{
+ let search_path = std::env::var_os("{}").unwrap();
+ let paths = std::env::split_paths(&search_path).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ println!("{{:#?}}", paths);
+ assert!(paths.contains(&r#"{}"#.into()));
+ assert!(paths.contains(&r#"{}"#.into()));
+ }}
+ "##,
+ dylib_path_envvar(),
+ dir1.display(),
+ dir2.display()
+ ),
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run").run();
+fn library_paths_sorted_alphabetically() {
+ let p = project();
+ let mut dir1 = p.target_debug_dir();
+ dir1.push("zzzzzzz");
+ let mut dir2 = p.target_debug_dir();
+ dir2.push("BBBBBBB");
+ let mut dir3 = p.target_debug_dir();
+ dir3.push("aaaaaaa");
+ let p = p
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ build = ""
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "",
+ &format!(
+ r##"
+ fn main() {{
+ println!(r#"cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}"#);
+ println!(r#"cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}"#);
+ println!(r#"cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}"#);
+ }}
+ "##,
+ dir1.display(),
+ dir2.display(),
+ dir3.display()
+ ),
+ )
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ &format!(
+ r##"
+ fn main() {{
+ let search_path = std::env::var_os("{}").unwrap();
+ let paths = std::env::split_paths(&search_path).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ // ASCII case-sensitive sort
+ assert_eq!("BBBBBBB", paths[0].file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy());
+ assert_eq!("aaaaaaa", paths[1].file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy());
+ assert_eq!("zzzzzzz", paths[2].file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy());
+ }}
+ "##,
+ dylib_path_envvar()
+ ),
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run").run();
+fn fail_no_extra_verbose() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file("src/", "fn main() { std::process::exit(1); }")
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run -q")
+ .with_status(1)
+ .with_stdout("")
+ .with_stderr("")
+ .run();
+fn run_multiple_packages() {
+ let p = project()
+ .no_manifest()
+ .file(
+ "foo/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ authors = []
+ [workspace]
+ [dependencies]
+ d1 = { path = "d1" }
+ d2 = { path = "d2" }
+ d3 = { path = "../d3" } # outside of the workspace
+ [[bin]]
+ name = "foo"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("foo/src/", "fn main() { println!(\"foo\"); }")
+ .file("foo/d1/Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("d1"))
+ .file("foo/d1/src/", "")
+ .file("foo/d1/src/", "fn main() { println!(\"d1\"); }")
+ .file("foo/d2/Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("d2"))
+ .file("foo/d2/src/", "fn main() { println!(\"d2\"); }")
+ .file("d3/Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("d3"))
+ .file("d3/src/", "fn main() { println!(\"d2\"); }")
+ .build();
+ let cargo = || {
+ let mut process_builder = p.cargo("run");
+ process_builder.cwd("foo");
+ process_builder
+ };
+ cargo().arg("-p").arg("d1").with_stdout("d1").run();
+ cargo()
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg("d2")
+ .arg("--bin")
+ .arg("d2")
+ .with_stdout("d2")
+ .run();
+ cargo().with_stdout("foo").run();
+ cargo()
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg("d1")
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg("d2")
+ .with_status(1)
+ .with_stderr_contains(
+ "error: the argument '--package [<SPEC>]' cannot be used multiple times",
+ )
+ .run();
+ cargo()
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg("d3")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr_contains("[ERROR] package(s) `d3` not found in workspace [..]")
+ .run();
+ cargo()
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg("d*")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr_contains(
+ "[ERROR] `cargo run` does not support glob pattern `d*` on package selection",
+ )
+ .run();
+fn explicit_bin_with_args() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ r#"
+ fn main() {
+ assert_eq!(std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap(), "hello");
+ assert_eq!(std::env::args().nth(2).unwrap(), "world");
+ }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run --bin foo hello world").run();
+fn run_workspace() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [workspace]
+ members = ["a", "b"]
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("a/Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("a"))
+ .file("a/src/", r#"fn main() {println!("run-a");}"#)
+ .file("b/Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("b"))
+ .file("b/src/", r#"fn main() {println!("run-b");}"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run")
+ .with_status(101)
+ .with_stderr(
+ "\
+[ERROR] `cargo run` could not determine which binary to run[..]
+available binaries: a, b",
+ )
+ .run();
+ p.cargo("run --bin a").with_stdout("run-a").run();
+fn default_run_workspace() {
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [workspace]
+ members = ["a", "b"]
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "a/Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "a"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ default-run = "a"
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file("a/src/", r#"fn main() {println!("run-a");}"#)
+ .file("b/Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("b"))
+ .file("b/src/", r#"fn main() {println!("run-b");}"#)
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("run").with_stdout("run-a").run();
+#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
+fn run_link_system_path_macos() {
+ use cargo_test_support::paths::{self, CargoPathExt};
+ use std::fs;
+ // Check that the default system library path is honored.
+ // First, build a shared library that will be accessed from
+ let p = project()
+ .file(
+ "Cargo.toml",
+ r#"
+ [package]
+ name = "foo"
+ version = "0.0.1"
+ [lib]
+ crate-type = ["cdylib"]
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ "#[no_mangle] pub extern fn something_shared() {}",
+ )
+ .build();
+ p.cargo("build").run();
+ // This is convoluted. Since this test can't modify things in /usr,
+ // this needs to dance around to check that things work.
+ //
+ // $(HOME)/lib:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/lib
+ //
+ // This will make use of ~/lib in the path, but the default cc link
+ // path is /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib. So first need to build in one
+ // location, and then move it to ~/lib.
+ //
+ // 1. Build with rustc-link-search pointing to libfoo so the initial
+ // binary can be linked.
+ // 2. Move the library to ~/lib
+ // 3. Run `cargo run` to make sure it can still find the library in
+ // ~/lib.
+ //
+ // This should be equivalent to having the library in /usr/local/lib.
+ let p2 = project()
+ .at("bar")
+ .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("bar"))
+ .file(
+ "src/",
+ r#"
+ extern {
+ fn something_shared();
+ }
+ fn main() {
+ unsafe { something_shared(); }
+ }
+ "#,
+ )
+ .file(
+ "",
+ &format!(
+ r#"
+ fn main() {{
+ println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=foo");
+ println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}");
+ }}
+ "#,
+ p.target_debug_dir().display()
+ ),
+ )
+ .build();
+ p2.cargo("build").run();
+ p2.cargo("test").run();
+ let libdir = paths::home().join("lib");
+ fs::create_dir(&libdir).unwrap();
+ fs::rename(
+ p.target_debug_dir().join("libfoo.dylib"),
+ libdir.join("libfoo.dylib"),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ p.root().rm_rf();
+ // Reset DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH so that we don't inherit anything that
+ // was set by the cargo that invoked the test.
+ p2.cargo("run").env_remove(VAR).run();
+ p2.cargo("test").env_remove(VAR).run();
+ // Ensure this still works when DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH has
+ // a value set.
+ p2.cargo("run").env(VAR, &libdir).run();
+ p2.cargo("test").env(VAR, &libdir).run();